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         Wolf Prize:     more detail
  1. Wolf Prize in Mathematics
  2. The Wolf Howls Murder (Prize Mystery Novels)
  3. Wolf Prize in Mathematics by Shiing-Shen (Edt)/ Hirzebruch, Fr Chern, 2000
  4. The Wolf Howls Murder (prize Mystery Novels) by Manning Lee Stokes, 1946
  5. Debra Lee Takes the Prize (Night Magic Circus) by Jill Wolf, 1986-05
  6. The Hugo Boss Prize 2006 by Yates McKee, Rein Wolfs, et all 2007-03-01
  7. Wild Animals and Birds: Their Haunts and Habits.In Edinburgh Insitution Prize Binding by Andrew.Illustrated By J. Wolf and F. Specht Wilson, 1884
  8. Wolf's Candle by Dane COOLIDGE, 1947

Citations for the prizewinners.
IZRAIL M. GELFAND, Moscow State University, Moscow, U.S.S.R., for his work in functional analysis, group representation, and for his seminal contributions to many areas of mathematics and its applications, and CARL L. SIEGEL , Georg-August University, Gottingen, W. Germany, for his contributions to the theory of numbers, theory of several complex variables, and celestial mechanics.
JEAN LERAY, College de France, Paris, France, for pioneering work on the development and application of topological methods to the study of differential equations; and ANDRE WEIL, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, U.S.A., for his inspired introduction of algebro-geometry methods to the theory of numbers.
HENRI CARTAN, Universite de Paris, Paris, France, for pioneering work in algebraic topology, complex variables, homological algebra and inspired leadership of a generation of mathematicians; and ANDREI N. KOLMOGOROV, Moscow State University, Moscow, U.S.S.R., for deep and original discoveries in Fourier analysis, probability theory, ergodic theory and dynamical systems.
LARS V. AHLFORS, Harvard University, Cambridge, U.S.A., for seminal discoveries and the creation of powerful new methods in geometric function theory; and OSCAR ZARISKI, Harvard University, Cambridge, U.S.A., creator of the modern approach to algebraic geometry, by its fusion with commutative algebra.

For additional information please contact:
Yaron E. Gruder, Director General
Address: 39, Hamaapilim Str., Herzlia Pituach, Israel
Letters: P.O. BOX 398, Herzlia Bet 46103, Israel
Fax: 972 9 954 1253
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Last updated 26/1/2004.

3. Award Of The Wolf Prize
Award of the wolf prize. Retrieve PostScript document ( 3535196 bytes) Retrieve GNU Compressed PostScript document ( 1495898 bytes) Retrieve UNIX Compressed PostScript document

Volume 42, Number 4, 1998

pp. 717-719
Award of the Wolf Prize
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For additional information contact

INTERNATIONAL wolf prize SHARED BY TEXAS A M RESEARCHER. Photos and Graphics. Click for larger images. COLLEGE STATION Dr. Fuller W. and life sciences for the Texas A M University System, has been awarded the prestigious wolf prize in Agriculture
Jan. 10, 2003
Writer: Kathleen Phillips, (979) 8452872,
Contact: Dr. Fuller Bazer, (979) 458-0710, Photos and Graphics Click for larger images Bazer and Roberts independently identified an array of proteins and mechanisms that regulate embryo development, fetal growth and immune competence. The uterine protein, uteroferrin, identified by Bazer first in animals ultimately may be useful in treating diseases such as leukemia and osteoporosis in humans, according to the Wolf Prize jury. The award will be formally presented by Israeli President Moshe Katsav in Jerusalem May 11. The Wolf Prize is given through a foundation established by the late Dr. Ricardo Wolf, a German-born inventor, diplomat and philanthropist. Wolf was Fidel Castro's ambassador to Israel where he died in 1981. The Wolf Prize is given annually in rotation among five areas: agriculture, chemistry, mathematics, medicine and physics. "Both scientists exemplify how devotion to basic research in agriculture can lead to practical outcomes that impact both animal production and human health and well-being," the jury noted.

