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61. Plum's Math Page Features interactive math games for children aged 9 14 years of age. http://mysite.freeserve.com/plumsmathspage/ |
62. California Math Show Home Page A portable, interactive math exhibit based on the idea of symmetry. Currently plans are being made to take the show to shopping malls, and to mount a replica of the show as a permanent exhibit at the future Riverside Youth Museum. http://www.geom.uiuc.edu/~addingto/mathshow.html | |
63. ExploreLearning.com Offers a catalog of modular, interactive Shockwave simulations in math and science for teachers and students in grades 612. 30 day free trial, annual paid subscription required after that. http://www.explorelearning.com/ | |
64. AAA Math AAA math. Contents Hundreds of pages of Basic math Skills. interactive Practice on every page. An Explanation of the math topic on each page. http://www.aaamath.com/ | |
65. Algebra Math Tutorials Interactive Animation-MathDork Home Algebra tutorials, quizzes and games using interactive animation. This selfpaced educational tool helps math students in middle school and high school with http://www.mathdork.com/ |
66. Cook With Lyle interactive games and educational activities to help kids improve math and reading skills. Requires Flash and Shockwave plugins. http://www.cookwithlyle.co.uk/ | |
67. Interactive Mathematics Activities interactive java puzzles and activities in different mathematical topics. http://www.cut-the-knot.org/Curriculum/index.shtml#magic | |
68. AAA Math AAA math This World Wide Web (WWW) site provides free, online, interactive arithmetic exercises and problems for grades K to 8. Topics include addition including basic facts, numbers and place http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.aaamath.com/&y=021F69D4B1D70E96& |
69. Math Academy Pro interactive lessons and tests that are graded instantly. Basic math, Algebra 1, Algebra 11, Geometry and test preparation. http://www.mathacademypro.com/ | |
70. The Math Forum Algebra Problem Of The Week A weekly interactive project for algebra on the Internet. Challenging problems are posted and solutions appear on the Web. http://mathforum.org/algpow/ | |
71. Tim's Interactive Puzzle Solution Center Selection of online brainteaser and math puzzles. Includes difficulty ratings. http://home.earthlink.net/~sakharov/puzzle/ | |
72. SCI-MATH WORLD: An Interactive Web Workshop For Teachers And Librarians Provides annotated Web links to relevant science and math subjects arranged as directories and portals, searchable sites, search engines, and interactive Web sites. http://library.rider.edu/scholarly/rlackie/sci/ | |
73. The Mandelbrot Set Anatomy: Contents A virtual investigation with interactive, animated fractals, articles and fractal math equations. http://www.ibiblio.org/e-notes/MSet/Contents.htm | |
74. The Nonlinear Lab An excellent page covering many aspects of chaos and appliations of nonlinear math. Uses interactive Java applets to illustrate concepts and allows users to experiment. http://www.apmaths.uwo.ca/~bfraser/nonlinearlab.html | |
75. Interactive Textbook For PFP 96 Next math AS A SECOND LANGUAGE. TABLE OF CONTENTS. math Unit III More on the derivative and differential equations Force Revisited Newton s Laws in Action http://dept.physics.upenn.edu/courses/gladney/mathphys/Contents.html | |
76. NASA LIVE Free videoconferencing programs for K12 and college students and teachers that enrich math, science, and technology instruction; provide professional development, and facilitate communication with NASA researchers in an interactive, virtual environment. http://live.larc.nasa.gov | |
77. Math Forum: Math Awareness Month April 2004 interactive posters and information for events since 2000. http://mathforum.org/mam/ | |
78. Quiz Hub online interactive learning quizzes that help K12 students enhance their core knowledge of language arts, foreign languages, social studies, math, and science http://quizhub.com | |
79. SAT Test Preparation Practice Exercises For SAT Vocabulary, Verbal & Mathematics interactive learning material for preparation of the verbal and math sections of the SATs. http://www.syvum.com/sat/ | |
80. Interactive Internet Games - Www.multiplication.com Flash Fun. interactive Flash Cards Play by yourself or with a partner. Quick Practice. Quick Flash. Batter s Up Baseball. Batter s Up Baseball (math game). http://www.multiplication.com/interactive_games.htm | |
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