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81. Knot Theory knot theory. Charles Livingston. Series Carus Mathematical Monographs. The author s book would be a good text for an undergraduate http://www.maa.org/pubs/books/cam24.html | |
82. Math: Topology: Knot Theory: Page 2 Science Directory knot theory. knot theory. Spacetransportation.org - Science Directory - Last Update Fri Apr 23 2004. http://www.spacetransportation.org/Math/Topology/Knot_Theory/more2.html | |
83. History Of Knot Theory theorists. Many early papers on knot theory (in pdf format) including papers by Tait, Kirkman, Little and Thomson. Theory. History of knot theory. http://www.spacetransportation.org/Detailed/75002.html | |
84. What Is Knot Theory ? - Technology Services Physics Help and Math Help Physics Forums Physics General Physics What is knot theory ? View Thread What is knot theory ? What is knot theory ? http://www.physicsforums.com/archive/t-15729 | |
85. Pergunte A Um FÃsico - Respostas Translate this page Pergunta de Alexandre Tavares Baraviera, Rio de Janeiro, mestre em fisica, aluno de doutorado. Qual a importancia da teoria de nos (knot theory) para a fisica? http://www.if.usp.br/fisico/respostas/4.html | |
86. Knot Theory With KnotPlot knot theory with KnotPlot. Equilateral Stick Numbers. This research is in collaboration with Eric Rawdon of the Department of Mathematics http://www.colab.sfu.ca/KnotPlot/ktheory.html | |
87. Página De MatÃas Graña. ps.gz. Quandle knot invariants are Quantum knot invariants, J. knot theory Ramifications 11 5, (2002), 673681. ps.gz. From racks to pointed Hopf algebras. http://mate.dm.uba.ar/~matiasg/ | |
88. Knot Theory (M24) knot theory (M24). WBR Lickorish The course knot theory and 4dimensional space Knot concordance, slice knots, examples. Knot signatures http://www.maths.cam.ac.uk/CASM/courses/descriptions/node22.html | |
89. FUNCTORIAL KNOT THEORY 26 FUNCTORIAL knot theory Categories of Tangles, Coherence, Categorical Deformations, and Topological Invariants by David N Yetter (Kansas State University http://www.worldscientific.com.sg/books/mathematics/4542.html | |
90. Von Neumann Algebras, Knot Theory, And Quantum Field Theory von Neumann algebras, knot theory, and quantum field theory. Audience knot theory and the Jonespolynomial. Algebraic quantum field theory. http://remote.science.uva.nl/~npl/vna.html | |
91. AMCA: Noncommutative Knot Theory By Tim Cochran Noncommutative knot theory by Tim Cochran Rice University. I will survey some of the recent work of myself and others in applying http://at.yorku.ca/c/a/m/n/10.htm | |
92. :: Ez2Find :: Knot Theory Guide knot theory, Guides, knot theory. ez2Find Home Directory Science Math Topology knot theory (35) Research Oriented (8). Related Categories http://ez2find.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Science/Math/Topology/Knot_T | |
93. International Graduate Course Student Workshop For Knot Theory And Related Topic First announcement International Graduate Course Student Workshop for knot theory and Related Topics July 57, 2004 Osaka City University, Media Center 10F http http://math01.sci.osaka-cu.ac.jp/21COE/symposium/PhDStudentWorkshopJuly2004.html | |
94. [q-alg/9607022] Habilitationsschrift: Renormalization And Knot Theory Habilitationsschrift Renormalization and knot theory. Author Dirk Kreimer Comments 103 pages with 61 figures, uses LaTeX with epsf. Habilschrift. http://arxiv.org/abs/q-alg/9607022 | |
95. Dror Bar-Natan Classes 2003-04 Math 1350F - Knot Theory Math 1350F knot theory. Fall Semester 2003. Agenda Use knot theory as an excuse to learning deep and beautiful mathematics. http://www.math.toronto.edu/~drorbn/classes/0304/KnotTheory/ | |
96. ► Knot Theory [Science: Math: Topology] - WorldSearch.com Selection of sites about knot theory. 3, knot theory Covers techniques of distinguishing knots, types, applications, and Conway notations. http://www.worldsearch.com/science/math/topology/knot_theory/ | |
97. Knot Theory knot theory. knot theory is the study of knotted loops in three dimensional space (or more simply pieces of string with their ends stuck together). http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~mmcdouga/knot.html | |
98. Knot Theory practical, including decorative knotting. It is not a guide to knot tying, nor a treatise on topology/knot theory. Rather, here is a http://biologybooks.net/Knot_Theory.html | |
99. Really Bad Knot Theory Puns These terrible puns are the output of the knot theory Mini course I cotaught at the 2000 Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics with Emily Peters http://cerebro.cs.xu.edu/~smbelcas/knotpuns.html | |
100. Knot Theory (190) Course, Fall 2003 knot theory (190) course, Fall 2003. MondayWednesday-Friday from 2.00-2.50 in room HSS 2321. knot theory. A closed loop of string in 3-space is called a knot. http://math.ucsd.edu/~justin/190.html | |
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