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         Global Change:     more books (100)
  1. Global Change and the Irish Environment by John Sweeny, 1997-01
  2. Intelligent transportation systems, the environment and global climate change: Can information technology support sustainable transportation policy? : a European case study by Robert P Hicks, 1998
  3. Rethinking Environmental History: World-System History and Global Environmental Change (Globalization and the Environment Series) by Alf Hornborg, 2007-01-28
  4. A New Diplomacy for Sustainable Development: The Challenge of Global Change (Routledge/Sei Global Environment and Development Series) by Bo Kjellén, 2007-09-19
  5. Biotic Regulation of the Environment: Key Issues of Global Change (Springer Praxis Books / Environmental Sciences) by Victor Gorshkov, V.V. Gorshkov, et all 2000-07-26
  6. Deserts and Desert Environments (Environmental Systems & Global Change) by Julie Laity, 2008-11-12
  7. Geosciences & Human Survival, Environment, Natural Hazards & Global Change: Proceedings of the 30th International Geological Congress
  8. Timescapes of Modernity: The Environment and Invisible Hazards (Global Environmental Change) by Barbara Adam, 1998-05-07
  9. The Archaeology of Global Change: The Impact of Humans on their Environment by Redman C, 2004-05-17
  10. Global Climate Change:: Linking Energy, Environment, Economy and Equity (Environmental Science Research)
  11. The Environment and International Relations (Global Environmental Change Series) by Hugh C. Dyer, Marc Williams, et all 1996-02-02
  12. Oxford conference on climate change stresses global collective action.(ENVIRONMENT): An article from: One Country by Jody Koomen, 2006-07-01
  13. Arctic Environment Variability in the Context of Global Change (Springer Praxis Books / Environmental Sciences) by Leonid P. Bobylev, Kiril Ya. Kondratyev, et all 2004-02-20
  14. The Global Focus: People and Environment in Change by Chris Bonnor et All, 1989

21. Nsf Global Change Research Programs
NSF Human Dimensions of global change impacts of population on the environment, including international migration; innovation and diffusion processes related to global environmental change;
Last Update: 11-12-02
E-mail: NSF global change research programs support research and related activities that advance fundamental understanding of dynamic physical, biological, and socioeconomic systems as well as interactions among those systems. Research Programs Antarctic Ecosystems
Arctic System Science
Coastal Long-Term Ecological Research (cLTER/LMER)
Earth System History
Ecological Diversity
Ecological Rates of Change
Global Ocean Ecosystems Dynamics
Global Tropospheric Chemistry Program
Greenhouse Gas Dynamics Human Dimensions of Global Change Joint Global Ocean Flux Study Ocean Observation, Data Assimilation, and Modeling Polar Ozone Depletion/UV Radiation Effects Regional Research Institutes Ridge Interdisciplinary Global Experiments Solar Influences World Ocean Circulation Experiment

22. The Holocene - An Enviromental Journal From Arnold
Interdisciplinary journal of fundamental scientific research on environmental change over the last 10,000 years, including past, present and future changes on local, regional and global scales. Topics include geological, biological and archaeological evidence of recent climate change; interdisciplinary studies of environmental history and prehistory; the development of natural and cultural landscapes and ecosystems; and the prediction of future changes in the environment from the record of the past.
The Holocene
A Major Interdisciplinary Journal Focusing on Recent Environmental Change
Editor John A Matthews , University of Wales at Swansea, UK Print ISSN: 0959-6836 Online ISSN: 1477-0911
Volume 14 - 2004 - Bi-monthly - Approx 768 pages per volume To view the online version of The Holocene (hosted by please click HERE
No other journal caters for the specific interdisciplinary needs of the large international community of scientists working on The Holocene. The Holocene is the first journal dedicated to fundamental scientific research on environmental change over the last 10,000 years including past, present and future change on local, regional and global scales. Essential reading - The Holocene covers:
  • Geological, biological and archaeological evidence of recent climate change Interdisciplinary studies of environmental history and prehistory The development of natural and cultural landscapes and ecosystems The prediction of future changes in the environment from the record of the past
The Holocene regularly publishes:
  • Research papers Reports Forum articles Book reviews
Occasional special features include:
  • Research reviews and theme issues - devoted to specific Holocene topics or key conferences Fast-track Reports! Bring groundbreaking research to the public domain as soon as possible.

