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         Water Resources:     more books (100)
  1. Water for Sale: How Business and the Market Can Resolve the World's Water Crisis by Fredrik Segerfeldt, 2005-07-25
  2. Regulatory Frameworks for Water Resources Management: A Comparative Study (Law, Justice, and Development Series) (Law, Justice, and Development Series) by Salman M. A. Salman, Daniel D. Bradlow, 2006-05-08
  3. China's Water Crisis (Voices of Asia) by Jun Ma, 2004-02-01
  4. The Water Wizard: The Extraordinary Properties of Natural Water by Viktor Schauberger, 1998-02
  5. Water Resources Atlas of Florida
  6. Wetland and Water Resource Modeling and Assessment: A Watershed Perspective (Integrative Studies in Water Management and Land Development)
  7. Water in Crisis: A Guide to the World's Fresh Water Resources
  8. Sustainability Criteria for Water Resource Systems (International Hydrology Series)
  9. Water and Wastewater Calculations Manual, 2nd Ed. by Shun Dar Lin, C. C. Lee, 2007-06-26
  10. Significance and Treatment of Volatile Organic Compounds in Water Supplies by Neil M. Ram, 1990-02-26
  11. Water Supply and Sewerage (McGraw-Hill series in water resources and environmental engineering) by Ernest W. Steel, 1979-01
  12. The Economics of Water Demands (Natural Resource Management and Policy) by Steven Renzetti, 2002-04-30
  13. Troubled Waters: Religion, Ethics, and the Global Water Crisis by Gary Chamberlain, 2007-11-28
  14. Water Supply by A. C. Twort, 1996-11

81. Chris Head
Consultant for water resources and hydropower development.
Chris Head
An independent consultant with over 35 years experience in water resources and hydropower development. He has worked for river authorities in the UK and overseas, lectured for 4 years at a leading university, and spent 23 years with an international consulting engineer.
His experience includes:
  • Planning, Feasibility Studies and Design
    Rehabilitation and Upgrades
    Regulatory Aspects of Private Hydropower
    Concession Arrangements for Private Projects
    Power Purchase/Sales Agreements
    Construction Contracts
    Design contracts
    Due Diligence and Risk Assessment
    Bidding and Procurement Procedures Financing of Private Hydro Projects River Regulation and Reservoir Operation Water Management Protocols Dispute resolution
Contact details: East Weald Ashford Road Tenterden, Kent TN30 6LX United Kingdom Tel: 44 (0) 1580 763552 Fax: 44 (0) 1580 763537 Mobile: 44 (0) 7985 603164 E-mail:

82. Washington Department Of Ecology - Water Resources Program Homepage
The water resources Program is responsible for regulating the use of ground and surface water, water well construction, and dam safety in Washington State.
Water Resources Program
General Information
Well Log Report Search and View
New and Significant Activities

83. Environment Home Page - HEP - FHWA
Federal Highway Administration site includes information and links on transportation planning, air quality, water resources, traffic noise, and other environmental topics.
Transportation planning and project development must reflect the desires of communities, and take into account the impacts on both the natural and human environments. Transportation projects are closely looked at to see how they might impact the community, the natural environment, and our health and welfare. Before any project can move forward to construction, the FHWA must address and comply with laws related to the environment. These laws cover social, economic, and environmental concerns ranging from community cohesion to threatened and endangered species. To get through this detailed process, FHWA and FTA use the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process to evaluate impacts associated with each individual project. Two Offices within the Federal Highway Administration focus on environmental protection and enhancement. The Office of Natural and Human Environment primarily focuses on environmental programs associated with air quality, noise, and water quality, and on programs associated with the built environment, including transportation enhancements, bicycle and pedestrian facilities and scenic byways. The Office of Project Development and Environmental Review focuses on NEPA project development process as a balanced and streamlined approach to transportation decisionmaking that takes into account the potential impacts on both human and natural resources and the public's need for safe and efficient transportation improvements. Information regarding the full range of FHWA environmental programs can be found on this website. If you don't see the topic you are looking for, check our

84. A Carfax Publishing Title: International Journal Of Water Resources Development
A Carfax Publishing Title International Journal of water resources Development International Journal of water resources Development.
Contact Us Members of the Group All Products Books Journal Article eBooks Alphabetical Listing Journals by Subject Advertising Customer Services ... eBooks
International Journal of Water Resources Development Editor: Professor Asit K. Biswas President, Third World Centre for Water Management, Mexico.
Editorial Information
Publication Details:
Volume 20, 2004, Quarterly
ISSN Print 0790-0627 ISSN Online 1360-0648 2004 Subscription Rates
Subscribe Online!

