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1. Fuzzy Logic Lotfi A. Zadeh, The founder of fuzzy logic. Personal Home Pages of Fuzzy Researchers Please send me the URL of your Home Page. fuzzy logic Journals and Books. http://www.abo.fi/~rfuller/fuzs.html | |
2. Ortech Engineering's Fuzzy Logic Reservoir by Ortech Engineering Inc. http://www.ortech-engr.com/fuzzy/reservoir.html | |
3. Fuzzy Logic Survey of logical systems with a continuum of truth values; from the Stanford Encyclopdia by Petr Hajek . http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/logic-fuzzy/ | |
4. Fuzzy Logic Archive The Net s Original fuzzy logic Archive Since 1994, Basics. Beverly s fuzzy logic Bookstore. Brief Course in fuzzy logic. http://www.austinlinks.com/Fuzzy/ | |
5. Neusciences NCS provide leadingedge Intelligent Technology products and services http://www.neusciences.com/ | |
6. The MathWorks - Products - Fuzzy Logic Toolbox The fuzzy logic Toolbox for use with MATLAB is a comprehensive tool for creation, visualization and evaluation of splines. fuzzy logic Toolbox 2.1.2. http://www.mathworks.com/products/fuzzylogic/ | |
7. Welcome To Fuzzy Logic Furry. Fuzzball 5.68. Staff list. http://www.lionking.org/~beshon/fuzzylogic/ | |
8. Fuzzy Logic Jump Start. fuzzy logic JUMPSTART PUBLICATIONS. fuzzy logic for Just Plain Folks (Online Book, Free for your personal use.). Most books about http://www.fuzzy-logic.com/ | |
9. Fuzzy Logic Laboratorium Linz - Hagenberg Translate this page fuzzy logic Laboratorium, Softwarepark Hagenberg / Johannes Kepler Universität. Lectures, seminars, http://www.flll.uni-linz.ac.at/ | |
10. Neural Fuzzy Systems 1.1 An introduction to fuzzy logic 1.2 Operations on fuzzy sets 1.3 Fuzzy relations 1.3.1 The extension principle 1.3.2 Metrics for fuzzy numbers 1.3.3 Fuzzy http://www.abo.fi/~rfuller/nfs.html | |
11. Fuzzy Logic Tutorial - An Introduction org. fuzzy logic Tutorial. PART I Introduction to fuzzy logic INTRODUCTION; WHERE DID fuzzy logic COME FROM? WHAT IS fuzzy logic? http://www.seattlerobotics.org/encoder/mar98/fuz/flindex.html | |
12. FUZZY LOGIC - AN INTRODUCTION fuzzy logic AN INTRODUCTION. PART 1. Each article will include additional outside resource references for interested readers. WHERE DID fuzzy logic COME FROM? http://www.seattlerobotics.org/encoder/mar98/fuz/fl_part1.html | |
13. Fuzzy Logic Sources Of Information Maintained by Bob John, De Montfort University. http://www.cse.dmu.ac.uk/~rij/fuzzy.html | |
14. Stefano Pizzuti's Home Page ENEA, Italian agency for energy, new technologies and environment. Evolutionary computation, fuzzy logic, neural networks, chaos Theory and their application to energy related problems. http://erg87067.casaccia.enea.it/stefano |
15. Fuzzy Systems - A Tutorial It was Plato who laid the foundation for what would become fuzzy logic, indicating that there was a third region (beyond True and False) where these opposites http://www.austinlinks.com/Fuzzy/tutorial.html | |
16. Sumeet Gupta's Neural Network Page Includes related fields like genetic algorithms, fuzzy logic, adaptive computing and complex systems and descriptions of each site. http://www.geocities.com/sumeet_gupta/neural.html | |
17. FAQ: Fuzzy Logic And Fuzzy Expert Systems 1/1 [Monthly Posting] 2 What is fuzzy logic? 3 Where is fuzzy logic used? 4 What is a fuzzy expert system? 8 Isn t fuzzy logic an inherent contradiction? http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/Groups/AI/html/faqs/ai/fuzzy/part1/faq.html | |
18. 'Fuzzy' Logic Professor Matthew Yen s research is focused on the application of fuzzy logic in the control of equipment such as heaters, motors, pumps, valves and http://cati.csufresno.edu/upda/95/winter/story1.html | |
19. FAQ: Fuzzy Logic And Fuzzy Expert Systems 1/1 [Monthly Posting] - [2] What Is Fu 2 What is fuzzy logic? J. Gen. Sys. 8. The original papers on fuzzy logic include Zadeh, Lotfi, Fuzzy Sets, Information and Control 8338353, 1965. http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/Groups/AI/html/faqs/ai/fuzzy/part1/faq-doc-2.html | |
20. Research Activities M. Sc. thesis by Tamer Samy download in .zip or .doc format. http://tamersamy.tripod.com/research.htm | |
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