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41. Preparing For The FCAT And FCAT/NRT Test preparation for Florida's standardized tests in reading and math for grades 310. practice tests, interactive lessons and test-taking strategies. http://www.fcatprep.com | |
42. Saxon Publishers' Online Activities Have Moved! Virginia State Standards of Learning Science, math and Technology Welcome to the Virginia State Standards of Learning practice Tests! The SOL practice Tests now support strand selection and nonrandom tests! http://www.saxonpub.com/tech/basic_facts/basicFacts.html | |
43. The Roleplay Workshop: Title Offers day camp for ages 10 and up and oneweek camping trips for ages 13 and up. While participating in a roleplaying game, students practice basic math, learn ecology, anthropology, organizational skills, and how to work with each other. Rates, dates, and printable registration form. http://www.roleplay-workshop.com/rpwssrpw.html | |
44. Softbasics Software - Free Math Software Randomly generates practice math problems or tests for all grades in school in every area of math. http://www.vgernet.net/sbasics/indexrl.html | |
45. Arithmetic Problems And Kids Math Help Practice Exercises Level I Activities to help in math for Kids and Arithmetic practice Exercises. Learn Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Arithmetic http://www.syvum.com/math/arithmetic/level1.html | |
46. Cryptography Theory And Practice Douglas Stinson. Subtitled Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications . Written with more emphasis on theory than practice, as acknowledged in the preface. http://www.cacr.math.uwaterloo.ca/~dstinson/CTAP.html | |
47. Teach R Kids Math Large collection of online activities and interactive worksheets allow kids to practice basic math skills. http://www.teachrkids.com/ | |
48. Download Shareware For Kids A small game designed to help kids learn and practice basic math operations, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division on whole numbers. http://kidsmath.htmlplanet.com/ | |
49. Schoolhouse Technologies - The Makers Of Worksheet Factory Software For Math, Vo Freeware and shareware programs to create customized math worksheets for practice in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with whole numbers, fractions, and decimals. http://www.worksheetfactory.com/ | |
50. Roxanne's Home Page. math department. Colorado University at Denver. Page includes author's philosophy of teacher and student responsibility in a class and practice calculus exercises. http://www-math.cudenver.edu/~rbyrne/ | |
51. Education 4 Kids Sponsored By "your Name Here" (a Free Educational Resource) Experience Drill (26) Money Experience Drill (2-6) Early Childhood math (K-1 to stop as they have indicated that it s an approriate business practice for them. http://www.edu4kids.com/ | |
52. The Room 012 Third Grade Class Home Page Award winning website at Anne E. Moncure Elementary School in Stafford, Virginia. In addition to school specific information, also offers many links and interactive math and language skills practice. http://hbogucki.staffnet.com/aemes/default.htm | |
53. Online Activities enrichment. Students enjoy themselves as they learn and practice math and phonics concepts, either in class or at home. Parents http://www.saxonpublishers.com/activities/index.jsp |
54. Gallery Of Data Visualization Examples of the best and worst of statistical graphics, that inform current practice and provide some pointers to both historical and current work. http://www.math.yorku.ca/SCS/Gallery/ | |
55. Math Online Activities For Grade 4 Sheets (Download Facts practice Sheets). Multiple Counting practice (Download Multiple Counting practice). Download Enrichment Problems. Saxon math 54, 2nd http://www.saxonpublishers.com/activities/games.jsp?grade=4&subject=0 |
56. Language In Apes Introductory overview of ape language research, its history and its practice. http://www.math.uwaterloo.ca/~dmswitze/apelang.html | |
57. Regents Prep Math A for math A Play using PowerPoint or play OnLine (opens in a new window). Each subtopic below contains a lesson page, an interactive student practice page, and http://regentsprep.org/Regents/math/math-a.cfm | |
58. MiLearn E-Learning Solutions Offering high school online math tutorials structured around senior high (Grade 10) level algebra. Fully selfstudy, self-paced with practice exams. http://www.milearn.com/ | |
59. UNT Department Of Mathematics practice placement tests, class and program information and reasons to study math. http://www.math.unt.edu | |
60. Math Worksheets Features printable worksheets for students to practice with. http://www.teach-nology.com/worksheets/math/ | |
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