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         Appleton Sir Edward Victor:     more detail
  1. Report on correspondence and papers of Sir Edward Victor Appleton, FRS (1892-1965), physicist, deposited in Edinburgh University Library by Jeannine Alton, 1982
  2. Sir Edward Appleton by Ronald W. Clark, 1972-01
  3. Tom Swift and His Electric Rifle by Victor Appleton, 2008-12-29
  4. Tom Swift and His Motor-Cycle by Victor Appleton, 2008-12-26
  5. Tom Swift in the Caves of Ice by Victor Appleton, 2008-12-26
  6. Tom Swift in the City of Gold by Victor Appleton, 2008-12-29
  7. Tom Swift and his Wireless Message by Victor Appleton, 2008-12-26
  8. Tom Swift and his Great Searchlight by Victor Appleton, 2008-12-29
  9. Tom Swift And His Photo Telephone by Victor Appleton, 2008-12-29

61. Famous Masons Page Daylight's
edward Neville da Costa Publisher of The Structure of the Atom 1923 appleton, sir edward victor - Nobel Prize Winner for physics in 1947 Armstrong, Louis
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Below is a short list of a few famous Masons. Please note that this list is not inclusive and that these are not the ONLY famous Masons, but a sampling of some of the better known.
Aldrin, Edwin E. - Astronaut
Allende, Salvador - President of Chile
Andrade, Edward Neville da Costa - Publisher of "The Structure of the Atom" 1923
Appleton, Sir Edward Victor - Nobel Prize Winner for physics in 1947
Armstrong, Louis - Jazz Musician
Armstrong, Neil - Astronaut
Ataturk, Mustapha Kemal - President of Turkey
Austin, Stephen F. - Father of Texas
Bartholdi, Frederic A. - Designed the Statue of Liberty
Benes, Eduard - President of Czechoslovakia Berlin, Irving - Entertainer Bertil - Prince of Sweden Bolivar, Simon - Liberator of South America Borgnine, Ernest - Actor Bradley, Gen. Omar N. - Military leader Bruce, James - Discovered the source of the Blue Nile in Abyssinia 1770 Buchanan, James - President of the U.S.

62. Nobel Prize In Physics Since 1901
Translate this page 1945. Pauli, Wolfgang. 1946. Bridgman, Percy Williams. 1947. appleton, sir edward victor. 1948. Blackett, Lord Patrick Maynard Stuart. 1949. Yukawa, Hideki. 1950.
Nobel Prize in Physics since 1901 Year Winners Roentgen, Wilhelm Conrad Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon Zeeman, Pieter Becquerel, Antoine Henri; Curie, Marie; Curie, Pierre Rayleigh, Lord John William Strutt Lenard, Philipp Eduard Anton Thomson, Sir Joseph John Michelson, Albert Abraham Lippmann, Gabriel Braun, Carl Ferdinand Marconi, Guglielmo Van Der Waals, Johannes Diderik Wien, Wilhelm Dalen, Nils Gustaf Kamerlingh-Onnes, Heike Laue, Max Von Bragg, Sir William Henry; Bragg, Sir William Lawrence Barkla, Charles Glover Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Stark, Johannes Guillaume, Charles Edouard Einstein, Albert Bohr, Niels Millikan, Robert Andrews Siegbahn, Karl Manne Georg Franck, James; Hertz, Gustav Perrin, Jean Baptiste Compton, Arthur Holly; Wilson, Charles Thomson Rees Richardson, Sir Owen Willans De Broglie, Prince Louis-Victor Raman, Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Heisenberg, Werner Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice; Schroedinger, Erwin Chadwick, Sir James

63. Ant
appleton, Daniel. appleton, sir edward victor. Appomattox. Apponaug. Appleseed, Johnny. appleton. appleton, Daniel. appleton, sir edward victor. Appomattox. Apponaug.
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    64. Heat And Thermal Studies From Grau-Hall Scientific
    Thomas Sinton Walton(1951); Cecil Frank Powell(1950); Hideki Yukawa(1949); Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett(1948); sir edward victor appleton(1947); Percy
    grauhall P. O. Box 279592 Sacramento, CA 95827
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    65. Pictures Gallery Of The Nobel Prize Winners In Physics
    Translate this page 1949. Hideki Yukawa 1948. Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett 1947. sir edward victor appleton 1946. Percy Williams Bridgman 1945. Wolfgang Ernst Pauli 1944.
    The Nobel Prize in Physics
    Robert B. Laughlin
    Daniel C. Tsui
    Steven Chu
    Hannes Olof Gosta Alfven

