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41. Environment Canada's Green Lane: Topics - Environmental Monitoring And Reporting You are here Home Topics environmental monitoring and reporting. environmental monitoring and reporting. Monitoring tools Reporting http://www.ec.gc.ca/envmon_e.html | |
42. Gaylord Nelson Institute For Environmental Studies Offers interdisciplinary graduate programs in air resources management, water resources management, conservation biology, environmental monitoring, energy analysis and policy, and land resources. http://www.ies.wisc.edu | |
43. APC - Environmental Monitoring Unit - Product Information Products Management environmental monitoring Unit. environmental monitoring Unit. Networked appliance enabling monitoring of environmental conditions. http://www.apc.com/products/family/index.cfm?id=47 |
44. Phycotransgenics Specializes in the development of transgenic microalgae to be used for animal health, animal feed, bioremediation, environmental monitoring and biopesticides. Includes information about the company and contact information. http://www.phycotransgenics.com/ |
45. Idaho Environmental Monitoring Program Idaho environmental monitoring Program (IEMP). Crescenti, GH, KL Clawson, BR Reese, DW Walker, and WJ Behymer, 2000 The Idaho environmental monitoring Program. http://www.noaa.inel.gov/projects/iemp/ | |
46. CRSEM: Centre For Remote Sensing And Environmental Monitoring Homepage http://www.dundee.ac.uk/crsem/ | |
47. Environmental Monitoring Group http://www.emg.org.za/ |
48. Instrument And Control Technologies Home Page Offers design, sales and installation of integrated systems for environmental monitoring, industrial process control and system integration. http://www.ictinc.com | |
49. YSI Sensor Technology, Environmental Monitoring Sensor technology dedicated to an ecologically sustainable world. YSI environmental monitoring, life sciences and temperature monitoring. http://www.ysi.com/ | |
50. YSI Environmental Monitoring - Water Quality & Aquaculture Testing & Supplies YSI Environmental. Pure Data for a Healthy Planet. YSI Environmental, Endeco/YSI, and SonTek products and systems are used throughout http://www.ysi.com/environmental.htm | |
51. Pilot Study - Environmental Monitoring Of The River Zapadnaya Dvina In Belarus Prepared for the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, International Relations. Pilot Study environmental monitoring of the River Zapadnaya Dvina in Belarus. http://www.baltic-region.net/partners/dzd/daug_add.htm | |
52. Department Of Measurement Techniques / EMT-Group, Prof. G. Matz / Fields Of Re Research focused on the development of new measurement techniques and methods in environmental monitoring, including mobile GC/MS, sensor arrays and FTIR, at TUHH, Hamburg, Germany. http://www.et1.tu-harburg.de/en_EN/en_umt_forschungsgebiete.php | |
53. Environmental Monitoring- Swedish EPA environmental monitoring. Generally speaking, environmental monitoring can be defined as checking the state of the environment and studying trends and effects. http://www.internat.naturvardsverket.se/documents/issues/monitor/monitor.htm | |
54. Foot And Mouth: Environmental Monitoring And Impact | Home This website provides a single route to the information on the various monitoring programmes being carried out in Scotland on the environment and public health http://www.fmd-enviroimpact.scieh.scot.nhs.uk/ | |
55. Novatek International 21 CFR Part 11 Compliant Software Testing 2004 The Gresham, Dublin, Ireland May 25-28, 2004 environmental monitoring SEMINAR - DELTA CENTRE VILLE HOTEL, Montreal , Canada - Booth 1 June 14 http://ntint.com/index.shtml | |
56. Global Water, Water Instrumentation For Environmental Monitoring. Instrumentatio water velocity meter, flow probe, flow meter, Wastewater/Environmental Sampler (WS300) Portable, refrigerated, and cooler options. http://www.globalw.com/ | |
57. Welcome To The Environmental Monitoring Advisory Board (EMAB). The Environmental An independent watchdog agency working towards an integrated and community based approach to environmental monitoring and management of the Diavik Diamond Mine. http://www.emab.ca | |
58. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT IN COUNTY PLANNING AUTHORITI Local authority planning departments in the UK carry out environmental monitoring to assess the impact of planning decisions and to collect information on http://informationr.net/tdw/publ/papers/1984emim.html | |
59. Environmental Monitoring And Control Products - SMSC The environmental monitoring and Control (EMC) devices are stand alone analog ICs that monitor voltages and temperatures critical to the stability and http://www.smsc.com/main/catalog/emc.html | |
60. Kluwer Academic Publishers - Environmental Monitoring And Assessment http://www.wkap.nl/prod/j/0167-6369 | |
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