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         Pollution Prevention And Recycling:     more books (47)
  1. Law of Solid Waste, Pollution Prevention and Recycling (The Clark Boardman Callaghan Environmental Law Series) by Jeffrey M. Gaba, Donald W. Stever, 1992-11
  2. Environmental honors: state lauds companies for work in pollution prevention, source reduction, recycling and education. (Environment).(Indiana Governor's ... An article from: Indiana Business Magazine by Amanda Lawson, 2003-07-01
  3. Pollution Prevention and Waste Minimization in Laboratories by Peter A. Reinhardt, Peter C. Ashbrook, et all 1996-01-16
  4. Pollution prevention. (Arkansas Power and Light Co.'s ash-recycling and land-reclamation programs) (Corporate Conservation, part 3): An article from: Arkansas Business by Kane Webb, 1992-02-24
  5. Greatest Hits Collection for Cleaner Production and Pollution Prevention [A book review from: Resources, Conservation & Recycling] by E. Worrell, 2004-05-01
  6. Green Profits: The Manager's Handbook for ISO 14001 and Pollution Prevention by Nicholas P Cheremisinoff, Avrom Bendavid-Val, 2001-04-16
  7. Handbook of Pollution Prevention Practices (Environmental Science and Pollution Control Series) by Cheremisinoff, 2001-02-09
  8. Industrial Pollution Prevention Handbook by Harry M. Freeman, 1994-08-01
  9. Pollution Prevention: The Waste Management Approach to the 21st Century
  10. Pollution Prevention Through Process Integration by Mahmoud M. El-Halwagi, 1997-01-15
  11. Toward Zero Discharge: Innovative Methodology and Technologies for Process Pollution Prevention
  12. Medical Waste Incineration and Pollution Prevention by Alex E.S. Green, 1992-07-15
  13. Industrial Waste Treatment Processes Engineering Guide: Pollution Prevention, Volume I by Gaetano Celenza, Gaetano J. Celenzo, 1999-08-02
  14. Computer Simulated Plant Design for Waste Minimization/Pollution Prevention (Computer Modeling for Environmental Management Series) by Stan Bumble, 2000-03-15

1. Small Business And Environmental Assistance Redirect Page
See Also Small Business and Environmental Assistance. The Office of pollution prevention and recycling (OPPR) no longer exists.
See Also:
Small Business and Environmental Assistance
The Office of Pollution Prevention and Recycling (OPPR) no longer exists. Its functions are now part of the Small Business and Environmental Assistance Division. Go to Small Business and Environmental Assistance Remember to change your bookmark. Index Agency Search Home ... Webmaster

2. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Pollution Prevention And Recycling
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle pollution prevention and recycling. ollution prevention and recycling are among the most highprofile TNRCC programs.
Biennial Report to the 76th Legislature
Volume II:

Table of Contents
Volume I
Retired Electronic Publication
This document is out of print. You can check out copies of out-of-print documents from the Texas State Library, Reference/Documents, 512/463-5455, Box 12927, Austin, Texas 78711. Copies can also be viewed in the TNRCC Library. Section II
1998: Toward a Cleaner, Healthier Texas Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Pollution Prevention and Recycling Preventing Pollution
at All Levels
Since 1993, more than 400 industrial facilities have received technical assistance and training through site visits and workshops. Participating industrial facilities have:
  • reduced hazardous waste generation by 77,000 tons;
  • reduced nonhazardous waste generation by 145,300 tons;
  • cut volatile organic compound emissions by 543,000 pounds;
  • conserved 1.5 billion gallons of water;
  • saved $81 million in labor, raw material purchases, and avoided disposal costs.
  • The hotel is converting all 1,620 rooms to voluntary reuse of towels and linens. Savings in laundry costs are estimated to be more than $100,000 a year.
Partnership Recognized by White House
Programs Help Rural Texans
This year, TNRCC workshops helped ranchers with composting animal waste, current compost regulations, marketing opportunities, and references to both public and private sector applications for composted materials. Composting animal waste helps prevent the water pollution that occurs when waste runs off the land into water supplies. Applying compost to soil helps keep agricultural chemicals from running off into water bodies by enhancing soil stability and reducing erosion. Compost also helps prevent loss of soil nutrients.

