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41. 'The Golden Ratio' November 2002. Reviews. The golden ratio . reviewed by Helen Joyce. The GoldenRatio The story of phi, the Extraordinary Number of Nature, Art and Beauty. http://plus.maths.org/issue22/reviews/book2/ | |
42. TLC :: Human Face Among them is the golden ratio, which is the ratio of 1.618to-1. This ratio canbe used to build so-called golden shapes; for instance, a golden rectangle http://tlc.discovery.com/convergence/humanface/articles/mask.html | |
43. Golden Ratio The golden ratio. Contents. Construct the Regular pentagons. Constructthe golden ratio and a golden rectangle. Construct the golden ratio. http://www.math.csusb.edu/courses/m129/golden/golden_ratio.html | |
44. Welcome To The Golden Ratio Welcome To Greg and Colin s golden ratio Extravaganza. The GoldenRatio manifests in the whole of creation. Take the ratio of the http://members.tripod.com/~ColinCool/Pages/Welcome.html | |
45. Fibonacci Numbers And The Golden Ratio Fibonacci numbers and the golden ratio. They called any such rectanglea Golden Rectangle, and so became known as the golden ratio. http://www.math.umass.edu/~dhayes/math597a/ugcd2/node3.html | |
46. Activities The golden ratio in Everyday Objects. The golden ratio in Architecture.The golden ratio in Art. The golden ratio in Nature. The Perfect Face. http://cuip.uchicago.edu/~dlnarain/golden/activities.htm | |
47. The Golden Ratio In Art The golden ratio in Art. Now let s go back and try to discover the golden ratioin art. Directions for finding evidence of the golden ratio in each painting http://cuip.uchicago.edu/~dlnarain/golden/activity3.htm | |
48. Mr. Narain's Golden Ratio WebSite Welcome to Mr. Narain s golden ratio Page! This page is meant to moreinvolving than this one. Introduction. What is the golden ratio? http://cuip.net/~dlnarain/golden/ | |
49. Golden Ratio Homepage The golden ratio. Introduction to The golden ratio. It is my intention to highlightand explain the key points of this number. A Definition of the golden ratio. http://students.bath.ac.uk/ma1cam/GRpage.html | |
50. The Golden Ratio In Art THE golden ratio IN THE ARTS. Throughout the centuries, artists andmusicians pursuing aesthetics - have turned to natures own http://students.bath.ac.uk/ma1caab/art.html | |
51. Golden Ratio And Architecture golden ratio and Architecture. The Golden above. Also, the spacesbetween the columns are in proportion to the golden ratio. The http://educ.queensu.ca/~fmc/october2001/GoldenArc.htm | |
52. The Geometry Junkyard: Pentagonal Geometry And The Golden Ratio The Geometry Junkyard. Pentagonal Geometry and the golden ratio. Fibonaccispirals, Ned May. The golden ratio in an equilateral triangle. http://www.ics.uci.edu/~eppstein/junkyard/pent.html | |
53. The Golden Ratio This site is all about the golden ratio and how it applies to biology,art, and ancient Egyptian art. domain V3. The golden ratio. http://zap.to/goldenratio | |
54. NPR : 'The Golden Ratio' But in his new book i The golden ratio /i , author Mario Livio examines the mysteriesof pi s lesserknown cousin, phi a number that has both counfounded http://www.npr.org/display_pages/features/feature_1191723.html | |
55. Hunt For Golden Ratio Hunt for golden ratio an Internet Treasure Hunt on golden ratio createdby elaine_bynum Waubonsie Valley HS. What is the golden ratio? http://www.kn.pacbell.com/wired/fil/pages/huntgoldenrel.html | |
56. CameraHobby - E-Book On The Golden Ratio, Chapter 16 Photography eBook Chapter 16 - The golden ratio. Loosely related to the ruleof thirds is the golden ratio also referenced to the Golden Rectangle. http://www.camerahobby.com/Ebook-GoldenRatio_Chapter16.htm | |
57. Golden Ratio - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia golden ratio. Two quantities are said to be in the golden ratio, if thewhole is to the larger as the larger is to the smaller , ie if. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_mean | |
58. Proportion And The Golden Ratio - Mathematics And The Liberal Arts Proportion and the golden ratio Mathematics and the Liberal Arts. Theauthor shows how the golden ratio occurs in music and art. http://math.truman.edu/~thammond/history/Proportion.html | |
59. The Golden Mean The ratio of 1 2 was least liked, while the golden ratio was favored by a verylarge margin, which seemed to point to the actual dimensions as generating a http://www.middlebury.edu/~harris/Humanities/TheGoldenMean.html | |
60. Geometry In Art & Architecture Unit 2 The golden ratio Squaring the Circle in the Great Pyramid. golden ratio Sowhat is this golden ratio that the Great Pyramid is supposed to contain? http://www.dartmouth.edu/~matc/math5.geometry/unit2/unit2.html | |
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