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1. Mining Environment Database - J.N. Desmarais Library Electronic form for articles ILL Electronic form for books Laurentian ejournals,A to Z Library Information Library Instruction mining environment Database Off http://www.laurentian.ca/library/medb/medlib_e.php | |
2. Mining Environmental Research Group The mining environment Research Group is a cooperative working group made up ofgovernment agencies, mining companies, Yukon First Nations and nongovernment http://www.emr.gov.yk.ca/Mining/MERG/default.htm | |
3. MRNFP - Mining Environment Rehabilitation Guide. ESigeom à la carte. E-Sigeom Atlas. E-Sigeom Examine. GESTIM. Directory of Mining Operators. Mining Duties Return. Home The mines mining environment. Work to rehabilitate mining sites has significantly increased over the last decade due to efforts of Fiscal support mining environment Québec Mines http://www.mrn.gouv.qc.ca/english/mines/environment/index.jsp |
4. MRNFP mining environmentmining environment. Work to rehabilitate mining sites has significantly increasedover the last decade due to efforts of industry and government. |
5. MRNFP - Mining Environment In 2003 mining environment in 2003. Regulatory controls. The Ministère delÂEnvironnement du Québec (MENV) (department of the environment http://www.mrn.gouv.qc.ca/english/publications/online/mines/sh2003/environnement | |
6. Mine Site Technologies - PED And Leaky Feeder Mine Communication And Automation Designer and manufacturer of safety and communication equipment for the mining environment. Includes remote blasting, PED through the earth paging, VDV leaky feeder, and tagging systems. http://www.minesite.com.au/ | |
7. Third World Network Africa - TWN Africa African Initiative on mining environment and Society The TWN Africa EnvironmentUnit s programme strongly reflects the uniting theme of Globalisation and http://twnafrica.org/aimes.asp |
8. Idaho Mining Association : Mining Environmental Issues Idaho Mining And The Environment. Mining s concern for the environment beginswith exploration. Concern for the environment doesn t stop at the mine site. http://www.idahomining.org/environment.html | |
9. Idaho Mining Association : Mining Environmental Issues Official site of the Idaho Mining Association including the history of miningin Idaho, environmental issues, members, economics, news, technology, and http://www.idahomining.org/triexp.html | |
10. MiningLife - Mining Environmental Technical Papers Available Online Add a Paper. Browse Subject Directory. Mineral Exploration/Geology, Environmental,Mining, Mine Investment and Finance, Mineral Processing, mining environment. http://www.mininglife.com/papers/environmental.asp | |
11. Mining Environmental Management This bimonthly magazine addresses the technological and social aspectsof mining and the environment. It reports on new developments http://www.mining-journal.com/mem/mem.shtml | |
12. Mining Environmental Management - International Publication For The Metals Indus US Environmental Protection Agency, http//www.epa.gov. Home ¦ UserLogin ¦ New User ¦ Search ¦ Site Map ¦ Mining / Construction http://www.mining-journal.com/info/links/envlinks.asp | |
13. TSI - Manufacturer Of Robust Telephones For Adverse Environments Develops and manufactures telecommunications equipment designed to withstand harsh conditions such as the mining environment. http://www.tsicom.co.za/ | |
14. Mining Environment Day 3. Acid Rock Drainage. Environment Planning. Mining Environment. EnvironmentWeb Links. OtherLinks. News and Notes. home. Links Library. mining environment. http://multimedia.mtech.edu/elc/LinksLibrary/MiningE/default.htm | |
15. La Recherche - Ãcole Polytechnique De Montréal Hydrogeology and mining environment Laboratory. Version française. c)Hydrogeologic and environmental problems related to mine tailings. http://www.polymtl.ca/recherche/rc/unites.php?Langue=A&NoUnite=63 |
16. EMS - Mining Environmental Concerns According to EPA s 2000 toxic release inventory, 1.6 million pounds of cyanide compoundswere released into the environment by metal mining companies in 2000. http://www.ems.org/mining/environment.html | |
17. Mining Environment Database Description Help. MiningEnvironment Database. Description. The mining environment Database......Wilfrid Laurier University, Journal Indexes http://wlu.tug-libraries.on.ca/indexes/descriptions/miningenv.html | |
18. Mining Environmental Resources - Coal Mining, Gold/Coper/Silver Mining, Strip Mi Federation of grassroots groups and individuals working to protect people,homes, water, communities, and the environment from coal mining damage. http://www.grinningplanet.com/5005/mining-resources.htm | |
19. KnowledgeSTUDIO Facilitates Information Transfer In Data Mining Environment For KnowledgeSTUDIO Facilitates Information Transfer in Data mining environmentfor Frost National Bank. Product Review published in http://www.dmreview.com/article_sub.cfm?articleId=1097 |
20. Anupma Prakash: Research - Mining Environment mining environment. The following photograph/images show. The environment ina typical mining area; Large overburden dumps changing land cover type; http://www.gi.alaska.edu/~prakash/research/mining_environment.html | |
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