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         Environmental Impact Assessment:     more books (100)
  1. The quality of Portuguese Environmental Impact Studies: The case of small hydropower projects [An article from: Environmental Impact Assessment Review] by P. Pinho, R. Maia, et all 2007-04-01
  2. The Role of Environmental Impact Assessment in the Planning Process
  3. The Role of environmental impact assessment in the decisionmaking process: Proceedings of an international workshop held in Heidelberg, Federal Republic ... August 1987 (Beitrage zur Umweltgestaltung)
  4. Environmental Impact Assessment by Patrick Hefferman, 1975-07
  5. Environmental Impact Assessment for Waste Treatment and Disposal Facilities by Judith Petts, Gev Eduljee, 1994-02
  6. A Practical Guide to Environmental Impact Assessment by Paul A. Erickson, 1994-06
  7. The precautionary principle stimulus for solutions- and alternatives-based environmental policy [An article from: Environmental Impact Assessment Review] by J.A. Tickner, K. Geiser,
  8. Environmental Impact Assessment
  9. The Environmental Impact Assessment Project: A Critical Appraisal by John S. Winder Jr., Ruth H. Allen, 1975
  10. Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Auditing in the Pulp and Paper Industry (FAO Forestry Paper: 129)
  11. Eia: The Environmental Impact Assessment Process : What It Is and What It Means to You by Diane Wiesner, 1995-02
  12. A guide to mathematical models used in steam electric power plant environmental impact assessment (Biological services program) by Sanford G Bloom, 1978
  13. Environmental impact assessment: Analysis of the environmental consequences of significant public and private projects (Document - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 1979
  14. Environmental Impact Assessment by V.K. Prabhakar, 2001

81. Oxford Brookes University - School Of Planning
Unit at Oxford Brookes University is a well established centre of excellence forresearch, training and education in environmental impact assessment (EIA).!
- School of Planning Homepage - About the School - Courses - Staff - Contact - Research - Environmental Studies - Housing - Transport - Developing Economies - Urban Design Mapping and Cartography Schools General Information Impacts Assessment Unit The Impacts Assessment Unit at Oxford Brookes University is a well established centre of excellence for research, training and education in environmental impact assessment (EIA). Based in the University's School of Planning, the Unit is led by Professor John Glasson , a leading UK authority on EIA. The Unit was originally set up in the late 1970's with an initial focus on the assessment of the socio-economic impacts of major projects, including power stations, barrages, new settlements and science parks. Since the late 1980's with the development of formal EIA procedures in the UK and elsewhere, the range of work undertaken by the Unit has widened considerably. Current activities include research and consultancy into various aspects of EIA practice and processes. Recent clients include the European Union, Department of the Environment, local authorities, private sector companies such as National Power, Nuclear Electric and RJB Mining, and environmental organisations such as the RSPB. The Unit is a recognised EU Centre, and its research activity was flagged as of "international standing" in the most recent (1996) Research Assessment Exercise amongst UK Universities. ESRC/ODPM Funded Research:

82. Index
Marine Environmental Consultant, CV for independent practitioner of marine environmental impact assessment.
Dr Steve Howard BSc (Hons) PhD CBiol MIBiol MCIWEM
Independent Practitioner Contents Introduction Introduction I am an independent environmental management consultant with worldwide experience specialising in providing bespoke services to clients in the Public and Private sectors. My objective is to provide services of the highest calibre, quality, efficiency and confidentiality. While specialising in marine, coastal and estuarine issues, I have broad experience of managing multidisciplinary environmental impact assessments. Services can be provided on short term contracts from several days up to three months of continuous dedicated support. Longer term contracts will be considered depending on the specific project, location and commitment required. The purpose of this site is to provide my clients with direct access to my Curriculum Vitae and Project Experience. Requests to include my details in formal submissions can be forwarded via any of the contact options provided on this site. Back to Contents Recent Projects Confidential Client - Environmental consultant for a proposed coastal development in Dubai.

83. Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelines - EPA/QPWS
environmental impact assessment guidelines. The following documents describe howto effectively undertake environmental impact assessment (EIA) processes.
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Planning and guidelines

84. EUROPA - Environment - The European Commission - Environment DG
Legal requirements and guidance on EU EIA and strategic environmental assessment (SEA).
en EUROPA European Commission Contact Search on EUROPA ... Resources
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85. Environmental Impact Assessment
environmental impact assessment (EIA) is the term applied to the systematic examinationof the likely impacts of development proposals on the environment prior
Environmental Impact Assessment Air Water Waste Noise ... EU Structures EIA Structural Funds 5th Environment Action Programme Chemicals Nature ... Agriculture
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is the term applied to the systematic examination of the likely impacts of development proposals on the environment prior to the beginning of any activity. The actual term is derived from Section 102 (2) of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 which marked a turning point in environmental legislation in the United States. For the first time those proposing to undertake certain projects had to show that their projects were not going to significantly affect the environment. They had to produce what is called an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to show the nature and scale of their project, the affected environment, and the likely impacts and measures taken to reduce/monitor these impacts.
In principle, EIA should apply to all actions likely to have a significant environmental effect. The potential scope of a comprehensive EIA system is considerable and could include the appraisal of policies, plans, programmes and specific projects.

86. McGraw-Hill
Browse Subjects. Resources. environmental impact assessment. Environmental ImpactAssessment Author(s) Larry Canter ISBN 0070097674 DOI 10.1036/0070097674

87. Home1
Environmental consultant offers his services and provides information about the law and EIA process.
What is EIA?
Why is EIA important?
What does the law say?
The EIA process ... t
This site is best viewed at 800x600 resolution.
Designed by: JJ Bezuidenhout

88. Belize -- Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations (1995) -- Statutory Instru
Belize environmental impact assessment Regulations (1995) StatutoryInstrument No. 107 of 1995. 02/06/2002. BELIZE STATUTORY INSTRUMENT No.

89. Rincon Consultants, Inc.
Fullservice environmental firm providing environmental impact assessment, planning, and remediation services throughout California. Describes staff and capabilities.
Rincon Consultants, Inc., is an environmental sciences, planning, and engineering consulting firm with offices in Ventura, San Luis Obispo, and Carlsbad, California. Rincon is a leader in environmental impact assessment, planning, biological resources, and soil assessment and remediation. We understand the unique needs of both government and commerce, and possess the necessary insight to apply both proven and innovative techniques to address your project. Home Services Projects About Us ... Email

90. Environmental Impacts Assessment Act (Gesetz über Die Umweltverträglichkeitspr
2. the results of the environmental impact assessment are taken into account as earlyas possible in all cases in which authorities decide upon the approval of
Excerpts Long title: Act on the Assessment of Environmental Impacts In the version published on 12 February 1990 (Federal Law Gazette I, p. 205), as last amended by an Act of 18 August 1997 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 2081) Translation provided by Inter Nationes and reproduced with kind permission. Table of Contents Article 1 Purpose of the Act
Article 2
Article 3
Area of Application
Article 4
Primacy of other Statutory Provisions
Article 5
Information on the Probable Scope of Examination
Article 6
Documents of the Developer
Article 7
Participation of other Authorities
Article 8
Participation of Authorities of other Countries
Article 9
Involvement of the Public
Article 10
Maintenance of Secrecy and Data Protection
Article 11
Summarised Description of Environmental Impacts Article 12 Assessment of Environmental Impacts and Taking them into Account during the Resulting Decision-Making Article 13 Provisional Decision (Vorbescheid) and Partial Approvals (Teilzulassungen) Article 14 Authorisation of a Project by Several Authorities Article 15 Defining General Routing and Consent for the Development of Airports Article 16 Regional Planning Procedures and Authorisation Procedures Article 17 Preparation of Construction Plans Article 18 Procedures under Mining Law Article 19 Procedures on the Consolidation of Farmland (Flurbereinigungsverfahren) Article 20 Administrative Regulations
Article 1 Purpose of the Act
The purpose of this Act is to ensure that for the projects set out in the Appendix to Article 3 in order to guarantee effective preventative environmental protection on the basis of uniform principles:

91. - Il Vento Per Progettare Il Futuro
Italian company specialized in wind energy engineering services, including feasibility studies, micrositing, environmental impact assessment, and design. Includes technology news and information. In English and Italian.
Chi siamo ...
Costituita nel 1999, Eolica opera principalmente nel campo delle energie rinnovabili (impianti eolici), fornendo servizi tecnici estremamente qualificati nelle fasi di progettazione e sviluppo delle centrali eoliche.
Una politica di crescita graduale ha consentito la creazione di un team di affiatati professionisti, esperti nelle diverse aree di competenza, le cui capacità, e la completa conoscenza del settore dell'energia dal vento, concorrono a fornire la migliore qualità dei servizi.
La dotazione di strumenti e codici di calcolo ed il rispetto di procedure consolidate e di Piani specifici ci consentono di operare in regime di Assicurazione Qualità certificato ISO 9001-2000. Da sempre siamo impegnati a promuovere la diffusione dell'energia eolica, in maniera compatibile con il territorio, come attestano sia le nostre iniziative di diffusione, come il portale delle rinnovabili ed il sito dell'ANEV , sia la presenza di Eolica tra i soci fondatori dell'ANEV - Associazione Nazionale Energia del Vento.

