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         Amnesty International:     more books (101)
  1. Iran by Amnesty International, 1987-12
  2. Prisoners of Conscience in the U. S. S. R.: Their Treatment and Conditions by Amnesty International, 1980-04
  3. United States of America: Rights for All by Amnesty International, 1998-10-23
  4. Report on Allegations of Torture in Brazil by Amnesty International, 1974-10
  5. China: No One Is Safe : Political Repression & Abuse of Power in the 1990s by Amnesty International, 1996-03
  6. Dear to Me: 100 New Zealanders Write about Their Favourite Poems
  7. Dokumenty!: Discrimination on Grounds of Race in the Russian Federation by Amnesty International, 2003-02-09
  8. Undermining Global Security, the European Union's Arms Exports by Amnesty International, 2004
  9. Freedom!: Human Rights Education Pack
  10. Report 1996 by Amnesty International, 1996-06-13
  11. Getting Away With Murder: Political Killings and 'Disappearances' in the 1990s by Amnesty International, 1993-10
  12. United States of America the Death Penal by Amnesty International, 1987-12
  13. Syria: Report to the Government by Amnesty International, 1983-11
  14. Turkey: No Security Without Human Rights

101. Peace 1977
The Nobel Peace Prize 1977. amnesty international. amnesty international History ofOrganization Nobel Lecture Nobel Symposia Other Resources. prev 1976, 1978 next.
The Nobel Peace Prize 1977
Amnesty International London, United Kingdom The Nobel Peace Prize 1977
Presentation Speech
Amnesty International
History of Organization
Other Resources
The 1977 Prize in:


Physiology or Medicine

Economic Sciences
Last modified June 16, 2000 The Official Web Site of The Nobel Foundation

102. Amnesty International Groupe Paris Montmartre - Accueil
Pr©sentation du mouvement de d©fense des droits humains, agenda du groupe 116 et actions.
Amnesty International Groupe 116 - Paris Montmartre
amnesty groupe actions ... référence
Recevez la lettre mensuelle
en savoir plus ...

Agissez maintenant !
demandez Actions Urgentes Bienvenue sur le site du Groupe Paris 18ème d'Amnesty International
> consultez aussi le site national :
Rapport Annuel
Rapport annuel
Crimes d'honneur
la campagne d'Amnesty contre les discriminations envers les femmes.
Dossier-Action Libye
Sortez-les de l'oubli ! Husni Mas'ud KHAMIS
'Ali Abu al-KHAYR
Ahmad Mustapha al-KHUBULI As'ad al-LAFI Muhammad al-MABRUK ... Salem MA'TUQ > le groupe prend en charge ce Dossier-Action Libye envoyez Amnesty International Association mondiale de défense des Droits de l'Homme - Découvrez Amnesty ... Le Groupe Paris-Montmartre Le Groupe rassemble les membres actifs d'Amnesty du 18ème arrondissement de Paris- Rencontrez-nous ... Actions en cours : agir ! nous contacter

103. Amnesty International - History Of Organization
amnesty international – History of Organization. amnesty international was foundedin 1961 by Peter Benenson, a British lawyer. By amnesty international.
Amnesty International was founded in 1961 by Peter Benenson, a British lawyer. It was originally his intention to launch an appeal in Britain with the aim of obtaining an amnesty for prisoners of conscience all over the world. The committee working for this cause soon found that a detailed documentation of this category of prisoners would be needed. Gradually they realized that the work would have to be carried out on a more permanent basis; the number of prisoners of conscience was enormous and they were to be found in every part of the world.
Amnesty International is a world-embracing movement working for the protection of human rights. It is independent of all governments and is neutral in its relation to political groups, ideologies and religious dividing lines. The movement works for the release of women and men who have been arrested for their convictions, the colour of their skin, their ethnic origin or their faith - provided that they have not themselves used force or exhorted others to resort to violence. It is this category of prisoners that Amnesty International calls "prisoners of conscience". The movement proclaimed 1977 "Prisoners of Conscience Year" and collected signatures for an appeal addressed to the General Assembly of the United Nations
To begin with, Amnesty International was a British organization, but in 1963 an international secretariat was established.

