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81. Titolo Pagina Attivit e storia del gruppo, documenti su amnesty international e sui diritti umani e sezione di link. http://www.amnesty22.it | |
82. Amnesty International - South Africa amnesty international, Oxfam and IANSA are calling for a global Arms Trade Treatyand for local action to protect civilians from armed violence. More http://www.amnesty.org.za/ | |
83. Amnesty International Iraq Press releases, open letters, annual reports and links for related campaigns. http://web.amnesty.org/ai.nsf/countries/iraq?Open&Count=30 |
84. Bienvenue Sur Le Site Officiel D'Amnesty Belgique Francophone Translate this page amnesty international, Rue Berckmans, 9 - 1060 Bruxelles. amnesty international,Oxfam et le RAIAL lancent une campagne mondiale pour le contrôle des armes. http://www.amnestyinternational.be/doc/indexglo3.php3 | |
85. Amnesty International Annual Report 2002 The report documents human rights violations during 2001 all over the world, with a special focus on human rights restrictions and violations in the aftermath of September 11. Complete text and press information. http://web.amnesty.org/web/ar2002.nsf/ | |
86. Amnesty International - Library - Iraq: One Year On The Human Rights Situation R amnesty international, amnesty international HOME LIBRARY, WORLD WIDE SITES,amnesty international, Search, Document library. Recent documents. Annual reports. http://amnesty-news.c.topica.com/maab3t7aa5gsYbemhvyb/ | |
87. Amnesty International Recent AI Publications on Africa. http://web.amnesty.org/ai.nsf/REGIONS/AFRICA?OpenView&Start=1&Count=30&a |
88. Amnesty International Leicester Local Group amnesty international. Leicester Local Group. amnesty international.Amnesty campaigns for the release of prisoners of conscience http://home.clara.net/pka/ai/ | |
89. NORDKOREA Ai Jahresbericht 2003 Der Jahresbericht 2003 stellt die Lage bezogen auf Menschenrechte dar. http://www2.amnesty.de/internet/deall.nsf/51a43250d61caccfc1256aa1003d7d38/0b6dc |
90. Amnesty International - Français http://efai.amnesty.org/ | |
91. AIUSA133 amnesty international USA Group 133. amnesty international s visionis of a world in which every person enjoys all of the human rights http://www.mirrorimage.com/ai/ | |
92. Anfangsseite AI Frauengruppen Schweiz Die Gruppe will Menschenrechtsverletzungen an Frauen an die ffentlichkeit bringen, mit Aktionen, Veranstaltungen und Medienarbeit die ffentlichkeit sensibilisieren. Dazu bietet sie Informationen zu Agenda und Aktivit¤ten und ein Archiv. http://www.ai-frauen.ch/ | |
93. Amnesty International - European Union Office http://www.amnesty-eu.org/ |
94. Amnesty International - Circoscrizione Campania Basilicata Napoli Gruppi ed organizzazione, azioni ed appelli, notiziario ed informazioni per l'adesione, calendario eventi. (Richiede Flash). http://amnestycampania.it/ |
95. Amnesty International Thailand amnesty international Thailand is part of a worldwide campaigning movement that worksto promote all the human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of http://www.amnesty.or.th/ | |
96. Amnesty - Stockholms Universitet Information om amnesty international, l¤nkar och uppdaterad information om deras arbete. http://www4.amnesty.se/~g330/ | |
97. Amnistie Internationale - Section Canadienne Francophone Translate this page Section canadienne francophone d'amnesty international, mouvement mondial de défense des droits humains. http://www.amnistie.qc.ca/ |
98. Press Release - Malaysia: Bush Must Press Mahathir To Release Prisoners Of Consc Press release from amnesty international. Focuses on the ISA's use to persecute political opponents. http://www.amnestyusa.org/news/2002/malaysia05132002.html | |
99. Amnesty International Winner Of The 1977 Nobel Prize In Peace amnesty international, a Nobel Peace Laureate, at the Nobel PrizeInternet Archive. amnesty international. 1977 Nobel Peace Prize http://almaz.com/nobel/peace/1977a.html | |
100. Amnesty International Group 554, Ronkonkoma/Holbrook, NY Time and place of meetings. http://www.geocities.com/ai554 | |
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