    Louis Eugene Felix Neel
    Murray Gell-Mann
    Luis Walter Alvarez
    Hans Albrecht Bethe
    Alfred Kastler
    Richard Phillips Feynman

    Julian Seymour Schwinger

    Sin-Itiro Tomonaga
    Nikolai Gennadievich Basov
    Alexander Mikhailovich Prokhorov

    Charles Hard Townes
    Johannes Hans Daniel Jensen

    Maria Goeppert-Mayer
    Sir Edward Victor Appleton
    Percy Williams Bridgman
    Wolfgang Ernst Pauli
    Isidor Isaac Rabi
    Otto Stern
    Ernest Orlando Lawrence
    Enrico Fermi
    Clinton Joseph Davisson

    Sir George Paget Thomson
    Sir James Chadwick
    Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac
    Werner Karl Heisenberg
    Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman
    Prince Louis-Victor Pierre Raymond de Broglie
    Sir Owen Willans Richardson
    Arthur Holly Compton

    Charles Thomson Rees Wilson
    Jean Baptiste Perrin
    James Franck

    Gustav Ludwig Hertz
    Karl Manne Georg Siegbahn
    Robert Andrews Millikan
    Albert Einstein
    Charles Eduard Guillaume
    Johannes Stark
    Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck
    Charles Glover Barkla
    Sir William Henry Bragg
    Sir William Lawrence Bragg
    Max Theodor Felix von Laue
    Heike Kamerlingh Onnes
    ... Guglielmo Marconi
    Gabriel Jonas Lippmann
    Albert Abraham Michelson
    Sir Joseph John Thomson
    Philipp Eduard Anton Lenard
    John William Strutt (Lord Rayleigh)
    Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen
    Donated by Christopher Walker, University of Ulster

    66. Yong Mao - History Of St John's
    appleton, sir edward victor, (18921965), physicist, winner of the Nobel Prize in 1947 for his discovery of the so-called appleton layer of the ionosphere
    The Cambridge College of Saint John the Evangelist
    - a brief history
    Some Famous Past Johnians
    • Cecil , William, (1520-98), Lord Burghley, chief secretary of state and principal adviser to Queen Elizabeth I, a master diplomat and politician.
    • Edward de Vere , 17th Earl of Oxford, (1550-1604), English lyric poet, patron of writers; married Anne Cecil, daughter of Lord Burghley; was proposed in the 20th century as a strong candidate for the actual authorship of Shakespeare's plays.
    • Cecil, Robert, (1563-1612), son to William, 1st Earl of Salisbury, succeeded his father as the chief secretary in 1598 and skillfully directed the government during the first nine years of the reign of King James I, gave continuity to the change from Tudor to Stuart rule in England.
    • Purchas, Samuel, (1577-1626), compiler of travel and discovery writings who continued the encyclopaedic collections begun by the British geographer Richard Hakluyt in Purchas his Pilgrimes
    • Wentworth, Sir Thomas, 1st Earl of Strafford, (1593-1641), leading adviser of England's King Charles I; his attempt to consolidate the sovereign power of the king led to his impeachment and execution by Parliament.
    • Cavendish, William, 1st Duke of Newcastle(-upon-Tyne), Royalist commander during the English Civil Wars and the patron of the likes of Ben Jonson, John Dryden and René Descartes.

    67. Nobel Prizes In Physics
    Wolfgang Pauli (Austria, 190004-25 - 1958-12-15) quantum physical Pauli principle 1946 Percy W. Bridgman (USA) 1947 sir edward victor appleton (United Kingdom
    Nobel Prizes in Physics
    (Information not checked)
    (Germany, 1845-03-27 - 1923-02-10)
    Discovery of X rays
    Hendrik A. Lorentz (Netherlands, 1853-07-18 - 1929-02-04)
    Pieter Zeeman (Netherlands, 1865-05-25 - 1943-10-09)
    Henri A. Becquerel (France, 1852-12-15 - 1908-08-25)
    Marie Curie (France, Poland, 1867-11-07 - 1934-07-04)
    Pierre Curie (France, 1859-05-15 - 1906-04-19)
    Discovery of radioactivity
    Lord Rayleigh (United Kingdom)
    Philipp E. Lenard (Germany, 1862-06-07 - 1947-05-20)
    Joseph J. Thomson (United Kingdom, 1856-12-18 - 1940-04-30)
    Conduction of electricity in gases
    Albert A. Michelson (USA, 1852-12-19 - 1931-05-09)
    Measurement of the speed of light
    G. Lippmann (France)
    Karl Ferdinand Braun (Germany, 1850-06-06 - 1918-04-20)
    Guglielmo Marconi (Italy, 1874-04-25 - 1937-07-20)
    wireless telegraphy
    Johann D. van der Waals (Netherlands, 1837-11-23 - 1923-03-07)
    Molecular forces
    Wilhelm Wien (Germany, 1864-01-13 - 1928-08-30)
    Heat radiation
    H. Kamerlingh Onnes (Netherlands)
    Max von Laue (Germany, 1879-10-09 - 1960-04-24)

