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101. InfoMine / EnviroMine - Environmental Technology For The Mining Industry EnviroMine. You are in / environmental Technology for mining FEATURES.mining, environment and Development. Documents on mining and http://www.enviromine.com/ | |
102. Thailand Mining, Environment And Sustainable Land Use Meeting Thailand mining, environment and sustainable land use meetingthe challenge Synthesis Paper 2. Source World Directory of http://www.wri.org/wdces/th90_282.html |
103. Mining - Environment Consultants Fiji 1989, Preliminary report on the environmental issues relating to the disposal ofmine tailings in a coastal environment, for the Emperor Gold Mine, Vatukoula. http://www.environmentfiji.com/environment/mining.html | |
104. Maple Creek Mining -- Environmental Impact Home About Us Employees, Press Releases, Slide Show. Economic Impact. ENVIRONMENTALIMPACT Coming Soon!! Keep checking back for updates to this site. Thank You. http://www.maplecreekmining.com/environment.html | |
105. Alternative Radio - Programs by the mining and oil industries. He is a producer for Australian Public Radioand a member of the Action for Solidarity and Equality in environment and http://www.alternativeradio.org/programs/all/KEND002.html | |
106. Providing - Environmental Policy mining Association supports the goal of environmentally sustainable economic development,which ensures that the utilisation of resources and the environment http://www.oma.on.ca/pub/prov-env/env-pol.htm | |
107. Energy Mining And Environment Production And Services -Saskatchewan Canada Energy/mining/environment. Available categories in this sector are ConsultingServices; Energy; environmental; Industry Services; mining; Oil Gas. http://www.sasktrade.sk.ca/html/showcase/sectors/6.shtml | |
108. INFO-MINE / Enviromine - The Internet's Premier Mining Information Site miningrelated environmental Websites. The International Network for AcidPrevention; MEND Home page; mining, environment and Development. http://technology.infomine.com/enviromine/links.html | |
109. InfoMine / Enviromine - The Internet's Premier Mining Information Site We believe as deeply in the need for free expression of opinion as we doin mining to provide the resources we need to better our environment. http://technology.infomine.com/enviromine/activist/welcome.html | |
110. Environmental Issues Site - Information About Environmental Issues Articles and internet links on a wide range of environmental topics. Includes interest groups, magazines, policy, and environmental jobs. http://environment.miningco.com/ | |
111. Environmental Issues Site - Information About Environmental Issues You are here About News Issues Environmental Issues. Environmental Issues Iam your Guide, From Lara JillRosenblith, Your Guide to Environmental Issues. http://environment.about.com/ | |
112. UNEP-Mining-Home While mining underpins the industrial development in many regions, it frequently has had and continues to have serious environmental consequences which include the destruction of natural habitat, http://www.unepie.org/pc/mining | |
113. Mining Impact Coalition Research education about social, economic and environmental impacts of unsafe mining around the world http://www.miningimpacts.net/ |
114. Virtual Environments Program The ACSys VE lab in Australia does research into virtual environments and into haptics and colocated haptic and graphics, particularly for mining applications. http://acsys.anu.edu.au/virtual.html | |
115. Environmetal Toolbox - Acid Mine Drainage Environmental Toolbox. http://www.mininglife.com/environment/ | |
116. ANGOSS Software Corporation ANGOSS is a developer of advanced data mining software and solutions. They offer a comprehensive range of innovative, easy to use and affordable data mining solutions designed for business users from the laptop through data warehouse environments to the Web. The products include KnowledgeSTUDIO and KnowledgeSEEKER. http://www.angoss.com | |
117. Peat Mining - Environmental Impacts More on causes of environmental impacts Source National Parks and WildlifeService, Submission to the mining Wardens Inquiry into Possible Renewal of http://www.uow.edu.au/arts/sts/sbeder/wingecarribee/mining/impacts.html | |
118. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Mining : Environmental And Legal Concerns (Metallurgy An AllRefer.com reference and encyclopedia resource provides complete information onmining Environmental and Legal Concerns, Metallurgy And mining Terms And http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/M/mining-environmental-and-legal-conc | |
119. Mining Australia Legal Services miningaustralia.com. Return to home page (main menu). mining-ENVIRONMENTAND PUBLIC INTEREST OBJECTIONS. by Kirsten Matthews. June 1999. http://www.mining-australia.com/brief-e&pi-objections.htm | |
120. ReliefWeb: EU Releases Report On Cyanide Disaster: International Mining Environm 2000 EU releases Report on Cyanide Disaster International miningenvironment groups call for worldwide mining law reforms. Sydney http://www.reliefweb.int/w/rwb.nsf/0/68fb4e27c61abe54c12569b60047dbf6?OpenDocume |
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