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French Mathematicians: more detail | |||||
41. Sample Long Report Topics Recess (A Genius Among Us). Cold Hearted mathematicians (or worse!) Antonia sLine; Dismoi qui tu aimes (je te dirai qui tu hais) (french only!); Gulliver s http://math.cofc.edu/kasman/HONS390/samplelongreports.html | |
42. Biography Resources Biographies of Women mathematicians This site is an "ongoing project" and contains as other famous french Scientists. Hall of Great mathematicians Provides brief biographies http://www.teaneckschools.org/mscl/pages/biogsci.html | |
43. Fun_People Archive - 27 Jun - QOTD - Mathematicians & The French 27 Jun. QOTD mathematicians the french. Date Tue, 27 Jun 95 174239 People Subject QOTD - mathematicians the french Forwarded-by cate3@netcom.com mathematicians are like http://www.langston.com/Fun_People/1995/1995AYW.html | |
44. LookSmart - Directory - Marie-Sophie Germain jonhays Web Site Marie-Sophie Germain Biography on the french scientist focuseson her collaborations and correspondence with other mathematicians of her time http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317914/us53764/us62644/us4942205/us10 | |
45. Mathematicians And Other Strange Beasts Galois, Evariste french mathematician who developed the theory of groups; he ismost famous for introducing symmetry groups, which lead to the proof that the http://math.bu.edu/INDIVIDUAL/jeffs/mathematicians.html | |
46. Women In Mathematics - Top 10 Early Female Mathematicians 4) Sophie Germain. (17761830) - french - mathematician - She studied geometryto escape boredom during the french Revolution when she was confined to her http://womenshistory.about.com/cs/sciencemath1/tp/aatpmathwomen.htm | |
47. Mathematicians Blaise Pascal, french, 16231662, G, P, C; first calculator; Pascal sLaw of Pressure; first clear exposition of Mathematical Induction. http://members.fortunecity.com/kokhuitan/mathematicians.html | |
48. Stiinta, Cultura Si Cercetare - Mathematical Sciences The list of illustrious mathematicians of the Romanian Academy begins withSpiru Haret, who, through his french doctoral thesis, brought important http://www.academiaromana.ro/academia2002/acadrom/pag05_06.htm | |
49. French Vocabulary For Mathematicians Translate this page french Vocabulary Part I. AE. After some practice, go to the answer page andclick the entries to see the french/English pairs and additional comments. http://chanoir.math.siu.edu/frvoc1.html | |
50. French Vocabulary For Mathematicians french Vocabulary. Here are the answers and some additional comments for the entries. Checkout the links! Click to view the french/English in a given entry. http://chanoir.math.siu.edu/frvocanswers.html | |
51. Southampton ECS UCAS: LC316A:FREN9023 French For Engineers And Mathematicians LC316AFREN9023 french for Engineers and mathematicians. Basic Information.School, Sect Centre for Language Study. Known as, LC316AFREN9023. http://www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/ucas/syllabus.php?unit=LC316A:FREN9023 |
52. Anecdotage.com - Mathematicians Anecdotes. Anecdotes From Yeats To Gates WP Durf Interior Minister The french mathematician and astronomerPierre Laplace briefly served as Napol Wandering Mind Like http://www.anecdotage.com/browse.php?term=Mathematicians |
53. Two Mathematicians Awarded Fields Medal Prize french mathematician Laurent Lafforgue was one of two winners awarded a 2002 FieldsMedal Prizeat the 24th International Congress of mathematicians which http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/200208/20/eng20020820_101785.shtml | |
54. Sir Isaac Newton Biography, Biografia, Picture, Gravity, Laws Of Cauchy, Augustin Louis, Baron (17891857) french mathematician who was consideredone of the greatest of modern mathematicians; his work concentrated on http://isaac-newton.info/isaac-newton/Sir-Isaac-Newton-biography-biografia-pictu | |
55. Gef's Ambigram Gallery It means Ouvroir de Littérature Potentielle (in french), an international groupof writers and mathematicians who explore all kinds of literary constraints. http://www2.iap.fr/users/esposito/ambigallery.html | |
56. Untitled Normal Page http//wwwgroups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/mathematicians/Viete.html FrançoisViète was a french mathematician who was born in 1540 in Fontenay-le-Comte http://www.island.net/~andreav/bios.htm | |
57. BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Mathematicians Share Abel Prize The first prize, awarded last year, went to french mathematician JeanPierreSerre for his role in shaping algebraic geometry and number theory. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/3571155.stm | |
58. Mathematicians Born In France to modern-day boundaries. mathematicians of the day, Timelines. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/BirthplaceMaps/Countries/France.html |
59. French Mathematical Society The french Mathematical Society. The french Mathematical Society anduniversities. Presidents of the french Mathematical Society 1873 M http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Societies/French.html |
60. Mathematicians Born In France mathematicians born in France. mathematicians' birthplaces are given relative to modernday Famous curves index. mathematicians of the day http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/BirthplaceMaps/Countries/France.html |
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