Institutional: US$779/£472
Individual: US$136/£83
of CrossRef

Aims and Scope: International Journal of Water Resources Development covers all aspects of water development and management in both industrialized and Third World countries. Contents focus on the practical implementation of policies for water resources development, monitoring and evaluation of technical projects, and, to a lesser extent, water resources research. Articles are rigorous and in-depth, and range in approach from applied geographical analysis to the examination of strategic, economic and social issues. Audience:
  • Academics and researchers in the water resources field Policymakers and managers in all organizations that are affected by, or concerned with, water resources development

85. Water Resources Publications - Books, Software, Proceedings And More
Publisher's online catalog, including descriptions of available books, CDs, and other publications in the area of water resources sciences.
A leading publisher and distributor of water resources books, related publications, and computer software, worldwide, since 1971 Featured Publications 2003:

86. Water Resources Databases
Agriculture water resources Databases. Selected water resources Abstracts is a database of abstracts of US Geological Survey publications. The
The Water Quality Information Center at the National Agricultural Library
Agricultural Research Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture
Water Resources Databases
  • AgNIC is a database of agricultural information resources, including information on water.
  • AGRICOLA (AGRICultural OnLine Access) is a bibliographic database of citations to the agricultural literature created by the National Agricultural Library and its cooperators. Production of these records in electronic form began in 1970, but the database covers materials in all formats, including printed works from the 15th century. The records describe publications and resources encompassing all aspects of agriculture and allied disciplines, including animal and veterinary sciences, entomology, plant sciences, forestry, aquaculture and fisheries, farming and farming systems, agricultural economics, extension and education, food and human nutrition, and earth and environmental sciences.
  • Agricultural Research Service Water Database is a collection of precipitation and streamflow data from small agricultural watersheds in the United States.
  • AQUASTAT "is the Food and Agriculture Organization's (FAO) global information system of water and agriculture developed by the Land and Water Development Division of FAO. The objective of AQUASTAT is to provide users with comprehensive information on the state of agricultural water management across the world, with emphasis on developing countries and countries in transition."

87. Geauga County Ground-Water Resources, AEX-490.28-97
Factsheet providing information on groundwater resources in the county.
Ohio State University Extension
Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering
590 Woody Hayes Dr., Columbus, Ohio 43210
Geauga County Ground-Water Resources
Marjorie L. Townsend
A. Wayne Jones
Larry C. Brown
Karen T. Ricker
Water stored under the earth's surface is a plentiful, yet precious, resource in most areas of Ohio. Many human activities may affect the quality and quantity of this resource. However, the availability and quality of this resource are influenced directly by the properties of the geologic formations that hold water. The chemical and physical nature of these formations varies from area to area, creating a wide range of water yields and quality at different depths and formations. This publication contains information about the ground-water resources underlying Geauga County. Its purpose is to help the reader better understand the factors that influence the quantity and quality of ground water. An overview of the county's water resources is provided in the publication Water Resources of Geauga County , AEX-480.28.

