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Japanese Mathematicians: more detail | ||
1. Japanese Theorem -- From MathWorld According to an ancient custom of japanese mathematicians, this theorem was a Sangaku problem inscribed on tablets hung in a Japanese temple to honor the gods and http://mathworld.wolfram.com/JapaneseTheorem.html | |
2. An Old Japanese Problem Geometry, first published in 1929 he reports (on page 193 of the Dover edition,1960) on the ancient custom by japanese mathematicians of inscribing their http://www.cut-the-knot.org/proofs/jap.shtml | |
3. Title translating Western mathematics into Japanese. How had japanese mathematicians of the Tokugawa 18151887) were influencial. japanese mathematicians often coined terms using Chinese http://www.smhct.org/Programa Cientifico/simposio_desarrollo_sasaki.htm | |
4. Japanese Mathematical History Japanese Mathematical History It is not until the start of the seventeenth centurythat definite historical records exist of japanese mathematicians. http://www.sunnyblue.net/tp/sangaku/jap_mat.html | |
5. Japanese Mathematics Japanese Mathematics Can you give me some information on Japanese mathematics, both past and present, and the names of some famous japanese mathematicians? Resendez http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://mathforum.org/library/drmath/view/52583. |
6. JAMI Background in 1954. Since the late 1950s, the department has entertained a steadyflow of young japanese mathematicians and students. A list http://mathnt.mat.jhu.edu/JAMI98-99/jamibackground.htm | |
7. JAMI Is Rapidly Developing An International Reputation, Both As A JAMI and operations have followed the original plan Each year we have selected aparticular field and invited several young japanese mathematicians working in http://mathnt.mat.jhu.edu/jami/programs.htm | |
8. JAMI Pages Have Moved 1950s, the department has entertained a steady flow of young japanese mathematicians and students field and invited several young japanese mathematicians working in that field for http://www.math.jhu.edu/brochure1.html | |
9. ICMAOSK Some Chinese mathematical books were republished and studied by japanese mathematicians,but these two books were not accessible to japanese mathematicians. http://www2.nkfust.edu.tw/~jochi/j9.htm | |
10. Autobiography J. Fang going on in the name of Korean intellectual antiJapanese movement during the pre-War years to the entire community of japanese mathematicians, led by Iyanaga Shokitchi (b http://www.cnu.edu/phil/resources/autobiography.html | |
11. Conclusion japanese mathematicians, however, only considered the mathematical interestof magic squares. Thus it was easier for japanese mathematicians http://www2.nkfust.edu.tw/~jochi/conc.htm | |
12. Untitled field and invited several young japanese mathematicians working in that field for a departmental members but also with other American mathematicians. They have successfully used http://www.mathematics.jhu.edu/JAMI/programs.htm | |
13. Math Digest Japanese Temple Geometry " by Tony Rothman, with cooperation of Hidetoshi Fukagawa many sangaku problems required calculus, and japanese mathematicians developed a crude form of it http://www.ams.org/new-in-math/mathdigest/199811-temple.html | |
14. Samplematt3cangelosi about women mathematicians; students will recognize the contributions of japanese mathematicians in Wiles's Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Chinese, Japanese, Mayan, and Inca numeration http://www.coe.usu.edu/seced/graceweb/samplemath3cangelosi.htm | |
15. Scientific American: Feature Article: Japanese Temple Geometry: May 1998 It is not until the opening of the 17th century that definite historicalrecords exist of any japanese mathematicians. The first http://www2.gol.com/users/coynerhm/0598rothman.html | |
16. J J Fang Lèlà ng in Chinese; Raku-ro in Japanese) culture and civilization, beginning in 108 (BCE, in Russian and German, and many japanese mathematicians; the latter, in the inimitable http://www.jjfang.com/ | |
17. Scientific American: Feature Article: Japanese Temple Geometry: May 1998 The answer given here, though, was obtained by using the inversion method,which was unknown to the japanese mathematicians of that era. http://www2.gol.com/users/coynerhm/0598rothman_ans1.html | |
18. TMU GEOMETRY SERVER The Japanese version of the site contains information intended for japanese mathematicians. GENERALINFORMATION ON MATHEMATICS AND MATHEMATICIANS IN JAPAN. http://tmugs.math.metro-u.ac.jp/main.html | |
19. Rm01-11 Out of 99 national universities and nearly 7000 tertiary education institutions,the consensus of the japanese mathematicians with whom I spoke is that about a http://www.nsftokyo.org/rm01-11.html | |
20. A Decade Of A Context-Sensitive Machine Translation System A Decad of a ContextSensitive Machine Translation System - Twojapanese mathematicians Approach -. 0. Introduction. In 1986 http://www1.rsp.fukuoka-u.ac.jp/chosho/decade_e.html | |
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