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         Water Resources:     more books (100)
  1. Computer Methods in Water Resources by Theodore V., II Hromadka, 1984-06
  2. Water Resources Planning (3rd Edition) by Andrew A. Dzurik, 2002-12
  3. Water Wars: Privatization, Pollution, and Profit by Vandana Shiva, 2002-02
  4. The World's Water 2006-2007: The Biennial Report on Freshwater Resources (World's Water) by Peter H. Gleick, Heather Cooley, et all 2006-11-02
  5. Water Resource Management in Northern Mexico (RFF Press) by Ronald G. Cummings, 1972-09-01
  6. Globalization of Water: Sharing the Planet's Freshwater Resources by Arjen Y. Hoekstra, Ashok K. Chapagain, 2008-02-05
  7. Water Resources Sustainability by Larry W Mays, 2006-08-29
  8. Water Resources Engineering by Ralph A. Wurbs, Wesley P. James, 2001-12-15
  9. The Water Encyclopedia, Third Edition: Hydrologic Data and Internet Resources
  10. Water Resources Engineering: Handbook of Essential Methods and Design by Anand Prakash, 2004-01-06
  11. Principles of Water Resources: History, Development, Management, and Policy (Custom Edition) by Cech Thomas V., 2005
  12. Water Resources Handbook by Larry W. Mays, 1996-04-01
  13. Soil and Water Conservation Engineering by Delmar D. Fangmeier, William J. Elliot, et all 2005-09-26
  14. The Great Lakes Water Wars by Peter Annin, 2006-08-16

21. The Oregon Water Resources Department
Paul R. Cleary Director Oregon water resources Department 725 Summer St NE, Suite A Salem, OR 973011271 Phone 503-986-0900 Fax 503-986-0903.
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water law

Access Well Logs

Free access to the well log database with GRID-Web product or purchase well logs on CDrom with our GRID-CD product. New - Access Water Level Data
View the Near Real Time Data or Historical stream flows.
Water Rights in Oregon

about Water Rights in Oregon. Download application forms Water Rights Public Notice
View the latest public notices for water right activities. Water Rights Maps A new Interactive Mapping and reporting of Water Rights in Oregon. WARS WRIS Platcard Access the Water Availability Report System WARS ) or the Water Rights Information System WRIS ). The WARS system requires a telnet helper Check out the Department's sustainability, regulatory streamlining, and performance reports. Water Rights Information Web Page access to the Water Rights Data Warehouse. News, Postings, Events Events and new features. Directory of Services The Vault A place to find copies of OWRD documents. Phillip C. Ward, Acting Director Oregon Water Resources Department 725 Summer St NE, Suite A

22. USGS Water Resources Of Oregon
USGS water resources of Oregon U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) water resources of Oregon contains water data and maps of hydrologic conditions and current streamflow conditions; publications about

23. National Institutes For Water Resources
s of the Programs of the Institutes water resources......Introduction to the NIWR Bylaws of NIWR The 54 water resources Research Institutes Brief
Trick Falls in Glacier National Park, Montana (337k) If you have questions or suggestions about this server, or encounter problems in using this server, send an E-mail message to

24. Ground Water Atlas Archive
Online USGS publication describes U.S. groundwater resources by region. Covers the 50 states, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
The series consists of 13 chapters which describe the ground-water resources of regional areas that collectively
cover the 50 States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands
Introduction and National Summary
Published 1999 HA 730-B California, Nevada Published 1995 HA 730-C Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah Published 1995 HA 730-D Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska Published 1997 HA 730-E Oklahoma, Texas Published 1996 HA 730-F Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi Published 1998 HA 730-G Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina Published 1990 HA 730-H Idaho, Oregon, Washington Published 1994 HA 730-I Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming

25. New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute
New Mexico water resources Research Institute. The Institute funds research to address water problems critical to New Mexico and the southwest.
New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute
The Institute funds research to address water problems critical to New Mexico and the southwest. The Institute has a small staff primarily for research administration. The research is conducted by faculty and their students in the state's universities. News About the Institute Institute staff Powell Consortium ... Albert E. Utton Memorial Water Lecture Fund (pdf) 2004 New Mexico Water Research Symposium
Publications and Proceedings:

26. Arizona Department Of Water Resources
The Arizona Department of water resources works to secure longterm dependable water supplies for Arizona's communities. The Department administers and enforces Arizonas groundwater code, and
Site is best viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorer Browser and the Macromedia Flash Player [Home] News Imaged Records/Bookstore Forms Publications ... Site Map
ADWR Sections: [ Governor's Drought Task Force Recharge Rural Watershed Water Management ... Water Quality Assurance (WQARF)] [ Field Services
Arizona Department of Water Resources
The Arizona Department of Water Resources works to secure long-term dependable water supplies for Arizona's communities.
The Department:
  • administers and enforces Arizona’s groundwater code, and surface water rights laws (except those related to water quality); negotiates with external political entities to protect Arizona's Colorado River water supply; oversees the use of surface and groundwater resources under state jurisdiction, and represents Arizona in discussions of water rights with the federal government.
In addition, the Department explores methods of augmenting water supplies to meet future demands, and develops policies that promote conservation and equitable distribution of water. The Department also inspects dams and participates in flood control planning to prevent property damage, personal injury, and loss of life. In support of these activities, ADWR collects and analyzes data on water levels and on water-quality characteristics. Other responsibilities include management of floodplains and non-federal dams to reduce loss of life and damage to property. ADWR is not a municipal water provider. Search Our Site