104. AI Fricktal
Die Gruppe Fricktal konzentriert sich insbesondere auf Kampagnen zu Menschenrechtsverletzungen, AktionFile Kolumbien, Caribbean Regional Aktion, Briefe gegen das Vergessen usw.
AI Fricktal
CH-4310 Rheinfelden 1
Willkommen bei Amnesty International im Fricktal Sudan In Darfur regieren Tod und Zerstörung Genf/Bern, 3. Juni 2004. Eine Delegation von Amnesty International ist vor wenigen Tagen von einer Untersuchungsmission in sudanesischen Flüchtlingslagern im Tschad zurückgekehrt. Anlässlich der internationalen Geberkonferenz für Darfur von heute Donnerstag in Genf fordern die AI-Delegierten, dass der Schutz der Zivilbevölkerung mit der gleichen Dringlichkeit durchgesetzt wird wie die humanitäre Hilfe. «Bewaffnete Milizen (Janjawid), die von der sudanesischen Armee unterstützt worden sind, sind für massivste Menschenrechtsverletzungen an der Zivilbevölkerung in Darfur verantwortlich», erklärten die Delegierten von Amnesty International (AI) heute morgen an einer Pressekonferenz im Palais des Nations in Genf. «Unsere Untersuchungen haben einmal mehr bestätigt, dass zahlreiche Dörfer systematisch und organisiert geplündert und zerstört worden sind, um die ländliche Bevölkerung Darfurs zu vertreiben», sagten die AI-Delegierten. «Die Janjawid, häufig in Militäruniformen und begleitet von Soldaten der sudanesischen Armee, haben jedes einzelne Dorf nicht einmal, sondern häufig drei- oder viermal angegriffen, bevor die Bevölkerung flüchtete.» BewohnerInnen der Region haben der Delegation zudem weitere Details über die zwei extralegalen Massenhinrichtungen in Murli und Deleij durch Sicherheitskräfte und Janjawid berichtet.

105. Amnesty International Report 2000
amnesty international online. Annual report 2000. This report documents AmnestyInternational report 2000. amnesty international (AI

AI's Appeals for Action







PART 3 What is AI? AI in action International and regional organizations Selected regional human rights treaties ...
back to the top Amnesty International report 2000 Amnesty International (AI) is a worldwide movement of people who campaign for human rights. AI's work is based on careful research and on the standards agreed by the international community. AI is independent of any government, political ideology, economic interest or religion. AI mobilizes volunteer activists in more than 140 countries and territories in every part of the world. This report documents human rights issues of concern to AI worldwide during 1999. It also reflects the activities AI has undertaken during the year to promote human rights and to campaign against specific human rights abuses. The report starts with an appeal for action a short Foreword by Pierre Sané, AI Secretary General and an Introduction There are short summarries on each region with an update for the period January - May 2000 in the REGIONAL SUMMARIES The core of this report is made up of entries on individual countries and territories, listed by region. These are under the heading

News, events, contact information and links.

107. Amnesty International Group 75, Atlanta Georgia
amnesty international Group 75, Atlanta Georgia. For information onGroup 75 or to be added to the email list, please email Charity
Amnesty International Group 75, Atlanta Georgia
For information on Group 75 or to be added to the email list, please email Charity Crabtree at

108. Amnesty International I Aalborg
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109. Amnesty International - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
amnesty international. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. amnesty internationalwas founded in 1961 by a British lawyer named Peter Benenson.
Amnesty International
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Amnesty International or AI is an international non-governmental organization (NGO) that works to promote all the human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international standards. In particular, Amnesty International campaigns to free all prisoners of conscience ; ensure fair and prompt trials for political prisoners ; abolish the death penalty torture , and other cruel treatment of prisoners; end political killings and forced " disappearances "; and oppose all human rights abuses, whether by governments or by opposition groups. Many of Amnesty's positions are quite controversial, such as its call for the right of return of all Palestininan refugees (and their families). Amnesty International was founded in by a British lawyer named Peter Benenson . Benenson was reading his newspaper and was shocked and angered to come across the story of two Portuguese students sentenced to seven years in prison - for the crime of raising their glasses in a toast to freedom . Benenson wrote to David Astor , editor of The Observer newspaper, who, on

110. Amnesty International Zimbabwe
Access to the entire AI archive of news and reports.

111. Campagna Per Un ICC - International Criminal Court - Amnesty International
Background on the Court and the Rome Diplomatic Conference in the summer of 1998, what Amnesty does and what others can do to help.

