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         Environmental Law:     more books (100)
  1. Environmental Law: Statutory and Case Supplement With Internet Guide (Statutory Supplement) by Robert V. Percival, Christopher H. Schroeder, 2007-08-17
  2. Black Letter Outline on Environmental Law (Black Letter Outline) by Jeffrey M. Gaba, 2005-02
  3. Environmental Law Deskbook, 8th Edition by Environmental Law Reporter, 2007-06-05
  4. The Environmental Impact Statement Process and Environmental Law by Emmett B. Moore, 2000-06
  5. Campbell-Mohn, Breen and Futrell's Hornbook on Environmental Law: From Resources to Recovery (Hornbook) by J. William Futrell, Celia Campbell-Mohn, et all 2001-01-01
  6. Documents in International Environmental Law
  7. International Marine Environmental Law: Institutions, Implementation and Innovations (International Environmental Law and Policy)
  8. Law of the Sea, Environmental Law and Settlement of Disputes: Liber Amicorum Judge Thomas A. Mensah
  9. Selected Environmental Law Statutes: 2006-2007 by West Group, 2006-06-28
  10. Sustainable Development and International Law (International Environmental Law and Policy Series)
  11. Environmental Law in Context: Cases, Materials and Statutes (American Casebook Series) by Robin Kundis Craig, 2005-06-01
  12. Directory of Environmental Law Education Opportunities at American Law Schools by Randall S. Abate, 2007-12-31
  13. Dictionary of Environmental Law by Alan Gilpin, 2001-03
  14. Environmental Law: Cases and Materials by Philip Weinberg, 2005-01-28

81. CERES Environmental Law, Regulation, And Policy
CERES Logo, CERES environmental law, Regulation, and Policy. California environmental law, Regulation, and Policy Relevant Statutes
CERES Environmental Law, Regulation, and Policy
California Environmental Law,
Regulation, and Policy
Relevant Statutes Administered by Resources Agency:
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
Statute Guidelines ... State Agency

California Endangered Species Act (CESA)
Statute Related Materials State Agency

California Land Conservation Act (Williamson Act)
Statute State Agency

California Coastal Act (CCA)
... State Agency

Forest Practices Act
Statute Regulation State Agency
California Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction Act Statute State Agency
Relevant Codes:
Public Resources Code
Fish and Game Code
Water Code Law of Water Transfers
Other California Agencies:
California Environmental Protection Agency
Prop 65 - Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act
Other California Resources:
California State Bar, Natural Resources Subsection
Oil and Gas Law Newsletters
Water Law Newsletters
ENVIRO, The California State Bar Environmental Law Section
Search Webmaster CERES ... Environmental Law
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82. Colorado Journal Of International Environmental Law And Policy
The Colorado Journal of International environmental law and Policy is one of only a few widely read publications dedicated to examining the legal and policy
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April 8, 2004 School of Law
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April 8, 2004 The Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law and Policy is one of only a few widely read publications dedicated to examining the legal and policy implications of international environmental issues. A scholarly forum for in-depth analysis of current international environmental problems, the Journal provides commentary on important national and international developments. Journal articles tend to focus on topics such as global climate change, transboundary water pollution, protection of biological diversity, and international environmental conventions. As is the case with most all law school journals and reviews, the

83. Columbia Journal Of Environmental Law
The Columbia Journal of environmental law was founded in 1973 with a grant from the Ford Foundation. The Journal is the second oldest
The Columbia Journal of Environmental Law was founded in 1973 with a grant from the Ford Foundation. The Journal is the second oldest environmental law journal in the nation and is widely regarded as one of the preeminent environmental journals in the country. We have over 600 subscribers, including law libraries, law firms, and federal, local, and state courts, as well as a significant international readership.