5. PhysicsWeb - Wolf Prize Goes To Particle Theorists
wolf prize goes to particle theorists 20 January 2004. The 2004 Wolfprize for physics has been awarded to Robert Brout and Francois

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Previous News for January 2004 Next Wolf prize goes to particle theorists
20 January 2004 There are four fundamental forces in nature: gravity, electromagnetism, and the strong and weak nuclear forces. Gravity and electromagnetism are both long range forces, whereas the strong and weak interactions only operate inside the nucleus. The Standard Model includes all of these forces except gravity. However, prior to the work of Brout, Englert, Higgs and others, the Standard Model could not explain why some particles have mass and others do not. In particular, it could not account for the fact that photons - the particles that "carry" the electromagnetic force - have no mass, while the analogous particles for the weak interaction do have mass. The particles carrying the weak force must have large masses to explain why it only acts over short distances. In 1964, Brout and Englert proposed that the weak and electromagnetic interactions could be united by "spontaneous symmetry breaking". This phenomenon was well known in condensed matter physics where it had been used to explain how, for instance, tiny unordered regions of a magnetic material could suddenly align themselves in a specific direction.

6. Bott And Serre Share 2000 Wolf Prize, Volume 47, Number 5
572NOTICES OF THEAMSVOLUME47, NUMBER5Bott and Serre Share 2000 wolf prizeRAOULBOTTand JEAN PIERRESERREwill share the$ 100 000 wolf prize in Mathematics for 2000. Bott. is honored for his deep discoveries in topology

7. Wolf Prize -- From MathWorld
wolf prize. Five or six Wolf the benefit of mankind. The table belowsummarizes wolf prize recipients in mathematics. year, recipients.
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Wolf Prize Five or six Wolf prizes are awarded yearly to outstanding living scientists and artists for achievements in the interest of mankind and friendly relations among peoples. In science, the fields are agriculture, chemistry, mathematics, medicine, physics; and in arts, the prize rotates annually among architecture, music, painting and sculpture. The prize in each area consists of a diploma and a cash award of $100,000. The prize has been awarded since 1978 by the Wolf Foundation, which was established in 1976 by Dr. Ricardo Wolf (1887-1981), inventor, diplomat, and philanthropist, and his wife Francisca Subirana-Wolf (1900-1981), to promote science and art for the benefit of mankind. The table below summarizes Wolf prize recipients in mathematics. year recipients Jean Leray (College de France, Paris, France) and andre Weil (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, U.S.A.)

8. News - Wolf Prize Goes To Particle Theorists
wolf prize goes to particle theorists Monday 26 January 2004. The2004 wolf prize for physics has been awarded to Robert Brout and
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Wolf prize goes to particle theorists Monday 26 January 2004
There are four fundamental forces in nature: gravity, electromagnetism, and the strong and weak nuclear forces. Gravity and electromagnetism are both long range forces, whereas the strong and weak interactions only operate inside the nucleus. The Standard Model includes all of these forces except gravity. However, prior to the work of Brout, Englert, Higgs and others, the Standard Model could not explain why some particles have mass and others do not. In particular, it could not account for the fact that photons - the particles that "carry" the electromagnetic force - have no mass, while the analogous particles for the weak interaction do have mass. The particles carrying the weak force must have large masses to explain why it only acts over short distances.
In 1964, Brout and Englert proposed that the weak and electromagnetic interactions could be united by "spontaneous symmetry breaking". This phenomenon was well known in condensed matter physics where it had been used to explain how, for instance, tiny unordered regions of a magnetic material could suddenly align themselves in a specific direction.

9. Wolf Prize
wolf prize. The wolf prize is awarded to living scientists and artists;the prize is $100,000 . Recipients in mathematics. 1978 Israel
Main Page See live article Alphabetical index
Wolf Prize
The Wolf Prize is awarded to living scientists and artists; the prize is $100,000
Recipients in mathematics

10. Bott Wins Israel's Wolf Foundation Prize In Mathematics
Graustein Research Professor of Mathematics, winner of the 2000 Wolf Foundation Prize in mathematics According to the Wolf Foundation, the wolf prize has been awarded annually
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March 09, 2000
HARVARD GAZETTE ARCHIVES Bott Wins Israel's Wolf Foundation Prize in Mathematics
Raoul Bott According to the Wolf Foundation prize committee, Bott was selected for "his many fundamental contributions in topology and differential geometry and their application to Lie groups, differential operators and mathematical physics." As a leading figure in the field of differential geometry, Bott’s recent work has focused on the application of geometry to mathematical physics and vice versa, and particularly to the theory of strings. His first major contribution was the application of Morse theory to the topology of Lie groups, which led to the famous "periodicity theorems." He was a major contributor to the development of K-theory and also worked on Yang-Mills theory, moduli spaces of vector bundles, and elliptic genera. "Through his publications, his students, and his personal qualities, he has significantly influenced the mathematics of our times," the prize jury said in a statement announcing the winners. According to the Wolf Foundation, the Wolf Prize has been awarded annually since 1978 to outstanding scientists and artists for "achievements in the interest of mankind and friendly relations among peoples, irrespective of nationality, race, color, religion, sex or political view."