23. CORDIS FP6: Sustainable Development, Global Change And Ecosystems: Global Change
in the framework of global change and Ecosystems are building on previous and still ongoing activities supported within the environment and Sustainable
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GCE Work Programme Expression of Interest Environment Research in FP5 GCE on EUROPA You are here: Home Page
Within the 6th Framework Programme (2002-2006) for research, technological development and demonstration (RTD), environmental research is mainly funded under the "Global Change and Ecosystems" (GCE) thematic sub-priority. This site provides information on the research activities to be funded by the European Commission under this sub-priority as well as support for the submission of proposals and project management. Complementarily to the research areas defined under the "Global Change and Ecosystems" sub-priority, environmental research will also be financed through specific activities designed to provide Scientific Support to Policies (SSP). As main other cross-cutting issues for a better integration of the European Research Area (ERA), SMEs involvement and International Cooperation are particularly important dimensions of the 6th Framework Programme and will receive specific emphasis along the implementation of the "Global Change and Ecosystems" sub-priority. Supporting information on relevant activities is available on this site.

24. SpringerLink - Publication
Focuses on the interactions of human and natural systems at the regional level within the context of global change. Regions that will be considered are river catchments, estuaries, delta's adjacent seas, and wetlands as well as the interactions between cities and their environment.
Articles Publications Publishers

Publication Regional Environmental Change Publisher: Springer-Verlag Heidelberg ISSN: 1436-3798 (Paper) 1436-378X (Online) Subject: Economics Environmental Sciences Geosciences Issues in bold contain article full text that you are entitled to view. Online First Volume 4 Number 1 Request a sample Volume 3 Number 4 Numbers 1-3 Volume 2 Number 4 Number 3 Number 2 Number 1 Volume 1 Numbers 3-4 Number 2 Number 1 Publication 1 of 1 Previous Publication Next Publication Linking Options About This Journal Editorial Board Manuscript Submission Quick Search Search within this publication... For:
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25. CORDIS: EESD: KA2 - Global Change, Climate And Biodiversity
The aim of the Key Action on global change, Climate and Biodiversity under the environment Programme of the Directorate General for Research is to develop the
Welcome to the Environment and Sustainable Development action for "Global Change, Climate and Biodiversity" Generic activities: natural and technological hazards and earth observation technologies European network for research into global change The aim of the Key Action on Global Change, Climate and Biodiversity under the Environment Programme of the Directorate General for Research is to develop the scientific, technological and socio-economic basis and tools necessary for the study and understanding of changes in the environment. It emphasises global and regional environmental problems that may have a significant impact on Europe, such as climate change, ozone depletion, biodiversity loss or loss of habitats and fertile land. Priority is given to issues covered by international treaties or conventions where the European Community or its Member States are signatories. Integration and synthesis across global change problems are receiving particular attention. Since the start of the European Commission's Environment Programme under the 5th Framework Programme (1998-2002), the research covered by this Key Action has brought about significant improvement in our understanding of causes and trends in Global Change, Climate and Biodiversity. This Key Action covers a range of research projects which are providing an input to international research programmes. They also help to underpin EU policies related to environmental conventions and treaties such as Kyoto Protocol, Montreal Protocol, Convention on Biological Diversity, Desertification Convention and the Air Pollution Convention.

26. International Pacific Research Center
Providing an international, stateof-the-art research environment to improve understanding of the nature and predictability of climate variability and regional aspects of global environmental change in the Asia-Pacific sector.
Welcome to the International Pacific Research Center We are a climate research center conceived under the “U.S.–Japan Common Agenda for Cooperation in Global Perspective.” Our focus is climate variation and predictability in the Asia-Pacific region, including regional aspects of global environmental change. The IPRC Science Plan outlines our goals and research strategies. The Asia-Pacific Data-Research Center (APDRC) is a branch of the IPRC. It provides the international research community with easy access to climate data and products, and conducts research to improve data collection and preparation. Address: Pacific Ocean Science and Technology Bldg., Room 401, 1680 East-West Road, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 ( click for map Phone: Fax:

