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61. Escabi, M. Research in how the central nervous system processes complex sounds in their environment, such as speech, background noise and animal vocalizations. http://www.bme.uconn.edu/faculty/Escabi.html | |
62. EUROPA - Environment - Assessment And Management Of Environmental Noise environment Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council relating to the Assessment and Management of environmental noise COM (2000 http://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/docum/00468_en.htm | |
63. QUEST (Quieter Environment Through Sound Thinking) A grassroots community organization dedicated to doing something about a growing noise problem at Morristown Municipal Airport in New Jersey. http://www.rosenet.org/quest/ | |
64. CAAN - Citizens For The Abatement Of Aircraft Noise Fighting for a quieter and healthier environment in the Washington, D.C., metro area. http://www.caan.org/ | |
65. CO-CAW, Colorado Citizens Aviation Watch An association comprised of local airport groups, environmental organizations and civic groups, cities and townships concerned about noise, environment, public health and other quality of life issues related to aviation operations. http://cocaw.org/ | |
66. Defra, UK - Environmental Protection - Noise And Nuisance negotiating proposals for European legislation on environmental noise and implementing the legislation once it comes into force;; http://www.defra.gov.uk/environment/noise/ | |
67. Defra, UK - Environmental Protection - Noise And Nuisance Homepage Environmental Protection noise and Nuisance. noise and Nuisance. http://www.defra.gov.uk/environment/noise/suffer/suffer1.htm | |
68. Environment Agency - Noise In Your Environment Text Only Monday 24 May 2004, You are in Your environment noise in your environment. environment Agency, noise in your environment. noise is unwanted sound. http://www.environment-agency.gov.uk/yourenv/493658/?version=1&lang=_e |
69. Environment Agency - Noise noise. environmental noise can be described as any unwanted sound. Find out more. The environment Agency s role in noise pollution noise in your environment. http://www.environment-agency.gov.uk/yourenv/eff/pollution/399148/?version=1&lan |
70. FAA - Office Of Environment And Energy, Noise Division Federal Interagency Committee on Aviation noise (FICAN); International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP http://www.aee.faa.gov/Noise/ | |
71. Noise Pollution-Useful Sites Australian Capital Territory noise  environment protection policy (environment ACT) (*PDF file) http//www.environment.act.gov.au/Files/noiseepp.PDF. http://www.science.org.au/nova/072/072sit.htm | |
72. Aviation Environment Federation (AEF) - Aviation And Noise Aviation environment Federation (AEF) Aviation and noise. http://www.aef.org.uk/aefissues/noise/noiseindex.htm | |
73. BlogRunner: SIGNAL VS. NOISE:Environment: SOURCE SIGNAL VS. noise About this Weblog POSTED Tuesday, July 08, 2003 164402 BY Scott Upton in environment http//www.37signals.com/ http://www.blogrunner.com/channel?c_id=151768 |
74. Noise Control of excessive noise is achieved through legislative powers associated with the environment Protection Act. Draft environment Protection (noise) Policy. http://www.environment.sa.gov.au/epa/noise.html | |
75. European Environmental Bureau Background to EEB work. Publications. Events. Links. DG environment noise homepage http//europa.eu.int/comm/environment/noise/home.htm EEB contact. http://www.eeb.org/activities/noise/main.htm | |
76. Environmental Noise - Noise Pollution Assessment And Control By noise impact assessments conforming to requirements of New South Wales Department of environment and Conservation former environment Protection Authority (EPA http://www.pccd.com.au/noisepol.htm | |
77. MWCOG.org - Airport Noise Abatement Committee Business News Room, Home environment Airport noise Airport noise Abatement and Aviation Policy. Overview. COG has a long http://www.mwcog.org/environment/airport/ | |
78. CPD - Environment - Guidebooks - The Noise Guidebook - HUD Preface. Chapter 1 Basic Overview of the Environmental noise Problem. Chapter 2 - The noise Regulation. Chapter 3 - Major Policy Questions. http://www.hud.gov/offices/cpd/energyenviron/environment/resources/guidebooks/no | |
79. The Noise Emission In The Environment By Equipment For Use The noise Emission in the environment by Equipment for use Outdoors Directive (2000/14/EC), print friendly page. The free movement http://www.bsi-global.com/CE Marking/EU Directives/Noise.xalter |
80. State Of Environment In Norway: Noise acts together with other stress factors, which makes it difficult to distinguish clearly between the effects of noise and those of other environmental factors. http://www.environment.no/templates/themepage____3032.aspx | |
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