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1. Xah: Great Math Programs Great math Programs. This is a list of fun math programs i have played over the years. They are mostly shareware or freeware. For Mac, Windows, or Linux. A heart means excellent. Newbold has written some beautiful polytope visualization java appletes. One is called HyperSpace Polytope Slicer http://xahlee.org/PageTwo_dir/MathPrograms_dir/mathPrograms.html | |
2. Mathematical MetaSites Interactive Web and java Applications. math you can manipulate This site has many amazing online interactive appletes from javaSketchpad, Cinderella, and others. http://www.mccallie.org/myates/1metasites.htm | |
3. Mark Okun's Resume Used HTML, DHTML, FrontPage, javaScript, VBScript, java, JDBC, appletes, Perl, ASP, C++, Unix Script, Oracle Designer Got the second place in math Olympiad for students of Russia http://www.setupgroup.com/mokun.php?session_id=cd0fd2b35c5d44a8385f18b6fb5dd22e |
4. NETg Course Code 12803 List of courses available on bracknet.com javaScript and java will also math object methods. Link URLs from a history list. Identify the features of java language. Compare java and javaScript. Include java appletes http://www.bracknet.com/netg/12803.html | |
5. Bookmarks For Charles Hartley Day Numbering System. java Calendar Conversions Scholarly presentation of math of Babylonian observations comparisons falling tones. Coool!!!! appletes from Physics of Music and http://users.hartwick.edu/hartleyc/bookmark.htm |
6. Java Manipula math java Lesson. If you would like to create java applets for math education, a good starting point is here. Manipula math http://www.ies.co.jp/math/java/ | |
7. Information Of Products Information of Products. http://www.ies.co.jp/math/java/calc/ | |
8. Mathematics, Science & Technology Education At UIUC Flash Cards, Online random flash card generator for simple math operations. The java Plugin 1.4 is automatically downloaded by some applets. http://www.mste.uiuc.edu/java/default.php | |
9. Java Applets For Math And Science Learning java Applets for math and Science Learning. by Lisa Denise Murphy Doctoral Candidate in mathematics Education University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign. http://www.mste.uiuc.edu/users/Murphy/JavaOverview/default.html | |
10. JavaMath Geometry. Angles and Parallel Lines, http//www.ies.co.jp/math/java/angle.html. Six applets on this topic, and all very good. Find http://smard.cqu.edu.au/Database/Teaching/JavaMath.html | |
12. Mathlets: Java[TM] Applets For Math Explorations http://cs.jsu.edu/mcis/faculty/leathrum/Mathlets/ |
13. Mathlets Java mathlets java TM Applets for math Explorations. Written by Tom Leathrum. Copyright Notice Contact the Author Notes About mathlets http://cs.jsu.edu/mcis/faculty/leathrum/Mathlets/topframe.html | |
14. Linear Regression Back to the java applets page. http://www.math.csusb.edu/faculty/stanton/m262/regress/regress.html | |
15. Java Applets java Applets. As part of the Dynamical Systems and Technology Project, we have developed several java Applets for use in exploring http://math.bu.edu/DYSYS/applets/ | |
16. Dynamical Systems And Technology Project Available at this site java Applets for chaos and fractals. These applets are now up and running! The Mandelbrot Set Explorer. BU math home page. http://math.bu.edu/DYSYS/ | |
17. EW's Applet Page mathematics java Applets. Parametric Curve Applet Draws a cute parametric curve, currently a good approximation to Home Page EMail ewoolgar@math.ualberta.ca http://www.math.ualberta.ca/~ewoolgar/java/applets.html | |
18. Pentominoes Version g of this applet should work in that case. on java (like what an API is) visit the java Tech. Pages pointing to this one or to other math games in java. http://www.math.clemson.edu/~rsimms/java/pentominoes/ | |
19. The XSortLab Applet Your browser doesn t do java! Visual Sort Mode. The xSortLab applet can display three different panels a panel for Visual Sort, a panel for Timed Sort, and http://math.hws.edu/TMCM/java/xSortLab/ | |
20. XFunctions XPresso Educational Mathematics Applet copy of the xFunctions Web site the applet code, two it will survive in a newer project, java Components for which you can read about at http//math.hws.edu http://math.hws.edu/xFunctions/ | |
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