3. Recycling Works - A Division Of Pollution Prevention And Environmental Assistanc
Recycling Works. Vol. 7, No. 6, No. 4 Fall 2000 - Self-help funds new C D debris recycling operation in Rowan County Vol. 6, No.
Recycling Works
Vol. 7, No. 1 - Winter 2001 - Material Reclamation LLC Opens for Business in the Triangle
Vol. 6, No. 4

Vol. 6, No. 3
- Summer 2000 - National Recycling Conference Coming to N.C.
Vol. 6, No. 2
- Spring 2000 - Recycled newsprint key ingredient in high performance insulation
Vol. 6, No. 1
- Winter 1999-2000 - Trailblazing with food waste diversion
Vol. 5, No. 3
- Fall 1999 - R24 Lumber Company receives Self Help and Sustainable Jobs Fund Financing
Vol 5, No. 2
- Summer 1999 - New market for mixed paper
Vol. 5 No. 1

Vol. 4, No. 4
- November 1998 - KTI, Inc., completes acquisition of FCR, Inc.
Vol. 4, No. 3
- August 1998 - ExplorNet recycles computers, focuses on technology integration in public schools
Vol. 4, No. 2
- May 1998 - Company brings "light" to recycling in North Carolina Vol. 4, No. 1 - March 1998 - Wallboard Scrap is "Gold" for North Carolina Recycler Vol. 3, No. 4 - October 1997 - Recycled Content Products: Growth Segment of NC Company's Business Vol. 3, No. 3

4. ScienceDaily -- Browse Topics: Science/Environment/Pollution_Prevention_and_Recy
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6. Pollution Prevention And Recycling Environment Science English
EPA Office of Solid Waste Science Environment pollution prevention and recycling. Information English Deutsch Espa±ol ... Pollution Prevention and Recycling Pollution Prevention and Recycling : One definition of Pollution Prevention is: "The use of processes ◆ practices ◆ materials ◆ products or energy that avoid or minimize the creation of pollutants and waste ◆ and reduce overall risk to human health or the environment." Industrial ecology is also a closely related area. This section is primarily for resources related to waste minimization by source reduction (using fewer resources) ◆ reuse ◆ and recycling. Composting is a technique for waste minimization ◆ so there is a cross-link to the section Home◆Gardens◆Composting. Control of air and water pollution are covered in other categories of Science◆Environment. Science Environment Pollution Prevention and Recycling: Materials Exchanges
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Composting: English Home Gardens Soil and Additives Compost
Products and Services: English Business Energy and Environment Waste Management Recycling
English Business Energy and Environment Environment: Environmental Management Systems - ISO 14000
English Shopping Niche: Green Living
English Society Issues Environment: Pollution
English Science Environment: Sustainability English Society Issues Environment: Waste and Recycling English Business Energy and Environment: Waste Management User Guidelines for Waste and Byproduct Material in Pavement Construction

7. Computer Hardware Materials Exchanges Pollution Prevention And Recycling Environ
computer parts for reuse. English Science Environment pollution prevention and recycling Materials Exchanges Computer Hardware. English Deutsch Espa±ol ... Computer Hardware Computer Hardware : Web Sites of firms or organizations that promote the exchange of computers or computer parts for reuse. Pollution Prevention and Recycling Materials Exchanges Computer Hardware: English Business Energy and Environment Waste Management Recycling: Electronics
English Computers Software Operating Systems Linux Hardware Support: Recycle or Obsolete
English Computers Hardware: Used

Pollution Prevention and Recycling Materials Exchanges Computer Hardware.
A UK company offering a Europe wide computer hardware brokering ( MRM ) recycling and disposal service including secure data desctruction.
CRT Recycling Inc.

Pollution Prevention and Recycling Materials Exchanges Computer Hardware.
A class A recycler for CRT’s and have technicians on site certified for freon extraction. Advocates reuse and recycling above all. Spacecom Computer Recycle Pollution Prevention and Recycling Materials Exchanges Computer Hardware. Free redundant computer disposal in England. Some equipment is donated to charities and 3rd world educational organisations.

8. Pollution Prevention And Recycling - Building Materials Suppliers And Manufactur
This directory contains a broad range of companies that make or sell pollution prevention and recycling. Our comprehensive range
The house plans superstore HOME Product Showcase The Guide To Building Products ... Environment Pollution Prevention and Recycling
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Appliances Cabinetry Decorating Doors ... Items in our store
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Aberdeen Proving Ground Pollution Prevention Program

Highlights pollution prevention activities and hazardous material management at Aberdeen Proving Ground.
Buy Recycled: EPA's Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines
Recycled content guidelines and other information for U.S. federal government procurement. Includes directories of manufacturers of a wide range recycled products for industrial, commercial, and household use. url: Canadian Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse Environment Canada's pollution prevention (P2) website and database featuring general information, tools, legislation, success stories, and technology. url:

