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81. Index.html.new fuzzy logic in Integrated Reasoning. FuzzyCLIPS. The FuzzyJ Toolkit is a set of Java(tm) classes that can be used to build fuzzy logic systems. http://ai.iit.nrc.ca/IR_public/fuzzy/ | |
82. LUT Department Of Information Technology Department of Information Technology. Research areas focus on neural computing, pattern recognition, computer vision, molecular computing, telecommunication applications and technology, optimization, fuzzy logic, industrial statistics and quality control. http://www.it.lut.fi/index_eng.html | |
83. Fuzzy Logic In Environmental Sciences: A Bibliography fuzzy logic in Environmental Sciences A Bibliography. Here is a growing collection of references to environmental research that uses fuzzy logic. http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/Science/AIMET/fuzzy_environment/ | |
84. JFS A development environment for JFL, combining features from traditional programming languages with fuzzy logic and machine learning. Freeware for Windows 95/98/NT and Linux. http://inet.uni2.dk/~jemor/jfs.htm | |
85. Meteorological Applications Of Fuzzy Logic Meteorological applications of fuzzy logic. Click for articles. AMS journal articles about fuzzy logic based applications. Click for articles. http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/Science/AIMET/applications/ | |
86. Fuzzy Logic Fuzzy-logic-based expert systems are being used at Argonne to monitor complex industrial......fuzzy logic. Document Number 354001 http://www.anl.gov/LabDB/Current/Ext/H354-text.001.html | |
87. IIC - Information Intelligence Corporation (IIC) provides advanced data analysis and system modelling software using fuzzy logic technology. The IIC fuzzy engine achieves greater accuracy and predicatability by a factor of 10% or greater over current data modelling applications. http://www.iicfuzzy.com | |
88. Fuzzy Logic (Group 1) ·Introduction to fuzzy logic ·History ·Sets and Operations ·Applications ·Constraints ·Class Survey ·Quiz. http://www.dementia.org/~julied/logic/ | |
89. Konta.pl - Profesjonalne Konta I Serwery Wirtualne Online magazine of science and technology dedicated to control, signal and image processing, and fuzzy logic. Includes articles and Matlab sources. In Polish with some contributions in English. http://pcc.civ.pl/ | |
90. Fuzzy, Complete Fuzzy Logic Package For The 8051 fuzzy logic LabPac This package has been put together at a discount for those interested in fuzzy logic applications using the 8051 family of microcontrollers. http://www.rigelcorp.com/fuzzy.htm | |
91. Fuzzy Logic Book Introductory textbook on rulebased fuzzy logic systems, type-1 and type-2, that for the first time explains how fuzzy logic can MODEL a wide range of http://sipi.usc.edu/~mendel/book/ | |
92. Aeon - The Radically Different OS Microkernel manages hardware, provides some services to core kernel, a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), to support fuzzy logic (claims first OS to do so), objectorientation, parallel and distributed processing. Open Source, GPL http://aeonproject.sourceforge.net/ | |
93. Fuzzy Logic Software: Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Software! Freeware! fuzzy logic software! Type2 fuzzy logic software will let you handle rule uncertainties using fuzzy memberships. http://sipi.usc.edu/~mendel/software/ | |
94. PÃGINA DE FLAT EN PRUEBAS Spanish Association of fuzzy logic and Technologies http://decsai.ugr.es/flat/eflat.html | |
95. Fuzzy Sets And Fuzzy Logic Fuzzy Sets and fuzzy logic. Brian T. Luke, Ph.D. ( btluke@aol.com) LearningFromTheWeb.net This section contains an overview of Fuzzy Sets and fuzzy logic. http://members.aol.com/btluke/fuzzy01.htm | |
96. PocketAI Digital Mind Assistant This decision wizard turns your PDA into an artificial intelligence thinking machine using boolean and fuzzy logic. http://www.3dnetproductions.com/pocketai/index.htm | |
97. Www-isis.ecs.soton.ac.uk/research/nfinfo/fzsware.html BISCSIG-ESD Call For Paper JOURNAL OF SOFT COMPUTING SPECIAL ISSUE fuzzy logic AND THE INTERNET. Welcome to. The BISC Special Interest Group on fuzzy logic and the Internet. http://www-isis.ecs.soton.ac.uk/research/nfinfo/fzsware.html |
98. Max-FORTH Glossary Documentation with all Forth words indexed, defined; in text and PDF. V3.5E is for F68HC11, has words for EEPROM. V5.0 is for 68HC12, has words for fuzzy logic instructions, flash memory; maximally modeled after v3.5E. http://www.ee.ualberta.ca/~rchapman/MFwebsite/V50/Alphabetical/Brief/ | |
99. BISC Program; Soft Computing Department. Fuzzy Set 1965 Â fuzzy logic 1973 Â BISC 1990 Â HumanMachine Perception 2000 - Â . Welcome to the BISC Program. http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~zadeh/ | |
100. Fuzzy Logic fuzzy logic is an approach to computing based on degrees of truth rather than the usual true or false (1 or 0) Boolean logic on which the modern computer is http://www.whatis.com/definition/0,,sid9_gci212172,00.html | |
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