84. Preamble To The Constitution & Environmental Law
Seeks to advance environmental law issues, intergenerational ethics, and the concern for posterity stated in the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution. Provides articles and documents related to the U.S. Constitution and environmental protection.
Preamble to the Constitution of the United States and its relevance to Environmental Law:
We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union,
establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility,
provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare,
and secure the blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity
do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
On This Site:
Does the United States Constitution Provide Environmental Protection?
-by Charlie Ogle. An Article giving a textual analysis of the Preamble, arguing the relevance of the posterity clause to environmental issues.
The Stewardship Doctrine: Intergenerational Justice in the United States Constitution
-by John Davidson. An Article examining the historical antecedents and philosophical context of the work by the Founding Fathers, with particular attention to Intergenerational issues raised by them in the Preamble, U.S. Constitution, and related State documents.
Cites to case law relating to the Preamble of the U.S. Constitution

85. Georgetown Environmental Law And Policy Institute
The mission of the Georgetown environmental law and Policy Institute is to conduct reseach and education on legal policy issues relating to protection of the
The mission of the Georgetown Environmental Law and Policy Institute (GELPI) is to conduct research and education on legal and policy issues relating to protection of the environment and conservation of natural resources. BOARD OF ADVISERS
Members of the Georgetown University Law Center environmental faculty govern the Institute as its Board of Advisers. Professor Peter Byrne, who serves as Faculty Director of the Institute, teaches property, land use regulation and historic preservation law. Professor Hope Babcock directs the Law Center's Environmental Justice Clinic and teaches environmental law. Professor Lisa Heinzerling teaches environmental and natural resources law. Professor Richard Lazarus teaches environmental, advanced environmental, and natural resources law and directs the Law Center's Supreme Court Institute. Edith Brown Weiss is the Francis Cabell Brown Professor of International Law and teaches international environmental and water law. The Executive Director of the Institute is John D. Echeverria. Mr. Echeverria previously served as the General Counsel of the National Audubon Society and, prior to that, as General Counsel and Conservation Director of American Rivers, Inc.

Provides assistance in environmental law for environmental protection and the tools and knowledge to protect and improve the environment. Site has news, articles and resources. has been moved to You will be redirected to shortly, if you don't want to wait, please click the following link:

87. Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP Environmental Law Information Resources
The Morgan, Lewis Bockius LLP environmental law Resources home page features helpful environmentalrelated references, including the Environmental Deskbook
Greetings Browserly-Challenged. The page you are attempting to enter has frames, and if you're reading this messageyou don't have the ability to see it. Please go to our non-frame version of this page

88. Matthew Boyer Solicitors: Home
Focusing on charity and environmental law. Based in Exeter.
Regulated by the Law Society Site designed by Square Eye Ltd.

89. Master In Energy And Environmental Law
The programme offers a study of international, European and comparative (including US) energy and environmental law, with a strong emphasis on trade law and legal practice.
Welcome to the website of the Master in Energy and Environmental Law, organised by the Institute for Environmental and Energy Law (IEEL) of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Kurt Deketelaere

90. Environmental Law
CIEL The Center for International environmental law (CIEL) is a public interest notfor-profit environmental law firm that deals with the issues of global
Practice Areas Index o California Environmental Agencies
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Environmental Reference
  • Agview Agview offers a search and index tool to locate agriculture information on the Internet.
  • ATSDR's Public Health Statements Search ATSDR's public health statements "brief summaries of information on specific toxic substances. Each summary focuses on the effects to human health from exposure to a toxic substance."
  • BADGER The Bay Area Digital GeoResource (BADGER) is an on-line visualization system for geographic data of the San Francisco Bay Area developed from satellite and aerial imagery, maps and databases. Environmental features, underground services, property lines, municipal zones, census data and demographic information are depicted in BADGER's multi-layer visualization system.
  • Bannister Research and Consulting
  • BIN21 offers a comprehensive collection of links to biodiversity resources worldwide.
  • Brownfields The Brownfields Initiative is an EPA effort to "empower states, communities, and other stakeholders in economic development to work together in a timely manner to prevent, assess, safely clean up, and sustainably use brownfields." Brownfields are defined as "abandoned, idled, or under-used industrial and commercial facilities where expansion or redevelopment is complicated by real or perceived environmental contamination." This website offers answers to frequently asked questions about brownfields, overviews of the 28 national and 12 regional pilot projects, information on submitting a proposal for a pilot project, and a list of brownfields contacts. Liability guidance documents and other brownfields related publications can be viewed or downloaded from the webpage.