In the aftermath of the Second World War, humanity said: «never again». Fifty years on, genocide and widespread human rights violations continue. Millions of people have been tortured, killed and made to «disappear». Although much progress has been made in the protection of human rights worldwide, the disturbing reality is that people who have killed, tortured and raped systematically or on a massive scale are still likely to escape punishment. As we approach the new century it is time to send a clear message to those who think they are above the law - violations of human rights will not be tolerated. The world needs a just, fair and effective permanent international criminal court to bring human rights violators to justice.
After nearly four years of intense preparations, governments will meet from 15 June to 17 July 1998 in Rome, Italy, where they are expected to adopt the statute establishing a permanent international criminal court. This would be a fitting way to mark the 50th anniversaries of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UN Genocide Convention.
Why a court? The history of the Court - A court: for whom? Crimes against humanity - What Court? What the court should be

112. Amnesty International Hong Kong
AIHK, the Hong Kong section of amnesty international, works to prevent and end graveabuses of rights to physical and mental integrity, freedom of conscience
AIHK, the Hong Kong section of Amnesty International, works to prevent and end grave abuses of rights to physical and mental integrity, freedom of conscience and expression. Amnesty International is the world's largest human rights organisation, and is completely independent and impartial. Your browser does not support frames - sorry!

113. Amnesty International - Library - Saudi Arabia: The Forgotten Iraqi Refugess In
Campaign for the human rights of Iraqi refugees in Saudi Arabia. Includes the addresses of the responsible authorities and a video with a victim's account.

114. Amnesty International USA - Action Center
Welcome to amnesty international USA s Online Action Center! Emails Turkey.amnesty international is seriously concerned for their safety.

115. Emerce - Media/Marketing: Amnesty Klaagt Microsoft En Cisco Aan Over China
amnesty international verwijt Amerikaanse bedrijven dat ze technologie aan China leveren waarmee internetsites om politieke redenen geblokkeerd worden.




Media/Marketing 5 juni "Marketeers zijn technofoob"
4 juni Doubleclick: toename online aankopen
4 juni Eigen vereniging voor viral marketeers
4 juni Online campagne binnen ING Bank slaat aan 3 juni Tromp (ex-Lost Boys) directeur Endemol Interactive 3 juni Toename floating ads verwacht 3 juni Gebruik gsm verschilt per sekse 2 juni Enertel neemt wifi-provider WinQ over 2 juni Coca-Cola in zee met Traffic4u 2 juni Samenwerking Thomson en The Mediator Group 1 juni Directeur van Lost Boys stapt op 29 mei EK-tab Heineken in messenger van MSN 29 mei Mobiele videos goed voor 5,4 miljard dollar in 2008 29 mei Beursgang voor Websidestory 28 mei Topmanagers willen ander woord voor rfid 28 mei Ilse neemt over 28 mei Online campagne Sanex rondom Roland Garros RECENTE REACTIES VIP-chips in Rotterdamse Baja Beach Club Online campagne binnen ING Bank slaat aan Online bankieren na e-mailen het populairst KPMG: uitgevers blijven worstelen met internet ... Software tegen pop-up-blokkers Totaal 17677 reacties Meer reacties Homepage Business Media/Marketing ... Media/Marketing Nieuws Amnesty klaagt Microsoft en Cisco aan over China vrijdag 29 november 2002 - Door Louis Hoeks Amnesty International heeft in een rapport Microsoft, Cisco Systems, Sun Microsystems, Nortel Networks en Websense aangeklaagd. De Amerikaanse bedrijven zouden met hun technologie China in staat stellen internetcensuur te bedrijven.