9. Pollution Prevention And Recycling, Empire State Development
Productivity, Energy Environment. pollution prevention and recycling. Main Services We Offer. Financial Assistance – Our Environmental
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Pollution Prevention and Recycling ... Environmental Zones
Pollution Prevention and Recycling
Main Services We Offer
    Eligible applicants include qualified small and medium-sized New York State businesses, non-profit organizations and municipalities on behalf of New York State businesses. Applications are accepted throughout the year. ESU staff will work with each applicant to ensure timely review of applications. Click here to download a PDF version of the Program Guide. For more information about the Environmental Investment Program, contact the Environmental Services Unit: Telephone (518) 292-5340, Fax (518) 292-5886, or Email
  • Recycling Market Information - Assistance is provided to identify and access recovered material supplies and market outlets for recyclables.
  • The Electronics Reuse and Recycling Markets Information Report was prepared by the Northeast Recycling Council for Empire State Development to help New York State consumers, municipal officials, and businesses locate organizations that recycle or reuse old computers, televisions or other electronic devices. Click here to download a PDF file of the report.

Jack Kinnicutt 518/4744100, Tuesday, May 18, 1999. ACCESSING STATE S pollution prevention and recycling FUNDS FOCUS OF ESD REGIONAL FORUM SERIES.
Contact: For Release: Immediate Jack Kinnicutt 518/474-4100 Tuesday, May 18, 1999 ACCESSING STATE'S POLLUTION PREVENTION AND RECYCLING FUNDS
FOCUS OF ESD REGIONAL FORUM SERIES Empire State Development Chairman Charles A. Gargano today announced that a series of regional forums designed to provide information and application guidelines for ESD's newly formed Environmental Investment Program (EIP) will be held statewide during June and July. "Through our new Environmental Management Investment Group and its Environmental Investment Program, Empire State Development is expanding New York's commitment to a cleaner environment by supporting a broader range of environmentally focused projects that can create new jobs," Chairman Gargano said. The Environmental Investment Program awards funds to qualified New York businesses, non-profit organizations and municipalities on behalf of businesses. Funds are available for capital projects; research, development and demonstration of new products and technologies; and technical assistance to help businesses achieve pollution-prevention and recycling results. Applicants must be in compliance with environmental regulations. The deadline for the first round of investments under the EIP is September 28, 1999. Proposals for the twice-annual solicitation are reviewed on a competitive basis.

11. Pollution Prevention And Recycling - 190 Of The Best Sites Selected By Humans
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Center for By-Products Utilization at the Un...
Chelsea Center for Recycling and Economic De... National Center for Remanufacturing and Reso... ... New Hampshire Materials Exchange (part 2) New York Wa$teMatch Niweb Ohio Materials Exchange Recycle 2000 ... Global Computer (part 2) Keep It Green Computer Recycling Logical Reclaim (Europe) Ltd. Materials Asset Management MRM ... Waste Management Trends and Comments Organizations Aluminum Packaging Recycling Organization Association of Postconsumer Plastic Recyclers Auntie Litter is Anti-Litter Automotive Parts Rebuilders Association (APRA) ... WebDirectory - Recycling Recycling_Information Glass Glass Recycling Used Motor Oil Collection and Recycling (API) Recycling_Information Paper Magazine Paper Project Recycling_Information Steel Steel Can Recycling Council Cansmart Help build the largest human-edited directory on the web.

12. Pollution Prevention And Recycling @
Home pollution prevention and recycling (190), Subdirectories of pollution prevention and recycling Website related to pollution prevention and recycling

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Subdirectories of Pollution Prevention and Recycling: Institutes
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Website related to Pollution Prevention and Recycling:
Aberdeen Proving Ground Pollution Prevention Program

Highlights pollution prevention activities and hazardous material management at Aberdeen Proving Ground.
Buy Recycled: EPA's Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines
Recycled content guidelines and other information for U.S. federal government procurement. Includes directories of manufacturers of a wide range recycled products for industrial, commercial, and household use. Canadian Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse Environment Canada's pollution prevention (P2) website and database featuring general information, tools, legislation, success stories, and technology. Cleaner Production in China On implementation of cleaner production (pollution prevention) in China's industries. Case studies, information on policy, strategies and legislation, and general information and links on industrial ecology, life cycle assessment, ISO 14000, and related topics. Dumpster Diving: Treasure and Trash Personal essay about experiences recovering reusable materials from other people's waste. How people view it, how to do it and why do to it.