27. Human Dimensions Of Global Change
link the student s own lives with processes of local, regional, and global change. and other models to represent and analyze humanenvironment relations; (4
Where do these modules come from?
T his project has developed ten teaching/learning modules through a collaborative process that involves module authors, participants in summer workshops, and project staff at Clark University. Designed for use in any introductory course that deals with human-environment relationships, the modules actively engage students in problem solving, challenge them to think critically, invite them to participate in the process of scientific inquiry, and involve them in cooperative learning. Brief descriptions of the modules follow. Each module consists of several units, each of which focuses on an aspect of the module's theme. The core of each unit is a variety of student activities that have been designed to be challenging but not baffling. The activities vary in type, in the time they require, in skill level assumed, and in the skills developed. They involve critical reading; data collection, assessment, interpretation, and analysis; map reading and interpretation; field trips; interviewing; role playing; and writing for particular audiences. Many activities link the student's own lives with processes of local, regional, and global change. Each unit comes with some background reading to introduce the topic. By engaging students in active inquiry, the module activities build student understanding of scientific method and of the interaction between science and policy, e.g., (1) the importance of specifying the assumptions underlying a model or an analytical approach; (2) how values affect assumptions; (3) how geographers use maps and other models to represent and analyze human-environment relations; (4) how geographers evaluate evidence about human-environment interactions; (5) how problems often have no single or easy answer and therefore how policy decisions usually involve weighing different and often conflicting kinds of evidence.

28. EUROPA - Environment DG
Responsible for maintaining and improving the quality of life by protection of natural resources, fostering resourceefficiency, integrating environmental concerns into other EU policy areas, and addressing the global challenges of climate change and the conservation of bio-diversity
es da de el en fr it nl pt ... Resources
Environment DG
The Environment DG is one of 36 Directorates-General (DGs) and specialised services which make up the European Commission. Its main role is to initiate and define new environmental legislation and to ensure that measures, which have been agreed, are actually put into practice in the Member States. The Environment DG is based largely in Brussels and has around 550 staff. Further information: Environment DG Mission Statement To promote Sustainable Development, preserving the rights of future generations to a viable environment. To work towards a high level of environmental and health protection and improvement of the quality of life. To promote environmental efficiency. To encourage the equitable use, as well as the sound and effective management, of common environmental resources last update:
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29. Centre For Climate And Global Change Research
a stimulating academic environment for graduate and postdoctoral students in the emerging fields of earth system science and climate and global change impacts
var GJSBrowserName = 'Unknown'; var mcgilllogo_Off = new Image(119,29); mcgilllogo_Off.src = ""; var mcgilllogo_On = new Image(119,29); mcgilllogo_On.src = ""; Prospective
... Larger Smaller Sign in Centre for Climate and Global Change Research About us Faculty members and research ... Related links
The multidisciplinary McGill Centre for Climate and Global Change Research (C GCR) was created in March 1990. Its current membership is composed of 17 faculty members from seven departments and one school.
The main objectives of the Centre are:
  • To promote research on the interactive physical, biological, chemical and socio-economic processes that regulate our global environment, and
    To provide a stimulating academic environment for graduate and postdoctoral students in the emerging fields of "earth system science" and climate and global change impacts.
  • Contact us
    Centre for Climate and Global Change Research (C GCR)
    McGill University
    805 Sherbrooke Street West
    Montreal, Quebec H3A 2K6

    30. MIT Center For Global Change Science
    Active in predicting changes in the global environment combining meteorology, oceanography, hydrology, chemistry, and satellite remote sensing. Site has personnel details, reports, research, education, affiliates, education, directory, jobs and contact information
    Center for Global Change Science Phone Fax
    : MIT 54-1312, 77 Massachusetts Ave,
    Cambridge MA 02139 USA CGCS Director Ronald G. Prinn
    Associate Director Rafael L. Bras
    PERSONNEL REPORTS RESEARCH ... CONTACT The Center for Global Change Science CGCS ) at MIT was established in January, 1990, to address long-standing scientific problems that impede our ability to accurately predict changes in the global environment. The CGCS is interdisciplinary , involving both research and education , and builds on the long-established programs in meteorology oceanography hydrology chemistry , and satellite remote sensing carried out in the Schools of Science and Engineering at MIT. In addition, the CGCS , along with the MIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research CEEPR ), is a parent organization of the MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change , which involves significant cross-discipline interaction
    The long-term goal of the CGCS is to utilize theory and observations to understand the basic processes and mechanisms controlling the global environment, and thereby to accurately predict environmental changes. Initial objectives involve a sustained program of basic scientific research focused on five fundamental processes in the global climate machine:
  • Convection, Atmospheric Water Vapor, and Cloud Formation
  • 31. United Nations Environment Programme GRID-Arendal
    The Arctic a Barometer of global change and a Catalyst for global Action will join Borge Brende, the Norwegian Minister for the environment, Sheila Watt
    Search: regional environmental information Arctic Nordic/Baltic
    Other regions

