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         Russian Mathematicians:     more detail
  1. Russian Mathematicians in the 20th Century
  2. Russian for the Mathematician by Sydney Henry Gould, 1972-06-01
  4. Russian for the Scientist and Mathematician by Clive A. Croxton, 1984-05
  5. Russian for mathematicians by O. I Glazunova, 1997
  6. Proceedings of the International Congress of MathematiciansMoscow, 1966.[Text varies- Russian, English, French & German] by I G Petrovsky, 1968
  7. Russian Research Center paper by Mark Goldberg, 1983
  8. A Russian Childhood by S. Kovalevskaya, 1978-12-19

21. Historia Matematica Mailing List Archive: Re: [HM] Mersenne Pri
Re HM Mersenne primes and russian mathematicians. Maybe in reply to Mariano Mataix HM Mersenne primes and russian mathematicians ;
Re: [HM] Mersenne primes and Russian mathematicians
Subject: Re: [HM] Mersenne primes and Russian mathematicians
From: Peter Ross (
Date: Tue Apr 11 2000 - 17:50:14 EDT In answer to the first question below, the website

includes, among other interesting lists, a list of the ten
largest known of the 38 known Mersenne primes. It notes
that the largest listed may not be the 38th according to
size since "the region between the largest two and the
previous primes has not been completely searched".
The abbreviated website
has an astonishing amount of information on primes, including ways to see them graphically and even hear them.

22. Information And Publishing Department Information Server - Russian Academy Of Sc
IPS, Mathematical branch; general information; international activities; Mathematical Institutes; available services; russian mathematicians; journals and

23. Frankfurt Book Fair - ESTANDS
Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation FOUNDERS Scientific Books Publisher was founded by the worldknown russian mathematicians Yuri Ershov http//www

24. Olga Alexandrovna Ladyzhenskaya
russian mathematicians were allowed to travel more freely; some of them were able to visit Western countries for the first time.
Olga Alexandrovna Ladyzhenskaya
March 7, 1922 - January 12, 2004 Received her Ph.D. at the Leningrad State University in 1949 and her Doctorate in the Mathematics-Physical Sciences in 1953 at Moscow State University. Worked in the general areas of linear, quasilinear, and nonlinear partial (and some ordinary) differential equations of elliptic, parabolic, and hyperbolic types, with some theoretical applications to Navier-Stokes flow. Professor of Mathematics at the Physics Department at St. Petersburg University and Head of the Laboratory of Mathematical Physics at the St. Petersburg branch of the Steklov Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Science. Olga Ladyzhenskaya was a member of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society since 1959. She was its vice-president for many years and its president between 1990 and 1998. In an email announcing the death of Ladyzhenskaya, Professor Max Gunzburger from Florida State University wrote: "Although a giant of mathematics, she is not known as a numerical analyst; however, she did provide the first (and still one of the few) rigorous proofs of the convergence of a finite difference method for the Navier-Stokes equations. More important, her seminal work on partial differential equations had tremendous and lasting influence on those who specialize in numerical PDEs. For example, she is the "L" of the celebrated LBB condition that arises in mixed finite element discretizations of the Stokes and Navier-Stokes equations.

25. Jesuit Mathematicians And Jesuit Scientists
Berkeley. The enthusiasm russian mathematicians have always shown for his work is recently being shared by the West. 9. Christopher
Jesuit Mathematicians,
Scientists and Astronomers
The fact that eighty countries of the world have found that the Jesuit impact on these countries deserves commemorative stamps is an emphatic endorsement of world-wide interest in Jesuits. A few copies of the hundreds of stamps concerning Jesuit apostolates have been selected and displayed on these pages. They are arranged in eight different categories with as many stamps on a page as could reasonably fit. The narratives for the stamps derive from sources such as The Jesuit Annuarium (Yearbook) and Bangert's History of the Society of Jesus.
Some Jesuits fall into several categories so are mentioned more than once as long as there were different stamps for the different categories. Unfortunately many Jesuits who deserve mention were never honored by stamps. So, while this collection is not an exhaustive history of the Jesuit Society, it does indicate the world-wide interest in Jesuits. Pozzo's celebrated fresco on the ceiling of St. Ignatius provides a fitting introduction. (Joseph F. MacDonnell, S.J.)
Part 1 Mathematics and Science
1. Christopher Clavius, S.J. (1538-1612)

