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         Global Change:     more books (100)
  1. White Sea: Its Marine Environment and Ecosystem Dynamics Influenced by Global Change (Springer Praxis Books / Geophysical Sciences) by Nikolai Filatov, Dmitry Pozdnyakov, et all 2005-07-21
  2. Industry and Environment in Latin America (Global Environmental Change) by Rhys Jenkins, 2001-02-23
  3. A conceptual template for integrative human-environment research [An article from: Global Environmental Change] by B. Newell, C.L. Crumley, et all
  4. The Science of Global Change: The Impact of Human Activities on the Environment (Acs Symposium Series, No 483) by David A. Dunnette, 1991-12
  5. Regional Impacts of Global Climate Change: Assessing Change and Response at the Scales That Matter : October 19-21, 1993 Richland, Washington, U.S.A. by Wash.) Hanford Symposium on Health and the Environment (32nd : 1993 : Richland, 1996-01
  6. Reconciling Observations of Global Temperature Change (Compass Series) by Panel on Reconciling Temperature Observations, Climate Research Committee, et all 2000-01-07
  7. Decision Making for the Environment: Social and Behavioral Science Research Priorities by Panel on Social and Behavioral Science Research Priorities for Environmental Decision Making, Committee on the Human Dimensions of Global Change, et all 2005-05-27
  8. Conceptualizing global change as society-environment interaction: From the local to the global in Rwanda (Working paper / Rwanda Society-Environment Project) by David J Campbell, 1994
  9. Business and the Global Environment (Routledge Research Global Environmental Change) by Jim Skea, 2001-05-06
  10. Global Climate Change: : Linking Energy, Environment, Economy And Equity (environmental Science Research) by Carole Beal, James White, William Wagner, 1992
  11. World in Transition - Basic Structure of Global People-Environment Interactions: 1993 Annual Report
  12. Climate change and the influence of man's activities on the global environment by William W Kellog, 1972
  13. Climate change and the influence of man's activities on the global environment by William W Kellogg, 1972
  14. Global Change in the Holocene

Portal to information about climate and weather; how the atmosphere is affected by greenhouse gases and transport and industry emissions; issues of climate change (global warming), severe weather and smog. Provided by the Canadian government.

42. New Scientist | Environment Report | Climate Change
BACKGROUND AND GUIDES TO THE MAIN ISSUES Frequently asked questions about the science of climate change The politics of global warming A guide to the movers


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... A climate change scenario
Burning fossil fuels and using the atmosphere as an open sewer has turned out to be a recipe for disaster. The Earth is warming and the pace is quickening. Where will it end? Tune in to the late 21st century to find out... BACKGROUND AND GUIDES TO THE MAIN ISSUES:
Frequently asked questions
about the science of climate change The politics of global warming A guide to the movers and shakers A greenhouse timeline Global warming quotes The world's leaders and scientists discuss climate change Useful links Further reading on the Web LATEST Sun more active than for a millennium A study of ice cores reconstructs sunspot intensity for the last 1150 years - "we are living with a very unusual Sun," say researchers 2 Nov 03 Plankton may protect Earth from icy fate The evolution of the tiny shelled creatures ended an era of extreme ice ages and has prevented any repeat ever since, argue scientists

43. New Scientist | Global Environment Report
global environment Report. New Scientist looks at how climate change, population growth, and pollution will affect our future. Find


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We humans are about as subtle as the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs. Acid rain and global warming show that we hold immense power over life on Earth, yet we wield it indiscriminately. The damage we do is increasing. In the next 20 years, the population will increase by 1.5 billion. These people will need food, water and electricity, but already our soils are vanishing, fisheries are being killed off, wells are drying up, and the burning of fossil fuels is endangering the lives of millions. We are heading for cataclysm. In this section you will find three scenarios - three routes to catastrophe that we face unless we can tackle the evils of overconsumption and the yawning gap between rich and poor. Climate change, pollution and population growth each has surprising and potentially devastating impacts. Aspects of all three will strike before this century is out. QUIZZES: ANGEL OR DEVIL?

