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1. Knot Theory Online - The Web Site For Learning More About Mathematical Knot Theo Welcome to KT (knot theory) Online! This Also, find out what is the central problem of knot theory and what properties knots have. This http://www.freelearning.com/knots/ | |
2. ThinkQuest : Library : Knot Theory Please email us your thoughts or sign our guestbook. knot theory. knot theory is a branch of topology that deals with knots and links. In topology, a sphere is the same as a cube, and a doughnut is http://library.thinkquest.org/12295/main.html | |
3. Ideas, Concepts And Definitions knot theory. knot theory is the mathematical study of knots. A mathematical knot play with them. Some important ideas in knot theory. http://www.c3.lanl.gov/mega-math/gloss/knots/knots.html | |
4. The Geometry Junkyard: Knot Theory There is of course an enormous body of work on knot invariants, the 3manifold topology of knot complements, connections between knot theory and statistical mechanics, etc. http://www.ics.uci.edu/~eppstein/junkyard/knot.html | |
5. Contents An Introduction to knot theory. Showing Knot Equivalence. Showing Knot Inequivalence. An Introduction to Braid Theory. The Knot Group. The "Color Tests http://www.inst.bnl.gov/~wei/contents.html | |
6. Knots knot theory. by Rohit Chaudhary. knot theory is a mathematical study of knots. It is an area of mathematics known as topology. It is mainly used to distinguish between different types of knots and links. Looking at the history of knot theory, before people used to try to twist wires or threads http://www.mapleapps.com/categories/mathematics/Knot theory/html/Knots.htm | |
7. Knots On The Web (Peter Suber) The most comprehensive collection of knotting resources on the web. Sections on knot tying, mathematical knot theory, knot art, and knot books. http://www.earlham.edu/~peters/knotlink.htm | |
8. Mathematical Knots knot theory. Note another. The simplest form of knot theory involves the embedding of the unit circle into threedimensional space. http://www.cs.ubc.ca/nest/imager/contributions/scharein/knot-theory/knot-theory. | |
9. A Circular History Of Knot Theory Starting with the flawed theory of Kelvin's knotted vortex to the work of Thurston, Jones and Witten, knot theory has circled back to its ancestral origins of theoretical physics. http://www.math.buffalo.edu/~menasco/Knottheory.html | |
10. Journal Of Knot Theory And Its Ramifications (JKTR) Journal of knot theory and Its Ramifications intended as a forum for new developments in knot theory, particularly developments that create connections between http://www.worldscinet.com/jktr/jktr.shtml | |
11. Knot Theory -- From MathWorld An overview of knot theory from Mathworld http://mathworld.wolfram.com/topics/KnotTheory.html | |
12. Knot-Theory.com - The Art And Science Of String Toys Searchable trick database with types, inventors, and descriptions of each trick. http://www.knot-theory.com |
13. The Survival, Origin And Mathematics Of String Figures Trivial knot theory, history, and a few new designs by the author, Martin Probert. http://website.lineone.net/~m.p/sf/menu.html | |
14. Knot-Theory.com - Those Who Can't Do, Theorize. Welcome to the knot theory Skill Toy Trick Library. Most Viewed 1. Dirty Bomb. 2. Kamikaze. 3. Cold Fusion. 4. Aluminum Whip. 5. And Whut? 6. Bermuda Triangle. http://www.knot-theory.com/tricklib/index.php | |
15. Liverpool Pure Maths: Knot Theory Pure Mathematics knot theory. knot theory at Liverpool. Members of the Research Group. Hugh Morton (email morton@liv.ac.uk) Peter http://www.liv.ac.uk/PureMaths/MIN_SET/CONTENT/RESEARCH_GROUPS/knots.html | |
16. Mahdavi SUNY Potsdam, NY, USA; 26 June 2003. http://www2.potsdam.edu/mahdavk/Conf.htm | |
17. Liverpool Knot Theory Group: Publication List Liverpool University knot theory Group Articles and Preprints (1987 onwards). J. knot theory Ramif. 1 (1992), 203206. Gzipped PostScript version (42K). http://www.liv.ac.uk/~su14/knotprints.html | |
18. Knot Theory Online - The Web Site For Learning More About Mathematical Knot Theo KT HISTORY History of knot theory. INTRO TO KNOTS What are knots? It is the simplest of all knots. 2) The Central Problem of knot theory ^back to top. http://www.freelearning.com/knots/intro.htm | |
19. Links To Low-dimensional Topology Topics General, Conferences, Pages of Links, knot theory, 3manifolds, Journals. http://www.math.unl.edu/~mbritten/ldt/ldt.html | |
20. Knots On The Web Knots on the Web Presents a directory of knotrelated Web sites, compiled by Peter Suber. Lists resources on knot tying, knot theory, and knot art. Offers access to information on related software http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.earlham.edu/~peters/knotlink.htm& |
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