91. National Environmental Law Center
Environmental litigation center, founded by the state PIRGs to take enforcement action against the nation's worst polluters.

Current Litigation

Recent Successes

Resolved Cases

Clean Water Act:
... Links
Latest News:
Appeals Court Slams Door On Maine Salmon Farms
In a decision issued late yesterday, a federal appeals court upheld an injunction that orders two salmon farm companies that operate in Downeast Maine to take steps to reverse the environmental degradation caused by 15 years of Clean Water Act violations. The First Circuit Court of Appeals, located in Boston, affirmed the injunction imposed by Judge Gene Carter of the federal district court in Portland, Maine on May 28. Read the news release. Recent Victory: Pollution Halted; Wildlife Habitat To Be Restored
In January 2003, NELC and a Michigan limestone quarry resolved a lawsuit under terms that will end the quarry's devastating pollution and help restore a local watershed to health. "This is the one of the few times anyone's stood up to a Michigan quarry," said Litigation Director Charles Caldart. "The effect of quarries on water supplies and water quality is a major issue in the Midwest." The settlement requires Wolcottville Sand and Gravel, an Ohio company doing business in Michigan as London Aggregates, to cease all wastewater discharge from its London Township quarry for two years, and pay a fine to initiate ecological restoration projects.

92. International Environmental Law And Policy
casebook supplement providing full text to legal documents, articles, links, and background information on environmental law and policy.
Select a link or type a search
Then press GO All Links. . . Academic Calendar Academic Counseling Academy on Human Humanitarian Law Administration Law Admin Law Review Admissions Alumni Relations Alumnus of the Month Appleseed Application (JD) Asian Law Society AU Int'l Law Review AU Journal of Gender, Law AU Law Review Benefits Blackboard Business Law Brief Calendar of Events Calendar, Academic Career Services Humanitarian Law Childcare (AUCDC) Chile Summer Prgm Civil Practice Clinic Class Cancellations/ Notices Class Schedule Clinical Program Commencement Communications Economic Develop. Law Clinic Contact WCL Continuing Legal Education Counseling Course Catalog Course Schedule Criminal Justice Clinic Current Students Curricular Information Dean's Office Development Office Directions to WCL Directory Disabilities Support Diversity Service Docket, The Domestic Violence Law Clinic Dual Degree Programs E-Commerce Employers Employment- AU/WCL Environmental Law Europe Summer Prgm Events Calendar Evidence Project Exam Schedule Externships Facilities Management Faculty Faculty Projects Faculty Resources Financial Aid Founders Gender Studies Give Online Global Partnerships Graduation Require.

93. USGS Guide To Federal Environmental Laws And Regulations
environmental law in the AmericasUSA of the environmental law Alliance Worldwide s US OfficeThis is an outstanding listing of other environmental law sites
USGS Environmental Affairs Program
USGS Guide to Federal Environmental Laws and Regulations
This guide was written to provide an overview of the major environmental statutes and corresponding regulations. This guide serves as a tool to aid government agencies at the federal, state and local levels, private industry, academia, the general public and public interest groups. This guide is not intended to be exhaustive of all the regulations that exist for any given statute and contains those that were deemed to be key in understanding any given statute as a whole. Cited sources, including the U.S. Code (U.S.C.) and U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), have been reviewed through April of 1996. The Survey's Environmental Affairs Program (EAP) does not assume responsibility for the accuracy of any material presented in this guide. We encourage your comments and suggestions, and invite you to use the EAP Comment Form
Topical Areas Covered by this Guide
Air Quality Endangered Species Fish and Wildlife Conservation Prime and Unique Farmlands Public Land Resources Solid and Hazardous Substances Water Quality Miscellaneous Acts List of Statutes by Section Organizing Federal Laws and Regulations Denotes area of particular relevance to the USGS field staff.

