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81. Interactive Physics And Math With Java A set of more than 20 scientifically accurate educational applets which mostly cover the course of Introductory Physics or material close to it. This site is mirrored a number of places on the net. http://www.physics.uoguelph.ca/applets/Intro_physics/kisalev/ | |
82. Interactive Control Results and techniques of polynomial matrix descriptions (PMDs) of linear systems including equation solvers. http://control.math.auth.gr/ |
83. IRA: Interactive Real Analysis An interactive textbook using Java. http://www.shu.edu/html/teaching/math/reals/reals.html | |
84. College Math Credit Online Completely online with tests and interactive lessons with enrollment. Designed for Test Prep or students who want to learn Algebra, Geometry and/or Data Interpretation. The course prepares students for; Elm, Gre, Cbest, Sat, and Ged. http://www.elmprep.com/ | |
85. OpenCollege E-Learning Content Library OpenCollege provides online access to more than 300 interactive simulations on Physics, math, Chemistry, Astronomy, Biology and Economics. It is designed for students, teachers, and online course authors. http://www.opencollege.com |
86. ACT WorkKeys : Skill Training Resources Basic skills training and case studies. KeyTrain interactive training via CDROM, print, or the Internet for reading, math, graphics, technology, teamwork, writing, listening and Observation. http://www.workkeystraining.com | |
87. College-Cram: A Great Way To Study CollegeCram is a great way to study math, Science, Languages, Business, and more, anytime and anywhere. Make your cram sessions more productive with our interactive learning environment. http://college-cram.com | |
88. The Creative Connections Project: Amazon Rain Forest, Africa, China, Galapagos A 500 page multimedia interactive site that takes students on learning adventures to various regions of the globe. Also provides teachers with curriculum pages that link to math, science, and geography lessons. http://www.ccph.com/ | |
89. Syvum Homepage: Online Education And Interactive Learning interactive software for children on math, english, and general knowledge topics, plus a progress monitor for parents and teachers. Free download demo. http://www.syvum.com | |
90. Untitled Document Instructional units that introduce quantum physics to high school and college students who do not have a background in modern physics or higher level math using interactive computer programs and digital multimedia in an activity based environment http://phys.educ.ksu.edu/vqm/ | |
91. Science: Hands-on, Inquiry Based Teaching And Learning Solutions Equipment and software for inquirybased hands-on teaching of integrated math, science, and technology. Also, there are interactive science puzzlers and an online products catalog. http://www.cpo.com/ | |
92. GNumerator A interactive computer math system that uses standard JavaScript as the scripting language, and a collection of reusable math oriented components such as a complete mathML DOM implementation, and a mathML viewing / editing control. http://numerator.sourceforge.net | |
93. OCSD Interactive Games math Magic, Timed practice of basic math facts in addition, subtraction, multiplication Quiz Time This will allow you to create an interactive multiple choice http://www.oswego.org/staff/cchamber/techno/games.htm | |
94. Patterns In Mathematics Teachers explore how patterns occur in numbers and in words in this interactive lab. http://www.learner.org/teacherslab/math/patterns/index.html | |
95. Interactive Fun Puzzles http//www.vtaide.com/png/puzzles.htm interactive Fun Puzzles. These puzzles are arranged from easy to hard a bird, a horse and a dog. math Triangles http://www.vtaide.com/png/puzzles.htm | |
96. Future School Offers an interactive Educational Program for K12 math, English and French (2nd Language) on CD and video. http://www.futureschool.ca/ | |
97. Math, English Software, Games, Worksheets For Grades K-8 - Dositey.com Education Fun games exciting excercises involving interactive lessons to boost a child s success in school. Teach your child important money and math skills. http://www.dositey.com/ | |
98. Joethedragon.co.uk Selection of interactive Flashbased puzzles including jigsaws, jumble puzzles, tangrams, spelling, math games, and virtual travel. Games are suitable for all ages. http://www.joethedragon.co.uk/ | |
99. Women Of NASA interactive project designed to encourage young women to pursue careers in math, science and technology by providing as role models outstanding women working in diverse fields at NASA http://quest.arc.nasa.gov/women/ | |
100. APlusStudent Online Learning Offers online lessons in math and other subjects, quizzes immediately scored online, interactive student art gallery, and realtime homework help ideal for home schooling or self paced learning. http://www.aplusstudent.com/ | |
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