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         Global Change:     more books (100)
  1. The warm winds of change.(Environment)(Global climate change may have a lasting impact on the Lane County landscape): An article from: The Register-Guard (Eugene, OR)
  2. Social Theory and the Global Environment (Global Environmental Change Series) by Ted Benton, 1994-09-02
  3. Loess, Environment and Global Change: Xiii Inqua 1991 China
  4. Environment ; Global Changes and Challenges by Ram Prakash, 2003
  5. Global Environment Change Perspectives by Singh, 1995-01-01
  6. Global Environment Change. Issues in Environmental Science and Technology [A book review from: Environment International] by W.F. Hunt, 2004-04-01
  7. Argument in the Greenhouse: The International Economics of Controlling Global Warming (Global Environment Change Series) by Sujata Gupta, 1997-03-13
  8. Review of Country Case Studies on Climate Change (Global Environment Working Paper 7)
  9. Population Land Management & Environment Change (UNU Global Environmental Forum)
  10. The Biosphere and Noosphere Reader: Global Environment, Society and Change by Paul R. Samson, 1999-02-12
  11. Changes in Global Environment - Acid Rain by Kendall, Hunt, 1998-07-01
  12. Uncertainty and learning in a strategic environment: global climate change [An article from: Resource and Energy Economics] by E. Baker, 2005-01-01
  13. Land Use Planning: Sustainability and the Environment (Global Environmental Change) by Susan Owens, Richard Cowell, 2001-07-01
  14. Policy Making in an Era of Global Environmental Change (Environment & Policy)

1. Environmentally-related RFPs Environmental Research And Courses
Research theme All keywords. Change

2. US Global Change Research Program
combines and coordinates the research and policy development interests of the U. S. Government and Executive Offices of the President. Organized under the auspices of the Subcommittee on global change Research (SGCR), which is one of the seven environmental issue subcommittees established by the Committee on environment and Natural Resources (CENR).
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Helping to understand, assess
and predict global change... Our most popular feature
: See New postings for the latest on global change research, including organized links to new material posted here and on other sites. Our Changing Planet
The Fiscal Year 2003 US Global Change Research Program and Climate Change Research Initiative [PDF, 1.6 Mb] Also available in hardcopy from the GCRIO Online Catalog Privacy Policy Overview of U.S. Research on Climate and Global Change
(link to Climate Change Science Program) Participants . Information organized according to participating government agency International Research Cooperation Assessments . Knowledge useful to decision-makers. Calls for Proposals Research Program Elements Details on the topics of greatest interest to the USGCRP. Atmospheric Composition Global Carbon Cycle Global Water Cycle Ecosystems ... Implementing Climate and Global Change Research: A Review of the Final U.S. Climate Change Science Program Strategic Plan . Report (issued 18 Feb 2004) from the National Research Council (NRC). See also the NRC press release (also issued 18 Feb 2004), Government Climate Change Research Plan Provides Guiding Vision And Should Be Implemented, But Needs Additional Funding

3. Global Environment Facility
The global environment Facility (GEF), established in the global environment. GEF grants support projects related to biodiversity, climate change, international waters
Participants . Member Countries
. Council

. Assembly

. Focal Points
. Nongovernmental Organizations
Operational Policies . Operational Strategy
. Operational Program

. Eligibility Criteria and Project Cycle

. Monitoring and Evaluation
. Public Involvement
Projects . Focal Areas
. Projects

. Pipeline
. GEF Country Profiles Project Database Partners . Regional Development Banks . Bilat eral Developme nt Cooperation Agencies ... . Nongovernmental Organizations Documents . Instrument . Enabling Activity Projects . Medium-Sized Project Proposals . Project Proposals for Endorsement ... . Small Grants Programme Outreach and Publications . Media . Publications . Video . Global Environment Leadership Award ... . Country Dialogue Workshops Monitoring and Evaluation . About GEFME . Policies and Procedures . Themes and Topics . Publications ... . On-going Evaluations Replenishment . Schedule of Meetings . Documents . Joint Summaries The GEF The Global Environment Facility (GEF), established in 1991, helps developing countries fund projects and programs that protect the global environment. GEF grants support projects related to biodiversity, climate change, international waters, land degradation, the ozone layer, and persistent organic pollutants. More About GEF GEF News Fact Sheets , June 2004