    global environmental information
    news and announcements Subscribe to receive announcements of new products and services by email 4 June 2004
    Cold-water corals highlighted as new global conservation challenge on world environment day 2004
    Cold-water corals, mysterious and generally deeper living than their better known warm-water cousins in the tropics, are far more widespread and numerous than had previously been thought – and under serious threat. 4 June 2004
    Focus on your world: UNEP launches international photographic competition on the environment
    Professionals and amateurs alike are today being urged to unclip their dust caps and load up their cameras for the world’s biggest environmental photo competition.

    32. Climate Change: United Nations Environment Programme GRID-Arendal
    the early signs of global climate change the authoritative source of climate change information used and its partners for integrated environment assessments as
    GRID-Arendal Quick Search: Current rate of global CO emissions in tonnes per year, based on your computer's clock. ( Details Vital Climate Graphics
    The impacts of climate change
    As evidence accumulates that we may already be witnessing the early signs of global climate change, the need to communicate this issue to both policymakers and the general public becomes ever more urgent.
    Buy it from
    Vital Climate Graphics: Africa Adverse impacts including extremes, are spread across the diverse environments of Africa, putting a huge proportion of the African continent at risk.
    Buy it from
    Climate Change 2001

    This web-site contains the full text and graphics from the four Climate Change 2001 reports by the IPCC's Working Groups. The web site was produced for the 7th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Marrakech, Morocco, 2001.
    Buy them from

    33. Home Page - The Woods Hole Research Center
    Addresses the great issues of environment through scientific research and education and through applications of science in public affairs. Focus is on climate change and the warming of the earth, as well as global forests because of their controlling influence on climate.
    SiteMap Contact Information Our Mission Who's Who ... WHRC in the News
    News of the Center, June 4, 2004
    The Gilman Ordway Campus of the Woods Hole Research Center has won top honors for Green Building Design in 2004.
    Job Openings
    NEW Programs:
    Most Visited:
    New Program, Central Africa Forests The Research Center expands its program in landcover and land use analysis to the forests of Central Africa. Green Building Monitoring System The Center's building monitoring system tracks the efficiency of a high-performance building New Program, Mid-Atlantic states NASA-funded WHRC researchers use SLEUTH computer model to predict Baltimore/Washington urban growth, water quality changes. March, 2004. Innocence in Brazil Newly published and illustrated episodes in I. Foster Brown's traveler's diary of life on the Brazilian frontier.

    34. Global Environment
    We promote scientifically sound solutions to the major problems of global environmental change. more We focus on Forests Taking
    Science Initiative

    Stop invasive species

    upt Climate Change FAQ. Day After Tomorrow movie release and a recent Pentagon study.
    Confronting Climate Change in the Great Lakes Region web feature

    Invasive Species: Alaska.
    A gift to the nation: Federal action on invasive species Experts across the United States are calling on Congress and the president to stem the tide of invasive species. You can help. The Climate Stewardship Act State of Climate Science: October 2003 . More than 1,000 scientists inform the U.S. Senate of the vast scientific consensus on climate change. Invasive Species: West Virginia Invasive Species: Texas Materials for educators. Logging Off. ...
    Gulf Coast Ecological Heritage at Risk

    An interactive feature based on Confronting Climate Change in the Gulf Coast Region Infamous Invader Series
    Communicating Ecosystem Services

    An informative set of scientifically based toolkits on key ecosystem services. These kits, created by UCS and the Ecological Society of America (ESA), combine sound ecological expertise with outreach and communication tactics. California's Environment at Risk
    An interactive feature based on Confronting Climate Change in California
    • Provided state and federal policy makers with critical guidance on how sound measures to protect and restore threatened forests can be part of the solution to global warming.

