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41. Classical Knot Theory Classical knot theory. Epiphany Term 2003. Lecturer Dr C. Kearton. I shall distribute copies of the lecture notes and problem sheet at the first lecture. http://maths.dur.ac.uk/~dma0ck/gradtop.html | |
42. History Of Knot Theory Biographies of early knot theorists. Many early papers on knot theory (in pdf format) including papers by Tait, Kirkman, Little and Thomson. http://www.maths.ed.ac.uk/~aar/knots/index.htm | |
43. Links To Low-dimensional Topology: Knot Theory knot theory 3manifolds Miscellany. knot theory. Joe Christy lists. The page of the knot theory Group at the Univ. of Liverpool. An http://www.math.unl.edu/~mbritten/ldt/knots.html | |
44. Knot Theory -- From MathWorld knot theory. The mathematical study of knots. Knot search. Eric W. Weisstein. knot theory. From MathWorldA Wolfram Web Resource. http http://mathworld.wolfram.com/KnotTheory.html | |
45. Knot Theory Resources knot theory resources. Recommended References. see index for total category for your convenience Best Retirement Spots Teacher http://futuresedge.org/mathematics/Knot_Theory.html | |
46. Knot Theory knot theory. knotting index; knot index; alternating knots; Celtic knots; Hyperbolic knot; Intro to knot theory; knots; knot theory; Forensic knot analysis. http://www-math.cudenver.edu/~jstarret/knots.html | |
47. The KnotPlot Site Has a large number of beautiful graphics of knots created with KnotPlot. Contains an introductory section on mathematical knot theory. KnotPlot software for various platfroms can be downloaded. http://www.cs.ubc.ca/labs/imager/contributions/scharein/KnotPlot.html | |
48. Mathematics And Knots Exhibition High school level introduction to knot theory. Covers colourings, connected sums, torus knots, prime knots and applications of knot theory. http://www.bangor.ac.uk/cpm/exhib/ | |
49. Menasco's Home Page Menasco s knot theory Hot List. Check out the following knot theory web sites. KnotPlot. A Circular History of knot theory. Knot Table courtesy of KnotPlot. http://www.math.buffalo.edu/~menasco/knot-theory.html | |
50. Knot Theory On WWW knot theory on WWW. Japanese Books on knot theory. ?. ? , RH.?, RH. ? http://home.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/teragai/knot.html | |
51. Using Topology To Probe The Hidden Action Of Enzymes Describes how knot theory is used to understand the action of enzymes that affect DNA topolgy (in pdf format). http://www.ams.org/notices/199505/sumners.pdf |
52. Knot Theory On WWW Home, knot theory on WWW, Links to Personal Pages, Profile. knot theory on WWW. knot theory Group Articles and Preprints; Links to webpages related to knot theory; http://home.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/~teragai/knot-e.html | |
53. Louis H. Kauffman A topologist working in knot theory discusses the connection between knot theory and statistical mechanics. Sections on cybernetics and knots, Fourier knots and the author's research papers. http://bilbo.math.uic.edu/~kauffman/ | |
54. DNA AND KNOT THEORY Open Directory Science Math Topology knot theory Sections on knot tying, mathematical knot theory, knot art, and knot books. History of knot theory - Biographies of early knot theorists. http://www.tiem.utk.edu/~gross/bioed/webmodules/DNAknot.html | |
55. Geometry And The Imagination Has a small section on knot theory at an introductory level. Also has sections on orbifolds, polyhedra and topology. http://math.dartmouth.edu/~doyle/docs/gi/gi/gi.html | |
56. PlanetMath: Knot Theory knot theory, (Topic). knot theory is the study of knots and links. Much of knot theory is devoted to telling when two knot diagrams represent the same link. http://planetmath.org/encyclopedia/KnotTheory.html | |
57. Search Results Search for papers held at LANL with the word 'knot' in them. http://arXiv.org/find/math/1/fr: knot/0/1/0/past,all/0/1 | |
58. Knots In Vancouver - Workshop In Knot Theory And 3-Manifolds Home Page. Featured Speakers. Organizing Committee. Registration. Accommodations. Visitors Info. Participants. Programme. Sponsors. Dale Rolfsen s Page. http://www.pims.math.ca/science/2004/KT3Mwksp/ | |
59. Jorge Pullin Quantizing general relativity brings knot theory into quantum gravity. The Jones polynomial is shown to give rise to physical states of quantum gravity. Links to research papers by the author. http://www.phys.lsu.edu/faculty/pullin | |
60. Professor Lomonaco: Knot Theory References knot theory References. Home Page. *** Under Construction ***. Charilaos Aneziris knot theory Primer; Cartoon based on three of Lomonaco s knot theory papers. http://www.cs.umbc.edu/~lomonaco/knot-theory/Knot-Theory.html | |
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