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         Amnesty International:     more books (101)
  1. United States of America: The Death Penalty by Amnesty International, 1987-06
  2. Mexico: Human Rights in Rural Areas by Amnesty International, 1986-12
  3. United States Of America: Police Brutality and Excessive Force In The New York City Police Department by Edited By Amnesty International USA, 1996
  4. ROUGH JUSTICE: The Law and Human Rights in the Russian Federation by Amnesty International, 2003
  5. El Salvador Death Squads: A Government Strategy by Amnesty International, 1988-10
  6. Jamaica: The Death Penalty by Amnesty International, 1984-06
  7. Mexico Torture With Impunity by Amnesty International, 1991-06
  8. Most Vulnerable of All: The Treatment of Unaccompanied Refugee Children in the UK by Amnesty International, 1999-06-10
  9. Cent poèmes pour la liberté by Amnesty International, Ben Othman, et all 1985-09-01
  10. UK Foreign and Asylum Policy 2001: Human Rights Audit by Amnesty International, 2001-10-04
  11. Report on Torture by Amnesty International, 1975-01
  12. Argentina: The Military Juntas and Human Rights : Report of the Trial of the Former Junta Members, 1985 by Amnesty International, 1987-12
  13. China: Violations of Human Rights, Prisoners of Conscience & the Death Penalty in the People's Republic of China

81. Titolo Pagina
Attivit  e storia del gruppo, documenti su amnesty international e sui diritti umani e sezione di link.
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5 marzo 2004

82. Amnesty International - South Africa
amnesty international, Oxfam and IANSA are calling for a global Arms Trade Treatyand for local action to protect civilians from armed violence. More
© Giovanni Diffidenti / Oxfam
Control Arms
The Arms Trade is out of control. Worldwide arms are fuelling conflict, poverty, and human rights abuses. It doesn't have to be like this. Amnesty International, Oxfam and IANSA are calling for a global Arms Trade Treaty and for local action to protect civilians from armed violence. More Burundi - urge the President to ratify the Rome Statute of the ICC. Take Action
Human Rights Education
Volunteer Volunteer with Amnesty International South Africa Soldiers and prisioner in Guantánamo Bay © US Department of Defence
Double jeopardy for some Guantánamo detainees
Held in isolating conditions, the detainees held in Guantánamo Bay have not been allowed to see lawyers or relatives, or to have access to any court. Women and children have been systematically attacked during Burundi's 10-year conflict
Burundi: Women under attack
Sexual violence has been widely used during Burundi's 10-year civil war to terrorize and humiliate the population. The suffering of Burundian women must stop now. Take action © AI
Stop Child Executions!

83. Amnesty International Iraq
Press releases, open letters, annual reports and links for related campaigns.

84. Bienvenue Sur Le Site Officiel D'Amnesty Belgique Francophone
Translate this page amnesty international, Rue Berckmans, 9 - 1060 Bruxelles. amnesty international,Oxfam et le RAIAL lancent une campagne mondiale pour le contrôle des armes.
Page d'accueil Centre d'actions Droits des femmes Amnesty-jeunes ... Soutenir Amnesty International, Rue Berckmans, 9 - 1060 Bruxelles. Tel: 02/538.81.77 Nous contacter Compte: 001-0520520-94 Navigation

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INFOS PAYS Service aux membres et donateurs Formations ... LE MENSUEL LIBERTES
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Soudan : une catastrophe humanitaire annoncée

Suite aux violations masssives des droits humains commises au Darfour, des centaines de milliers de personnes ont dû fuir la région. La communauté international doit avoir le courage de ses convictions et faire pression sur le gouvernement soudanais.
Agissez !

85. Amnesty International Annual Report 2002
The report documents human rights violations during 2001 all over the world, with a special focus on human rights restrictions and violations in the aftermath of September 11. Complete text and press information.
Amnesty International Annual Report Index Contents Annual Report 2002

AI's appeals for action


... Order the report The year 2001 will be remembered by many for the events of 11 September, which dominated the international political agenda and posed new challenges to the human rights community. Yet, as this Amnesty International Report shows, there were countless other human tragedies during the year. Amnesty International responded to the 11 September attacks in the USA by condemning them unreservedly and by calling for those responsible to be brought to justice in accordance with international law. Its members worked steadfastly to counter a racist backlash against people identified as Muslim or Middle Eastern. When governments introduced draconian security and immigration legislation, Amnesty International campaigned to ensure respect for fundamental human rights. The movement also called for strict adherence to the rules of war during the US-led military campaign in Afghanistan. Amnesty International's message throughout was "Justice not revenge". Human rights abuses in 152 countries and territories around the world are documented in this report, which describes the repression and violence which blighted the lives of millions of people throughout 2001. Some faced new threats from those seeking to gain military advantage or maintain political power. Others were still suffering the effects of genocide and other atrocities committed in the past. Many were denied protection from abuses based on discrimination on grounds of race, gender or sexual orientation. Millions were forced to seek safety in other countries, but faced growing obstacles and hostility.

