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121. Abacus - Internet, Multimedia, Projektowanie Stron WWW, Systemy CMS, Integracja projektowanie stron www,infrastruktura,hosting,multimedia infrastruktura hosting,strony www,witryny www,systemy CMS,multimedia,abacus,internet,prezentacje http://www.abacus.pl/ | |
122. Napier's Rods, Abacus And Slide Rule Napier s rods, abacus and slide rule. Back to the top. abacus. An abacus consists of a rectangular frame carrying a number of rods or wires. http://www.geo.tudelft.nl/mgp/people/gerold/indnap.htm | |
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129. Abacus BV Distributeur van administratieve en logistieke software. Informatie over resellers en producten. http://www.abacus.nl/ |
130. Domain Name Registration - Web Hosting From Aplus.Net Make An abacusMAKE AN abacus. Have each child in your class make their own abacus for pennies. For examples on how to use the abacus, click here. Go To Table of Contents http://names4ever.com/ | |
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132. Abacus Consulting - Financial Recruitment Specialists, Recruitment Consultancies staff. abacus is run by its board of directors in a hands on capacity, drawing on over 20 years of specialist recruitment experience. http://www.abacusconsulting.co.uk/ | |
133. Aerosolutions Training Center Offers an online training aid with the latest JAA questions for self study prior to taking the JAA exam. http://abacus.forumforpilots.com | |
134. ThinkQuest : Library : The Amazing Abacus THE AMAZING abacus WELCOME! (click here for sound). Join us in exploring the MAGIC of the abacus. Learn to http://library.thinkquest.org/3711/ | |
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136. Abacus - Surrey Based Covers Band Guildford, Surreybased band covering a variety of rock, soul, and pop hits from the 60s to today. Includes set list, photos, gig dates, and member profiles. http://www.abacus.xad.co.uk/ | |
137. Abacus An abacus is a manual aid to calculating that consists of beads or disks that can be moved up and down on a series of sticks or strings within a usually wooden http://www.whatis.com/definition/0,,sid9_gci211505,00.html | |
138. Home - Abacus Provides a range of private and corporate client wealth management services. http://www.abacusglobal.com/ | |
139. ABACUS HOME PAGE Architecture and Building Aids Computer Unit Strathclyde..abacus is a research group within the Department of Architecture at Strathclyde University. http://www.strath.ac.uk/Departments/Architecture/abacus/home.htm | |
140. Abacus Real Estate. UK And European Real Estate Advisors. Services. Who Are We? Why abacus? Contact Us. Home. Real Estate Consultancy. Monday 24 May 2004. abacus Real Estate is a commercial real estate consultancy. http://www.property-director.com/ | |
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