11. PhysicsWeb - Aharonov And Berry Share Wolf Prize
Aharonov and Berry share wolf prize. 5 January 1998. The 1998 wolf prize has been awarded to Yakir Aharonov and Sir Michael Berry for the discoveries that bear their names

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Previous News for January 1998 Next Aharonov and Berry share Wolf Prize
5 January 1998 The 1998 Wolf Prize has been awarded to Yakir Aharonov and Sir Michael Berry for the discoveries that bear their names - the Aharonov- Bohm effect and the Berry phase. Both effects - subtle and unexpected consequences of quantum theory - have subsequently been observed in many different types of experiment. The official citation states that the awards are made "for the discovery of quantum topological and geometrical phases, specifically the Aharonov-Bohm effect, the Berry phase, and their incorporation into many fields of physics". These fields include optics, nuclear physics, fluid physics, chemistry, molecular physics, string theory, gravitational physics, cosmology, solid-state physics, the foundations of quantum mechanics and quantum computing. In 1959 Aharonov and the late David Bohm proposed a thought experiment in which a charged particle is directed towards a tube of magnetic flux. The particle is split quantum mechanically so that one component passes to one side, say the left, of the tube, while the other passes to the right. Although the magnetic field is zero outside the tube, the vector potential associated with the field is not zero. This led Aharonov and Bohm to predict that the two components of the electron would acquire different phases due to their interaction with the vector potential - even though the field itself was zero - and that the difference between these phases could be detected via interference. The effect was soon observed in experiments.

12. Wolf Prize - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
wolf prize. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The wolf prize is awarded to livingscientists and artists; the prize is $100,000 . Recipients in mathematics.
Wolf Prize
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
The Wolf Prize is awarded to living scientists and artists; the prize is $100,000 . edit
Recipients in mathematics
Recipients in Arts

See also

13. Wolf Prize
wolf prize. The wolf prize was established in 1978 by GermanbornRicardo Wolf and his wife Francisca Subirana-Wolf. Dr. Wolf, an
Wolf Prize
The Wolf Prize was established in 1978 by German-born Ricardo Wolf and his wife Francisca Subirana-Wolf. Dr. Wolf, an inventor, diplomat and philanthropist, lived in Cuba Israel Agriculture Chemistry ... Medicine and Physics . In the Arts , the prize rotates among Architecture, Music, Painting and Sculpture. Source: Mitchell G. Bard and Moshe Schwartz. 1001 Facts Everyone Should Know About Israel . NJ: Jason Aronson, 2004.

14. Sato And Tate Receive 2002 2003 Wolf Prize, Volume 50, Number 5
AMS569Sato and Tate Receive 20022003 wolf prizeThe 20022003 wolf prize in Mathematics has

15. Wolf Prize Table Of Contents
wolf prize. wolf prize; Arts; Agriculture; Chemistry; Mathematics; Medicine; Physics.
Wolf Prize

16. Whitehead Institute - Wolf Prize In Medicine
14, 2004) Minister of Education, Culture and Sport, Limor Livnat, chairpersonof the Wolf Foundation Council, announced that the 2004 wolf prize in Medicine
whitehead home robert weinberg awarded 2004 wolf prize in medicine biology week newsroom broad institute research facilities ... Research Summaries
Whitehead Institute Contacts: Kelli Whitlock or David Cameron
Phone: 617.258.5183
Robert Weinberg Awarded 2004 Wolf Prize in Medicine
Robert A. Weinberg MIT World
Robert Weinberg
credit: Justin Knight Awards will be presented by the President of the State of Israel, Mr. Moshe Katsav, at a special ceremony, at the Knesset (parliament) in Jerusalem, on Sunday, May 9, 2004. Adapted from a Wolf Foundation press release. Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research is a nonprofit, independent research and educational institution. Wholly independent in its governance, finances and research programs, Whitehead shares a close affiliation with Massachusetts Institute of Technology through its faculty, who hold joint MIT appointments. © 2004 Whitehead Institute
Nine Cambridge Center
Cambridge, MA 02142-1479

