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         Noise:     more books (100)
  1. Noise Implications of the Transfer of Freight from Road to Rail by Dept.of Environment, 1978-12
  2. Concorde Noise Levels by Dept.of Environment, 1977-04
  3. Hovercraft Noise by Dept.of Environment, 1980-04
  4. Aircraft noise abatement: The prospects for a quieter metropolitan environment by Robert L Paullin, 1969
  5. Aviation and the environment : FAA's role in major airport noise programs : report to congressional requesters (SuDoc GA 1.13:RCED-00-98) by U.S. General Accounting Office, 2000
  6. Noise pollution and control in the Hong Kong environment by Ian William Campbell, 1981
  7. Noise limitations of multiplier phototubes in the radiation environment of space (NASA technical note ; NASA TN D-8147) by Walter Viehmann, 1976
  8. Assessment of noise impact on the urban environment: A study on noise prediction models (Environmental health series) by Judith Lang, 1986
  9. Finnish regulations concerning the working environment, crew accomodation, noise level, and lighting on board ship
  10. SAE by Brian L Scott, 1987
  11. Calculation of Road Traffic Noise by Dept.of Environment, 1975-08-01
  12. Electrical breakdown of anodized structures in a low earth orbital environment (SuDoc NAS 1.15:209044) by NASA, 1999
  13. Electromagnetic radiation in the plasma environment around the shuttle (SuDoc NAS 1.15:106891) by Boris V. Vayner, 1995
  14. A comprehensive approach to management of workplace and environmental noise at NASA Lewis Research Center (SuDoc NAS 1.15:111702) by Beth A. Cooper, 1995

81. EPA History - Noise Control, 1969-1992
5. Miscellaneous statements to Congress, Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Public Health and environment, on various noise pollution control bills, June 1971
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Noise Control, 1969-1992
Collection Summary
The Noise Control collection consists of subject files and working papers maintained by EPA Historians, on the subject of noise abatement and control. The bulk of the collection consists of EPA reports issued by or for the Office of Noise Abatement and Control (ONAC), and Congressional public hearings on aspects of noise control. The collection also includes various articles, bibliographies, and finding aids on noise pollution. The debate surrounding aircraft and airport noise in the 1970s is well documented in the collection, as if the critical role played by EPA and other offices and agencies, such as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), in noise control policy development.
Collection List
Box Contents Articles, "B-W" miscellaneous (4 folders) Bibliographies and finding aids
  • EPA's retired noise records [1971-83, n.d. materials], National Records Management Program ACCESS database printout, May 2000

82. ENDS Environment Daily, Europe's Environmental News Service
26/05/03 Paris gets a head start on noise mapping, noise, 10/04/03 EU environment and health plan comes closer, air, chemicals, health/consumers, noise,

The European Commission has produced a number of directives which seek to draw a balance between reducing noise in the environment and ensuring that

84. Brüel Kjær - Environmental Noise Directive
environmental noise Directive. noise Policy Green Paper from 1996. It covers transportation and industrial noise in the environment.

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Environmental Noise Directive
Related Links 2238 Mediator 2260 Investigator Product Data: Type 3597 On 21st May, 2002, the Council of Ministers formally approved the EU Environmental Noise Directive. Directive 2002/49/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25th June 2002 relating to the assessment and management of environmental noise is now being implemented in the EU Member States. What is it and what does it mean? The Environmental Noise Directive is a direct result of the European Union's Noise Policy Green Paper from 1996. It covers transportation and industrial noise in the environment. The directive requires that noise maps and action plans (noise policy) be made for:
  • Agglomerations with populations greater than 100 000
  • Major roads with more than 3 000 000 vehicles a year (approximately 8 000 a day)
  • Major railways with more than 30 000 trains a year
  • Major civil airports with more than 50 000 operations year (approximately 135 day)
The general public must be informed and consulted during the process, and the European Environment Agency in Copenhagen will collate the result in a central European database. The first maps for major areas are required by mid 2007, and action plans required one year later. These activities are repeated at five yearly intervals and all defined areas are incorporated in the following round of deadlines starting in 2012. The above are minimum requirements and some countries are expected to go further and faster.

85. Environmental Acoustics
Europe. EUCommission noise Policy activities The EU-Commission (DG-environment) has decided to pursue the noise Policy by installing Working Groups including
Environmental Acoustics
[Europe] [North America]
EU-Commission Noise Policy activities
The EU-Commission (DG-Environment) has decided to pursue the Noise Policy by installing Working Groups including Harmonising Noise Metrics, Information on Effects of Noise, Effectivity of Noise Abatement Measures, Emission Control of Railway vehicles, and others.
Europe Union Law
Resource site for European Union legislation, directives, case-law and more. Search engine provides access to many acoustics and noise EU directives such as, for example, Council Directive 86/594/EEC relating to household appliance noise, and Council Directive 84/538/EEC relating to lawnmower noise.
European Environment Agency: Environmental Themes
This theme covers the physical pressures on the environment, such as acoustic quality in our urban and rural areas. The environmental noise exposure of the European population is of growing extent and concern. Site includes a number of reports and links to environmental noise issues.
Her Majesty's Stationary Office
Search this site with keyword "noise" and find such regulations as the Noise Act 1996 "An Act to make provision about noise emitted from dwellings at night; about the forfeiture and confiscation of equipment used to make noise unlawfully; and for connected purposes. [18th July 1996] ..."

86. The Noise Emission In The Environment By Equipment For Use
Statutory Instrument 2001 No. 1701 The noise Emission in the environment by Equipment for use Outdoors Regulations 2001. © Crown Copyright 2001.

