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Computer Chess: more books (100) | ||
21. GNU Chess Contains GNUChess Atari, Chess, computer chess and source code of these for different platforms http://users.pandora.be/ai/chess/indexGNUChess.html |
22. Chess Tiger: The Strongest Computer Chess Program For The Palm - Free Download Chess Tiger for Palm, the strongest computer chess program available for the Palm computing platform can be downloaded for free from this page. http://perso.wanadoo.fr/ct_chess/ | |
23. Daily Chess Columns A short history of computer chess. A short history of computer chess. So it seemed unlikely that computers would ever play masterlevel chess. Alpha-beta. http://www.chessbase.com/columns/column.asp?pid=102 |
24. Computer Chess Programming Information about computer chess programming, links to chess program sources, computer chess publications, computer chess research. computer chess Programming. http://chess.verhelst.org/ | |
25. IBM Research | Deep Blue | Overview computer chessREFLECTIONS ON computer chess. Valdemar W.Setzer. Dept. 8. There is a joke saying that chess is an idiotic game, because even computers play it well http://www.chess.ibm.com/home/html/b.html | |
26. Computer Chess - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia computer chess. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Chess enthusiasts and computer chess implementation issues. Developers of chess http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_chess | |
27. Computer Chess - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia computer chess. (Redirected from computer chess). Chess enthusiasts and computer computer chess implementation issues. Developers of chessplaying http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_Chess | |
28. WCCC99 - 9th World Computer Chess Championship - WCCC 99 In Paderborn Translate this page http://www.uni-paderborn.de/~wccc99/ | |
29. 13th International Computer Chess Championship - IPCCC 2004 In Paderborn Translate this page http://www.uni-paderborn.de/~IPCCC/ | |
30. Computer Chess Gerbil Gerbil is a fully functional chess engine that you can download. Ferret is not yet available for public consumption. It is my real chess engine. http://www.seanet.com/~brucemo/chess.htm | |
31. Computer Chess History computer chess History. by Bill Wall. In 1947, Alan Turing of chess. In 1950, Alan Turing wrote the first computer chess program. By 1956 http://www.cs.biu.ac.il/~davoudo/history.html | |
32. Kasparov Vs. X3D Fritz a short history of computer chess. It is an amazing fact that the first chess program was written before computers were actually invented. http://www.x3dchess.com/press/historyofcomputerchess.htm | |
33. MAKING COMPUTER CHESS SCIENTIFIC (20-Sep-1998) MAKING computer chess SCIENTIFIC. Kasparov that the tournament oriented work on computer chess was not contributing as much to the science of AI as it should. http://www-formal.stanford.edu/jmc/chess.html | |
34. A HREF= Chess.html Computer Chess And Human Chess (12-Oct-1998 computer chess and human chess. Up to Main McCarthy page Jurg Nievergelt mentioned in a lecture the following famous study by http://www-formal.stanford.edu/jmc/reti.html | |
35. Computer Chess Develops minds. In 1950, Claude Shannon, a scientist at Bell Laboratories, published the article that spawned the field of computer chess. http://whyfiles.org/040chess/main4.html | |
36. Peter's Computer Chess Page Peter s Homepage computer chess. Whats New August 2003, Article about Warp s win in Australian computer chess Champs appears in NZ Infotech. http://homepages.caverock.net.nz/~peter/chess.htm | |
37. ICGA Redirect The ICCA was founded by computer chess programmers in 1977 to organise championship events for computer programs and facilitate sharing of technical knowledge via the ICGA Journal (formerly the ICCA Journal). http://www.cs.unimaas.nl/ICCA/index.htm |
38. Guardian Unlimited | Online | Do Not Pass Go By the early 1990s, due in no small part to the successes achieved in computer chess, the interest of the AI community had spread to many other games of skill http://www.guardian.co.uk/online/story/0,3605,817484,00.html | |
39. 14.3 Computer Chess 14.3 computer chess. Besides being a fascinating field of study in its own right, computer chess is an interesting challenge for parallel computers because http://www.netlib.org/utk/lsi/pcwLSI/text/node341.html |
40. CMSC-791 Graduate Seminar: Computer Chess . In this research seminar, we will explore current issues in computer chess.......CMSC791 Graduate Seminar computer chess. Brief Course http://www.cs.umbc.edu/www/courses/graduate/791_Computer_Chess/ | |
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