17. Wolf Prize - Encyclopedia Article About Wolf Prize. Free Access, No Registration
encyclopedia article about wolf prize. wolf prize in Free online Englishdictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. Provides wolf prize. Word Prize
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Wolf Prize
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition The Wolf Prize is awarded to living scientists and artists; the prize is $100,000
Recipients in mathematics Mathematics is commonly defined as the study of patterns of structure, change, and space; more informally, one might say it is the study of 'figures and numbers'. In the formalist view, it is the investigation of axiomatically defined abstract structures using logic and mathematical notation; other views are described in Philosophy of mathematics. Mathematics might be seen as a simple extension of spoken and written languages, with an extremely precisely defined vocabulary and grammar, for the purpose of describing and exploring physical and conceptual relationships.
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  • Israel M. Gel'fand Israel Moiseevich Gel'fand (born 1913 in Okny, Kherson, then in Russia) is a prolific mathematician in the field of functional analysis, which he interprets in a broad sense as the mathematics of quantum mechanics
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18. C&EN: TODAY'S HEADLINES - Harry Gray Wins Wolf Prize In Chemistry
January 26, 2004 Volume 82, Number 4 CENEAR 82 4 p. 12 ISSN 00092347. AWARDS.Harry Gray Wins wolf prize In Chemistry. MITCH JACOBY. PHOTO BY RUDY BAUM.
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January 26,
Volume 82, Number 4 CENEAR 82 4 p. 12 ISSN 0009-2347 AWARDS Harry Gray Wins Wolf Prize In Chemistry MITCH JACOBY PHOTO BY RUDY BAUM T he 2004 Wolf Foundation Prize in chemistry has been awarded to Harry B. Gray , the Arnold O. Beckman Professor of Chemistry and founding director of the Beckman Institute at California Institute of Technology. Gray is being recognized for pioneering work in bioinorganic chemistryspecifically, for contributions to unraveling novel principles of structure and long-range electron-transfer processes in proteins. Electron-transfer reactions in proteins provide the basis for energy production in cells of all living organisms. Yet "until Gray's work, little was known about the chemical factors that govern electron transfer in biological systems," the award panel notes. "It's really great to be recognized for work that was done with students and very close friends," Gray tells C&EN. "We've been collaborating on this work for years, and it has been a lot of fun. The recognition is icing on the cake for work that has been so enjoyable."

19. C&EN: TODAY'S HEADLINES - Harry Gray Wins Wolf Prize In Chemistry
January 26, 2004 Volume 82, Number 4 CENEAR 82 4 p. 12 ISSN 00092347. AWARDS.Harry Gray Wins wolf prize In Chemistry. MITCH JACOBY. PHOTO BY RUDY BAUM.
January 26,
Volume 82, Number 4
CENEAR 82 4 p. 12
ISSN 0009-2347
AWARDS Harry Gray Wins Wolf Prize In Chemistry MITCH JACOBY PHOTO BY RUDY BAUM T he 2004 Wolf Foundation Prize in chemistry has been awarded to Harry B. Gray , the Arnold O. Beckman Professor of Chemistry and founding director of the Beckman Institute at California Institute of Technology. Gray is being recognized for pioneering work in bioinorganic chemistryspecifically, for contributions to unraveling novel principles of structure and long-range electron-transfer processes in proteins. Electron-transfer reactions in proteins provide the basis for energy production in cells of all living organisms. Yet "until Gray's work, little was known about the chemical factors that govern electron transfer in biological systems," the award panel notes. "It's really great to be recognized for work that was done with students and very close friends," Gray tells C&EN. "We've been collaborating on this work for years, and it has been a lot of fun. The recognition is icing on the cake for work that has been so enjoyable." The $100,000 prize will be presented by Israel's president at a special ceremony at the Israeli Parliament in May.

wolf prize IN MATHEMATICS Volume 2 edited by SS Chern (Nankai University, China) F Hirzebruch (Universität Bonn MaxPlanck-Institut für Mathematik, Bonn
Home Browse by Subject Bestsellers New Titles ... Browse all Subjects Search Keyword Author Concept ISBN Series New Titles Editor's Choice Bestsellers Book Series ... Join Our Mailing List WOLF PRIZE IN MATHEMATICS
Volume 2

edited by S S Chern (Nankai University, China)
The Wolf Prize, awarded by the Wolf Foundation in Israel, often goes to mathematicians who are in their sixties or older. That is to say, the Prize honours the achievements of a lifetime. This invaluable book features bibliographies, important papers, and speeches (for example at international congresses) of Wolf Prize winners, such as R Bott, A P Calderón, A N Kolmogorov, M G Krein, P Lax, H Lewy, L Lovász, J Milnor, J Moser, I Piatetski-Shapiro, J P Serre, C L Siegel, Y Sinai, E M Stein, J Tits, A Weil, H Whitney, A Wiles and O Zariski. This is the first time that documents on Wolf Prize winners have been published together. Since the work of the Wolf laureates covers a wide spectrum, much of the mathematics of the twentieth century comes to life in this book.
Readership: Mathematicians.

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