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61. CSIRO PUBLISHING - Excellence In Science Publishing Science articles, books, CDs, and journals publication and sales. Ecos magazine for sustainability in the environment and industry full texts available, details of other publications, and business unit profile included. http://www.publish.csiro.au/ | |
62. UNDP Philippines for Sustainable Development (PHI/93/681). Ensuring environmental SustainabilityUNDP works on enhancing the environment s carrying http://www.undp.org.ph/sustainability.htm | |
63. On Dialogue, Knowledge, Creativity, (cyber)culture, Learning, Wholeness,... Personal page of Heiner Benking. Deals with topics of planning, environment, development, and sustainability. http://benking.de | |
64. LEAD - Livestock, Environment And Development - Virtual Research And Development Tries to help improve communication and enhance the relevance of research and development issues regarding livestock environment interactions for sustainability of natural resources. Includes list of publications. http://www.virtualcentre.org/en/frame.htm | |
65. Environmental Sustainability Kit (complete) While sustainability encompasses many things, from affordable health care andhousing to a safe and clean environment, we have focused the environmental http://www.environmentaldefense.org/pdf.cfm?ContentID=1247&FileName=ESK.pdf |
66. Sustainable Measures develops indicators that measure progress toward a sustainable economy,society and environment. http://www.sustainablemeasures.com/ | |
67. ED433194 1998-12-00 Education For Environmental Sustainability. ERIC Digest. These themes reflect an acknowledgment that education about the environment andsustainability is interdisciplinary in nature, must allow for multiple http://www.ericfacility.net/databases/ERIC_Digests/ed433194.html | |
68. SSRN-A Critique Of The Environmental Sustainability Index By Raghbendra Jha, K.V Abstract A central issue in the context of the environment is thatof its sustainability. This presumes the development of an index http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=380160 |
69. Human World news, reports, opinions, reviews and ideas on sustainability, natural food, food safety, food supply, and our personal and tribal health and future in our urban environment. http://human.editthispage.com/ | |
70. Redirect To Home Page Specializes in the design of enterpriselevel risk management solutions to address health, safety, environment, community and sustainability issues. http://www.rmt.com.au/ |
71. Sutton Environment Network - Home Page Links local groups and individuals with an interest in the environment and its sustainability. Includes events, activities, project information and contacts. http://www.thecei.org.uk/ | |
72. Download: Townsville City Council: Environmental Sustainability - EPA/QPWS management environmental management; Air; Water; Land; Waste; Noise and nuisance;Coast and oceans; sustainability; Planning and guidelines; State of the environment. http://www.epa.qld.gov.au/publications?id=389 |
73. Nature Beauties Safaris Promoting tourism with a focus on the philosphy of sustainability of environment. | |
74. Environment/Sustainability Also contains information on national environmental issues. Sustainable AgricultureNetwork The network is the communications and outreach arm of the http://www.sru.edu/pages/2730.asp | |
75. Fertile Ground Guesthouse - An Eco-Friendly Bed & Breakfast In Olympia, WA Demonstrating sustainability in the home environment. Guests receive organic meals and other green amenities. http://fertileground.org/ |
76. Internet Links For Economics, The Environment, And Sustainability The WBCSD aims to develop closer cooperation between business, government and allother organizations concerned with the environment and sustainable development http://sorrel.humboldt.edu/~envecon/internet.html | |
77. Future West - Promoting Sustainable Development Advocating sustainability in the South West and Bristol, an environmental organisation working with local groups, businesses and government to advance the cause of sustainable development and the environment. http://www.wpsd.org.uk/ | |
78. GOEM: European - Objective 2 - Thematic Priorities - Environmental Sustainabilit of the principles of sustainability involves balancing the objectives of economicdevelopment with protection  or enhancement  of the environment and http://www.go-em.gov.uk/european/obj2/thematic_priorities/environment.php | |
79. Environmental Change Institute Research and teaching on the environment and sustainability. Established to organise and promote collaborative interdisciplinary research on the nature, causes and impacts of environmental change and to contribute to management strategies for coping with future environmental change. http://www.eci.ox.ac.uk/ | |
80. GOEM: European - Objective 2 - Thematic Priorities - Environmental Sustainabilit Environmental sustainability Advisory Group (ESAG) and Environmentalsustainability Officer. The Environmental sustainability Advisory http://www.go-em.gov.uk/european/obj2/thematic_priorities/environment/esag_group | |
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