4. MIT Center For Global Change Science
was established in January, 1990, to address longstanding scientific problems that impede our ability to accurately predict changes in the global environment.
Center for Global Change Science Phone Fax
: MIT 54-1312, 77 Massachusetts Ave,
Cambridge MA 02139 USA CGCS Director Ronald G. Prinn
Associate Director Rafael L. Bras
PERSONNEL REPORTS RESEARCH ... CONTACT The Center for Global Change Science CGCS ) at MIT was established in January, 1990, to address long-standing scientific problems that impede our ability to accurately predict changes in the global environment. The CGCS is interdisciplinary , involving both research and education , and builds on the long-established programs in meteorology oceanography hydrology chemistry , and satellite remote sensing carried out in the Schools of Science and Engineering at MIT. In addition, the CGCS , along with the MIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research CEEPR ), is a parent organization of the MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change , which involves significant cross-discipline interaction
The long-term goal of the CGCS is to utilize theory and observations to understand the basic processes and mechanisms controlling the global environment, and thereby to accurately predict environmental changes. Initial objectives involve a sustained program of basic scientific research focused on five fundamental processes in the global climate machine:
  • Convection, Atmospheric Water Vapor, and Cloud Formation
  • 5. Center For Health And The Global Environment, Harvard Medical School
    The Center's mission is to understand the human health consequences of global environmental change, and to promote a wider understanding of these consequences among physicians, scientists, policymakers, the media, and the general public.

    6. Global Climate Change: Selective List Of Online Resource
    The Institute for Studies in Development, environment, and Security conducts independent, multidisciplinary, policyoriented research toward achieving environmental sustainability, equitable Park, Oakland, CA 94612, U.S.A.back to global change 6.3 Community Efforts to Prevent Climate change. 6.4 Campus Initiatives
    Pacific Institute, 654 13th Street, Preservation Park, Oakland, CA 94612, U.S.A. back to Global Change Last update: Global Climate Change: Selective List of Online Resources UPDATE 10/23/03: The Pacific Institute's website is undergoing a major redesign right now. After this redesign is complete (estimated completion date is February 2004) we will recreate this page and solicit new and updated links. In the meantime, please feel free to use the page, but note that some links may not be up to date. We also welcome you to try our searchable Climate and Water Bibliography Initially compiled by Wil Burns, Pacific Institute.
  • Climate Change Science
    • 1.1 Data and Trends
      • 1.1.1 Emissions Baseline Data
      • 1.1.2 Paleoclimate Data
    • 1.2 Sinks and Sequestration
    • 1.3 Thermohaline Circulation and the North Atlantic "Conveyor Belt"
    DEVELOPMENT, global change, AND. THE EPIDEMIOLOGICAL environment. By Gretchen C. Daily Paul R. Ehrlich. Paper number 0062 Revised 1995. G.C.D. many trends associated with development and global change appear to be reducing health security
    Paper number 0062 Revised 1995
    G.C.D.: Energy and Resources Group Building T-4, Room 100 University of California Berkeley, California 94720
    P.R.E.: Center for Conservation Biology Stanford University Stanford, California 94305
    When one comes into a city to which he is a stranger, he ought to consider its situation, how it lies as to the winds and the rising of the sun; for its influence is not the same whether it lies to the north or to the south, to the rising or to the setting sun. These things one ought to consider most attentively, and concerning the waters which the inhabitants use, whether they be marshy and soft, or hard and running from elevated and rocky situations, and then if saltish and unfit for cooking; and the ground, whether it be naked and deficient in water, or wooded and well-watered, and whether it lies in a hollow, confined situation or is elevated and cold... From these things he must proceed to investigate everything else. For if one knows all these things well, ... he cannot miss knowing, when he comes into a strange city, either the diseases peculiar to the place or the particular nature of the common diseases, or commit mistakes, as is likely to be the case provided one had not previously considered these matters. And in particular, as the season and year advances, he can tell what epidemic disease will attack the city, ... and what each individual will be in danger of experiencing from the change of regimen. Hippocrates, On Airs, Waters, and Places, cat 400 B.C. (quoted in Garrett 1994, p. 234).

    8. PMEL Atmospheric Chemistry
    Atmospheric chemistry and global change research at the Pacific Marine environment Laboratory of NOAA. Details of research programmes and data server are given.
    U.S. Dept. of Commerce / NOAA / OAR / PMEL / Atmospheric Chemistry
    At NOAA's Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL)
    A homepage of information describing the:

    PMEL Homepage

    Last update: 21 January 2004

    9. ARIC Global Climate Change Student Guide
    A comprehensive guide designed for university undergraduates and provided by the UK's Atmosphere, Climate environment Information Programme.