86. Amnesty International - Library - Iraq: One Year On The Human Rights Situation R
amnesty international, amnesty international HOME LIBRARY, WORLD WIDE SITES,amnesty international, Search, Document library. Recent documents. Annual reports.
Document library
Recent documents Annual reports Receive updates by e-mail ... Order AI publications Search by AI INDEX IRAQ Call for Independent Investigations into War Crimes of Torture in Iraq! People come first - Protect Human Rights Iraq Crisis home page Annual report entries: View this page in E-mail this page Printer friendly PDF LIBRARY ... IRAQ AI INDEX: MDE 14/006/2004 18 March 2004 Iraq
One year on the human rights situation remains dire Introduction
A year after US-led forces launched war on Iraq, the promise of improved human rights for Iraqis remains far from realized. Most Iraqis still feel unsafe in a country ravaged by violence. Every day Iraqis face threats to their lives and security. Violence is endemic, whether in the form of attacks by armed groups, abuses by the occupying forces, or violence against women. Millions of people have suffered the consequences of destroyed or looted infrastructure, mass unemployment and uncertainty about their future. And there is little or no confidence that those responsible for past and present human rights abuses will be brought to justice. There have been some welcome positive developments in the country, especially in the field of freedom of expression, association and assembly. Dozens of non-government organizations (NGOs), including organizations focusing on women's rights, have been established, more than 80 daily and weekly newspapers are published and scores of political parties and religious organizations have emerged.

87. Amnesty International
Recent AI Publications on Africa.

88. Amnesty International Leicester Local Group
amnesty international. Leicester Local Group. amnesty international.Amnesty campaigns for the release of prisoners of conscience
Amnesty International Leicester Local Group
Amnesty International
Amnesty campaigns for the release of prisoners of conscience, fair trials for political prisoners, an end to the death penalty, torture, and other cruel treatment, and a stop to "disappearances" and political killings. Find out more from:
Take action!
Write a letter Find resources
Leicester Local Group
We are a part of the United Kingdom Section of the worldwide Amnesty International organisation. Some of the many Amnesty International members in Leicester meet regularly to take action to defend human rights around the world. These pages highlight our campaigns and activities. What we do Contact us Diary.
Russia: Justice for everyone
In November 2002 Amnesty International began a worldwide campaign to promote the recogition of human rights across the largest single country in the world: Russia. For more details on how you can get involved, check out the Russia campaign pages on the Amnesty International web site.

89. NORDKOREA Ai Jahresbericht 2003
Der Jahresbericht 2003 stellt die Lage bezogen auf Menschenrechte dar.

90. Amnesty International - Français
Le Fil d'AI. Mai 2004

Autres rapports
Rapport 2004 d'Amnesty International
Le Voir le rapport en ligne
Diaporama Pour en savoir plus
Choisissez... Faites un don Contactez AI Archives
La violence contre les femmes
Suite Agissez! Agissez pour que le Bangladesh
Autres campagnes

91. AIUSA133
amnesty international USA Group 133. amnesty international s visionis of a world in which every person enjoys all of the human rights
Group Info Action Teams Other Things
Amnesty International USA
Group 133
Amnesty International's vision is of a world in which every person enjoys all of the human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights standards. Amnesty International undertakes research and action focused on preventing and ending grave abuses of the rights to physical and mental integrity, freedom of conscience and expression, and freedom from discrimination, within the context of its work to promote all human rights. Group 133 is one of the 1,500 Amnesty groups in the US, providing opportunities for human rights activism for concerned individuals in the Somerville, Arlington, Cambridge area. We currently focus on human rights concerns in China/Tibet , the Andean region and Russia , and also on refugees the environment , and the death penalty . Join us! Come to the next monthly meeting Rally against genocide and slavery in Sudan
with the American Anti-Slavery Group!