Amnesty Internetional Íslandsdeild. Beina leið á efnisyfirlit þessararsíðu. Velkomin á vefsíðu Íslandsdeildar amnesty international.
Beina leið á efnisyfirlit þessarar síðu
Velkomin á vefsíðu Íslandsdeildar Amnesty International
Amnesty International (AI) er hreyfing fólks um heim allan sem berst fyrir alþjóðlega viðurkenndum mannréttindum. Hugsjón Amnesty International miðar að heimi þar sem sérhver einstaklingur nýtur allra þeirra réttinda sem fólgin eru í Mannréttindayfirlýsingu Sameinuðu þjóðanna og öðrum mannréttindasáttmálum. Með það að markmiði sinnir Amnesty International rannsóknum og grípur til aðgerða í því skyni að hindra og stöðva alvarleg brot á mannréttindum, í samræmi við þann tilgang samtakanna að efla virðingu fyrir öllum mannréttindum. Amnesty International er óháð öllum stjórnvöldum, stjórnmálastefnum, efnalegum hagsmunum og trúarbrögðum. Samtökin hvorki styðja né eru andsnúin nokkrum stjórnvöldum eða stjórnmálakerfi, né styðja þau endilega viðhorf þeirra einstaklinga, sem eru viðfang mannréttindabaráttu samtakanna. Taktu þátt . Þú getur lagt þitt af mörkum. Um leið og þú gerist félagi í Amnesty International verðurðu þátttakandi í alþjóðlegri hreyfingu. Takir þú þátt sem einstaklingur, sem þátttakandi í hópstarfi eða í skyndiaðgerðaneti samtakanna verður rödd þín ein meðal ótal annarra sem beita þrýstingi til að ná fram breytingum. Þegar þú gerist félagi í Amnesty International verðurðu þátttakandi í lýðræðislegri hreyfingu sem lýtur eigin stjórn. Við bjóðum þér að vinna í þágu mannréttinda:

117. Amnesty International - Justice Not Revenge: 11 September Crisis
amnesty international states its opinion about how to bring to justice those responsible for the crimes of 11 September, how to deal with abuses committed in Afghanistan, and how to address any abuses by USled Coalition forces in Afghanistan. They offer latest information, a library of documents, press kit, and campaign information.
Current campaigns
Previous campaigns Campaigning resources
Justice Not Revenge: 11 September Crisis
En Español
Prisoners held at Guantánamo Bay. US Department of Defense Photo Human rights forgotten in USA's 'war on terrorism' - March 2003
USA : Guantánamo detainees - the legal black hole deepens

Americas: Security for all means human rights for all

Real security can only be achieved through full respect for the human rights of all, Amnesty International warned today as Ministers of Defence from all over the American continent meet in Santiago, Chile, to discuss regional security.
Pakistan: No need for more laws to fight political violence

Amnesty International today voiced its concern over the recent expansion of Pakistan's Anti-terrorism Act. The amendment to the law, introduced by Ordinance, allows the detention of people suspected of "terrorist" offences for up to one year without charge or trial. It also allows police and security forces to investigate the assets and bank accounts of the relatives of suspects
Yemen/USA: government must not sanction extra-judicial executions

Amnesty International has today written to the President of the United States, George Bush, to express its deep concern at reports that the six men blown up in a car in Yemen on 3 November were killed allegedly by a missile launched by a CIA-controlled Predator drone aircraft.