44. Equity Watch Newsletter - Global Environmental Government Unit - Centre For Scie
An online newsletter giving an Indian perspective on current events relating to climate change. Published by the global environmental Governance Unit of the Centre for Science and environment
Seven experts on what to expect from the ongoing CoP-9 negotiations in Milan, Italy (Dec. 1-12).
CSE brought out special editions of Equity Watch on the occassion of the Eighth Conference of Parties (CoP-8) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
Special Edition, 5
CoP-8 was touted as the conference that would focus on 'adaptation to climate change'. Did that really happen?
PDF File
Special Edition, 4
Understanding the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) maze
PDF File
Special Edition, 3
Sinks exposed
PDF File
Special Edition, 2
Who needs somebody else to decide what's fair and what's foul when you're the richest and most powerful nation in the world?
- An issue dedicated to the US
PDF File
Special Edition, 1 A backgrounder on climate change negotiations, the politics of climate change and the agenda at CoP-8 PDF File
Archives Archives Climate Change Campaign ... Global Environmental Governance Unit Equity Watch is published by the Global Environmental Governance Unit of the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE)

45. Nofretete - Welcome
A Project funded by the European Commission DG Research V th Framework programme Programme in the thematic programme Energy, environment and Sustainable Development , Key Action 2 global change, climate and biodiversity
NOFRETETE Funded by the European Commission DG Research -
V th Framework Programme in the thematic programme "Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development" , Key Action 2 "Global change, climate and biodiversity" Nitrogen oxides emissions from European forest ecosystems
General information
Contract N° Official commencement date Duration 3 years Coordinator Klaus Butterbach-Bahl The source strength of EU forests for the primarily and secondarily active N-oxides N O and NO is highly uncertain. However, recent investigations have shown that EU forests, due to high rates of atmospheric N-deposition in the last decades, are significant sources for N-oxides. Based on results obtained from field and laboratory experiments on the characterisation of N-oxide fluxes in different forests (e.g. climate, soil, forest type) we will further improve and validate a) a mechanistic model and b) a canopy exchange model for predicting N-trace gas emissions at the soil-atmosphere and canopy-atmosphere interfaces. After combination of both models, we will calculate EU wide inventories of N-oxide emissions from forests with hitherto unknown precision and, using scenarios for future changes in climate and N-deposition, predict future changes in N-oxide emissions.

46. Defra, UK - Environmental Protection - Climate Change - Schools
global warming is causing concern around the world. This site will give you an idea of what it s all about as well as information for projects and course work.
Global warming is causing concern around the world. This site will give you an idea of what it's all about as well as information for projects and course work. Most importantly it will give you advice and tips on what you can do about it. Your planet desperately needs your help and hopefully by using this site you'll realise what a vital contribution you can make. Once you've been through the site please send us your comments

7-11 year olds
12-16 year olds
A-Level Students:
see Schools Index Page Climate Change Index Page Defra Home Page Updated 30 December 2002

47. Defra, UK - Environmental Protection - Climate Change
Homepage Environmental Protection Climate change. Climate change Action to tackle global Warming.
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Environmental protection
Home Contact Defra About Defra News ... Environmental Protection
Climate Change:
Action to tackle Global Warming
Environmental Protection Index Air Quality Chemicals Climate Change ... Other material You are receiving this message because you have disabled JavaScript: please use the non Javascript version instead.
What is climate change?
Action to tackle climate change The science of climate change Business and climate change ... Frequently asked questions Questions and Answers about climate change This section provides information on energy supply, renewable sources of energy, and combined heat and power (CHP) This section offers information on how businesses can play their part in reducing emissions, with useful links to a variety of related sites and resources This section offers information on international scientific assessment, and has an update on the research programme. It also provides information on global impacts and adaptation, and action to adapt to the impacts of climate change in the UK.

48. Johns Hopkins Global Environment Change And Our Health | PBS
Explore the causes, effects, and health implications of global environmental change. Link to lesson plans and datarich resources.
TEACHERS STUDENTS Welcome. Johns Hopkins University created this website for middle school students, teachers, and parents. It's based upon a graduate course at this world-famous school. Use it as a stand-alone research and teaching tool, a place to learn and gain insights, and a companion to PBS's Journey to Planet Earth television series. Taking Our Temperature or Hole in the 'Zone
For Teachers
About the Site
... Site Map Major funding provided by The Gottesman Fund, The New York Community Trust, The Overbrook Foundation, The Consortium for Conservation Medicine, Wildlife Trust, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and MetLife.