26. Abstract.html
In particular, the study of functions, initiated by russian mathematicians in the twenties, has had a worldwide impact. We suggest
Loren Graham
Program on Science, Technology and Society
MIT, Cambridge, MA
Jean-Michel Kantor

27. Harold Boas's List Of Interesting Resources
D. Deja News (search Usenet news archives) Directory of russian mathematicians Distance Education Program for Calculus and Mathematica Doctor HTML (examine Web
Up: Karel's home page
Alphabetic List of Interesting Resources
This is a list of some places Harold Boas has been that he might like to revisit. A B C D ... Z
(Perl script for gathering statistics on WWW server hits and accesses; various other packages exist as well
Adobe Type Browser on the Web
All-in-One Search Page
Alta Vista ...
Digital 's great Web index) Books
(``Earth's biggest bookstore'')
American Mathematical Society
(the latest information about Web browsers)
(from the University of Illinois ; they also run a Distance Education Program
Catalogue of TeX and LaTeX packages
CDE/Motif Fact Sheet
(see also the CDE FAQ
Chess Space
College Station Independent School District
Chronicle of Higher Education ...
comp.infosystems.www.announce archive
(also see a Scientific American article
Cornell Theory Center Math and Science Gateway
(links to resources in mathematics and science for educators and students in grades 9-12)
CRAYON: CReAte Your Own Newspaper
Creating quality Adobe PDF files from TeX with DVIPS
CTAN archive
(Comprehensive TeX Archive Network mirror at Walnut Creek)
(desktop videoconferencing from Cornell University; see also

28. OUP: Golden Years Of Moscow Mathematics: Duren
The articles focus on mathematical developments in that era, the personal lives of russian mathematicians, and political events that shaped the course of
VIEW BASKET Quick Links About OUP Career Opportunities Contacts Need help? Search the Catalogue Site Index American National Biography Booksellers' Information Service Children's Fiction and Poetry Children's Reference Dictionaries Dictionary of National Biography Digital Reference English Language Teaching Higher Education Textbooks Humanities International Education Unit Journals Law Medicine Music Oxford English Dictionary Reference Rights and Permissions Science School Books Social Sciences World's Classics UK and Europe Book Catalogue Help with online ordering How to order Postage Returns policy ... Description
Golden Years of Moscow Mathematics
Edited by Peter L. Duren and Smilka Zdravkovska
Publication date: 20 January 1994
American Mathematical Society 269 pages,
Series: History of Mathematics
Search for titles in the same series

Ordering Individual customers may:
order by phone, post, or fax

This title has to be ordered from another OUP branch; please allow 6 weeks for delivery. To place an order, click here
Teachers in UK and European schools (and FE colleges in the UK):
order by phone, post, or fax

29. ICM2002 Interview With Fields Medalist
mind. Many russian mathematicians studied in this way when they were aged 18 25, and have achieved remarkable research. What did
Interview with L. Lafforgue, Fields Medalist 2002
Mathematics Editorial
Laurent Lafforgue
the journal Inventiones mathematicae Springer-Verlag ). One of our mathematics editors was able to meet Laurent Lafforgue at the ICM, and interview him.
What is, in your opinion, the most important thing for young students, aged 18-25, in order to achieve good scientific research later, assuming that they have enough talent?
First of all, students should not specialize in one field too early in life. They should study a wide range of mathematics, even physics and biology, too, if they want to be a mathematician. I recommend to them to go to hear leading mathematicians lecture and to read great mathematicians' works as early as possible, even when they do not yet have required knowledge for such lectures or books. I think age 20 is not too early to start. It is also helpful to have a model for the future in their mind. Many Russian mathematicians studied in this way when they were aged 18 - 25, and have achieved remarkable research.
What did you like to do most when you were elementary school?