    68. The Nobel Prize In
    1947, sir edward victor appleton (United Kingdom, 1892 1965) for his discovery of the so-called appleton layer of the ionosphere, which is a dependable
    The Nobel Prize in Physics:
    Articles Educational Nomination Hendrik A. Lorentz (Netherlands, 1853-07-18 - 1929-02-04) Pieter Zeeman (Netherlands, 1865-05-25 - 1943-10-09) Henri A. Becquerel (France, 1852-12-15 - 1908-08-25) Marie Curie (France, Poland, 1867-11-07 - 1934-07-04) Pierre Curie (France, 1859-05-15 - 1906-04-19) Discovery of radioactivity Lord Rayleigh (United Kingdom) Philipp E. Lenard (Germany, 1862-06-07 - 1947-05-20) Joseph J. Thomson (United Kingdom, 1856-12-18 - 1940-04-30) Conduction of electricity in gases Albert A. Michelson (USA, 1852-12-19 - 1931-05-09) Measurement of the speed of light

    69. Nobelova Cena Za Fyziku
    Isidor Isaac Rabi, 1945 Wolfgang Pauli, 1946 Percy Williams Bridgman, 1947 sir edward victor appleton, 1948 Patrick Maynard Stuard Blackett, 1949 Hideki Yukawa.
    Nobelova cena za fyziku
    Domovská stránka Nobelova cena
    Laureáti Nobelovy ceny za fyziku
    Nobelova cena za fyziku a její laureáti. U nìkterých fyzikù je dostupný jejich životopis. Dostupné je také za co Nobelovu cenu fyzici získali Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen Hendrik Antoon Lorentz Pieter Zeeman ... Philipp Eduard Anton von Lenard , 1906 Sir Joseph John Thomson, 1907 Albert Abraham Michelson , 1908 Gabriel Lippmann, 1909 Guglielmo Marchese Marconi, Carl Ferdinand Braun Johannes Diderik van der Waals Wilhelm Carl Werner Wien , 1912 Nils Gustaff Dalén, 1913 Heike Kamerlingh-Onnes, 1914 Max Theodor Felix von Laue, 1915 Sir William Henry Bragg, Sir William Lawrence Bragg, 1916 penìžní cena byla vložena do zvláštního fondu, 1917 Charles Glover Barkla, 1918 Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck , 1919 Johannes Stark Charles Edouard Guillaume, 1921 Albert Einstein Niels Bohr , 1923 Robert Andrews Millikan, 1924 Karl Manne Georg Siegbahn , 1925 James Franck, Gustav Hertz , 1926 Jean Baptiste Perrin, 1927 Arthur Holly Compton, Charles Thomson Rees Wilson, 1928 Sir Owen Williams Richardson, 1929 Louis Victor de Broglie Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman, 1931 penìžní cena byla vložena do zvláštního fondu, 1932

    70. Kalendrium
    CF Cori, GT Cori, BA Houssay. sir edward victor appleton. sir Robert Robinson. sir edward victor appleton. sir edward victor appleton. sir Robert Robinson.

    71. Professor Parkinson's Eclipse Website
    Resource sheet six. sir edward victor appleton 1892 1965 Pioneer of radio waves. edward appleton was born on 6 September 1892 in Bradford, England.
    Resource sheet six
    Sir Edward Victor Appleton
    Pioneer of radio waves
    Edward Appleton was born on 6 September 1892 in Bradford, England. He showed exceptional promise at school and was awarded a scholarship to study physics at Cambridge University. Whilst at St John's College, Cambridge, he attended the lectures of JJ Thompson and Ernest Rutherford and graduated in 1913 with a first class honours degree. When the First World War broke out the following year, Appleton served as a signals officer and it was during this period that he first became interested in radio. On returning to Cambridge, he worked at the Cavendish Laboratory researching vacuum tubes until his appointment as Wheatstone Professor of Physics at the University of London in 1924. In 1936, after 12 years in London, Appleton returned to Cambridge as Professor of Natural Philosophy. At the start of the Second World War in 1939, he began work for the British government as Secretary for the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research and was to play a major role in the war effort. Appleton's last move was to the University of Edinburgh in 1949 to become Vice-chancellor, a post he held until his death in 1965.

