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         Water Resources:     more books (100)
  1. Water Resources Engineering by Larry W. Mays, 2004-11-01
  2. Water: The Fate of Our Most Precious Resource by Marq de Villiers, 2001-07-12
  3. Principles of Water Resources: History, Development, Management, and Policy by Thomas V. Cech, 2004-06-28
  4. Water Resources Engineering (McGraw-Hill series in water resources and environmental engineering) by Ray K. Linsley, 1979-01
  5. Water-Resources Engineering (2nd Edition) by David A. Chin, 2006-04-13
  6. Arc Hydro: GIS for Water Resources by Dr. David Maidment, 2002-08-01
  7. Exploring Water Resources: GIS Investigations for the Earth Sciences, ArcGIS® Edition by Michelle K. Hall, C. Scott Walker, et all 2006-09-07
  8. Water Resources Engineering in Karst by Petar Milanovic, 2004-05-26
  9. Six-Minute Solutions for Civil PE Exam Problems: Water Resources by R. Wane Schneiter, 2003-07
  10. Dynamic Programming for Optimal Water Resources Systems Analysis (Prentice Hall Advanced Reference Series : Engineering)
  11. Frontiers in Water Resource Economics (Natural Resource Management and Policy)
  12. Water Resource Economics: The Analysis of Scarcity, Policies, and Projects by Ronald C. Griffin, 2006-01-01
  13. Agriculture and Water Resources in the West Bank and Gaza (West Bank Data Base Series) by David Kahan, 1988-07
  14. Sustainable Management of Water Resources: An Integrated Approach (The Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (Feem) Series on Economics, the Environment and Sustainable Development)

161. NRDC: Clean Water & Oceans: Oceans
Information on beach pollution, water quality, and threats to the oceans and the life forms that inhabit them.
Pollution, habitat destruction and overfishing take a serious toll on our oceans, so NRDC works to preserve and restore the rich diversity of ocean life and the quality of coastal waters. Our widely covered beach-pollution research has prompted many states to clean up their beaches. We work to stop destructive fishing methods, end overfishing, rebuild fish populations, and reduce the tonnage of fish caught accidentally and thrown away dead. We helped create networks of fully protected marine reserves off the California and Florida coasts, and are pressing for more elsewhere. Finally, we work to ban offshore drilling in coastal areas, while promoting sound coastal zone management.
Drinking Water
Water Pollution   Oceans   
Quick Action Needed on U.S. Oceans Commission Recommendations

NRDC Media Center

Commercial fisheries and the marine systems that sustain them are in crisis.
Water Quality at Vacation Beaches

In Brief
NRDC report tallies more than 12,000 pollution-related closings and advisories at U.S. beaches in 2003.
Study: Ocean Ecosystems Collapsing

In Brief
Independent commission finds marine life and habitats in grave danger.

162. Environment Canada's Green Lane: Topics - Water
Provides links to Environment Canada resources on water.

Acts and Regulations

Media Room

The Minister

Disclosure of Travel and Hospitality Expenses
Related Resources

Quick Links Acid Rain Air Climate Change Emergencies Hinterland Who's Who Nature and Wildlife Ozone Pollution Prevention Site Map Water Others You are here: Home Topics Water
Bulk Water Removal Drinking water Efficiency/Conservation Floods ... Wastewater Technology Centre
See also:
Climate Change Ecosystems Energy Nature and Wildlife ...
Water Glossary
To see news releases or statements and speeches on this and other issues and topics, consult the News Releases and Statements and Speeches Pages What's New About Us Topics Publications ... Canada Site The Green Lane TM , Environment Canada's World Wide Web site Important Notices