    10. Assessments
    ESIG integrates societal needs with knowledge of the environment to better understand and communicate impacts of weather, climate, and global change.
    About Site Map New Library ... Links Assessments Search
    Updated 20 April, 2004
    Major National and International Studies
    Got a question? Visit Doctor Global Change , resident expert at the site of the Global Change Research Information Office (GCRIO). At the Interface Between Science and Public Policy: Lessons Learned from Assessments Article in the Fall 2000 issue of Acclimations by Ari Patrinos, Associate Director for Biological and Environmental Research, Office of Science, U.S. Department of Energy On This Page:
    Online Assessment Reports
    US Assessment Reports
    US Climate Action Reports (CAR). Submitted to the Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, under Article 12 of the convention: US National Assessment: The Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change Acclimations.

    11. WBGU Website
    Provides, for the German government, recommendations for research and further action to combat global problems in the field of environment and development
    Invitation to a side event at the International Conference for Renewable Energies: "Milestones for the Transformation of the World Energy System", June 2nd, 2004, 5.30 pm
    Policy Paper "Renewable energies for sustainable development: Impulses for

    Alfred Wegener Institute

    Email to the Webmaster

    Last Update:

    12. UEA: Changed URLs
    CSERGE's core academic objectives are to undertake policyrelevant research on global environmental problems and to contribute to the ESRC's global Environmental change Research Programme.
    Changed URLs
    It is sometimes necessary to move UEA web pages to another location, or addresses may have been quoted wrongly in publications or on mailing lists. When this happens, a filter may be put into the web server to trap requests for the old, or wrong, URLs and the requests are diverted to this page. Please look through the entries below to find the URL that you need, and then change your bookmarks accordingly. There is no automatic forwarding, and there are no links from this page, so that people will change their bookmarks, and search engines will not continue to reference old URLs. Pat Newby, IT and Computing Service (ITCS)
    December 2002
    School of Environmental Sciences (ENV) - Admissions
    School of Environmental Sciences (ENV) - Centre for Environmental Risk (CER)
    Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment (CSERGE)
    School of Language, Linguistics and Translation Studies (LLT)

    13. U.S. Global Change Research Information Office
    service, to provide reliable assessments of practical concerns related to the national and international consequences of changes in the global environment.
    New Library About Ask Dr. Global Change ... Library Consequences Search

    14. Global Climate Change: Market-Based Strategies To Reduce Greenhouse Gases
    A review of market based initiatives to combat global warming, including tradeable permits and carbon taxes.
    Almanac of Policy Issues
    Search Archive Larry Pakerr, Congressional Research Service
    Updated October 1, 2002
    Global Climate Change: Market-Based Strategies to Reduce Greenhouse Gases
    SUMMARY The possibility that human activities are releasing gases, including carbon dioxide (CO2), at rates that could affect global climate has resulted in proposals for national programs to curtail emissions. An international framework for specific reductions in greenhouse gases was negotiated at a meeting in Kyoto in December 1997. Concern about costs has encouraged consideration of CO2 reduction proposals that employ market-based mechanisms. The passage in 1990 of a tradeable allowance system for sulfur dioxide (SO2) control in the United States to reduce acid rain provides a precedent for such mechanisms. The specific effects of both a carbon tax and tradeable permit program would depend on the specific levy (carbon tax) or allocation scheme (tradeable permit) chosen, the scope of the program, the timing of the reductions, and the recycling of any revenues. In addition, many tradeable permit proposals include provisions allowing countries to accumulate permits by reducing emissions in other countries. This scheme, called joint implementation, was approved in principle at the Kyoto conference in December 1997.

    15. Environment Journals
    Online newsletters, yearbooks, and other publications for environmental managers cover policy trends, scientific research, and industrial developments related to topics such as global change, sustainable development, ISO 14000, recycling, and emissions trading. Subscription required.
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    Environment Journals Global Environmental Change Report Indoor Environmental Quality Oil Spill Intelligence Report , and Energy Design Update , formerly published by Cutter Information Corporation, are now a part of Aspen Publishers Environmental Services library of products. These publications add to Aspen's comprehensive line of manuals, newsletters and on-line services providing timely analysis and practical information on environmental and compliance issues. Most notably these related compliance titles include: Hazardous Waste Consultant Air Pollution Consultant and OSHA Compliance Guide
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    Indoor Environment Quality Print Version Online Version Oil Spill Intelligence Report Print Version Online Version
    Hazardous Waste Consultant Air Pollution Consultant ... OSHA Compliance Guide Speak with a product specialist at 1-800-638-8437 (within the U.S.)