13. Science, Environment: Pollution Prevention And Recycling
Prevention and Environmental Assistance Information and education resources on recycling, environmental management systems, and pollution prevention;
Top Science Environment Pollution Prevention and Recycling ... Products and Services Related links of interest:

14. Science, Environment, Pollution Prevention And Recycling, Materials Exchanges: C
ARC International Computer disposal services and computer recycling center. Back thru practices available. CRT Recycling Inc.
Top Science Environment Pollution Prevention and Recycling ... Computer Hardware
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15. EPA Green Communities - How Do We Get There? - Pol. Prev. & Recycling
How Do We Get There? pollution prevention and recycling Action Plan. Click here for pollution prevention and recycling Action Plan Indicators and Linkages.
Green Communities Recent Additions Contact Us Print Version Search: EPA Home Green Communities How Do We Get There? Tools ... Let's Go!
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Zero discharge of pollutants through strong prevention practices is an ultimate goal we want to see all companies strive for.
James M. Seif, Secretary, PA Department of Environmental Protection Pollution prevention and recycling can be effective tools in the community for reducing waste generation, eliminating disposal, reducing environmental pollution and saving funds which can be used for other initiatives. Click here for Pollution Prevention and Recycling Action Plan Indicators and Linkages
Goals and Objectives
  • Reduce the production of waste at the source including solid and hazardous waste, air emissions, liquid discharges and energy consumption.waste, air emissions, liquid discharges and energy consumption. For wastes which cannot be reduced at the source, use reuse and recycling options to further reduce wastes needing treatment or disposal.

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  • Earth 911

    Guide to local resources including recycling centers, how to recycle, pollution prevention and how help protect the environment. detailed information Rating: [7.00] Votes: [257] North Carolina Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental Assistance Information and education resources on recycling, environmental management systems, and pollution prevention detailed information Rating: [7.00] Votes: [739] Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Resource Center Extensive source of information on pollution prevention technologies and implementation, for industry, commerce, and households. Includes many relevant intern detailed information Rating: [7.00] Votes: [450] EPA Office of Solid Waste Information about Municipal Solid Waste (MSW); more commonly known as trash or garbage.

    19. Environment: Pollution Prevention And Recycling
    Environment pollution prevention and recycling. Home Science Environment pollution prevention and recycling.
    Environment: Pollution Prevention and Recycling
    Home Science Environment : Pollution Prevention and Recycling Institutes Materials Exchanges News and Media Organizations ... Recycling Information google_ad_client = "pub-3272565765518472";google_alternate_color = "FFFFFF";google_ad_width = 336;google_ad_height = 280;google_ad_format = "336x280_as";google_ad_channel ="7485447737";google_color_border = "FFFFFF";google_color_bg = "FFFFFF";google_color_link = "0000FF";google_color_url = "008000";google_color_text = "000000"; Standard Listings
    Aberdeen Proving Ground Pollution Prevention Program
    Highlights pollution prevention activities and hazardous material management at Aberdeen Proving Ground.
    Buy Recycled: EPA's Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines
    Recycled content guidelines and other information for U.S. federal government procurement. Includes directories of manufacturers of a wide range recycled products for industrial, commercial, and h...
    Canadian Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse
    Environment Canada's pollution prevention (P2) website and database featuring general information, tools, legislation, success stories, and technology.
    Cleaner Production in China
    On implementation of cleaner production (pollution prevention) in China's industries. Case studies, information on policy, strategies and legislation, and general information and links on industri...

    20. Pollution Prevention And Recycling: Organizations
    pollution prevention and recycling Organizations.
    Pollution Prevention and Recycling: Organizations
    Home Science Environment Pollution Prevention and Recycling : Organizations google_ad_client = "pub-3272565765518472";google_alternate_color = "FFFFFF";google_ad_width = 336;google_ad_height = 280;google_ad_format = "336x280_as";google_ad_channel ="7485447737";google_color_border = "FFFFFF";google_color_bg = "FFFFFF";google_color_link = "0000FF";google_color_url = "008000";google_color_text = "000000"; Standard Listings
    Aluminum Packaging Recycling Organization
    Alupro is a UK based non-profit organization responsible for encouraging and developing recycling collection initiatives, consumer education, and representing the aluminum packaging industry to g...
    Association of Postconsumer Plastic Recyclers
    Contains information on designing new plastics packaging to ensure that it is compatible with existing systems for reclaiming plastics for recycling. These recommendations improve the quality of ...
    Auntie Litter is Anti-Litter
    Nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting a healthy and clean environment. Young people, their families, and educators learn how to conserve natural resources, eliminate litter in their commun...
    Automotive Parts Rebuilders Association (APRA)
    An association of over 2000 member companies that rebuild automotive related "hard" parts, such as starters, alternators, clutches, transmissions, brakes, drive shafts, and numerous other parts fo...

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