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61. Virus: Virus: Re: The Value Of Pi virus Re The value of pi. Hakeeb A. Nandalal (nanco@trinidad.net) Fri, 01 Nov1996 052649 +0000 message Hakeeb A. Nandalal virus Re The value of pi ; http://www.lucifer.com/virus/virus.96/2190.html | |
62. Virus: Virus: Re: The Value Of Pi virus Re The value of pi. Hakeeb Utility. ; Previous message HakeebA. Nandalal virus Re The value of pi . Tadeusz Niwinski wrote http://www.lucifer.com/virus/virus.96/2191.html | |
63. Creation Scientists Prove That Circles Are Of Satan and left to Satan. Using this scientifically accepted method, Landover Baptistresearchers have conclusively verified that the correct value of pi is indeed http://www.bettybowers.com/newspi.html | |
64. Buffon's Needle Buffon s Needle. Buffon s Needle refers to a simple Monte Carlo method forthe estimation of the value of pi, 3.14159265 The idea is very simple. http://www.angelfire.com/wa/hurben/buff.html | |
65. Pi - Calculation (Pi is needed to compute the area of a circle or volume of a sphere.) The valueof pi was computed by He was thus able to calculate a value of pi of 3.14159. http://www.chinapage.org/math/s9/pi.html | |
66. To Tell The Truth Story At Newfunny.com the Cosmos doesnÂt always provide clear cut answers. Take for examplethe value of pi. Defined to be the ratio of a circleÂs http://newfunny.com/archive/?id=113 |
67. How To Find The Value Of PI. The summary for this Thai page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.vcharkarn.com/snippets/vcafe/show_message.php?Pid=9122 |
68. The Everlasting Pi The Babylonians found the first known value for Pi in around 2000 BCE They used(25/8). Thus, according to the Rhind Papyrus, the value of pi is 3.16. http://www.freewebs.com/abishek/historyofpi.htm |
69. There Never Was Any PI In The Bible had for a value for pi using the bowl body circumference and bowl body diameterpi = circ / dia = 600 / 191 = 3.14136 The actual value of pi goes on for http://home.teleport.com/~salad/4god/pi.htm | |
70. Adelga.com: Alabama Changes Value Of Pi Alabama Changes value of pi. Thursday, April 01 2004 @ 0821 AM EST.Contributed by Admin The April 1998 newsletter put out by New http://adelga.com/article.php?story=20040401082127140&mode=print |
71. Pi In The Bible? So the author of this passage may not have known the exact value of pi, or thoughthis readers might not be aware that specifying the diameter of a circle http://www.uwgb.edu/dutchs/pseudosc/pibible.htm | |
72. Sci.math FAQ: Indiana Bill Sets Value Of Pi To 3 sci.math FAQ Indiana Bill sets value of pi to 3. 246, Indiana State Legislature,1897, reportedly set the value of pi to an incorrect rational approximation. http://www.uni-giessen.de/faq/archiv/sci-math-faq.indianabill/msg00000.html | |
73. TRIVIA GAME Artihmetica and The Algebra. He invented the term interpolation andcreated a celebrated formula for determining the value of pi. http://www.ga.k12.pa.us/academics/MS/PiDay/trivia.htm | |
74. Tangent To PI to the search for the Ludolphine , namely, the recursive formula xn+1 = xn tan(xn) , pi/2 x0 3pi/2 which rapidly converges to the value of pi. http://www.mathpages.com/home/kmath457.htm | |
75. PI Day (Week) Lesson Explain in your own words how the value for pi is found. 2. Pi is an irrational number. 4)What value of pi did the Egyptians obtain 2000 years before Christ? http://www.evsc.k12.in.us/schoolzone/schools/evans/piday.htm | |
76. NOVA | Infinite Secrets | Approximating Pi | PBS polygon circumscribed outside a circle (which is greater than thecircumference). The value of pi lies between those two lengths. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/archimedes/pi.html | |
77. NOVA Online | Teachers | Classroom Activity | Infinite Secrets | PBS Activity for the NOVA program Infinite Secrets In Archimedes Recipe for Pi,students duplicate the method Archimedes used to estimate the value of pi. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/teachers/activities/3010_archimed.html | |
78. The Value Of Pi By Chuck Missler Print Article Close Window Personal Update Technical Bible Codes From PersonalUpdate. Hidden Codes in the Bible The value of pi by Chuck Missler. http://www.khouse.org/article.phtml?article_code=158 |
79. Pi_send.c * FILES Pi_send.c, Dboard.c, Make.pi.c * DESCRIPTION MPI_Status status; MPI_Request request; main(int argc, char **argv) { double homepi,/* value of pi calculated by current task */ pi, /* average of pi after http://www.cz3.nus.edu.sg/~yzchen/teach/cz3201/mpi4sub2.html | |
80. Mousing Around> in and circumscribed about a circle of known radius, with the circumferences (orareas) of the polygons giving lower and upper bounds for the value of pi. http://www.cs.ualberta.ca/~smillie/APE/APE16.html | |
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