27. Arizona Department Of Water Resources
The Arizona Department of water resources works to secure longterm dependable water supplies for Arizona s communities. Arizona Department of water resources.
Site is best viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorer Browser and the Macromedia Flash Player [Home] News Imaged Records/Bookstore Forms Publications ... Site Map
ADWR Sections: [ Governor's Drought Task Force Recharge Rural Watershed Water Management ... Water Quality Assurance (WQARF)] [ Field Services
Arizona Department of Water Resources
The Arizona Department of Water Resources works to secure long-term dependable water supplies for Arizona's communities.
The Department:
  • administers and enforces Arizona’s groundwater code, and surface water rights laws (except those related to water quality); negotiates with external political entities to protect Arizona's Colorado River water supply; oversees the use of surface and groundwater resources under state jurisdiction, and represents Arizona in discussions of water rights with the federal government.
In addition, the Department explores methods of augmenting water supplies to meet future demands, and develops policies that promote conservation and equitable distribution of water. The Department also inspects dams and participates in flood control planning to prevent property damage, personal injury, and loss of life. In support of these activities, ADWR collects and analyzes data on water levels and on water-quality characteristics. Other responsibilities include management of floodplains and non-federal dams to reduce loss of life and damage to property. ADWR is not a municipal water provider. Search Our Site

28. USGS Colorado Water Resources
and historical water information, including realtime surface water conditions, ground water, water-quality. U.S. Geological Survey. water resources of Colorado. Contact webmaster_co
Home Water Data Water Studies Publications General Information ... Search Site Links: Special Interest: Water Data:
- Online current and historical water information, including real-time surface water conditions, ground water, water-quality.
Map-Based Orientation to Water Resource Studies and Data Collection Sites

Data Reports 1995-2002

Sediment data

Snow Pack
... Water Studies:
Background and objectives of active hydrologic studies and investigations in Colorado.
Map-Based Orientation to Water Resource Studies and Data Collection Sites

- National Water-Quality Assessment ( NAWQA ) Program in Colorado. Publications:
Colorado Water Resource reports online, and links to other USGS publications.
- How to purchase publications and maps.

29. Kluwer Academic Publishers - Water Resources
This web page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support them.

30. Kluwer Academic Publishers - Water Resources Management
This web page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support them.

31. Idaho Department Of Water Resources
Falls on the Snake River by Thomas Moran (1900) used courtesy of the Gilcrease Museum All Other Materials © 20002002, Idaho Department of water resources.
The Rathdrum Prairie Ground Water Advisory Committee submitted a recommended ground water management plan. You can read the: Drought Emergency Declarations Issued In 2004 By IDWR The Nez Perce Water Rights Agreement is now available for your review. Here's where you can get information about the issue involving the priority call for delivery of water by Rangen, Inc. in the Magic Valley ... Information About Emergency Stream Channel Alteration Permits and Application Forms
The Natural Resources Interim Legislative Committee on Water Supply and Management Issues.
Top Visitor Picks
Idaho Water Supply Information
ESRP Water Right Transfer Processing Procedures
Well Construction Info Search
Idaho Geographic Info Systems Information ...
Information on Water Rights For Ponds
Menus built using DHTML Menu Builder
More Information About IDWR
Our organization, authority, staff directory, bidding opportunities, job openings, etc.. This is the place where you can

32. Master's Degree In Water Resources Planning
of a special program offered at Johns Hopkins, Southern Illinois, University of Arizona, Washington State, Harvard University and the University of Florida. Purpose, course descriptions, admission requirements, and fees.......
MASTER'S DEGREE PROGRAM IN WATER RESOURCES PLANNING Johns Hopkins Southern Illinois Arizona Washington State ... Harvard As part of the planning “Hire-Train-Retain” initiative the Corps is working with the Universities Council on Water Resources (UCOWR) to develop a masters degree program in water resources planning and management. UCOWR is a consortium of 90 universities that offer water resources education. The degree program enables planners and other technical professionals to complete requirements for a masters degree at government expense in a relatively compressed time frame. The program fills an important niche in our need to rapidly build capability in the face of losses of experienced personnel by providing a significant incentive for hiring and retaining planning talent as well as enhancing that talent through the opportunity for professional growth offered by an advanced professional education. A student's experience Planning Ahead Article, Jan 2003

33. Water Resources
Official information on hydrological and water resources in the country, with links to related sites.
Water Resources Link
Ministry of Water Resources

Central Water Commission

Central Ground Water Board

National Institute of Hydrology
Narmada Control Authority

Featured Link


Articles / News
ICT Water Resources
Minor Irrigation Census 2nd MI Census 3rd MI Census Press Releases Photo Gallery VISION Since 1 st March 2002 Last Updated : 15 March 2002. National Informatics Centre Department of Information Technology Ministry of Communications and Information Technology