49. Global Warming And Climate Change Policy Websites
National Institute for global environmental change; National Library for the environment (NLE) Congressional Research Service Reports on the environment;
About Us FAQ Contact Us Site Map ... Earth Science FAQ Global Warming and Climate Change Policy Websites
Global Warming and Climate Change Policy
PBS NOVA/Frontline: What's Up with the Weather: Examining the truth about global warming (Note: site needs "shockwave" plugin).
  • Pew Center on Global Climate Change
  • State, Local, National, International Treaties on Climate Change and Environmental Issues from Pace University
  • The Great Climate Flip-Flop (by W.H. Calvin) in the Atlantic Monthly (1998) Tiempo: Global Warming and the Third World ...
  • Open Directory Links to Global Environmental Change
  • Link Categories Global Warming and Climate Change Policy Home Data Sets Data Services ... Privacy, Security, Notices

    50. Environment Journals
    Business environment, global environmental change Report, Indoor environmental Quality, Oil Spill Intelligence Report, and Energy Design Update, formerly
    History Locations News Jobs ... Technical Support
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    Environment Journals Global Environmental Change Report Indoor Environmental Quality Oil Spill Intelligence Report , and Energy Design Update , formerly published by Cutter Information Corporation, are now a part of Aspen Publishers Environmental Services library of products. These publications add to Aspen's comprehensive line of manuals, newsletters and on-line services providing timely analysis and practical information on environmental and compliance issues. Most notably these related compliance titles include: Hazardous Waste Consultant Air Pollution Consultant and OSHA Compliance Guide
    Print Version

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    Indoor Environment Quality Print Version Online Version Oil Spill Intelligence Report Print Version Online Version
    Hazardous Waste Consultant Air Pollution Consultant ... OSHA Compliance Guide Speak with a product specialist at 1-800-638-8437 (within the U.S.)

    51. BBC - Weather Centre - Features - Climate Change, Environment And Nature - Globa
    Like our dayto-day weather, climate change is a very complex subject. The media provides us with reports about global warming but it can be difficult to form
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    6th June 2004
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    BBC Homepage

    UK Weather ...
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    Global Warming - An Overview by Helen Willetts
    BBC Broadcast Meteorologist Helen Willetts explains the issue of global warming - what the problem is and how we've contributed to it. Like our day-to-day weather, climate change is a very complex subject. The media provides us with reports about global warming but it can be difficult to form an objective opinion when other scientists put forward what look like opposing views. What we need to understand is that these views are just other climate change scenarios and nothing is set in stone. The latest thinking is that the world is warming up, but how this will affect us in the future is difficult to qualify. All scientists agree that the world is warming- the debate is centred on how much is due to human activity. The weather elements at a given location will vary from day to day and from year to year, but generally are expected to remain within set limits over a long time period. This is known as our climate. This natural variability ensures we have cold and warm years. When we talk about global warming, we talk about the 'greenhouse effect'. This is actually a natural and essential feature of our atmosphere without which our planet would be uninhabitable. This process works by the principle that certain atmospheric gases, (or greenhouse gases) allow short wave radiation from the sun to pass through them unabsorbed, while at the same time absorbing some of the long wave radiation reflected back to space. The net result; more heat is received from the sun than is lost back to space, keeping the earth's surface some 30 to 35C warmer than it would otherwise be.

    52. Environment, Energy, Europe - Global Change, Climate And Biodiversity
    global change influences policies ranging from renewable energies to the effects of climate change, desertification and activities on the environment and the
    IMPORTANT LEGAL NOTICE - The information on this site is subject to a and a
    Global change, climate and biodiversity
    Forewarned is forearmed - a better understanding of global change problems such as climate, ozone depletion, loss of biodiversity and the disruption of ocean circulation is essential. G lobal change influences policies ranging from renewable energies to transport management, industrial emissions to forestry. This key action will provide a scientific, technological and socio-economic basis for strategies to address issues such as the effects of climate change, desertification and biodiversity loss. It will also form the foundation for European Union policies, and fulfil the EU's obligations stemming from international commitments to sustainable development. Research will be wide-ranging in scope, from ecosystem interactions between land, water, atmosphere and oceans to assessing the impact of human activities on the environment - and the changing environment's future impact on humanity - as well as improving observation and monitoring techniques.
    Detecting and predicting global change
    • Natural and man-made changes to the atmosphere, ozone depletion and climatic change

    53. EUROPA - Environment - Climate Change - Links
    European environment Agency Climate change Reports, Links, Data Sets; UNEP environment Network Climate site; NASA global change Master Directory. Publications.
    en EUROPA European Commission Environment Policies ...
    Climate Change homepage
    International bodies:
    EU activities:
    Links to Member States Climate Change pages