118. Uluslararasý Af Örgütü - Amnesty International / Turkey
Amnesty Online (UAÖ Merkez Sitesi). UAÖ Türkiye SubesiMuradiye Bayiri Sok. No. - MMII-MMIV.
uaö hakkýnda: Kýsaca UAÖ
UAÖ´ne Dair...
Di derbareyê Rêxistina Efûyê ya Navneteweyê de...
UAÖ Türkiye Þubesi Tüzüðü
Aidat ve Baðýþ
Þirketler - Ýþadamlarý - Kurumsal baðýþ
Üye olun!
Amnesty Online (UAÖ Merkez Sitesi)
UAÖ - Türkiye Þubesi
Muradiye Bayýrý Sok. No. 50/1
Teþvikiye / Ýstanbul Tel: (0212) Faks: (0212) 258.44.59 E-posta: WAP: UAÖ - Türkiye gruplarýnýn ve koordinatörlerinin baðlantý verileri Garanti Bankasý Harbiye Þubesi (078) Türk Lirasý Hesabý: 6299525-3 Euro Hesabý: 90 96 336 Dolar Hesabý: 90 96 568 Kredi kartlý ödeme Þirketler - Ýþadamlarý - Kurumsal baðýþ Üye olun! acil eylemler son yayýnlananlar Son acil eylemlere katýlýn... Rapor: Türkiye: aile içi þiddete karþý mücadelede kadýnlar Rapor özeti: TÜRKÝYE: Aile içi þiddetle mücadelede kadýnlar - ÖZET Basýn açýklamasý: Türkiye: Þiddet ailede baþlýyor ... [Tam liste...] yeni kampanya yeni kampanya Kadýna Yönelik Þiddete Son! Silah Denetimi Kampanyasý online çaðrýlar yapýlacak etkinlikler Irak'taki iþkence konusundaki çaðrýmýza Türkiye'nin Uluslararasý Ceza Mahkemesi Statü'süne taraf olmasý yönündeki çaðrýmýza Ýþkenceye Karþý Sözleþme Seçmeli Protokolü'ne Türkiye'nin taraf olmasý yönündeki çaðrýmýza Silah Denetimi konusundaki dilekçemize ve Ýsrail'in duvar inþasýyla ilgili çaðrýlarýmýza katýlýn Kadýna Yönelik Þiddete Son Basýn Toplantýsý Kadýna Yönelik Her Türlü Ayrýmcýlýðýn Önlenmesi Sözleþmesi (CEDAW) ve Ýhtiyari Protokol - Seminerler Dizisi - Mersin Kadýna Yönelik Her Türlü Ayrýmcýlýðýn Önlenmesi Sözleþmesi (CEDAW) ve Ýhtiyari Protokol - Seminerler Dizisi - Trabzon ... [Tam liste...]

119. Female Genital Mutilation - A Human Rights Information Pack
amnesty international covers the topic of clitoridectomy, including procedures, why and where practiced, mental and physical effects on women.
Stop violence against women
On 5 March 2004, Amnesty International will launch a global campaign to eradicate violence against women. With the support of ordinary people, both men and women, we will put an end to this human rights scandal. It's in our hands. More Section ONE
What is female genital mutilation?

120. Welcome To AI - Dornbirn / Willkommen Bei Ai - Dornbirn
Western Austrian branch of the human rights organisation amnesty internationalwith special topic on the Death Penalty (Capital Punishment) in the USA
[Click on the banner] [Click the text above to hear the music (Midi)]
International law perverted by the USA A monument for the victims of capital punishment
"Wherever capital punishment is in place, crucial bounds to the conscience of a people are missing. Bounds against the criminal perversion to simply step over human life." - Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Kadecka (1874 - 1964); Important Austrian lecturer of criminal law and judicial politician. "Humans are the only primates who willfully, extensively and enthusiastically perpetrate the killing of their own kind." - Hans Magnus Enzensberger (born 1929); German lyricist and author. "Wo die Todesstrafe besteht, da fehlt dem Gewissen eines Volkes eine entscheidende Schranke gegen die verbrecherische Perversität, über menschliches Leben hinwegzuschreiten." - Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Kadecka (bedeutender österreichischer Strafrechtslehrer und Rechtspolitiker / 1874 - 1964) "Der Mensch ist der einzige unter den Primaten, der die Tötung seiner Artgenossen planvoll, in größerem Maßstab und enthusiastisch betreibt." - Hans Magnus Enzensberger (deutscher Lyriker & Schriftsteller / geb. 1929)
Amnesty International - Group 5 of the Austrian Section has been established on March 3, 1972

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