30. World-Wide Web Servers: Russia
Branch RAS Mathematical institutes of the Russian Academy of Science; Directory of russian mathematicians; Gopher server; Sensitive map of Russian WWW servers.
Russian Servers
WWW servers in the former Sovjet Union
Association "Russian House for International and Technological Cooperation"
The "RD MNTS-Service" renders assistance to Ministries, scientific and research organizations and centers, enterprisers, foreign organizations and firms in preparating and conducting international conferences, seminars, simposia, presentations, exhibitions in Moscow (Experimental)
FREEnet Web
The FREEnet Web server provides information about the resources on FREEnet, the Russian academic and research network. The server is a central access point to the information services in the FREEnet.

Soon, the server will provide access to the national information system of the higher education of Russia, which currently is under developing. The system is main part of the programm: " National system of databases and knowlegebases of the Higher School of Russia ". The programm is funding by State Committee on Higher Education of Russian Federation. (Officially Mandated)
Information and Publishing Department, Mathematical Branch RAS

31. Some Mathematical Resources Of Internet
Institute of Numerical Mathematics; Directory of russian mathematicians. Computing Centre of the RAS; Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics
Some mathematical resources of Internet
Euromath Center (EmC)
European Mathematical Society (EMS)
American Mathematical Society (AMS)
Russian mathematical organizations

32. ÈíôîËîöèÿ - Åñòåñòâåííûå íàóêè
Sciences Research Institute RAS Mathematical Branch Directory of russian mathematicians (KOI-8). ? ? ? ? ?
Electronic Library of Mathematics
Euromath Center
Family Math Homepage
Guide to the Web for Statisticians ...
History of Mathematics MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive
Mathematically Related Sites
Mathematics on the Web
MathSciNet Homepage
MegaMath ...
Page for Mathematics Max-Planck-Institut
Vincent's Statistics Page
Women Mathematicians
WWW VL - Mathematics
Mathematics E-print Mirror Server Duke
Mathematics E-print Mirror Server MSRI
MATH Database 1931-1999 STN Demo
Abbreviations of Names of Serials Mathematical Reviews (e-math)
Electronic Journals in Mathematics
MATHAID - Journals
Mathematical Periodicals
Mathematics Journals Infoseek Guide
Mathematics On-Line BookShelf
MathWeb Books
MathWeb Journals
NME / CNM - Cumulative Index ...
Directory of Russian Mathematicians (KOI-8)
CFD Online
Fluid Dynamics Galaxy
Fluid Dynamics Yahoo
Hydraulic Related Servers
Mechanical Engineering Nerd World
ASCE Civil Engineering Database over 80,000 Rec. (since 1975)
DOE Reports Bibliographic Database
Fluid Dynamics Database ERCOFTAC
Fluid Mechanics Bibliography MSC/NASTRAN
Journal of Fluids Engineering
WWW VL - Mechanical Engineering
ASME Homepage
ME Homepage ...
Physics BUBL
Physics Galaxy
Physics Yahoo
Physics Around the World
Physics - Interesting Links
Physics Resources (

33. Case Sparks Calls For Tighter Security
Not only was the project potentially lucrative, it also meant employing 20 russian mathematicians and scientists who otherwise might have been tempted to sell
Jump to Weather Traffic Webtowns Mariners ... Forums NEWS Local