    35. Climate Change, Government Of Canada
    What the Government of Canada is doing to address climate change and how all Canadians can take action to help protect our environment.
    Contact Us Help Search Canada Site ... Technology Early Action Measures Resources For Teachers For Students Newsroom Publications ... Links Directory
    Together, we can do it.
    Welcome to the Government of Canada Climate Change web site. Learn about the science, impacts and adaptation to climate change and how individuals, governments, businesses, industry and communities take action by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Visit the One-Tonne Challenge web pages to find out what you can do to reduce your GHG emissions and learn how to use less energy, save money, improve air quality and protect our environment.
    What's New ...
    This section of the Government of Canada Climate Change website is temporarily unavailable on June 5th and Jun 6th. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. For any additional information please contact us at View More
    Back to Top
    Last Updated: 2004-06-04 Important Notices For all Climate Change Internet related inquiries, please contact the Administrator

    36. Pacific Institute: Global Change
    implications has recently come to dominate the discussion in the last few years over the environment. These include global climatic change, ozone depletion
    Pacific Institute, 654 13th Street, Preservation Park, Oakland, CA 94612, U.S.A.
    Global Change
    Program Directors: Irving Mintzer and Peter H. Gleick
    A series of major problems with international implications has recently come to dominate the discussion in the last few years over the environment. These include global climatic change, ozone depletion, deforestation, and extinction of species. Growing efforts have been made by parts of the international community to understand and address these problems, and to develop long-term sustainable solutions. The Institute has long had a role in both research and policy on issues of global change because these problems lie precisely at the intersection of concerns over the environment, economic development, and international security. Beginning in the late 1980s, the Institute has pursued research on the regional implications of climate change for water resources and on developing estimates of greenhouse gas emissions under different circumstances. In the mid-1990s we completed a major assessment of the possible implications of climate change for the Colorado River basin, and held a series of workshops for policymakers and scientists throughout the western U.S. In 1996, the Pacific Institute began publishing a major research and policy newsletter on global change issues, Global Change Magazine . In 1997, we helped organize three workshops in developing countries to explore issues related to technology transfer and climate impacts. In 1998, we joined the effort to develop a National Assessment of the Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change.

    37. Redirect
    The (AGCI) summer programs provide a series of indepth sessions for invited scientists from around the world to explore the latest understandings of the global environment and how human activities affect Earth systems.
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    38. Almanac Of Policy Issues: Global Warming
    News, background information and links on global warming, climate change, and the 1997 Kyoto Protocol.
    Almanac of Policy Issues
    Search Archive
    Global Warming
    What's the greenhouse effect? Earth's greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon that helps regulate the temperature of our planet. Simply put, the sun heats the Earth and some of this heat, rather than escaping back to space, is trapped in the atmosphere by clouds and greenhouse gases, such as water vapor and carbon dioxide. If all of these greenhouse gases were to suddenly disappear, our planet would be 60°F colder and uninhabitable.
    Is our planet warming? The global temperature record shows an average warming of about 1.1°F over the past century . This warming has been recorded in both the northern and southern hemispheres, and over the oceans, with some areas substantially warmer and others actually cooler. The ten warmest years have occurred since 1983, with seven of them since 1990. Recent evidence shows the 20th century was the warmest in the last 1,000 years. The 1990s were the warmest decade and 1998 was the single warmest year of the past millennium. Are human activities responsible for the warming?

    39. Johns Hopkins School Of Public Health - The Program On Health Effects Of Global
    Program On Health Effects Of global environmental change. Course The global environment Public Health, 4th term 2003.
    Home About the Program
  • Volume 1, no. 1
  • Volume 1, no. 2 Assessment of Potential Effects of Climate Change on Health in the U.S.
    Public Health
    Selected Program Publications Archived Documents Past Conferences
  • Climate/Health, Caribbean Workshop, May, 2002, Barbados
  • Healthy Ecosystems, Healthy People:
    Linkages between Biodiversity, Ecosystem Health and Human Health, Washington, DC, June 6-11, 2002
    Related Links ... Contact Us
  • Program On Health Effects
    Of Global Environmental Change
    , 4th term 2003
    (JAMA book review)

    ANNOUNCING New Educational Website on EcoHealth .org
    Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health’s Global Environmental Change and Our Health
    website provides middle-school students and educators with original, student-friendly content and health-focused lesson plans to help them understand the effects of global climate and environmental change on our health. The site is now live!
    Visit http://EcoHealth .org
    We have joined ranks with the Consortium for Conservation Medicine , a partnership bringing together the fields of Conservation Biology, Veterinary Medicine

    40. Redirect
    Free journal intended to provide reliable assessments of practical concerns related to the national and international consequences of changes in the global environment. Funding is provided by U.S. NOAA, NASA and NSF.
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