    72. CAPLEX Nettleksikon
    Translate this page USA og Østerrike. 1946. Percy Williams Bridgman. USA. 1947. sir edward victor appleton. Storbritannia. 1948. Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett. Storbritannia. 1949.

    1949 Hideki Yukawa. 1948 Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett. 1947 sir edward victor appleton. 1946 Percy Williams Bridgman. 1945 Wolfgang Pauli. 1944 Isidor Isaac Rabi.


    2001 Eric A. Cornell, Carl E. Wieman, Wolfgang Ketterle
    2000 Zhores I Alferov, Herbert Kroemer, Jack S. Kilby 1999 Gerardus 't Hooft, Martinus J.G. Veltman 1997 Steven Chu, Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, William D. Phillips 1996 David M. Lee, Douglas D. Osheroff, Robert C. Richardson 1995 Martin L. Perl, Frederick Reines 1994 Bertram N. Brockhouse, Clifford G. Shull 1993 Russell A. Hulse, Joseph H. Taylor Jr. 1992 Georges Charpak 1991 Pierre-Gilles de Gennes 1990 Jerome I. Friedman, Henry W. Kendall, Richard E. Taylor 1989 Norman F. Ramsey, Hans G. Dehmelt, Wolfgang Paul 1988 Leon M. Lederman, Melvin Schwartz, Jack Steinberger 1986 Ernst Ruska, Gerd Binnig, Heinrich Rohrer 1985 Klaus von Klitzing 1984 Carlo Rubbia, Simon van der Meer 1983 Subramanyan Chandrasekhar, William Alfred Fowler 1982 Kenneth G. Wilson 1981 Nicolaas Bloembergen, Arthur Leonard Schawlow, Kai M. Siegbahn 1980 James Watson Cronin, Val Logsdon Fitch 1979 Sheldon Lee Glashow, Abdus Salam, Steven Weinberg 1978 Pyotr Leonidovich Kapitsa, Arno Allan Penzias, Robert Woodrow Wilson

    Atom 1923; appleton, sir edward victor Nobel Prize Winner for physics in 1947; Armstrong, Louis - Jazz Musician; Armstrong, Neil
    Below is a short list of a few famous Masons.
    Please note that this list is not inclusive and that these are not the ONLY famous Masons,
    but a sampling of some of the better known.
    • Aldrin, Edwin E. - Astronaut
    • Allende, Salvador - President of Chile
    • Andrade, Edward Neville da Costa - Publisher of "The Structure of the Atom" 1923
    • Appleton, Sir Edward Victor - Nobel Prize Winner for physics in 1947
    • Armstrong, Louis - Jazz Musician
    • Armstrong, Neil - Astronaut
    • Ataturk, Mustapha Kemal - President of Turkey
    • Austin, Stephen F. - Father of Texas
    • Bartholdi, Frederic A. - Designed the Statue of Liberty
    • Benes, Eduard - President of Czechoslovakia
    • Berlin, Irving - Entertainer
    • Bertil - Prince of Sweden
    • Bolivar, Simon - Liberator of South America
    • Borgnine, Ernest - Actor
    • Bradley, Gen. Omar N. - Military leader
    • Bruce, James - Discovered the source of the Blue Nile in Abyssinia 1770
    • Buchanan, James - President of the U.S.
    • Burns, Robert - The National Poet of Scotland
    • Byrd, Admiral Richard E. - Flew over North Pole
    • Carl XIV Johan - king of Sweden
    • Carson, Christopher "Kit" - Frontiersman, scout and explorer

    75. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results
    scattering of light, and discovered the appleton, sir edward victor (Great Britain upper atmosphere and discovered the

    76. Edward Victor Appleton
    edward victor appleton. sir edward victor appleton (1892–1965) was an English physicist. External links. sir edward victor appleton.
    Match: sort by: relevance date
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    Edward Victor Appleton
    Sir Edward Victor Appleton ) was an English physicist. After returning from active service in World War I, he became assistant demonstrator in experimental physics at the Cavendish Laboratory in 1920. He was professor of physics at the Univ. of London (1924–36) and professor of natural philosophy at Cambridge Univ. (1936–39). From 1939 to 1949 he was secretary of the Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research. Knighted in 1941, he received the 1947 Nobel Prize in Physics for his contributions to the knowledge of the ionosphere, which led to the development of radar.

