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1. David Eppstein In that spirit, I ve collected many pages and links of recreational math web sites. My recreational math publications. Number Theory. http://www.ics.uci.edu/~eppstein/recmath.html | |
2. Recreational Mathematics Numbers and other Recreational Topics. MathMania. Mathematics Competitions. Mathematical Games and Recreations. Humour in Mathematics. Math Joke Collection 1; Math http://camel.math.ca/Recreation/recreation.html | |
3. Recreational Math recreational math. home. g4g4.com. Challenge= Help, SolveUnsolved and Partially solved problems from Ken's ArchivesClick here to do problems now. Problem Scroll down for Links. Next Card Color Betting recreational math. Scroll Down for Links recreational math books available (topics dissections, Pentominoes, inversions, fourth dimension, problems, Martin http://www.g4g4.com/recmath.htm | |
4. Math Games And Recreational Math A variety of resources for games, numerology, puzzles, illusions, magic sqaures to enhance your love of mathematics! Fact TricksGlossaryMath TutorsBrowse CategoriesMath Help and TutorialsMath FormulasMath Lesson recreational mathematics. Guide picks. Math puzzles, games, tricks, squares, and magic http://math.about.com/cs/recreationalmath | |
5. Recreational Math: Introduction In this section of Lionel DeimelÂs Farrago, you will find discussion of topics in recreational math where I have made some small contributions. http://www.deimel.org/rec_math/rec_math.htm | |
6. Puzzles, Puzzle Links RECREATIONALMATH. Links. Featured LinksNumber Line "Number Line was invented in TO EXCHANGE. recreational math books available (topics dissections, Pentominoes, inversions, fourth http://www.g4g4.com/recmath1.htm | |
7. Math Magic Math Magic is a web site devoted to original mathematical recreations Numbers With Names recreational math Sites http://www.stetson.edu/~efriedma/mathmagic | |
8. Maths Index Articles and images on recreational math from fractals and magic squares to mathemorchids and Galois. http://www.geocities.com/aladgyma/articles/scimaths/maths.htm | |
9. Recreational Mathematics Forum A forum for posting messages about math recreations. Hosted at Delphi. http://forums.delphiforums.com/recmath/start/ |
10. Math.com Recreational Math Roman Numeral Calculator. Articles. American Mathematical Association Online columns (some monthly, some more often) on recreational math. http://www.math.com/everyone/recreational.html | |
11. Math.com Classroom Recreational Math on their toes including you! Puzzle Collection Problems of the Week recreational math for Everyone. Forum Web Units and Lessons http://www.math.com/teachers/recreational.html | |
12. Math Games And Recreational Math Mathematically Interesting Games For those of you who enjoy recreational, try playing Logic Puzzlers and Teasers Over 30 math and logic puzzles ranging from http://math.about.com/od/recreationalmath/index_r.htm | |
13. Recreational Mathematics -- From MathWorld http://mathworld.wolfram.com/topics/RecreationalMathematics.html | |
14. Recreational Math (Riddle, Puzzle, Brain Teaser) - Numericana The Eugène Strens recreational mathematics Collection (University of Calgary). Math Puzzles in Sam Loyd s Cyclopedia listed by Donald E Knuth (UC Stanford). http://home.att.net/~numericana/answer/recreational.htm | |
15. Basic Library List-Recreational Mathematics Stewart, Ian. Game, Set, and Math Enigmas and Conundrums Cambridge, MA Basil Blackwell, 1989. recreational mathematics Puzzle Collections. Ainley, Stephen. http://www.maa.org/BLL/recmath.htm | |
16. Recreational Math Links Recreational. Mathematics. (aka Fun Stuff). Just for Fun. Mega Math. Geometry Jokes. Puzzles. Cool Math. ReturnTo Links. http://www.apsu.edu/Galois/Links/mathlinks_rec.htm | |
17. MathWorld News: The Mathematical Explorer Software Released MathWorld Headline News. recreational math Package Released by the Makers of Mathematica. August 20, 2001While many interesting http://mathworld.wolfram.com/news/2001-08-20/explorer/ | |
18. E-z Math Recreational Links ezgeometry recreational math Links. http://www.e-zgeometry.com/links/reclinks.htm | |
19. Proposing A Recreational Math Question/problem - Technology View Thread Proposing a recreational math question/problem. Click Here Proposing a recreational math question/problem. http://www.physicsforums.com/archive/t-1219 | |
20. Proposing A Recreational Math Question/problem - Physics Help And Math Help - Ph 0415-2003, 0550 PM, 1. imathgeek. Registered User. Join Date Apr 2003. Location Charleston, SC. Posts 3. Proposing a recreational math question/problem. http://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=1219 |
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