    54. :: Ez2Find :: Global Change
    URL http//; ARIC global Climate change Student Guide and provided by the UK s Atmosphere, Climate environment Information Programme.
    Guide : Global Change Global Metasearch
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    NASA Global Change Master

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    ez2Find Home Directory Science Environment : Global Change Activists and NGOs Carbon Cycle Carbon Management Climate Prediction ... Research Centers Related Categories Business: Energy and Environment: Consulting Science: Biology: Ecology Science: Earth Sciences: Atmospheric Chemistry Science: Earth Sciences: Meteorology ... Society: Issues: Environment: Climate Change
    Web Sites

    55. Global Change, Health Environment For Location Evaluation
    global change, Health environment for Location Evaluation. Above Beneath The Surface global change, Health environment for Location Evaluation.

    Reference Desk Master Index
    Eco-Home Network - Eco-Home Network Ecology, housing, sustainable development, environmental houses, ecological retrofitting, conservation, weather proofing, energy efficient home renovation
    Green Map System - Green Map System - Local-to-global collaboration to chart the ecologically significant places in cities around the globe. This web page features the first independently produced Green Maps that have been completed and published. They are diverse and exciting, charting neighborhoods, towns, cities and regions there's even a statewide Green Map.
    NASA's Global Change Master Directory - NASA's Global Change Master Directory Click Here
    National Meditation Center - National Meditation Center
    Ozeco - Ozeco (Australia) - We assist people and businesses to buy, sell and live in properties that promote sustainable lifestyles and support work done in design and land restoration. We work in conjunction with local practitioners to assist you to make better informed decisions and for others to have a better appreciation of your work and your assets.
    The CIA World Fact Book - The CIA World Fact Book - The CIA World Fact Book lists each country in the world and then gives a break down on that country, in addition to all of the data is a break down on that countries environmental concerns.

    56. Center For Health And The Global Environment
    in Ecological environment. 2003 1(5) 240246. Download a PDF by clicking here. Epstein, PR, The WTO, globalization and a New World Order, global change and
    Report (PDF)
    A Project of the Center for Health and the Global Environment, Harvard Medical School Under the Auspices of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Download the low resolution pdf
    Download the high resolution pdf
    Report (PDF File)
    Urban Indicators of Climate Change
    Report (PDF File)

    Powerpoint Presentation
    Climate Change and U.S. Agriculture:
    The Impacts of Warming and Extreme
    Weather Events on Productivity, Plant Diseases, and Pests

    57. Environment: Global Change
    Home environment global change. Activists and NGOs (36) Carbon Cycle (9) Carbon Management (34) Climate Prediction (20) Desertification
    Science Directory - Global Change
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    Home ... Environment : Global Change
    Activists and NGOs Carbon Cycle Carbon Management Climate Prediction ...

    58. Science, Environment: Global Change
    global Climate change What the Government of Canada is doing to address climate change and how all Canadians can take action to help protect our environment.
    Top Science Environment Global Change ... Research Centers Related links of interest:

    59. Science, Environment, Global Change: News And Media
    perspective on current events relating to climate change. Published by the global environmental Governance Unit of the Centre for Science and environment;
    Top Science Environment Global Change ... News and Media
    Related links of interest:
    • Science:Environment:News BBC News: Global Climate Change - An in depth analysis, including the latest news stories, from BBC News Online. Climate Ark Climate Change Portal - Provides a comprehensive round-up of on-line news sources, as well as an archive and a targetted web-search engine. Climate Net - Link to resources for news and other information about global warming and other global envornmental changes. (From World Wildlife Fund) EPA: Global Warming News and Events - US Environment Protection Agency current news, speeches, and links to related sites. Equity Watch - An online newsletter giving an Indian perspective on current events relating to climate change. Published by the Global Environmental Governance Unit of the Centre for Science and Environment GreenHouse Gas Online - Devoted to greenhouse gas and climate changenews and science. Detailed information on the various greenhouse gases and on climate change issues. Also, contains up to date links to the abstracts of hundreds of greenhouse gas scientific papers. Greenpeace Press Releases - Climate-related press releases from the environmental campaign group.

    60. CRS Report IB89005 - Global Climate Change - NLE
    public health and welfare, and the global environment, and reviews the scientific findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change (IPCC) and threats
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