    77. Sir Edward Victor Appleton Definition Meaning Information Explanation
    ? 1947, EV., , sir edward victor appleton. 1948, PMS.?, , Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett.
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    Sir Edward Victor Appleton
    Sir Edward Victor Appleton ) was an English physicist. After returning from active service in World War I, he became assistant demonstrator in experimental physics at the Cavendish Laboratory in 1920. He was professor of physics at the Univ. of London (1924–36) and professor of natural philosophy at Cambridge Univ. (1936–39). From 1939 to 1949 he was secretary of the Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research. Knighted in 1941, he received the 1947 Nobel Prize in Physics for his contributions to the knowledge of the ionosphere, which led to the development of radar.
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    Books about 'Sir Edward Victor Appleton' at: or Note: This article from Wikipedia is made available under the terms of the GNU FDL
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    78. Nobel Prizes In Physics
    high energy physics. 1947. sir edward victor appleton. British. atmospheric physics. 1948. 1923 . 54. 1947. appleton, sir edward victor. William H. Bragg. 1913. Cambridge.
    Nobel Prizes in Physics
    Department of Chemistry, York University
    4700 Keele Street, Toronto, ONTARIO M3J 1P3, CANADA For suggestions, corrections, additional information, and comments please send e-mails to NOBEL PRIZE PHYSICS YEAR NAME OF SCIENTISTS NATIONALITY TYPE OF PHYSICS Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen German radiation Henrik Antoon Lorentz Dutch magnetism, radiation Pieter Zeeman Dutch magnetism, radiation Pierre Curie French radiation Marie Curie French radiation Antoine Henri Becquerel French radiation Lord John William Strutt Rayleigh British gases Philipp Eduard Anton Lenard Hungarian-German cathode rays Sir Joseph John Thomson British gases Albert Abraham Michelson German-American spectroscopy Gabriel Lippmann French optics Guglielmo Marconi Italian telegraphy Carl Ferdinand Braun German telegraphy Johannes Diderik van der Waals Dutch gases Wilhelm Wien German radiation Nils Gustaf Dalen Swedish gases Heike Kamerlingh-Onnes Dutch cryogenics Max von Laue German crystallography Sir William Henry Bragg British crystallography Sir William Lawrence Bragg British crystallography no prize awarded Charles Glover Barkla British radiation Max Planck German quantum theory, radiation

    79. Verzeichnis | Mitglieder | Vorgängerakademien
    appleton, sir (1941) edward victor, * 06.09.1892, † 21.04.1965.
    Archiv der Berlin-
    Brandenburgischen Akademie
    der Wissenschaften BBAW Akademie Archiv
    Abt. Sammlungen

    Mitglieder der BBAW

    Homepage der BBAW

    Verzeichnis A
    B C D ... W X Y Z Name, Vorname Lebenszeit ABALKIN, Leonid Iwanowitsch ABBE, Ernst Karl ABDERHALDEN, Emil ABERT, Hermann ... ALTMANN, Johann Georg * gt. 21.04.1695 AMBARZUMJAN, Viktor Amasaspowitsch AMBROSIUS, Herwarth AMICI, Giovanni Battista AMIRA, Karl (Karl Konrad Ferdinand Maria) von ... AXELROD, Julius

    80. Pages From Crystallography News Sep 99
    Lady Helen appleton, widow of the Nobel prize winning Fellow of the Royal Society, sir edward victor appleton left investments now worth over £250,000 in a
    Pages from issue 70 Sep 99
    In addition to the Presidents remarks in this page there are:
    From the President I am writing this on holiday in the knowledge that the IUCr Congress in Glasgow has passed off successfully. In fact it was the largest IUCr Congress ever held, with slightly more than 2600 participants in total. Those of you who were there, and I suspect that means most of you, could hardly have been left in any doubt that the Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre site was a superb location for our meeting, providing both excellent lecturing facilities as well as a great exhibition hall. It is such a relief now to realise that it is all over and that it has been such a success.
    I believe that the UK Crystallography community owes an enormous debt to those who bore the real brunt of the organising. Chris Gilmore, ran the local organisation of the meeting with incredible efficiency and attention to detail ( even achieving the impossible with the Glasgow weather), and Judith Howard produced a scientific program of very high quality and variety. I know how much effort they put into the Congress and I wish to record my deep personal thanks, as well as those of the British Crystallographic Association, to them both. In addition I would like to express my admiration for the way that Gill Houston of Northern Networking ran the day to day organising in the background with her delightful and hardworking team (Gill was the lady that many saw each day barking orders into a mobile phone, running the conference with the precision of a military operation !).

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