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41. Abacus Training Own the rights to all old Colton Software (Pipedream and Fireworkz). Help/user group run by regular Archive magazine contributor, Gerald Fitton. http://www.abacusline.demon.co.uk/ | |
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44. Www.blackwellpublishers.co.uk/asp/journal.asp?ref=0001-3072 abacus journal information, contents lists and abstracts on the Blackwell Publishing website. abacus. A Journal of Accounting, Finance and Business Studies. http://www.blackwellpublishers.co.uk/asp/journal.asp?ref=0001-3072 |
45. Abacus - Construction Management And Claims Consultant Offering consultation, dispute resolution services, and litigation support relating to construction management, claim preparation and analysis. Based in Newport Beach, California. http://www.abacusengr.com/ | |
46. Abacus Cards, Greeting Card Publishers UK Offering a diverse range of designs for all occasions. Features galleries of cards and styles. UK publisher. http://www.abacuscards.co.uk | |
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48. Abacus Math Writer By Jpowered A java standalone program that allows producing equations by transferring onscreen writing to an image. Includes illustrations and sample download. http://www.jpowered.com/mathwriter/ | |
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50. Abacus Instruments LTD Have Move Circular chart recorders and loggers for temperature, humidity and electrical signals http://www.abacusinstruments.co.uk/ | |
51. Abacus Applet Applet Source abacus.tar.gz. http://www.tux.org/~bagleyd/java/AbacusAppJS.html | |
52. Anarchy-kka @ Www.ezboard.com Talk about anarchy in general or respond to Killing King abacus, Hot Tide, Willful Disobedience, or Venomous Butterfly Publications. Topics include anarchy, insurrectionary anarchism, anticapitalist and anti-authoritarian struggles. http://pub47.ezboard.com/banarchykka | |
53. Abacus abaci Java 1.1 abacus. Java Source Code (conversion by David Bagley and Sarat Chandran) Click on the above abacus to run Java program. X abacus. http://www.tux.org/~bagleyd/abacus.html | |
54. CORDIS : English Warning European research project to provide methods to determine bioavailable concentrations of contaminants. Includes project descriptions and links to the partnering institutions. http://dbs.cordis.lu/cordis-cgi/srchidadb?ACTION=D&SESSION=89752003-6-24& |
55. ABACUS Tierpark Hotel Berlin: Tagungen, Kongresse, Seminare, Catering Und Mehr . Translate this page English Newsletter abonnieren CTOUR. Hotel. Tagungen. Restaurant. Ars Vivendi Service. Presse. http://www.abacus-hotel.de/ | |
56. Abacus Associates - An International Public Opinion And Strategic Research Firm international public opinion and strategic research firm providing consulting services for advocacy organizations, political candidates, political parties, government officials, labor unions, and corporations. http://www.abacusassoc.com | |
57. Chinese Culture: Misc How to use SOROBAN(abacus) with JavaHow to use SOROBAN(abacus). When all top beads up and all bottom beads down, the soroban(abacus) shows zero. So now playing abacus!! http://www.qi-journal.com/abacus.html | |
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59. AbAcUs Wolseley 15/50 Home Contains photographs, history, information and specifications. http://www.abacus.freeserve.co.uk/ | |
60. ENTER CAR ALARMS WEB SITE Car alarm company based in London. http://www.abacuscar.fsnet.co.uk | |
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