    Independent, international research institute specialising in sustainable development and environment issues at local, national, regional and global policy levels. Aims to clarify the requirements, strategies and policies for a transition to sustainability. These goals are linked to the principles advocated in Agenda 21 and the Conventions such as Climate change, Ozone Layer Protection and Biological Diversity.
    *** Press Release - Roger Kasperson elected to American Academy LATEST SEI Executive Director Announced - Director Announced Tallinn Director Announced
    New Publications: COP9 - Gender and Energy "Responding to Climate Change" - An SEI Report by Bert Bolin RED Newsletter
    SEI-HQ Address
    Lilla Nygatan, 1
    Box 2142,
    S-103 14 Stockholm,
    Executive Director: Roger Kasperson On the SEI Website: About SEI News Milestones Board Factsheets Courses SEI Centres - Boston - Stockholm - Tallinn - York SEI Oxford Office Staff PROGRAMMES Atmos.Environment Sus. Development Water Resources Publications - List - Search - Downloads - RED Newsletter - Presentations SEI Library SEI Jobs - Job Sites Sitemap Contact ECOSANRES SEARCH ABOUT SEI STAFF CENTRES EXPERTISE ... PUBLICATIONS SEI bridges science and policy in the field of environment and development at local, national, regional and global scales.

    A research group at Indiana University, Bloomington that focuses on the human dimensions of global environment change. Features information on training, an online newsletter, and provides a list of publications.

    18. The Green Lane: Climate Change - Home
    and the global community to meet this challenge. Within the federal government, climate change is comanaged by the Minister of the environment and the

    What is the Kyoto Protocol?

    Climate change is one of the most significant environmental challenges the world has ever faced. We are already seeing the effects of climate change in Canada. The potential impacts on our health, economy and environment require us to take action. With the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol, the Government of Canada has made climate change a national priority, and is working closely with Canadians and the global community to meet this challenge. Within the federal government, climate change is co-managed by the Minister of the Environment and the Minister of Natural Resources. Other key players in this nationwide effort include several federal government departments, the provincial/territorial Ministers of Energy and Environment, municipalities, as well as scientists, industry, the business community and individual Canadians. The Budget 2003 investment of $2 billion over five years brings the Government of Canada's total investment in climate change action since Budget 2000 to $3.7 billion. This is in addition to a number of other measures that are designed to complement our actions on climate change. The achievement of our climate change objectives will become part of the way the Government of Canada does business. Our investments in infrastructure, in technology, in science, and in regional development will all be considered in terms of their impact on reaching our climate change targets.

    19. US National Institute For Global Environmental Change
    News highlights, publications, initiatives and links to regional centers. Established by the U.S. Congress House of Representatives and the Senate, the center's mission is to assist the nation in its response to humaninduced influence on the environment.

    20. Global Exchange : Get Involved
    Shows actions and how to accomplish change on such far ranging issues as curtailing sweatshop practices to improving the environment. Internship program, volunteer work, activism with a purpose.
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    Current actions that need your support Hear a Speaker Listings of scheduled GX speaking events and tours across the country Get Our eNewsletter Become a Member Join Global Exchange or donate today! Events Speaking events and other engagements across the country Volunteer and Internships Information about volunteering and current internships at our office in San Francisco. Job Openings Publications Resource books on activism, journalism, puppetmaking for street protests, traveling, and cooking contain practical ways for you to get involved. Bike Aid Join our rides for social justice this summer Human Rights Awards Join us on June 10, 2004 at 6pm at the San Francisco Gift Center as we honor Harry Belafonte, Via Campesina and Diane Wilson. Purchase Anti-War Art by Art Hazelwood A portion of the proceeds of the sale of the collection Hubris Corpulentus benefits Global Exchange. Global Exchange's success is due to the involvement of dedicated members, volunteers and staff. If you'd like to be part of this important and effective enterprise follow the links below. Your help is needed!
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