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81. Chris Head Consultant for water resources and hydropower development. http://www.chrishead.co.uk/ | |
82. Washington Department Of Ecology - Water Resources Program Homepage The water resources Program is responsible for regulating the use of ground and surface water, water well construction, and dam safety in Washington State. http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wr/wrhome.html | |
83. Environment Home Page - HEP - FHWA Federal Highway Administration site includes information and links on transportation planning, air quality, water resources, traffic noise, and other environmental topics. http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/ | |
84. A Carfax Publishing Title: International Journal Of Water Resources Development A Carfax Publishing Title International Journal of water resources Development International Journal of water resources Development. http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/07900627.asp | |
85. Water Resources Publications - Books, Software, Proceedings And More Publisher's online catalog, including descriptions of available books, CDs, and other publications in the area of water resources sciences. http://wrpllc.com | |
86. Water Resources Databases Agriculture water resources Databases. Selected water resources Abstracts is a database of abstracts of US Geological Survey publications. The http://www.nal.usda.gov/wqic/dbases.html | |
87. Geauga County Ground-Water Resources, AEX-490.28-97 Factsheet providing information on groundwater resources in the county. http://ohioline.osu.edu/aex-fact/0490_28.html | |
88. Water Resources Discussion Lists water resources Discussion Lists. This is a listing of electronic discussion lists that are primarily concerned with topics related to water resources. http://www.nal.usda.gov/wqic/lists.html | |
89. Www.dwr.ehnr.state.nc.us/ The Vermont water resources Board Main Welcome The water resources Board mission is to ensure that rules which guide the management of Vermont s water resources and wetlands are adopted and (on appeal) are http://www.dwr.ehnr.state.nc.us/ |
90. CTIWR Home Page Conducts research and training as stipulated by the Federal water resources Act, and disseminates findings to water managers and the public. http://www.ctiwr.uconn.edu/ | |
91. UC Center For Water Resources Mission. The mission of the Center for water resources is to stimulate and support water and waterrelated research both within and among the various academic http://www.waterresources.ucr.edu/ | |
92. Water Resources Law Pace University course syllabus with links to water law resources. http://www.pace.edu/lawschool/env/courses/Water/WaterLaw.html |
93. Virginia Water Resources Research Center Virginia water resources Research Center 23 Agnew Hall (0444) Virginia Tech - Blacksburg, VA 24061 (540) 231-5624 - FAX (540) 231-6673. E-mail water@vt.edu. http://www.vwrrc.vt.edu/ | |
94. California Groundwater Protection, CA Ground Water, MtBE, Perchlorate, Arsenic, Nonprofit organization for the protection, preservation, improvement of California ground water against pollution. Site has information about the organization and its activities, job announcements, and related material. http://www.grac.org/ | |
95. Water Resources Education Network In Pennsylvania, A Program Of The League Of Wo WREN provides water education and water resources to Pennsylvania citizens advocating water protection. What s New? River Sojourns May through July. http://pa.lwv.org/wren/ | |
96. Home Click here to view the water resources Division site without frames. Click here to view the water resources Division site without frames. http://www.dnrc.state.mt.us/wrd/home.htm | |
97. ASCE Publications (Water Resource Planning And Management) Table of Contents Current Issues. The Journal of water resources Planning and Management reports on all phases of planning and management of water resources. http://www.pubs.asce.org/journals/wr.html | |
98. HA 730-J Ground Water Atlas Of The United States Online USGS report describes the groundwater resources of this 4state region. http://capp.water.usgs.gov/gwa/ch_j/index.html | |
99. Water.wr.usgs.gov/ EPA Wetlands, Oceans, Watersheds EPA and its partners are working together on a watershed basis to protect the nation s water resources. More About Watersheds http://water.wr.usgs.gov/ |
100. HA 730-G Ground Water Atlas Of The United States Online USGS report describes the groundwater resources of this 4state region. http://capp.water.usgs.gov/gwa/ch_g/index.html | |
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