34. Cookies Required
The Journal of water resources Planning and Management reports on all phases of planning and management of water resources. About
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    35. M/o Water Resources
    Content owned, maintained and updated by Ministry of water resources, Shram Shakti Bhawan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi - 110 001.
    Freshwater Year 2003 Nodal Officer Officers Telephone Parliament Questions ... CVC Blacklist Latest News Latest Tenders Induction Material of Ministry Editors Conference on Social Sector Issues Interlinking of Rivers ... 2nd Minor Irrigation Census Contacts Nodal Officer Officers Telephone Webmaster M/o Water Resources History Functions Organisations Related Ministry Address Grievences Staff Related Public Related Development of Water Co-Operation Water Resources Development International Co-operation Responsibility of development of Water Co-operation in harnessing Water Resources ... Inter Basin Transfer Water In India Water Statistics Water Resources of India National Water Resources Water in Indian Constitution Ground Water ... Water is Life Publications Annual Report : Demands for Grants : Performance Budget : For any comment/ enquiry e-mail Webmaster at :

    36. EPA > Watershed Information Network Homepage
    EPA guide to information and services for protecting and restoring water resources. Includes state and local watershed information.
    Watershed Information Network Contact Us Print Version Search: EPA Home Water Watershed Information Network Watershed Questions Regional Information Watershed Atlas Watershed Spotlight ... Watershed News
    Roadmap to information services
    for protecting and restoring water resources. Watershed Questions Select One What is a watershed? What is my watershed address? What is the health of my watershed? What data and maps are available? How can I get involved in my watershed? How do I start a watershed team? Who's talking about my watershed? What financial, technical and hands-on assistance is available? What training is available? Who can I contact? What are the basic laws related to water?
    Watershed Questions
    Watershed Glossary
    Watershed Calendar

    EPA Home
    ... Contact Us

    37. The Arizona Water Resources Research Center
    The Arizona water resources Research Center (WRRC) was established in 1957. National Institutes for water resources A gateway to 54 water resource institutes.
    The Arizona Water Resources Research Center (WRRC) was established in 1957. Its mission is to provide statewide outreach and education focused on critical water issues affecting Arizona and to provide expertise on state and regional water management and policy. Located within the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at the University of Arizona, the WRRC administers the Federal 104 grant program authorized by the Water Resources Research Act of 1964. Related missions are to communicate water-related research needs from research users to researchers, and to report research findings to potential users of that information. The WRRC works with public/private organizations and individuals to provide information and services through outreach, conferences and symposia, and a publications program that includes two newsletters.
    2004 Water Conference: The Future of Agricultural Water Use in Arizona

    TRIF Water Sustainability Program - New Project Summaries Project Listing 2004-2005 March/April edition of the Online Arizona Water Resource ... Presentation by Sharon Megdal: How Water Management in Tucson, Arizona Affects the Desert's Landscape

    38. John C. Halepaska And Associates, Inc.
    Awardwinning consultants using professional engineers and geologists to provide services in all areas of surface water and groundwater resources projects. Located in the Denver, Colorado metropolitan area.
    JCHA has extensive experience in providing surface and ground water-related services throughout the United States and internationally, including the Middle East, Canada, Australia, Central and South America. JCHA prides itself on providing timely, cost-effective services that are specifically tailored to your needs. We provide a team of professional engineers, geologists and hydrologists that can handle all water resources-related projects. JCHA has been judged a two time ACEC award winner in Colorado for an innovative conjunctive use project using surface water supplies and Denver Basin Wells, and for a water management plan to build an off-stream reservoir to manage available water supplies. To supplement our expertise, JCHA personnel are active in the Colorado Special District Association National Ground Water Association American Institute of Mining Engineers Colorado Ground Water Association ... American Consulting Engineers Council of Colorado (ACEC) and American Water Resources Association.

    39. Colo. Division Of Water Resources
    Water, Conservation Board Overview Current Issues Board Agendas water resources Dam Safety Surface Flow Data Well Permitting. Geology,

    About Us



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    Our Mission ...... - To provide competent and dependable distribution of water in accordance with statutes, decrees and interstate compacts.
    - To ensure public safety through safe dams and properly permitted and constructed water wells.
    - To maintain and provide accurate and timely information concerning water.
    - To promote stewardship of all human, fiscal and natural resources.
    - To serve the public through the generation of creative solutions to problems. - To help the public understand complex water issues. - To promote stability in the use of the state's limited water resources. - To apply modern technology to its greatest advantage. Colorado Celebrates the 125th Anniversary of the Water Commissioner February 19, 2004 marks the 125th anniversary of the creation of the position of Water Commissioner – a historic day for the Colorado Division of Water Resources. In celebration of this anniversary a House Joint Resolution and an Honorary Proclamation will be read on the floor of the House, in the State Capitol, at 9 a.m. Governor Bill Owens said the recognition is well-deserved. Read the entire press release...

    40. New Page 1
    Government agency dedicated to the conservation of soil and water resources. Website contains useful information on conservation techniques for farmland and rural and suburban communities.

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