88. Water Resources Discussion Lists
water resources Discussion Lists. This is a listing of electronic discussion lists that are primarily concerned with topics related to water resources.
The Water Quality Information Center at the National Agricultural Library
Agricultural Research Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture
Water Resources Discussion Lists
Compiled by
Joseph R. Makuch Version 9.3
November 21, 2003 Internet "lists" or "mailing groups" are topical electronic forums where list subscribers may post announcements, participate in discussions and pose and answer questions. These forums cover a vast array of topics. This is a listing of electronic discussion lists that are primarily concerned with topics related to water resources. For the sake of brevity and focus, the listing does not include the many other environmentally oriented lists that may periodically address water resource issues. Brief instructions for subscribing to lists are given at the end of this document. For a thorough discussion of mailing lists, see Internet Mailing Lists Guides and Resources (at If you know of any additions, deletions,or corrections that should be made to this listing, please send the information to Most Recent Entry (November 2003)
    HYDROLOGYMODEL (Hydrology Modeling) : "This group aims to provide a forum for discussion of scientific research in modeling of hydrologic systems including
    • Rainfall-Runoff Modeling
    • Overland Flow Modeling
    • Unsaturated Flow Modeling
    • Groundwater Flow Modeling
    • Solute Transport Modeling
    • Sea Water Intrusion Modeling
    • Water Quality Modeling

The Vermont water resources Board Main Welcome The water resources Board mission is to ensure that rules which guide the management of Vermont s water resources and wetlands are adopted and (on appeal) are

90. CTIWR Home Page
Conducts research and training as stipulated by the Federal water resources Act, and disseminates findings to water managers and the public.
Home About CTIWR Seminars Publications ... Projects
The Connecticut Institute of Water Resources was established in 1965 by the Federal Water Resources Research Act with two primary objectives. The first is to plan, conduct and arrange for competent research in the field of water resources. The second is to cooperate closely with colleges and universities in Connecticut in order to develop a statewide program designed to resolve state and regional water and related land problems.
Connecticut Water Planning Council:
The Connecticut State Legislature has mandated the formation of a statewide water planning council. Documents related to this effort, including the draft final report of the working committees to the WPC are being maintained on the DPU web site. Links to major documents are listed on this IWR page.
Water Testing: The University of Connecticut does not do free water testing for homeowners. A list of state certified labs, by town, can be found on the Department of Public Health's web site Environmental Labs Directory.

91. UC Center For Water Resources
Mission. The mission of the Center for water resources is to stimulate and support water and waterrelated research both within and among the various academic
Mission The mission of the Center for Water Resources is to stimulate and support water and water-related research both within and among the various academic departments and research organizations of the University. The broad research focus includes the conservation, development, management, distribution, and utilization of water resources with a view to the optimum present and future use.
International Salinity Forum - April 2005

UC Directory of Water and Wildland Expertise

A searchable database of environmental expertise.
Water Education Foundation

Page created by Center for Visual Computing
Maintained by Webmaster

92. Water Resources Law
Pace University course syllabus with links to water law resources.

93. Virginia Water Resources Research Center
Virginia water resources Research Center 23 Agnew Hall (0444) Virginia Tech - Blacksburg, VA 24061 (540) 231-5624 - FAX (540) 231-6673. E-mail
Education Research Outreach Daily News ... Links Newsletter: Virginia Water Central Current Edition:
Previous Issues
Search: Call for Papers 2004 Water
Research Symposium
click here Announcements
  • USGS Releases Water -Quality Reports 2004 Virginia Water Research Symposium Call for Papers UCOWR/NIWR Joint Conference: July 20-22, Portland, Oregon - Program Announcement The New Academic Experts Database! ... Regional Landscape Water Quality Conference

  • **NOTE: Many of the links on our website link to PDF files and you will need to download the free Acrobat Reader from Adobe Systems to access files.

    94. California Groundwater Protection, CA Ground Water, MtBE, Perchlorate, Arsenic,
    Nonprofit organization for the protection, preservation, improvement of California ground water against pollution. Site has information about the organization and its activities, job announcements, and related material.
    GRAC is dedicated to protecting and improving groundwater through education and technical leadership. Sorry, but you will need a frames-capable browser like or Internet Explorer 3.0 or higher to view this site.
    Resource Links