Nation/World ...
Special Reports



David Horsey

Mike Mailway
TV Listings FIND IT! NWclassifieds Jobs Autos Real Estate ... Obituaries P-I ANYWHERE E-mail Newsletters News Alerts PDA Cell Phones ... RSS Feeds OUR AFFILIATES Case sparks calls for tighter security Monday, October 30, 2000 By PAUL SHUKOVSKY SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER REPORTER The Aleksey Yeremin espionage investigation is spurring calls for greater protection of U.S. stealth technology and other defense secrets. "We have to be concerned about defense contractors who have classified information that has to be protected," said Rep. Norm Dicks, D-Wash., a former member of the House Intelligence Committee. Although he has been briefed on the case, Dicks declined comment on the FBI's investigation of Yeremin, a Russian mathematician who had been under contract to Lockheed Martin. Protecting stealth technology should be a top national security concern, Dicks said. "Congress needs to look into this more carefully," he said. "We need to set good policy guidelines about sensitive information."

34. 01: History And Biography
of the AMS, MAA, SIAM, and other organizations of North American mathematicians, together with the cognate directories for European and russian mathematicians.
Search Subject Index MathMap Tour ... Help! ABOUT: Introduction History Related areas Subfields
POINTERS: Texts Software Web links Selected topics here
01: History and biography
Formal studies in the history of mathematics developed much more slowly than studies in mathematics itself. There is a particular difficulty in that those who are well trained in historical analysis are typically insufficiently versed in mathematics to be able to appreciate the subject at hand. This has left mathematicians to write their history, by and large, although they are usually untrained for that task. Nonetheless, the stories of the people involved in developing mathematics are often inspiring or informative. A sense of what motivated mathematicians to pursue their key ideas helps put the importance of those results into a better context. Thus the study of the history of mathematics and its proponents includes several well-developed parts. The development of comparatively simple mathematics (through the calculus, for example) is now well documented, principally as part of the study of the development of scientific ideas in distinct human cultures through the 18th century. The development of mathematics in the last couple of centuries is instead more frequently studied thematically that is, the worldwide development of algebra, or statistics, say or through the lives of individual mathematicians. No attempt will be made to summarize the development of abstract and applied mathematics during this last few centuries; see the resources below. Some historical comments are included in the index pages for the separate disciplines.

35. SIAM AG On Orthogonal Polynomials And Special Functions
Among the participants at these events were leading and famous russian mathematicians the former President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician
SIAM AG on Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions
Extract from OP-SF NET
From: Juri M.Rappoport
Subject: Report on Chebyshev Memorial Conference The Mechanics-Mathematics Faculty of Moscow State University, the Chebyshev Fund and the Institute of Nuclear Power Engineering (Obninsk) held an International Conference Modern Problems in Mathematics and Mechanics - CHEB96 Juri M.Rappoport
Moscow, Russian Academy of Sciences Back to Home Page of
SIAM AG on Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions Page maintained by Martin Muldoon

36. Gregory Kucherov - Scientific Information
Russian Mathematical Resources (including the Directory of russian mathematicians); The International Mathematical Union; The Erdös
Scientific Information: contents
General pointers

Math-related staff

Divers pointers

Pointers on specific topics: pattern avoidance pattern matching repetitions bioinformatics ...
Programming languages
General pointers

Among the participants in these events were leading and famous russian mathematicians the former President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician
Topic #9 - OP-SF NET July 15, 1996 ~~~~~~~~~ From: Juri M.Rappoport Subject: Report on Chebyshev Memorial Conference The Mechanics-Mathematics Faculty of Moscow State University, the Chebyshev Fund and the Institute of Nuclear Power Engineering (Obninsk) held an International Conference "Modern Problems in Mathematics and Mechanics" - CHEB96 in honour of the great Russian mathematician Pafnutij L'vovich Chebyshev's 175th anniversary. The conference was held in the main high-rise building of the Moscow State University from 14th to 19th of May 1996 and was partly sponsored by Moscow State University and the Russian Foundation of Fundamental Investigations. The Organizing Committee of the Conference was chaired by Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor N.S. Bahvalov. Among the general sections of the conference we mention the sections on approximation theory and computational mathematics. On Chebyshev's birthday (May 16th), a visit to his native land, grave and museum was organized. The excursion to the museum was very interesting because it is situated now in a country school. A special performance devoted to mathematics and Chebyshev was prepared by schoolboys and schoolgirls and their teachers. Among the participants in these events were leading and famous Russian mathematicians: the former President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician Professor G.I. Marchuk and Academician Professor S.M. Nikolski. Some relatives of Chebyshev visited the conference also, and it was possible to obtain their autographs. About 280 participants attended the conference. I'd like to mention the following reports which were made to the Conference: Academician Professor N.S. Bahvalov "The use of Chebyshev polynomials in computational mathematics", Professor Y. Matiasevich "Computer evaluation of generalized Chebyshev polynomials" and the report of the author of this column: "The use of Chebyshev polynomials in the computation of special functions". Juri M.Rappoport Moscow, Russian Academy of Sciences~e

