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181. Electric Playground It rocks, despite some small flaws. Good replay value can make a game go a long way. http://www.elecplay.com/reviews_article.php?article=6643 |
182. Burgundy Provides a variety of value funds to institutions and high net worth individuals. http://www.burgundy-asset.com/ |
183. Matrix Advisors Value Fund Top/Business/Investing/Mutual_Funds/Individual_Funds http://www.matrixadvisorsvaluefund.com/ | |
184. Quercus Bicolor Information on distribution and occurrence; value and use; characteristics; and fire ecology. http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/tree/quebic/ | |
185. Anelda AB - CVA Structures business towards sustainable value creation. Uses the CVA concept to trigger an organization for value Based Management. Articles on EVA and CFA. based in Sweden. http://www.anelda.com/ |
186. Networks And Forums Homepage Commercial arm of the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy, providing news and guidance on Best value issues. http://www.ipf.co.uk/bestvalue/BVQ/default.htm | |
187. United Nations Global Compact A value based platform with nine principles derived from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It asks companies to act on these principles in their own corporate domains. Contains case studies, current projects, and annual policy dialogue. http://www.unglobalcompact.org/ |
188. SVA: Business Valuation Services Strategic Valuation Associates quantifies the value of new strategies for corporations. http://www.strategicvaluationassociates.com | |
189. The Foundation For Values Based Business - Making Business A Force For Positive Organization working to enable individuals and companies to adopt ethical principles and values. Topics include social responsibility, environmental sustainability, work life balance, family, leadership, and corporate integrity. http://www.valuesbasedbusiness.org | |
190. Values At Work Questionnaire Allows you to take a survey on your attitudes towards work. http://www.maccoby.com/Surveys/VAWIntro.html | |
191. United States National Family Association Supporting human rights, advocating the modern family values of love, acceptance, honesty, and meaningful communication. Find informative links and resources relating to human rights issues and concerns of todays media, education, family, health and wellness, liberty and equality as well as the workplace. http://www.familyassociation.org/ |
192. - Values Education Website By Nonette Marte Teaching ideas, classroom activities, lessons, articles, links and resources for to teach Values/Character Education. http://www.valuesed.com | |
193. Official Website Of Department Of Culture, Government Of India Official site of the cultural department of the Government of India, the site features ways and means by which basic cultural and aesthetic values remain dynamic among people. Includes issues related to history, values and beliefs. http://www.indiaculture.org/ | |
194. Programming Languages Table By Capers Jones, Chairman, Software Productivity Research, Inc. Huge table of function point evaluation values (how many code lines needed for a task) compares 500 languages, dialects, and/or implementations. http://www.theadvisors.com/langcomparison.htm | |
195. The Center For Corporate Citizenship At Boston College Education and research organization focused on the ways in which companies integrate basic social values with everyday business practices, operations and policies. Offers executive education programs, conferences, consulting and a knowledge center. http://www.bc.edu/bc_org/avp/csom/ccc/index.html | |
196. The Character Education Partnership An organization committed to developing civic virtue and moral character in our youth for a more compassionate and responsible society. The purpose of character education is to help students develop good character, which includes knowing, caring about, and acting upon core ethical values such as caring, honesty, fairness, responsibility, and respect for self and others. http://www.character.org | |
197. KCM-Centre Located in Bruxelles, Belgium, Europe, programs in values and ethical leadership and organisational development. Available for seminars and other training. http://users.skynet.be/bk322035 | |
198. Home Page Focuses on corporate citizenship practice through the development of tailored consultancy. Works with companies and organisations looking at the integration of corporate citizenship values into core business strategy. http://www.aiccafrica.com/ | |
199. Welcome To PlusFunds Group, Inc. Publishes net asset values of hedge fund shares on a realtime basis and risk reports on hedge funds on a daily basis. http://www.plusfunds.com | |
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