    95. Water Resources Education Network In Pennsylvania, A Program Of The League Of Wo
    WREN provides water education and water resources to Pennsylvania citizens advocating water protection. What s New? River Sojourns May through July.
    What's New? May Newsletter now available Wren Project Awards for 2004-2005 River Sojourns: May through July Updated calendar Don't miss... Download publications in our new library Search the Pennsylvania directory of grassroots river and watershed groups and agencies. Water Graphics!
    Download water graphics from our site. We feature a State Rivers placemat graphic. Notable Download Groundwater: A Primer for Pennsylvanians
    and the
    Groundwater Protection Guide
    Opportunity Grants Available! Winners of the Shohola Creek Photo Contest Check out recent postings to the calendar Welcome! WREN makes connection between Pennsylvania citizens and water resources information. Tucquan Creek
    Tucquan Glen Nature Preserve
    Lancaster County PA
    from the Lancaster Co. Convervancy
    Share your photo Learn about resources and grants
    contains a full list of all our free videos, publications, newsletters and water graphics. Plus we explain how to apply for special grants and awards.

    96. Home
    Click here to view the water resources Division site without frames. Click here to view the water resources Division site without frames.
    This page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support them. Click here to view the Water Resources Division site without frames. This page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support them. Click here to view the Water Resources Division site without frames.

    97. ASCE Publications (Water Resource Planning And Management)
    Table of Contents Current Issues. The Journal of water resources Planning and Management reports on all phases of planning and management of water resources.
    ASCE Publications Home Page ] [ Online Issues: Browse Search Document Store
    Subscription Information
    ... Exit
    Editor: John W. Labadie, Colorado State University
    F requency: Bimonthly
    Table of Contents - Current Issues The Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management reports on all phases of planning and management of water resources. The papers examine social, economic, environmental, and administrative concerns relating to the use and conservation of water. Social and environmental objectives in areas such as fish and wildlife management, water-based recreation, and wild and scenic river use are assessed. Developments in computer applications are discussed, as are ecological, cultural, and historical values. ISSN: 0733-9496
    ASCE Journals Home Page
    ] [ Online Issues: Browse Search CEDB Search Help ... Exit

    98. HA 730-J Ground Water Atlas Of The United States
    Online USGS report describes the groundwater resources of this 4state region.
    U.S. Geological Survey
    Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin
    HA 730-J
    by Perry G. Olcott

    Contents of HA 730-J, published in 1992
    The text is available online with links to each figure, and as a downloadable ascii file
    Illustrations are available online as screen-viewable JPEGs, and as downloadable tiff files suitable for printing and editing.
    The references are available online, and as a downloadable ascii file.
    The electronic version of these illustrations have been adapted for the web from the original print publication. Therefore data users are cautioned to consider carefully the appropriate use of this downloadable data.
    The Atlas publication is intended for use as an introduction to the Nation's ground water resources, and as a teaching tool. For more information on how to purchase a copy of the printed Atlas please refer to the order form. ordering the print product.
    Pertinent references are listed for each described aquifer to assist those needing additional information. Appropriate map scale is indicated by the representative fraction appearing over the scale bars. Interpretations concerning the appropriate use of these illustrations may be obtained from the Office of Ground Water, U.S. Geological Survey, 12201 Sunrise Valley Dr., Reston, VA, 20192.
    Return to Ground Water Atlas home page

    EPA Wetlands, Oceans, Watersheds EPA and its partners are working together on a watershed basis to protect the nation s water resources. More About Watersheds

    100. HA 730-G Ground Water Atlas Of The United States
    Online USGS report describes the groundwater resources of this 4state region.
    U.S. Geological Survey
    Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina
    HA 730-G
    by James A. Miller

    Contents of HA 730-G, published in 1990
    The text is available online with links to each figure, and as a downloadable ascii file.
    Illustrations are available online as screen-viewable JPEGs, and as downloadable tiff files suitable for printing and editing.
    The references are available online, and as a downloadable ascii file
    The electronic version of these illustrations have been adapted for the web from the original print publication. Therefore data users are cautioned to consider carefully the appropriate use of this downloadable data.
    The Atlas publication is intended for use as an introduction to the Nation's ground water resources, and as a teaching tool. For more information on how to purchase a copy of the printed Atlas please refer to the order form. ordering the print product.

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