92. Anfangsseite AI Frauengruppen Schweiz
Die Gruppe will Menschenrechtsverletzungen an Frauen an die –ffentlichkeit bringen, mit Aktionen, Veranstaltungen und Medienarbeit die –ffentlichkeit sensibilisieren. Dazu bietet sie Informationen zu Agenda und Aktivit¤ten und ein Archiv.
AI Frauengruppen Schweiz
AI Groupes Femmes de Suisse

email: Webmaster
started 2001-11-25, last update 2004-03-07

93. Amnesty International - European Union Office

94. Amnesty International - Circoscrizione Campania Basilicata
Napoli Gruppi ed organizzazione, azioni ed appelli, notiziario ed informazioni per l'adesione, calendario eventi. (Richiede Flash).

95. Amnesty International Thailand
amnesty international Thailand is part of a worldwide campaigning movement that worksto promote all the human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of
I want to Help free a prisoner of conscience Be part of the Urgent Action Network Contact a local group Find out more about death penalty Read the latest AI reports about Thailand Find out about my right to a fair trial Annual Report 2003 - The report documents Human Rights abuses in 151 countries and territories. More Video (Real Player).
AI Thailand Newsletter Quarter 2 2003
Ending Crackdown in Myanmar on-line petition
Light Up Nights - Informal gatherings open to all. Schedule
New Local Group Ruamrudee Int’l School.
Take Action Stop Torture Campaign
Learn more and participate to our campaign to stop torture Amnesty International is impartial and independent of any government, political persuasion or religious creed.
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to send this page to colleagues, friends or family. Last Update: 19 May, 2004
Send us comments or questions regarding this site.

96. Amnesty - Stockholms Universitet
Information om amnesty international, l¤nkar och uppdaterad information om deras arbete.
Hem Om Amnesty MR Mer om oss Bli medlem ... Kontakta oss English
Amnesty på Stockholms universitet är en grupp inom svenska sektionen av Amnesty International och samtidigt en kårförening vid Stockholms universitets studentkår. Gruppen har funnits vid Stockholms universitet sedan början av 90-talet och den är till för alla som vill göra något för mänskliga rättigheter. På dessa sidor kan du läsa mer om Amnesty International, mer om vår grupp och om våra aktiviteter.
Till sidans topp

97. Amnistie Internationale - Section Canadienne Francophone
Translate this page Section canadienne francophone d'amnesty international, mouvement mondial de défense des droits humains.

98. Press Release - Malaysia: Bush Must Press Mahathir To Release Prisoners Of Consc
Press release from amnesty international. Focuses on the ISA's use to persecute political opponents.

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Amnesty International
. You may download and read it. You may not alter this information, repost or sell it without permission. If you use this document, you are encouraged to make a donation to Amnesty International to support future research and campaigning. Please contact your nearest AI office
May 13, 2002
Bush Must Press Mahathir to Release Prisoners of Conscience
Malaysia Opposition Party Leaders Detained Under Repressive Internal Security Act
(Washington, DC) Amnesty International today called on President Bush to use the opportunity of his meeting with Malaysia's Prime Minister Mahathir to press for the immediate release of former Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim and six leading members of the opposition Keadilan party unjustly detained under Malaysia's Internal Security Act. In a letter to President Bush, Amnesty International USA's Executive Director William F. Schulz also urged President Bush to seek assurances from Prime Minister Mahathir of respect for judicial independence, an end to politically motivated prosecutions, and an end to the use of torture. More on this Web site:
Sample Letter on Malaysian Prisoners of Conscience
"As an important US ally in the region, Prime Minister Mahathir must be pressed to respect and protect human rights in his country," said Schulz. "The arrest of leading members of the opposition party was clearly aimed at crippling a genuine opposition party in the parliament, effectively silencing any democratic and peaceful dissent in Malaysia."

99. Amnesty International Winner Of The 1977 Nobel Prize In Peace
amnesty international, a Nobel Peace Laureate, at the Nobel PrizeInternet Archive. amnesty international. 1977 Nobel Peace Prize
1977 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Background
    Location: London, Great Britain
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Peace ... Medicine We always welcome your feedback and comments

100. Amnesty International Group 554, Ronkonkoma/Holbrook, NY
Time and place of meetings.

Amnesty International
Group 554
We meet the 2nd Monday of every month
Sachem Public Library
150 Holbrook Road, Holbrook, NY
(South of Portion Road, North of the LIE,
Across from Nokomis Elementary School)
Amnesty International is a worldwide human rights movement with over 1 million members, including 300,000 in the United States. Amnesty works to: free all prisoners of conscience; ensure fair and prompt trials for all political prisoners; abolish the death penalty, torture and other ill-treatment of prisoners; end political killings and "disappearances;' and to promote, through education and action, greater understanding and respect for human rights.
For more information, go to Please join us at our next meeting!

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