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21. NPL Acoustics: Rating The Total Noise Environment - Ideal Or Pragmatic Approach? NPL Logo, The UK s National Measurement Laboratory, Advanced Search. Rating the total noise environment ideal or pragmatic approach? - Abstract. http://www.npl.co.uk/acoustics/publications/articles/468.html | |
22. [OMRON] Hands-Free Word Recognition In Real Noise Environment The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.wg.omron.co.jp/announce/990831.html | |
23. NFI - Project Report The effect of the noise environment at schools and kindergartens for children s development. Project summary Children in our largest http://dbh.nsd.uib.no/nfi/rapport/?keys=22925&language=en |
24. Cranfield University, RMCS - Noise In The Military Environment It covers the noise environment in vehicles, workshops, ranges etc., noise survey, the effect of noise on hearing, current legislation, basic noise control and http://www.rmcs.cranfield.ac.uk/deos/deosshort/407471/view | |
25. Division Of Environmental Protection - Noise Control Program It is anticipated that the survey will be updated periodically to determine if the noise environment within Denver is deteriorating because of continued growth | |
26. Noise Environment Speech Recognition Using Spectral Subband Centroids IPSJ SIGNotes Spoken Language Processing Abstract No.019 004. noise environment speech recognition using spectral subband centroids. http://www.ipsj.or.jp/members/SIGNotes/Eng/21/1997/019/article004.html | |
27. Noise | Environmental Impacts Noise Standards. The community noise environment consists of a wide variety of sounds, some near and some far away, which vary over the 24hour day. http://ci.monterey-park.ca.us/cdd/planning/env_report/env.impacts/noise.html | |
28. Safety And Community Services | General Plan Baseline noise environment To establish a baseline against which to measure changes in the community noise environment over time, a noise modeling effort was http://ci.monterey-park.ca.us/cdd/planning/generalplan/safety.comm.services.elem | |
29. Low Frequency Noise, Vibration And Active Control An existing industrial test facility was proposed to be relocated from a plant site in a high ambient noise environment to a community with low ambient noise. http://www.multi-science.co.uk/lowfreq.htm | |
30. WIA Environmental Noise Services Performing 24hour or short sample noise surveys to document the existing noise environment in terms of Ldn, CNEL, Leq, L10, or any other required descriptor. http://www.wiai.com/environmental.html | |
31. YVR Airport Authority Environment Committee. Through this process, we were able to identify 22 key initiatives to improve the noise environment around the airport. The http://www.yvr.ca/authority/community/index.asp | |
32. City Of Santa Maria, California, Noise Element Summary, Planning Information, Co The noise contours are used as a guide for establishing land uses which are compatible with the noise environment and minimize noise exposure to sensitive land http://www.ci.santa-maria.ca.us/54324.html | |
33. Korea Environment Institute noise from the beginning stage of development, so that housing arrangement plans can be formulated effectively, in consideration of the noise environment. http://eng.kei.re.kr/eng/02_plan/02_outline.asp?id=03_CR29&Page=1 |
34. The Noise Environment The noise environment. If the product is meant to be used in a noisy environment, care must be taken to design around the noise. http://www.szjtvoice.com/english/product/The Noise Environment.htm | |
35. MASSPORT: Logan Airport: Airport Programs: Environmental - Noise Population Massport reports population counts by 5decibel increments of exposure each year by community to track Logan AirportÂs noise environment changes over time http://www.massport.com/logan/airpo_noise_estpo.html | |
36. MASSPORT: Logan Airport: Airport Programs: Environmental A direct benefit of MassportÂs many innovative programs and new aviation technologies is that LoganÂs effect on the noise environment has been dramatically http://www.massport.com/logan/airpo_envir.html | |
37. EPA - Research & Development data for relatively quiet areas (as defined in the proposed EU Environmental Noise Directive) in order to establish the baseline noise environment in Ireland. http://www.epa.ie/r_d/Phase 1/Medium Scale/MS_14.htm | |
38. MT DEIR - Section 4.8: Environmental Analysis - Noise This section describes the noise environment at and near the M T Chico Ranch site and analyzes potential noise impacts generated by the proposed project. http://www.becnet.org/MT/mt_deir_s04_7.htm | |
39. 1.Noise - Environmental Exposure/Healthy Environments 1b. Traffic noise is an integral part of the noise environment in most areas i . Nonoccupational exposure to high road traffic, aircraft or construction noise http://hebw.uwcm.ac.uk/healthyenvironments/Chapter1.html | |
40. 4.3 Noise This section discusses the existing noise environment in the proposed Sphere of Influence program vicinity, and identifies potential noise impacts and http://www.lodi.gov/soi/ch4.3noise.htm | |
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