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         Environmental Law:     more books (100)
  1. Environmental Law and Policy: A Coursebook on Nature Law and Socierty (American Casebook Series) by Zygmunt J. B. Plater, Robert H. Abrams, et all 1998
  2. Understanding Environmental Administration and Law, 3rd Edition by Susan J. Buck, 2006-09-28
  3. Environmental Law: A Conceptual and Pragmatic Approach by David M. Driesen, Robert W. Adler, 2007-06
  4. International Environmental Law in a Nutshell (Nutshell Series) by Lakshman D. Guruswamy, 2007-08-29
  5. Environmental Law for Non-Lawyers by David B. Firestone, Frank C. Reed, 1990-01
  6. European Environmental Law by J. H. Jans, H. H. B. Vedder, 2008-01-31
  7. Casenote Legal Briefs: Environmental Law - Keyed to Plater, Abrams, Goldfarb, Graham, Heinzerling & Wirth by Casenotes, 2004-10-07
  8. Emerging Principles of International Environmental Law (Series on International Law and Development) by Sumudu A. Atapattu, 2006-12
  9. Federal Environmental Laws 2007 (Federal Environmental Laws)
  10. Environmental Law, 2nd Edition (Hornbook Series) (Hornbook Series Student Edition) by William H. Rodgers, 1994-06
  11. International Environmental Law: Fairness, Effectiveness, and World Order by Elli Louka, 2006-10-23
  12. Environmental Justice: Legal Theory and Practice by Barry Hill, 2008-03-30
  13. High Court Case Summaries on Environmental Law (Keyed to Percival, 5th) (High Court Case Summaries) by Thomson West, 2007-07-06
  14. The Economic Dynamics of Environmental Law by David M. Driesen, 2003-01-17

21. Laws And Regulations - Major Environmental Laws
Major environmental laws. More than a dozen major statutes or laws form the legal basis for the programs of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

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Major Environmental Laws
More than a dozen major statutes or laws form the legal basis for the programs of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
More about the full text
of these laws. National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) ; 42 U.S.C. 4321-4347
NEPA is the basic national charter for protection of the environment. It establishes policy, sets goals, and provides means for carrying out the policy.
NEPA full text
More about NEPA Chemical Safety Information, Site Security and Fuels Regulatory Relief Act Public Law 106-40, Jan. 6, 1999; 42 U.S.C. 7412(r)
Amendment to Section 112(r) of the Clean Air Act
Factsheets and full text
The Clean Air Act (CAA) ; 42 U.S.C. s/s 7401 et seq. (1970)
CAA summary
CAA full text Guide to the CAA CAA - US Code The Clean Water Act (CWA) ; 33 U.S.C. ss/1251 et seq. (1977)

22. Euronatura, Centro Para O Direito Ambiental E Desenvolvimento Sustentado
Portugal based research and policy NGO with programs on climate change, international waters, trade and the environment. English and Portuguese.
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23. Environmental Law Net
environmental law Net, by environmental lawyer David Blackmar, is a comprehensive environmental law resource for corporate environmental law counsel and environmental law compliance managers. NEW!! Preview environmental law Net News The Weekly Review 2.0. environmental law Net, http// , by
NEW!! Preview Environmental Law Net News - The Weekly Review 2.0
Environmental Law Net, , by David Blackmar, Esq. , is a Comprehensive, Interactive Environmental Law Resource for Corporate Counsel and Environmental Compliance Managers. Environmental Law Net is edited and updated with assistance from Rachel Kaplan of Boston University Law School, and the environmental law department of Murtha Cullina LLP.
Recent Accolades:
"5 Stars:" American Lawyer Media Publishing, Best Legal Sites (11/2001)
"Most Popular Site for Environmental Law," America Online
"Link of the Week (4/24/01)," Mass. Social Law Library
"Legal Web Site of the Week" by the Washington Legal Times (6/21/99)
"Best of the Web" by the JURIST , Law Professors' Network
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Please Read this site's and Privacy Notice. David S. Blackmar The content, computer code, text, images, designs, forms, and arrangement of hyperlinks contained on Environmental Law Net are the intellectual property of David S. Blackmar. No portion of Environmental Law Net, , other than linked documents which are in the public domain, may be electronically reproduced by any means, quoted, or otherwise used without the express written permission of David S. Blackmar. Environmental Law Net, is about environmental law, with environmental law articles, environmental law information, and environmental law links by David Blackmar for environmental lawyers.

24. OUP Journals - Journal Of Environmental Law
Quarterly journal published by Oxford University Press (UK). Journal information, table of contents
Select a journal... Adelphi Papers African Affairs Age and Ageing Alcohol and Alcoholism American Journal of Epidemiology American Law and Economics Review American Literary History Annals of Botany Annals of Occupational Hygiene Annals of Oncology Applied Linguistics Australasian Journal of Philosophy Behavioral Ecology Bioinformatics Biometrika Biostatistics BJA: British Journal of Anaesthesia Brain Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention British Journal of Aesthetics British Journal of Criminology British Jnl. for the Philosophy of Sci. British Journal of Social Work British Medical Bulletin BWP Update Cambridge Journal of Economics Cambridge Quarterly Cancer Science Carcinogenesis Cerebral Cortex Chemical Senses Classical Quarterly Classical Review Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice Communication Theory Community Development Journal Computer Bulletin Computer Journal Contemporary Economic Policy BJA: CEACCP Contributions to Political Economy ELT Journal Early Music Economic Inquiry English Historical Review Environmental Practice Epidemiologic Reviews ESHRE Monographs Essays in Criticism European Journal of International Law European Journal of Orthodontics European Journal of Public Health European Review of Agricultural Economics European Sociological Review Evidence-based Compl. and Alt. Medicine

25. International Environmental Law And Policy
Research materials on international environmental law, including current developments, teaching materials and treaties.

