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81. Wonderful Ideas New Home Page Novelty dice intended for teaching purposes, including animals, addition and subtraction. Pricing and ordering information. Links to other mathematical games. http://members.aol.com/pigonmath/index.html | |
82. Sheppard Software - Brain Builder Math Edition Program uses puzzles and games to teach arithmetic skills. Includes free download. http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/mathbb1.htm | |
83. Arithemetic, Primary Math, Kids Stories,math,games And Singing Activities Lots of educational primary math activities in Room 108. Children can read, sing, or do arithmetic and educational games also. The http://www.netrover.com/~kingskid/Math/math.htm | |
84. Stunning Friends With Math Magic A collection of card tricks, number guessing games, paper and glue magic, and other math exercises. http://www.cut-the-knot.com/arithmetic/rapid/magic.shtml | |
85. Room 108 Kids Stories, Math, Science, Art, Spelling, Games And Singing Activitie All the games are fun but educationally based. There s songs, art, math, kids games, children s stories and much more. Click for a site directory. http://www.netrover.com/~kingskid/108.html | |
86. Dino Trilogy By DynoTech - Award-Winning Educational Software Contains three games Dino Match (memory), Dino Numbers (math), and Dino Spell (spelling). Offers ordering information and download. http://www.dynotech.com/trilogy.htm | |
87. English Page math and engineering programs as well as games for the TI89. http://digilander.iol.it/fpirozzi/english.htm | |
88. Flooble :: Perplexus :: Logic Puzzles, Brainteasers, Riddles And Math Tricks A forum and collection of brain teasers, logic problems, math problems, paradoxes, science games, probability, riddles, and geometric shapes. http://www.flooble.com/perplexus/ | |
89. Horses And Trains: Fun Educational Childrens Shareware Software Provides downloadable educational games, including The math Race and Train Game . http://www.horsesandtrains.com/ | |
90. Play Kids' Games -- Kids Games On Line - Kids Games, Alphabet Games, Math Games, Playing pinball has never been more fun or more challenging to your math skills. It won t even cost you a quarter. Classroom Pinball games. Addition Pinball. http://www.playkidsgames.com/mathGames.htm | |
91. ERVLORDS Online Games - Javascript Games And DHTML Games Lots of games for version 4 or greater browsers including Coloring, Mastermind, Yahtzee, Dragon Slide Puzzles, math Study, Slots, Hangman, Boggle, and Crosswords. http://www.dynamicgames.org/ | |
92. IKnowthat.com - Online Multimedia Educational Games For Kids In Preschool, Kinde Offers webbased educational activities for kids ages 2-12. Activities include stickerbooks, simulation games, painting, math and phonics. http://www.iknowthat.com/ | |
93. EdVenture Software - Math, Geography And Keyboarding Programs Gold Medal math reinforces basic math skills through ten Olympic events games. http://www.edven.com | |
94. Child Game Contains two games, one is a simple math game and the other about clicking a moving dot as fast as you can. http://www.child-educations.com/child-game.html | |
95. Fact Monster - Games And Quizzes Back to Fact Monster Home Page Home World News. US People Word Wise Science math Sports Cool Stuff games and Quizzes Homework Center Funbrain Site Map. http://www.factmonster.com/games.html | |
96. Magic Math Kingdom Home Page Learn math through games and quizoriented tutorial. http://www.nes-lab.com/english2/ | |
97. Mathematical Games, Toys, And Puzzles and games with three players. Rudy Rucker is the William S. Burroughs of mathematics. Undergrads at the University of Toronto publish a wrecreational math http://compgeom.cs.uiuc.edu/~jeffe/mathgames.html | |
98. Educational Word Games, Language Games, Word Puzzles, Math Games, Math Puzzles, Educational games and puzzles including Windows titles 'MixedUp math', 'French Connections', 'Stack Mates', 'Cell Mates', 'Elimination', 'math Mates'. http://www.kprobe.com/ | |
99. JCP TI89 : Â Help For Hardaware 2 TI-89 Assembly and basic games, science and math programs for the TI89. http://perso.club-internet.fr/ppetit3/indexang.html | |
100. Funtestiq! Fun Tests And More! Amuse youself with quizzes, puzzles, riddles and other little games on personality, popular culture, literature, history, and math. http://www.funtestiq.com | |
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