38. Lev Landau
The russian physicist considered one of the top theorists of all time

39. Alec's Russian Page
so easy, Rumik became popular very fast, especially among mathematicians, ie people Fortunately, one can make MiKTeX 2.1 able to produce russian text, without
A couple of years ago I spent a few days to russify MiKTeX 1.11. To do that, one had to download a lot of files, unzip them, apply some patches, put files in the correct places, edit some of them, run TeX a few times and so on. After I did that, I collected all the necessary files in a package, (886 KB), which was very easy to use - just downoad it, unzip in the localtexmf directory, and run initexmf dump. Since the installation procedure was so easy, Rumik became popular very fast, especially among mathematicians, i.e. people who need TeX the most. Later versions of MiKTeX contain all the necessary fonts, corrected babel, hyphenation patterns etc., so now Rumik became unnecessary. Also, because of the changing of the directory structure of MiKTeX, Rumik doesn't work with MiKTeX 2.1. Many people emailed me asking what to do. Fortunately, one can make MiKTeX 2.1 able to produce Russian text, without Rumik, in a few simple steps. Here they are.
  • Go to Start-Programs-MikTeX-MiKTeX Options.
  • Select Language tab.
  • 40. Sofia Kovalevskaya, Great Russian Mathematician
    Sonya Vasilievna Kovalevskaya, in Notable mathematicians, Robyn Yound, Editor, Gale Research, 1998, 286288. A russian Childhood, Springer-Verlag, 1978.
    Great Russian Women
    Sofia Kovalevskaya
    January 15, 1850 - February 10, 1891
    Written by Becky Wilson, Class of 1997 (Agnes Scott College)
    An extraordinary woman, Sofia Kovalevskaya was not only a great mathematician, but also a writer and advocate of women's rights in the 19th century. It was her struggle to obtain the best education available which began to open doors at universities to women. In addition, her ground-breaking work in mathematics made her male counterparts reconsider their archaic notions of women's inferiority to men in such scientific arenas. Sofia Krukovsky Kovalevskaya was born in 1850. As the child of a Russian family of minor nobility, Sofia was raised in plush surroundings. She was not a typically happy child, though. She felt very neglected as the middle child in the family of a well admired, first-born daughter, Anya, and of the younger male heir, Fedya. For much of her childhood she was also under the care of a very strict governess who made it her personal duty to turn Sofia into a young lady. As a result, Sofia became fairly nervous and withdrawntraits which were evident throughout her lifetime (Perl 127-128). Sofia's exposure to mathematics began at a very young age. She claims to have studied her father's old calculus notes that were papered on her nursery wall in replacement for a shortage of wallpaper. Sofia credits her uncle Peter for first sparking her curiosity in mathematics. He took an interest in Sofia and made time to discuss numerous abstractions and mathematical concepts with her (Rappaport 564). When she was fourteen years old she taught herself trigonometry in order to understand the optics section of a physics book that she was reading. The author of the book and also her neighbor, Professor Tyrtov, was extremely impressed with her capabilities and convinced her father to allow her to go off to school in St. Petersburg to continue her studies (Rappaport 564).

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