87. The Noise Emission In The Environment By Equipment For Use
Statutory Instrument 2001 No. 3958 The noise Emission in the environment by Equipment for use Outdoors (Amendment) Regulations 2001. © Crown Copyright 2001.

88. Environment - Noise
A quieter environment is a restful place that promotes relaxation and a happier and healthier community because neighbourhood noise can cause annoyance by
On This Page
Noise - Introduction
What is noise pollution?

How does noise pollution affect our health?

What types of noise pollution are there?
How is noise pollution controlled?
Noise - Introduction
Prescribed Noise and Prohibited Times
Related Pages
For Students
How did you wake up this morning?
Everyone has a different tolerance to noise. The means that one person may be disturbed by a relatively low level of traffic noise and someone else may be able to tolerant it at a higher level. Tolerance to noise is influenced by the degree of acclimatisation (how we get used to it), the level and type of intruding noise and the level of the background noise at the time. Particular activities will influence your tolerance. For example, if you wish to sleep or do homework you may be less tolerant to noise than if you were watching television or listening to your own music.
What is noise pollution?
Noise pollution can disturb our work, concentration, relaxation and sleep. It can cause stress and create or worsen physical problems such as high blood pressure, chronic exhaustion and heart disease. A quieter environment is a restful place that promotes relaxation and a happier and healthier community because neighbourhood noise can cause annoyance by disrupting normal domestic activities such as reading or watching television. EPA Victoria coordinates the control of environmental noise in Victoria along with local councils.

89. Welcome To NeuVoice
Provides a highaccuracy, small foot-print and noise-robust speech recognition systems, ideal for command and control in noisy environments especially mobile and hand held devices.

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90. Noise Pollution Clearinghouse, Quieting Noise Pollution
The noise Pollution Clearinghouse, reducing noise pollution and increasing natural quiet "Good neighbors keep their noise to themselves." The noise Pollution Clearinghouse is a national non
//reference count for the Products and Services onmouseover popup var myWin = null; var count = 0; "Good neighbors keep their noise to themselves."
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The Noise Pollution Clearinghouse is a national non-profit organization with extensive online noise related resources. The Noise Pollution Clearinghouse seeks to:
  • Raise awareness about noise pollution Create, collect, and distribute information and resources regarding noise pollution Strengthen laws and governmental efforts to control noise pollution Establish networks among environmental, professional, medical, governmental, and activist groups working on noise pollution issues Assist activists working against noise pollution
The mission of the Noise Pollution Clearinghouse is to create more civil cities and more natural rural and wilderness areas by reducing noise pollution at the source.
Projects and Campaigns

91. Speech Intelligibility In The Space Shuttle Mid-deck Noise Environment: The Eff

92. WHO: Protection Of The Human Environment
Protection of the human environment (PHE), Location WHO WHO sites PHE home. Protection of the human environment. environmental
English Search


Health topics
PHE health topics
Protection of the human environment (PHE) Location: WHO WHO sites PHE home
Protection of the human environment
Environmental health comprises those aspects of human health, including quality of life, that are determined by physical, chemical, biological, social, and psychosocial factors in the environment. It also refers to the theory and practice of assessing, correcting, controlling, and preventing those factors in the environment that can potentially affect adversely the health of present and future generations
This site links to topics addressed by WHO to assist its Member States and their populations
  • in achieving a sustainable basis for health for all in ensuring an environment that promotes health and, in making individuals and organizations aware of their responsibility for health and its environmental basis.
Protection of the human environment health topics
Mission statement
  • To achieve safe, sustainable and health-enhancing human environments, protected from biological, chemical and physical hazards, and secure from the adverse effects of global and local environmental threats. To facilitate incorporation of effective health dimensions into regional and global policies affecting health and environment, and into national development policies and action plans for environment and health, including legal and regulatory frameworks governing management of the human environment .

93. EPA Environmental Criteria For Road Traffic Noise
noise. noise home. NSW industrial noise policy. Environmental criteria for road traffic noise. Environmental criteria for road traffic noise.

94. Noise And Traffic
noise and traffic provides information on effects of noise on people, standards and limits for road traffic, railway , aircraft and industrial noise.
Noise and traffic provides information on effects of noise on people, standards and limits for road traffic, railway , aircraft and industrial noise. Discussion on combination of noises. Simple calculation software is available. !Your browser doesn't appear to support frames, so click here to continue!

95. Brüel Kjær - Environmental Noise And Vibration
Home APPLICATIONS Environmental noise and Vibration. , EU Environmental noise Directive. , noise Emission Directive 2000/14/EC. , Environmental noise Booklet.

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Environmental Noise and Vibration
Environmental noise is unwanted sound and vibration from a plethora of sources, among them industrial plants, road and rail traffic, construction work, and aircraft. Add to these sports events, shooting ranges, leisure parks, etc, and you have noise from many different sources, each with different characteristics and posing specific problems for the professionals who have to assess them. The way the problems are dealt with differs immensely from country to country and is very much dependent on culture, economy and politics. We offer solutions to cover all demands from level checks to in-depth analysis, from measurement or prediction, to post-processing and reporting. EU Environmental Noise Directive
On 21st May, 2002, the Council of Ministers formally approved the EU Environment...
Noise Emission Directive 2000/14/EC
The EU Noise Directive
Our full range of solutions and products for assessment of environmental and occ...

HEADQUARTERS: DK-2850 Nærum - Denmark - Phone: +45 4580 0500 - Fax: +45 4580 1405 -

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