163. Environmental Resources Trust, Inc.
Consult with commercial, industrial, and institutional consumers to help them understand the benefits and costs of meeting the electric power needs with green power (EcoPower). ERT also focuses on the development of markets for wateruse rights (EcoLands) and greenhouse gas emission allowances (EcoAir).
About ERT ERT in the News Contact ERT
Related Links
... Home ERT Programs
What is ERT?
ERT (The Environmental Resources Trust, Inc.) is a Washington, DC-based, non-profit organization that pioneers the use of market forces to protect and improve the global environment. Founded in 1996, with the assistance of the Environmental Defense Fund, ERT is harnessing the power of markets to address the challenges of tempering climate change, securing clean and reliable power, and encouraging environmentally beneficial land use. ERT has developed three focused programs to accomplish its mission. ERT's GHG Registry SM records validated greenhouse gas ("GHG") emissions profiles with the aim of creating a market that will enable efficient emissions reductions. The EcoPower SM Program catalyzes the market for clean energy by substantiating and marketing blocks of power that include new renewable sources of energy and have significantly reduced environmental impacts. ERT's EcoLands SM Program facilitates deals that enable and encourage landowners to make environmentally beneficial land use decisions. ERT's funding is derived both from philanthropic contributions and fee-for-service revenues. ERT is

164. Water Cycle - Water In Schools - Resources For Education
Education about the water cycle, water treatment and sewage. Offers curriculum resources for geography, science, math, and history.
Water Cycle (
National Curriculum Educational Resources and Materials
Welcome to our water resource web site! Here you will find the background to many of the issues surrounding our most vital resource, with links to some of the leading web sites. If you are looking for online education resources for the water cycle, water pumps, pollution, water shed, weather, safety and environment follow this link Water In Schools Here you will find an excellent range of resources for schools, pupils, adults, teachers and parents to support the teaching and learning about water. These educational materials can be used within school, with many suitable for homework help, including topics such as maths, science, geography, water conservation, water in London, and the Network Challenge game. You can also find over 200 worksheets dealing with water and sewage treatment, find out about site visits or make orders through the online catalogue. With online games, printable activities and links to other websites there is something to help all ages with their school work. more info Water Catalogue This is an online catalogue for educational resources. National Curriculum subjects covered include citizenship, drama, environment, geography, history, ICT, literacy, maths, music, science and technology. The database lists education resources and education materials for key stages 1-5. You can find worksheets, activities, online games, online resources, online education materials, free downloads, downloadables and site visits, and order educational resources such as the James Pond CD ROM.

165. Watershed Atlas Of The Allegheny River
Rich source of information about the environmental resources of the Allegheny River watershed and how human activities affect water quality and the environment.

166. World Wide Aquatics Catalog: Water Polo Links
International links of resources, team, competitions and clubs.
Links for Polo Lovers Go to Our Water Polo Items in our online catalog
(see our new Tyr Predator water polo suit too)
US Water Polo
International Water Polo
College Teams
Olympics and World Competitions
Water Polo Referee Links
Water Polo Coach Links

167. Science Activities Interactive Learning Resources
Includes activities about the earth, space, oceans and water, weather and climate, physics and chemistry, and geography and mapping. Requires Macromedia Flash Shockwave and Apple Quicktime.
Link to this page.
Link to this page.

168. California's Natural Resources
The California Natural resources Web contains information and links relating to State Parks, National Parks, Monuments, and Preserves, and National Forests within California, as well as California's Biodiversity, Coastal resources, Cultural Diversity, Deserts, Energy, Forests, Geology, Plantlife, water, Wetlands and Wildlife.
John Muir , The Mountains of California, 1894
This web was developed by the California Resources Agency
Enjoy California's Great Outdoors
State Parks
National Parks, Monuments, and Preserves
National Forests
Learn about California's Precious Natural Resources
Coastal Resources
Cultural Diversity
Deserts ...
For the (big and little) Kids!
Help Protect the Environment for the Future
40 Tips to Go Green
Recycling Information
For Your Further Exploration
Natural Resource Organizations
More Environmental Information on the WWW
California Natural Resource Bibliography
Search ... California Home Page

169. American Land Conservancy
Dedicated to the preservation of land and water as enduring public resources, to protect and enhance our nation's natural, ecological, historical, recreational and scenic heritage. webmaster webmaster

170. Water, Air And Climate Change Branch Home Page
Information on major air quality issues, from local to global, including vehicle emissions, stratospheric ozone depletion, industrial emissions, and particulates. Site hosted by the Air resources Branch of the Government of British Columbia, Canada.
NEW Waste Discharge Authorizations What's New Air Quality Air Quality Online ... BC Field Sampling Manual Environment Canada Links: BC Weather Freshwater Ventilation Index (Smoke) UV Index (Ozone Depletion) ... Water, Air and Climate Change Branch Ministry of Water, Land
and Air Protection;
Government of
British Columbia PO Box 9341
Stn Prov Govt
Victoria BC
Canada V8W 9M1 phone: (250) 387-9932
fax: (250) 356-7197 e-MaiL

