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101. Environmental Impact Assessment Concering Storage Of Oil At Saldanha Bay South A environmental impact assessment concering storage of oil at SaldanhaBay South Africa. (environmental impact assessment concering http://fred.csir.co.za/www/sff/ | |
102. Environmental Impact Assessment Consultant - Jobs - IEMA environmental impact assessment Consultant. Region London. Placement Type Permanent.Date Published Mon 12 April 2004. Planning Perspectives is set to expand. http://www.iema.net/jobs/75 | |
103. Environmental Impact Assessment THE EIA PROCESS. environmental impact assessment(EIA) In New Brunswick Table of Contents http://www.gnb.ca/0009/0377/0002/index-e.html | |
104. Forestry Commission - Planting And Managing Woods - Regulation Of environmental impact assessment. The environmental impact assessment (Forestry)(England and Wales) Regulations 1999 SI 1999/2228 see link 1999/2228; and; http://www.forestry.gov.uk/forestry/hcou-4u5ges |
105. Tomas Ãberg Konsult AB - Environmental Chemistry, Risk Assessment, Data Analysi Technical consultant specialized in environmental chemistry, environmental impact assessment and hazardous waste management. Lyckeby, Sweden. http://www.tomasoberg.com/index_en.htm | |
106. Mass. Division Of Marine Fisheries: Program And Projects - Environmental Impact environmental impact assessment. http://www.mass.gov/dfwele/dmf/programsandprojects/envimpt.htm | |
107. Re-dirigering Fra Luft-side I UK-gren A Gaussian plume model developed by Denmark's National Environmental Research Institute (NERI) that is recommended for environmental impact assessments of any planned new industrial sources. The model can be used at distances up to 20 km for high or low sources, one or more point sources, or area sources. It is not suitable for complex terrain and it requires input data on emissions and meteorology on an hourly basis. http://www.dmu.dk/AtmosphericEnvironment/oml/OMLlong.htm |
108. Ministry Of Environment - Environmental Impact Assessment Ministry of Environment of Republic of Lithuania, rubric Environmental impactassessment. 2004 May 24, Monday. EU Integration. environmental impact assessment. http://www.am.lt/EN/VI/rubric.php3?rubric_id=117 |
109. U.S. Department Of Energy - NEPA Web Site Site contains DOE NEPA regulations and guidance, text of many DOE EISs and EAs, and links to other resources on NEPA and environmental impact assessment. http://www.eh.doe.gov:80/nepa/ | |
110. Environmental Impact Assessment Quality All proposals for permitted use of the Marine Park undergo environmentalimpact assessment. environmental impact assessment on the Great Barrier Reef. http://www.gbrmpa.gov.au/corp_site/management/eim/eia/ | |
111. POVVIK-Environmental Protection Ltd., Bulgaria Independent Bulgarian consulting and engineering company in the field of water treatment, waste management, water supply,and environmental impact assessment. http://www.povvik.com/ | |
112. EIA In The NT environmental impact assessment in the NT Fact Sheet on EIA in the Northern Territory.A Guide to the environmental impact assessment Process in the NT. http://www.lpe.nt.gov.au/enviro/EIAinNT.htm | |
113. Springer-Verlag - Water & Waste Water environmental impact assessment of Recycled Wastes on Surface and Ground WatersChemodynamics, Toxicology, and Modeling Series The Handbook of Environmental http://www.springeronline.com/sgw/cda/frontpage/0,10735,5-10001-22-2203165-0,00. | |
114. NSF/OPP: Comprehensive Environmental Evaluations; Antarctic Treaty These documents are prepared in accordance with the environmental impact assessmentprocedures set forth in the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the http://www.nsf.gov/od/opp/antarct/treaty/cees.htm | |
115. GHD International company providing consulting services in management, engineering, environmental including environmental impact assessment, contaminated lands, hydrogeology, and wastewater management and planning and design. Australia, New Zealand, India, and Philippines locations. http://www.ghd.com.au/home.htm |
116. Environmental Impact Assessment environmental impact assessment. Click here to view the December, 2003Environmental Impact Study. Click here to view the Environmental http://www.dot.state.ga.us/dot/preconstruction/urbandesign/johnsonferry-abernath | |
117. Australian EIA Network Home Page Overview of environmental impact assessment in Australia including legislation and agreements, notifications, practitioners and training courses. http://www.ea.gov.au/assessments/eianet/index.html | |
118. Advanced Research Company Offers services in water and air pollution control, environmental impact assessment, and related areas. Based in Dubai, UAE. http://www.advancedresearchco.com | |
119. Environmental Impact Assessment environmental impact assessment is a tool used for decision making regarding projects,developments and programmes such as incinerators, airport runways, pig http://www.bradford.ac.uk/staff/pghopkin/whatisea.html | |
120. Introduction: Environmental Impact Assessment Of Foreign Investment Projects environmental impact assessment of Foreign Investment Projects A Studyin the Law, Policy and Governmental Decisionmaking in Tanzania*. http://www.leat.or.tz/publications/foreign.investment/ | |
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