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41. Canadian Institute For Environmental Law And Policy Striving to provide leadership in the development of environmental law and policy that promotes the public interest and the principles of sustainability, including the protection of the health and wellbeing of present and future generations, and of the natural environment. http://www.cielap.org/ | |
42. Yale Center For Environmental Law And Policy 2002 environmental sustainability Index (ESI). A Collaboration amongthe World Economic Forum s Global Leaders for Tomorrow environment http://www.yale.edu/envirocenter/ | |
43. Marine Science Online Magazine Promoting Marine Science with emphasis on global environment, sustainability and use of ocean resources. http://www.virtue.uib.no/magazine/ | |
44. Sustainable Environment sustainability development is the next phase of integrated product development. productdevelopment approaches that also benefit the local environment and the http://www.sae.org/topics/sustain.htm | |
45. The National Trust Environment & Conservation Homepage Details original documents on environmental issues, nature conservation, sustainability, archaeology, agriculture, buildings, rural development, forestry, volunteers, and gardens. http://www.ntenvironment.com/index.htm | |
46. Aveda - Environmental Sustainability Policy At Aveda, we see the sustainability challenge as one of protecting biodiversity Lossof species and habitat destruction; Air pollution; Toxins in the environment; http://www.aveda.com/protect/we/esp.asp | |
47. Bartlett: Environmental Sustainability The World Commission on environment and Development, Gro Harlem Brundtland Our Common amore detailed understanding of the meaning of sustainability than we http://www.hubbertpeak.com/bartlett/envSustain.htm | |
48. Welcome To The Sustainable Community Indicators Program (SCIP) About the use of the environmental indicators approach in Canada includes data on indicators which represent or summarize a significant aspect of the state of the environment, natural resource sustainability and related human activities. http://www.ec.gc.ca/soer-ree/English/scip/default.cfm | |
49. Global Environmental And Outdoor Education Council (GEOEC) Lesson plans and resources for teaching about the environment, global interdependence, and sustainability. http://www.geoec.org | |
50. FCCDR Guide to environmentrelated Internet resources for Florida, including current Florida environmental news. http://www.ficus.usf.edu/ | |
51. Environmental Sustainability: Choices For The Future sustainability Choices For The Future highlights more than 25 years of internationaldiscussion, debate and ideas, with regard to the state of the environment http://www.nova.edu/ocean/envsust/envsust.html | |
52. IMarEST Events Homepage The purpose of this conference is to enhance awareness of potential changes in the world economic and political scene during the next 25 years associated with developments in the maritime world, and to assess the opportunities and challenges provided by the oceans for protecting, preserving and promoting sustainability. Each maritime industry, from shipping to mariculture, will be represented, sharing the platform with those concerned with the environment, law of the sea and international governance. http://www.imare.org.uk/events/event.asp?ID=2238 |
53. HP Environmental Sustainability Contact HP, Search HP environment All of HP US. HP.comhome, HP Global citizenship environmental sustainability. http://www.hp.com/hpinfo/globalcitizenship/environment/ | |
54. Creation At Environment Concern Recycling centers, information and advice, training, projects and news. A nonprofit organisation co-ordinating local urban regeneration and environmental projects with an emphasis on community involvement and sustainability. Batley, Kirklees. http://www.creation.org.uk/ |
55. Y2K Environmental/Sustainability Materials Y2K environmental/sustainability materials. Articles Y2Krelevant SustainableTechnologies Other Y2K/environment-related articles. Rachel s http://www.co-intelligence.org/y2k_environment.html | |
56. OMAF Environmental Management Index Page National government site in Canada on sustainability Facts and opinions. http://www.gov.on.ca/OMAFRA/english/environment/index.html | |
57. Environmental Sustainability Index Environmental sustainability Index 2001 Rankings. The Environmentalsustainability Index (ESI). The Environmental sustainability Index http://www.sdnbd.org/sdi/issues/environment/esi-report.htm | |
58. .::earthnomad:::VOICES.::.:Moving:Earth:with:a::Word::: The Foundation allocates resources and contributes to public and private efforts in Earth sustainability and in raising awareness of the uniqueness and fragility of our living environment. http://www.earthnomad.com | |
59. GreenBiz - Business, Environment, Sustainability, And The Bottom Line sustainable business, environmental business practices, greenbiz, climate, climate environmentalpractices, business, business and environment, careers, clean http://www.greenbiz.com/ | |
60. Portal To Environmental, Sustainability & Community Resources Online resources serves the information and communication needs of individuals and organizationsworking to protect our environment and create a sustainable future. http://www.ecoiq.com/onlineresources/ | |
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