171. Ohio Soil And Water Conservation Districts On The Web
Provides links to districts, organizations and projects in the state.
OHIO On NACD server! Ohio Association of Soil and Water Conservation Distict Employees On server!
Ohio Chapter of the Soil and Water Conservation Society

On server!
Ashland Soil and Water Conservation District

Ashtabula Soil and Water Conservation District

Athens Soil and Water Conservation District

Auglaize Soil and Water Conservation District
Brown County Soil and Water Conservation District
On server!
Butler Soil and Water Conservation District

Carroll County Soil and Water Conservation District
On server!
On server! Clermont Soil and Water Conservation District Columbiana Soil and Water Conservation District On server! Cuyahoga Soil and Water Conservation District Delaware Soil and Water Conservation District On server! Defiance Soil and Water Conservation District Fairfield Soil and Water Conservation District Fulton County Soil and Water Conservation District Franklin Soil and Water Conservation District On server! Geauga Soil and Water Conservation District Harrison Soil and Water Conservation District Hancock Soil and Water Conservation District Hocking Soil and Water Conservation District On server!

172. Mendocino Midwife - Your Resource For Midwifery Information And Family And Home
resources and information about homebirths, water birthing, family products, birth stories and book reviews. Carla Stange is a Certified Nurse Midwife in practice on the Northern California coast for 15 years.
Mendocino Midwife.Com offers birth stories, book reviews and home birth products from Carla Stange, a certified nurse-midwife and family nurse practitioner who has been attending home births on the northern California coast for 16 years.
Mendocino Family HealthCare

Family Products and Gifts

Book Reviews

Web Resources
Birth Tales

Complete Belly Cast Kits..
Subscribe to Midwifery Muse
For midwifery topics, herbal updates and more...
Unsubscribe Mendocino Family HealthCare Mendocino Birth Tales Family Products and Gifts Web Resources 940 Ukiah Street, PO Box 1129, Mendocino, CA 95460

173. MyOAN! - The Great Outdoors...Made Simple!
Offers articles, advice, forums, and links to other resources. Covers biking, camping, climbing, fishing, hunting, and water sports.
Join MyOAN!
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Customer Service Key Word Search: INTERACTIVE MyOAN! Welcome Tour MyOAN! Experts Outdoor Forums Invite-A-Friend Tip-Of-The-Day Games Online All About MyOAN! MyOAN! OnLine Store DEPARTMENTS Outdoor Fun Facts Outdoor Woman Young Outdoorsman Organizations Outdoor NewsStand Books and Videos Photography Resources Events ISP Channels Press Room Partner With MyOAN! Web Site Services Site Map
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MyOAN! Adds More "Outdoor Fun Facts"

OAN! Headquarters March 15, 2004
MyOAN! Receives Several Web Site Design Awards

OAN! Headquarters Feburary 16, 2004
MyOAN! Partners With OT To Offer Web Services
OAN! Headquarters March 30, 2004 Our Territories Are Really Off The Beaten Path BTN Outdoors Outdoor Journeys With A Theme BTN Outdoors Wild Turkey Madness Find out the scoop on on of the best game birds to hunt Saltwater - Catching Red's and Speckled Trout this summer can be full of fun and adventure America's Camping Roots Run Deep!

Drinking water Information and Web resources water Contaminants Most bottled water is clean. But in 1999, a Natural resources Defense Council study showed that four of 103 tested brands of bottled water violated federal