26. Welcome To ELF - The Environmental Law Foundation
This London based charity is a network of lawyers specialising in environmental matters and giving free advice. Purpose, achievements, advice and referral service, publications, links, news.
Welcome to ELF! The Environmental Law Foundation (ELF) is the national UK charity linking communities and individuals to legal and technical expertise to prevent damage to the environment and to improve the quality for all. Through its network of members, ELF provides people with information and advice on how the law can help resolve environmental problems such as pollution, development and health. ELF also provides education and training, promotes lectures, conferences and seminars, produces publications, encourages policy development. Above all, it provides a voice for communities and individuals. Since 9:30 GMT on September 5 2002, people have viewed this web page. Overall, this website has received hits, of them today. Contact Us Post:
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27. OUP Journals - Journal Of Environmental Law
Journal of environmental law. The Full Text of Journal of environmental law is available online from 1998. Availability of content
Select a journal... Adelphi Papers African Affairs Age and Ageing Alcohol and Alcoholism American Journal of Epidemiology American Law and Economics Review American Literary History Annals of Botany Annals of Occupational Hygiene Annals of Oncology Applied Linguistics Australasian Journal of Philosophy Behavioral Ecology Bioinformatics Biometrika Biostatistics BJA: British Journal of Anaesthesia Brain Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention British Journal of Aesthetics British Journal of Criminology British Jnl. for the Philosophy of Sci. British Journal of Social Work British Medical Bulletin BWP Update Cambridge Journal of Economics Cambridge Quarterly Cancer Science Carcinogenesis Cerebral Cortex Chemical Senses Classical Quarterly Classical Review Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice Communication Theory Community Development Journal Computer Bulletin Computer Journal Contemporary Economic Policy BJA: CEACCP Contributions to Political Economy ELT Journal Early Music Economic Inquiry English Historical Review Environmental Practice Epidemiologic Reviews ESHRE Monographs Essays in Criticism European Journal of International Law European Journal of Orthodontics European Journal of Public Health European Review of Agricultural Economics European Sociological Review Evidence-based Compl. and Alt. Medicine

28. Canadian Institute For Environmental Law And Policy
Founded in 1970, the Canadian Institute for environmental law and Policy is an independent, notfor-profit research and educational organization whose mission
Welcome to the CIELAP website. Founded in 1970, the Canadian Institute for Environmental Law and Policy is an independent, not-for-profit research and educational organization whose mission is to provide leadership in the research and development of environmental law and policy that promotes the public interest and sustainability.
How much impact do you have on the planet and how do the choices you make compare to others? The concept of ecological footprints can help us understand our impact on the planet and natural systems.
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29. World Environmental Law
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    Addressing the evolving concepts of environmental law. Part of the National Law School of India University.

    32. WCEL Administrator
    Nonprofit, public interest environmental law for British Columbia, Canada.
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    School of Law environmental law. environmental law. environmental law is a premier legal forum for environmental and natural resources scholarship.
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    Welcome to the home page for Environmental Law , the nation's oldest law review dedicated solely to environmental issues. Environmental Law is a premier legal forum for environmental and natural resources scholarship. Environmental Law
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    Reinventing Environmental Enforcement and the State-Federal Relationship , a new book by Clifford Rechtschaffen and David L. Markell. View this document on Westlaw
    Volume 33, Issue 3
    Professor Greg Block evaluates the lessons learned from NAFTA and its environmental side agreement and suggests ways to apply these lessons to the Free Trade of the Americas. Mr. Brian J. Perron discusses issues facing threatened salmon in the Pacific Northwest, implications of the National Marine Fisheries Service's section 4(d) rule extending take protection to threatened salmon species, and the decision in Alsea Valley Alliance v. Evans

    35. Georgetown Law - Georgetown International Environmental Law Review
    Information about the journal, an archive of abstracts, and information about subscription and article submission.
    Home Office of Journal Administration the georgetown international enviromental law review About GIELR Current Masthead Current Publications Symposia ... Write On Info WELCOME TO GIELR Welcome to the official web site of the Georgetown International Environmental Law Review GIELR GIELR is published four times a year by students of the Georgetown University Law Center, serving the interests of international environmental legal practitioners and scholars. GIELR is currently in the process of compiling abstracts for each article, note, and comment that has appeared within our pages since the Journal's inauguration in the Spring of 1988. A small selection of recent abstracts, already available, can be viewed in the Abstract Archive Stay a while, and explore what

    36. ECOLEX - A Gateway To Environmental Law
    Treaties, National Legislation, Court Decision, Literature.

    37. Journal Of Land Use
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    38. The John Hughes Law Practice
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    We are a small practice providing legal expertise in certain specialised fields of public and local government law on competitive terms. We offer a dedicated service to businesses and private individuals in the following main areas of law:
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