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161. Math Teacher Link -- Professional Development Consortium For Mathematics Teacher . math Teacher Link has had 10055 visitors since July 1, 1998. . .For questions or comments email webmaster@mtl.math.uiuc.edu . http://mtl.math.uiuc.edu/ | |
162. Classroom Resource Bank Return to the math Teacher Link Home Page. For questions or commentsabout this website, email webmaster@mtl.math.uiuc.edu. http://mtl.math.uiuc.edu/classroom_resources.htm | |
163. The Math Forum The math Forum The math Forum is the comprehensive resource for math education on the Internet. Some features include a K12 math expert service, an extensive database of math sites, online http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://mathforum.org/&y=020D506615B558EC&am |
164. Moving With Math Balanced math Programs for PreKindergarten through Grade8. Linking Manipulatives, Practice and Problem Solving. http://www.movingwithmath.com/ | |
165. TeacherSource . Math | PBS technology. Learn more. Watch free, searchable online video of teachersmodeling math lessons Pre K2. http://www.pbs.org/teachersource/math.htm | |
166. Association Of Mathematics Teachers Of NY State (AMTNYS) Home Page If you are unfamiliar with the Association of Mathematics teachers of New York State(AMTNYS), you may wish to read the Purpose of the Association, from its http://www.amtnys.org/ | |
167. Letter To My Math Teacher Dyscalculia Letter to my math Teacher. ©1985 Dyslexia Dyscalculia SupportServices of Shiawassee County (517) 7299108 Renee Newman, Director. http://www.dyscalculia.org/teacher.html | |
168. Mathematics Teachers Association Of The Northern Territory (MTANT) Professional association for mathematics teachers in the Northern Territory. The site has information for members and would be members. http://www.pa.ash.org.au/mtant/ | |
169. Math Jokes The moral of this story is that you can t put Descartes before the horse. 4. INCONSISTENCYTHEOREM. LITTLE BOY My math teacher is crazy . MOTHER Why? . http://www.sonoma.edu/Math/faculty/falbo/jokes.html | |
170. K-12: Mathematics : FRACTALS www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/Edu/Fractal/Fractal_Home.html The Fractory Designed by middleschool students, this site won first prize for a science and math Web site in http://www.ceismc.gatech.edu/busyt/math.html | |
171. Kathy Schrock's Guide For Educators - Mathematics Resources worksheets and forums. math Teacher Link Classroom Resources linksto mathoriented sites for the secondary teacher. math.com References http://school.discovery.com/schrockguide/math.html | |
172. Math Glossary Click on Glossary. Teacher Resources AAA Teacher Resource Page;Algebra Help; Blue Webn math; Education Planet math Lesson Links; http://www.k111.k12.il.us/king/math.htm | |
173. Math Central math Central. An Internet service for mathematics teachersand students from kindergarten to grade twelve. Français. http://mathcentral.uregina.ca/ | |
174. SMTS Home Page FIGURE THIS! MASTER TEACHER AWARDS 2004 Nomination deadline June 15 Information Nomination Details. math Counts Winners from 2003. SCIEMATICS 2004 Oct. http://mathcentral.uregina.ca/SMTS/ | |
175. Math Maven's Mysteries Calling all math detectives! Mysteries are popping all over town, and ourchief sleuth needs your help to crack each case. Teacher s Guide http://teacher.scholastic.com/maven/ | |
176. Everyday Math Teacher Lessons http://www.kent.k12.wa.us/curriculum/math/edmath/gr4/ |
177. Count On Features games, puzzles and competitions for all ages. Details of events, an online maths museum, newspaper and magazines. Resources for parents and teachers. http://www.counton.org/ |
178. Internet Resources For Elementary Mathematics Educators This is a set of resources which I felt would be useful to the elementary math teacher,student teacher, or perservice math teacher, as well as sites that are http://www.math.ttu.edu/~dmettler/title.html | |
179. 7Online.com: With No Math Teacher For Semester, H.S. Students Left To Sit 8th graders. And the department says, the IS 192 principal told teachersthey should not play movies when covering math classes. http://abclocal.go.com/wabc/news/ourschools/wabc_ourschools_112103teacher.html | |
180. Wichita Eagle | 05/07/2004 | West Math Teacher Wins State Honor 07, 2004. West math teacher wins state honor. That s my math teacher! anotheryelled as Pugh made his way on stage to receive a framed certificate. http://www.kansas.com/mld/kansas/living/education/8610207.htm | |
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