94. CataLaw : Environmental Law
environmental law. You are here CataLaw Legal Topics environmental law DownFocused Sites New Zealand • nz centre for environmental law.
CataLaw Inc.
Dov Wisebrod
You are here:
CataLaw Legal Topics : Environmental Law
Focused Sites...
Usual Suspects...
See also:
Legal Topics Aviation and Space Law
Legal Topics Natural Resources Law ...
Extra Information
The African Water Page
Australian Centre for Environmental Law (ACEL)
Environmental Defender's Offices of Australia
Canada Info Environmental Links
Environment Canada's Green Lane
West Coast Environmental Law
CEDAR - Central European Environmental Data Request Facility
European Centre for Nature Conservation
European Environmental Law
Activism / Information
Best Environmental Resources Directories
Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN)
EnviroLink ...
GW Green University Initiative
Law / Government
Asia-Pacific Centre for Environmental Law
Dianne Saxe's Links to Environmental Resources
E.L.I.O. - Environmental Legal Information Online
Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide ...
Weblinks: International Environmental Law
New Zealand
nz centre for environmental law
United States
Bert P. Krages, Environmental Law with a Technical Emphasis

95. Law Firm - Legal Services - Attorney - San Francisco Bay Area - Walnut Creek - E
Walnut Creek law firm, offering services for matters including business litigation, real estate, employment disputes, personal injury, professional negligence, environmental law, securities, and bankruptcy.
Practice Profile Attorneys IP/Tech ... Links
W A s aggressive litigators and conscientious advisors, we work hard to exceed our clients' expectations by delivering superior cost-effective services that get the job done. T o discover more about us, select a topic. Thank you very much for your feedback.
Richard T. Bowles

Michael P. Verna

Robert I . Westerfield

Richard A. Ergo
Bradley R. Bowles

Pamela Ty
Jin K. Gill
Brent K. Jensen Cases Publications Business Search ... Contact
Suite 875 - P.O. Box 8180 - Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Phone (925) 935-3300 Fax (925) 935-0371 Please read our

96. Southeastern Environmental Law Journal
USC. Southeastern environmental law Journal. the. Southeastern environmental law Journal. is currently seeking articles for publication during the.
Southeastern Environmental Law Journal
University of South Carolina School of Law
Attention Professors and Practitioners: the Southeastern Environmental Law Journal is currently seeking articles for publication during the 2003-2004 and 2004-2005 academic years. Please click here for more information. Studying Environmental Law at the University of South Carolina Contact the Southeastern Environmental Law Journal

97. ELC: Home
Why should you get involved in the environmental law Centre? To meet and get to know some very good people in a not necessarily lawschool environment;
2004 Aquaculture Series
For more information about the 2004 Aquaculture Series that the ELC and the Native Law Students Association is putting on, please click here
New Fall Newsletter
Fish! Superheros! Paper Towels! ...and much, much more in the ELC's first publication of the year. Includes handy recycling tips and an overview of our Clinic student's projects for this year. Check it out at: Fall 2003 Newsletter
ELCC Projects Now Online
Since its creation the ELC has researched a wide variety of topics relating to public interest and environmental law. In an effort to make this research a public resource, the ELC has been working this past term to make its projects available online. From this point on the ELC intends to post all projects approved by clients for public access. For a full listing of ELC projects available online, click here
Why should you get involved in the Environmental Law Centre?
  • To meet and get to know some very good people in a not necessarily law-school environment
    To gain experience in as many skills as you have time for: legal research, desktop publishing, board/committee management, fund development (the list goes on)
    To get invited to some great potlucks!
  • 98. Index
    Full service law firm specializing in banking, corporations, taxes, environmental law, litigation and taxes.

    99. Western Environmental Law Center

    100. Attorneys Smith, Currie & Hancock LLP Atlanta Georgia GA Labor Law Environmental
    Located in Atlanta, GA and Charlotte, NC, has construction, labor, government contracts, environmental law practice groups.
    , with offices in Atlanta, Georgia, Charlotte, North Carolina, Tallahassee, Florida and Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, has nationally recognized practices in the areas of Construction law, Labor and Employment law, Government Contracts, and Environmental law. The firm represents clients in all 50 states, as well as Mexico, Canada and South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia Site Directory:
    Practice Areas
    Firm Overview Office Locations Attorneys ... West Legal Directory , a service of West Group , Eagan, Minnesota. The information you obtain at this site is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for individual advice regarding your own situation.
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