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61. Frank`s Chess Page, Computer Chess Translate this page computer chess http://www.amateurschach.de/ | |
62. Computer Chess In UK Directory: Entertainment: Chess computer chess Locate software, programs, online play sites, tips, tournaments, and casual play. Web Search computer chess. Locate http://www.ukdirectory.co.uk/Dir/?Category=705469,705479,706381,10118399 |
63. Jyrki Alakuijala's Home Page Introduction. pythonchess is a computer chess program for human vs. computer games. pythonchess is a complete chess program with http://www.kolumbus.fi/jyrki.alakuijala/pychess.html | |
64. Howstuffworks "How Chess Computers Work" How Chess Computers Work. by Marshall Brain, computer chess calculators are now the best chess players on the planet, even though they do it totally blindly. http://entertainment.howstuffworks.com/chess.htm | |
65. A Brief History Of Computer Chess computer chess. by Dinoj Surendran. This article was based primarily on information found at the IBM Deep Blue site. computer chess tournaments were organised. http://uzweb.uz.ac.zw/science/maths/zimaths/chess.htm | |
66. Zimaths Math-e-zine - Althofer's Experiments In Computer Chess computer chess II. by Dino Surendran. But now the sun of media attention on Deep Blue has set and we are left gazing at the night sky of computer chess. http://uzweb.uz.ac.zw/science/maths/zimaths/hirn.htm | |
67. AtariProtos.com - All Your Protos Are Belong To Us! computer chess. Name computer chess, Company Atari. Model N/A. Another difference in computer chess is that it s played using the right joystick. http://www.atariprotos.com/2600/software/computerchess/computerchess.htm | |
68. OpinionJournal - Extra ON THE BOARD Man vs. Machine A new era in computer chess. It was a landmark moment for computer chess and the science and programmers behind it. http://www.opinionjournal.com/extra/?id=110003081 |
69. Computer Chess - Encyclopedia Article About Computer Chess. Free Access, No Regi encyclopedia article about computer chess. computer chess in Free online English dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. computer chess. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Computer chess | |
70. NACCA: North American Computer Chess Association NACCA The North American computer chess Association. Home Page. To advance the state of the art of computer chess programming in North America. About us. http://homepage.mac.com/chessnotation/ | |
71. Patrice Latinne : Chess Programmation, Computer Chess, Strategies, Readings And Chess Playing and Programming. Web Resources for computer chess. computer chess Programming A Really Exhaustive Site. Computer http://iridia.ulb.ac.be/~latinne/chess/chess.html | |
72. More About Cheating In The World Computer Chess Championship More about Cheating in the World computer chess Championship. Cheating in the World computer chess Championship. Did Cray Blitz Really have a win? http://www.ishipress.com/cheating.htm | |
73. Cheating In The World Computer Chess Championship Cheating in the World computer chess Championship. In fact, I found this so upsetting that I dropped out of computer chess altogether. http://www.ishipress.com/awit-rex.htm | |
74. ``Scalable Search In Computer Chess''  -- My Latest Book !! ``Scalable Search in computer chess My Latest Book !! Author 158 9.3 SelfPlay Experiments in computer chess .. 162 http://supertech.lcs.mit.edu/~heinz/node1.html | |
75. THE FUTURE OF COMPUTER CHESS THE FUTURE OF computer chess. TA Marsland. With all these rapid developments and changes the future for computerchess events seems to be very bright. http://www.cs.ualberta.ca/~tony/ICCA/future.html | |
76. Yngvi's Computer Chess Page Yngvi s computer chess Page. computer chess Links . This page is still incomplete. Please visit Paul Verhelst s excellent computer chess page in the meantime. http://www.cs.ualberta.ca/~yngvi/cchess.html | |
77. Computer Chess Cytoplasm; Cytosine. computer chess. What is it? computer chess is a chess game played online against a computer program. The computer http://discover.edventures.com/functions/termlib.php?action=&termid=2962&alpha=c |
78. Halfbakery: Computer Chess Mat computer chess Mat A portable, flexible computer chess system that can be adapted to almost any chess set. (+7), computer chess sets http://www.halfbakery.com/idea/Computer_20Chess_20Mat | |
79. Geek.com Geek News - Human Vs. Computer Chess Tourney Ends In Draw Geek.com Geek News Human vs. computer chess tourney ends in draw, When will the Deep Chessmaster version be out?, the online technology resource for geeks. http://www.geek.com/news/geeknews/2002Oct/gee20021021016902.htm | |
80. 9.95 CHESS For Palm OS - Strong Computer Chess Program For Palm Control the computer personality by adding a randomness element or modifying its aggressiveness; Includes an opening book with over 6,500 chess moves; Access http://www.995soft.com/995chess/ | |
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