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101. USDA Environmental Activities and practices for hazardous and solid waste and related programs. USDA PollutionPrevention Strategy Under Executive Order 12856. USDA Environmental Pollution http://www.usda.gov/da/environ.html | |
102. The Committee On Energy And Commerce Environmental protection in general, including the Safe Drinking Water Act andrisk assessment matters;; Solid waste, hazardous waste and toxic substances http://energycommerce.house.gov/108/subcommittees/Environment_and_Hazardous_Mate | |
103. Waste Management Program hazardous waste staff provide technical assistance to regulated businesses and tostate and local government to ensure compliance with environmental regulations http://www.state.sd.us/denr/DES/WasteMgn/wasteprg.htm | |
104. Environmental Justice ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE hazardous waste Sites, LocalCommunities, and Census Data March 1999. http://www.lib.umich.edu/govdocs/envjust.html | |
105. VEHS > Resources > Hazardous Waste & Environmental Protection > Hazardous Waste hazardous wastes are considered to be acutely toxic to human health and the environmentand are further defined as acute hazardous wastes. Acute hazardous http://www.safety.vanderbilt.edu/resources/hazard_factsheet_id.htm | |
106. Solid Waste Solid waste This EPA clearinghouse provides comprehensive information related to solid waste prevention and disposal. Topics include industrial waste, pollution prevention, treatment and control, http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.epa.gov/epaoswer/osw/&y=02D6C237 |
107. Home Page: California Integrated Waste Management Board The California Integrated waste Management Board (CIWMB) is a California State agency that oversees landfill operations and illegal disposal site cleanups http://www.ciwmb.ca.gov/ | |
108. GEO-2000: Chapter Two: The State Of The Environment - Global Issues - Toxic Chem 1 000 tonnes a year are traded to developing countries but illegal traffic in hazardouswaste poses a potentially serious threat to the environment and human http://www.unep.org/geo2000/english/0037.htm | |
109. Welcome To Basel Convention Review or adjustment of Lists of Wastes in Annex VIII or IX documents and informationon the Basel Convention s partnership with environmental nongovernmental http://www.basel.int/ | |
110. Earth 911: Recycling Centers, Water Pollution And Conservation, Earth Day Environmental information, recycling centers for aluminum, mercury, paper, plastic, computers and recycling, reuse. Green shopping tips and ideas on how to reduce water pollution and air pollution http://www.1800cleanup.org/ | |
111. Portal To Idaho's Department Of Environmental Quality Web Site 83402 (208) 5282650 Fax (208) 528-2695. ©2000 - Idaho Departmentof Environmental Quality This page was last updated on 3/15/04. http://www.deq.state.id.us/ | |
112. Environmental Support Solutions Software, Training, Refrigerant, IAQ, Hazardous Our awardwinning, integrated software suites help any size organization effectivelymanage Environmental, Health Safety, and Emergency Response. http://www.environ.com/ | |
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