175. Improvement Of The Drinking Water Supply For The Poor Population Of The Paraguay
Article by The Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural resources.
Sectoral Task Water Improvement of the drinking water supply for the poor population of the Paraguayan Chaco Sources of drinking water are scarce in the thinly populated Paraguayan Chaco. Most of the groundwater is saline, there are no permanent streams or lakes. Drinking water is traditionally obtained by collecting rain water from roofs and storage in cisterns, collecting surface runoff in artificial basins (tajamars) (Fig. 1), and abstraction from small, local fresh water occurrences. In the Technical Cooperation project "Exploration and Development of Groundwater Resources in the Western Part of Paraguay", the results of hydrogeological exploration are used to improve the supply of drinking water to the Indian and Campesino communities. Simple methods adapted to the local conditions are used for the water supply systems. The water is pumped using windmills (Fig. 2). The village communities are fully integrated into the planning and construction activities of the project. Much of the work is done by the local people (Fig. 3). For this reason, the population identify with the project and learn the skills and techniques needed to operate and maintain the system.
Fig. 1: Tajamar

176. Emergency Resources - BE PREPARED!!
water filters, food and water containers, including foldable 200 gallon water container, emergency lights, stoves and ovens, first aid, fire starters, potassium iodate, ammunition, and batteries.
CALL TOLL FREE (888) 567-1707 or (877) 522-2422 ON SPECIAL this month...Emergency/Evacuation Kit. IDEAL for Home or Office use. Practical, Portable and Priced Right...$35.00. Order today by calling 888-567-1707 or use our Secure On-Line Order Form link below.
Emergency Preparedness Kits
Medical Kits, Supplies and Equipment

Custom Emergency/Disaster Kits
First Aid/Survival Kit
Corporate/Classroom Kits

Personal/Family Emergency Kits
Aquatank Water Storage

Water Treatment WHY STORE FOOD?
DATREX Emergency Food/Water

MRE-Meals Ready to Eat

Create Your Own Food Unit
... Orders/Returns/Shipping Emergency Resources International, Inc.

177. ISU Extension To Agriculture And Natural Resources Home Page
Includes information on field specialists, farm business management,gardens, food safety, water quality, valueadded agriculture.
last updated: June 04, 2004
Website design by Liisa Järvinen
Latest News Follow Crop Insurance Rules for Replanting
Some crops in Iowa have been severely damaged by hail, wind and floods this year. ISU Experts Weigh In On the Floods of 2004 Flood and Hail Information
Information and publications to help producers make decisions on how to handle hail- and flood-damaged crops. 'Stargazer' Lilies Look and Smell Heavenly (Reiman's Pick) Topics
Includes information you need about everything from crops, livestock, and farm business management to forestry and lawn and gardens. Field Specialists
Find out who the ISU Extension field specialists are in your area. Success Stories C ontacts for More Information
Find an expert by subject/topic and download the ANR Field and Staff Directory. Find It
Looking for something? Check this alphabetical listing. For Staff Only Donald R. Lewis
109 Curtiss Hall
Iowa State University Ames, Iowa 50011-1050

178. Commission On Water Resource Management
, Revised Well Construction and Pump Installation Standards posted. •, Updated water Use Permit Diagram posted. , Dept. of Land and Natural resources.
Last Update: June 3 The Commission Regulations Public Information Planning ... The Commission
• Commissioners
• Deputy Director
• Survey Branch
• Planning Branch
• Ground Water Regulation Branch
• Stream Protection and Management Branch Regulations
State Water Code

Hawaii Administrative Rules

Hawaii Well Construction and Pump Installation Standards
Internet Links
Questions Ask a question or find answers at the DLNR Customer Support Site Upcoming Events June 9, 2004 Videoconference: Update to Permitting Process for Wells and Pumps June 16 CWRM Meeting (Oahu) July 21 CWRM Meeting (Oahu) August 18, 2004 CWRM Meeting (Oahu) What's New! - Postings June Water Resource Bulletin posted Notice of Application for Water Use Permit, Wahiawa Ground Water Management Area Meet Deputy Director Yvonne Y. Izu April CWRM Meeting Minutes posted ... Meet Commissioner James A. Frazier Current Issues Hawaii Well Construction and Pump Installation Standards Revision Iao/Waihee Aquifer Systems GWMA Designation Waiahole Contested Case Hearing Contact CWRM Office Address: Kalanimoku Building 1151 Punchbowl Street, Room 227

179. Tri-Basin Natural Resources District
Nebraska government department protecting soil and water quality. Offers organization description, maps of streams and region groudwaters and descriptions of regulations and recommended management practices.

180. Untitled
water, conflict and cooperation in the Middle East politics and international law resources.
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