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1. Mathematics For The 21st Century (Math Resources) math references. Dr. Kinney's Recommended Readings. Research Centers and OnLine References. Professional Societies and Organizations http://www.rose-hulman.edu/math21st/resources.html |
2. EngPlanet Technical Reference Mathematics Common Schematic Symbols; Semiconductor Fundamentals; Programming References; math references. Powered by EngResource, Inc. ©2002. Suggest http://www.engplanet.com/Mathematics.html | |
3. Math References & Resources Online Resource. math references Resources. Coping with Math Anxiety; Dave s Math Tables Math reference tables for all levels of math. http://www.amatyc.org/OnlineResource/MathRef.html | |
4. Ancient Math References For Mathematicians Of The African Diaspora There are additional references on the web at the African Math Bibliography. Since opening 5/25/97, Mr. Web Counter says visitors to. http://www.math.buffalo.edu/mad/Ancient-Africa/madrefs_ancient.html | |
5. Modern Math References For Mathematicians Of The African Diaspora References for Modern Black Mathematicians. Catherine Carswell, BU math professor s life filled with firsts, TimesHerald Waco, February 26, 1986; reprinted http://www.math.buffalo.edu/mad/madrefs_modern.html | |
6. Exambot Math References Check one Home Procrastinate Study My Exambot Help. Mathematics References at Exambot. Mathematics Geometric Formulas Trigonometric http://www.exambot.com/study/math/reference.html | |
7. Origami-Math Bibliography Thus, I ve tried to compile as complete a list of origamimath references as possible. Its proceedings are currently the basic reference for origami-math. http://www.merrimack.edu/~thull/oribib.html | |
8. Math & Math SW From StFX Interesting math Web Links, K12 IBM; Intro to Math Spreadsheets; Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, excellent math references. http://juliet.stfx.ca/people/stu/x94emj/math.htm | |
9. For Teachers Interested In A Women In Math Course With Portions Dedicated To Bot Biographic and math references Placed in Folders for Papers (in addition to Grinstein s Women of Mathematics A Biobibliographic Sourcebook). http://www.cs.appstate.edu/~sjg/womeninmath/teachers.html | |
10. ENC Online: Web Links: Math Topics: Pythagorean Theorem The site offers a number of printable classroom activity sheets that are based on math references taken from past episodes of The Simpsons. http://www.enc.org/weblinks/math/0,1544,1-Pythagorean Theorem,00.shtm | |
11. Brian_Harbourne Institute; Preprint Archive Davis Front end; Los Alamos; AMS preprint archive; Math Reviews. Math Resources Good math references; TeX http://www.math.unl.edu/~bharbour/ | |
12. Several Requests For References To Connections Between Math And dennis@mr2.ece.cmu.edu (Dennis J. Ciplickas) Newsgroups sci.math,sci.math.numanalysis Subject Re Relationship(s) between Music and math references please? http://www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/papers/uses-math/music/bibliog | |
13. SMTS Links General math references. Advanced Placement Mathematics Learn about the AP program. Canada s SchoolNet Math Department A collection http://mathcentral.uregina.ca/SMTS/smts_links.htm | |
14. Math Miscellany - Department Of Mathematics & Statistics At The University Of Pr Star Trek Math As far as I know, no such page exists, but with the numerous math references, and math errors (anyone recall Captain Kirk s comment to increase http://www.math.upei.ca/html/miscellany.html | |
15. Interesting Mathematical Links Information of Mathematical Interest. Search math references Search online Mathematical Documents; MathSciNet Search Mathematical Reviews Searchable Online. http://www.math.wustl.edu/interesting.html | |
16. Content Of Reviews section citations). Zentralblatt math references will be inserted automatically when the reference is checked. Please note that http://www.zblmath.fiz-karlsruhe.de/MATH/reviewers/guidelines | |
17. Mr Heitmann's Mega Math Resources 2003-2004 Classic Puzzles by Lewis Carroll. * Interactive Fun Puzzles. math references. Recommended Links. MacTutor Mathematics Biography Index The University of St. http://members.aol.com/MrHLakeRiviera/megamath.html | |
18. Math.com Student References Find it Now at the math.com Library. Formulas Formulas for all occasions. Dictionaries. Glossary of math Terms - (K-8) from Harcourt School Publishers. http://www.math.com/students/references.html | |
19. Allmath.com - Math Site For Kids! Home Of Flashcards, Math Forums, Q A(14). Fun And Games(25). Kid references(20). Kid Resources(13). math Articles(27). math Career Exploration(3). math Glossaries(8). math Help(17). http://www.allmath.com/ | |
20. Math.com References For Teachers Internet Reference Sources for You (or Your Students). Dictionaries math words defined. math History and Biography - What happened when and to whom? http://www.math.com/teachers/reference.html | |
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