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61. MAGIC SQUARES magic squares. Data Base. 8 x 8 complete magic square can not be generatedby Knight s movement tour; 3 x 3 magic squares of Prime Numbers; http://www.sinc.sunysb.edu/Class/est56501/Freda Yao Tang/sq1/magic7.htm | |
62. Magic Squares - Mathematics And The Liberal Arts The author also discusses the possibility of a Hindu study of magic squares;the presumably Arab source of Western magic square mysticism; and later http://math.truman.edu/~thammond/history/MagicSquares.html | |
63. Harcourt School -- E-Lab Integer Games. What You Will Do You will solve magic squares that contain integers.How You Will Use It You will know how to add and subtract integers. http://www.harcourtschool.com/elab/act_8_3.html | |
64. Magic Square The magic square Intro Page is an excellent synopsis of this field. Here is the mostfamous magic square, from Albrecht Durer s Melancholia. He did it in 1514. http://www.mathpuzzle.com/masquare.htm | |
65. Magic Square Patterns magic square Patterns. The replicated. Square A the 8 patterns generatedfrom rotations and reflections of continuous magic square A. http://web.idirect.com/~recmath/ms04.html | |
66. June04 TopCoder Problem Statement: CRT Fun (Level 1) A magic square is a 3x3 array of numbers, such that the sum of each row, column,and diagonal are all the same. Problem Statement magic square (Level 1, Easy). http://www.devx.com/DevX/HTML/17955 | |
67. Kid Wizard -- Easy Magic Square Easy magic square. Bonus Hint Make the center square 5. For more puzzles like this,go to the Interactive Games Page and look under Interactive magic squares. http://www.kidwizard.com/InteractiveGames/MagicSquareEasy.asp | |
68. Mike's Magic Place - MAGIC SQUARE magic square ,enter a number from 23 - 100 and press the Calculate button Wenn http://members.aol.com/mdormann/tricks/vernon.html | |
69. More Magic Squares More magic squares © 2000 Paul C. Pasles Stifel is mentioned in the magic squarewritings of Günther and Cammann, but the squares themselves do not appear. http://www.pasles.org/magic.html | |
70. SWR Wizadora Material 8 magic square Something To Eat - Lösung. G. S. U. G. A. R. H. I. E.G. G. J. Material 8 magic square - Find The Colours! - Lösung. A. E. B. L. U. E.L. M. Q. X. C. F. http://www.wissen.swr.de/sf/begleit/bg0037/wi00o.htm | |
71. Magic Square Information. games. Mind Stretching, Trivia QuizDom, Jigsaw Palace, QuizCards.Mind Stretching, Trivia Quizdom, Jigsaw Palace, Quiz Cards. magic square 3x 3. http://www.queendom.com/mindgames/mindstretching/puzzles/g10.html | |
72. The Magic Square Of The Sun 666 The magic square of the Sun. Is there some kind of a link between the raisedJesus (8880) and the magic square of the Sun whose number is 666? http://www.jesus8880.com/chapters/gematria/666-magic-square.htm | |
73. Magic Squares Of Order 4 Interactive 4x4 magic square generator using backtracking algorithm. panmagicmirrorsymm. magic squares of order 4 requires JavaScript *) http://www.faust.fr.bw.schule.de/mhb/backtrack/mag4en.htm | |
74. Magic Square Dance top PSYCHIC STUNTS, magic square DANCE. by Michael Daniels, http://www.mdani.demon.co.uk/stunt/jan97s1.htm | |
75. Magic Square magic square and five pennies It is divided into two parts; the lower part is a3 by 3 magic square, and the upper part has three numbers 10, 20, and 30. http://math.nmsu.edu/breakingaway/Lessons/magicsquare1/magicsquare.html | |
76. Magic Square magic square. In mathematics order three. It begins with the number twentyand ends with the number twentyeight. Albrecht D?er s magic square. http://www.fact-index.com/m/ma/magic_square.html | |
77. Cynthia Lanius' Lesson: Let's Do MATH - Magic Squares Let s Do Math! Put the numbers in order. (Directions below). ChooseLevel 3 4, Try this mathematical game of skill and logic. The http://math.rice.edu/~lanius/domath/magicsquare.html | |
78. The World Of Magic Squares Culture an example of a square in art, Construction make your own magic square. Ifit works, you ll fill a magic square like this (n=7, sum=175) http://perso.club-internet.fr/spip/carmagiqeng.html | |
79. EVA Magic Square The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://chearts.g--z.com/evaland/ |
80. Magic Square - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The original MURDEROUS MATHS Book EXTRA BIT! 4, 6, 13, 20, 22. 10, 12, 19, 21, 3. 11, 18, 25, 2, 9. This is the basic 5x5 magicsquare. How to make a 5x5 magic square add up to other numbers. 17, 24, 1, 5, 15.20, 5, 7, 14, 16. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_square | |
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