92. Environmental Impact Assessment
Your environment Planning and development Environmental ImpactAssessment. environmental impact assessment. Surrey County Council

93. Environmental Impact Assessment
Skip common site navigation and headers, environmental impact assessment,
Environmental Impact Assessment Calendar of Events Contact Us Feedback Site Index Search: NEPA Home Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs)
Introduction The EIA Report Current EIAs Past EIAs
Current TORs Past TORs A study of the effects on the environment of a proposed action undertaken using a multi-disciplinary approach. It is applied therefore to new projects and the expansion of existing projects and facilities. In 1991, Jamaica promulgated the Natural Resources Conservation Authority Act (NRCAA), which established an Authority to provide for the management, conservation and protection of Jamaica's natural resources - the Natural Resources Conservation Authority (NRCA). Regulations under the NRCAA take into consideration the UNEP principles on EIA. Section 10 of the NRCAA gives the NRCA authority to request from any applicant for a permit (under the prescribed categories for development), under Section 9 of the Act, that an environmental impact assessment be conducted.
NEPA News Center
Publications Business Center Tour NEPA ... Privacy Notice

94. People & Our Environment - Environmental Impact Assessment
network This site is provided by Environment Australia and contains informationon environmental impact assessment (EIA) and its processes within Australia.

Aboriginal Heritage
I Cultural Heritage I Environmental Health I Environment Impact Assessment I Noise I Transport Environment Impact Assessment About the Topic
  • Environment Impact Assessment in Victoria
    The Department of Infrastructure (DOI) manages the environmental assessment process for projects with potentially significant environmental impacts that require an Environment Effects Statement under the Environment Effects Act 1978.
  • Victorian Environmental Assessment Council
    The Victorian Environmental Assessment Council (VEAC) is appointed under the Victorian Environmental Assessment Council Act 2001. It provides independent and strategic advice to the Government of Victoria on matters relating to the protection and ecologically sustainable management of the environment and natural resources of the State of Victoria.
  • Assessments and Approvals - Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act
    Under the EPBC Act, actions that are likely to have a significant impact on a matter of national environmental significance are subject to a rigorous referral, assessment, and approval process. This site also contains information about bilateral agreements, Ministerial declarations, Exemptions and Strategic Assessments.

95. Reports & Data - Environmental Impact Assessment Reports
environmental impact assessment Reports I State of the Environment Reports Other Publications. environmental impact assessment Reports.

Topic Related Reports
I Databases I Environmental Impact Assessment Reports I State of the Environment Reports Other Publications Environmental Impact Assessment Reports
  • Environment Effects Statements
    The Department of Infrastructure manages the environmental assessment process for projects with potentially significant environmental impacts that require an Environment Effects Statement (EES). Their site contains links to current EESs.
  • Environment Australia - Assessments and Approvals
    This site provides information on the Assessment and Approvals division of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act. Public notifications and assessments can be be accessed from this site.
  • Victorian Environmental Assessment Council
    The Victorian Environmental Assessment Council (VEAC) is appointed under the Victorian Environmental Assessment Council Act 2001. It provides independent and strategic advice to the Government of Victoria on matters relating to the protection and ecologically sustainable management of the environment and natural resources of the State of Victoria.

96. Experts In: Environmental Impact Assessment
, environmental impact assessment. , environmental engineering. , environmentaleconomic analysis. Search Results for environmental impact assessment

97. Lukoil Ovs-Kaz
environmental impact assessment (EIA) Summary with attachments EnvironmentalImpact Assessment Executive Summary,Other. Search. Project number, 9953.

98. EMS - Environmental Entomology - Invertebrate Surveys And Conservation - Bird An
Invertebrate and freshwater macroinvertebrate surveys and databases, environmental impact assessments and invertebrate conservation
EMS established 1988 Leading Consultants in Environmental Entomology, Invertebrate, Bird and Bibliographic Databases please select an area of interest Environmental Entomology Bird Databases Invertebrate Databases Bibliographic Databases Contact Dr M.D.Eyre, 13 Manor Grove, Benton, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE7 7XQ Telephone: 0191-2920291 Fax: 0191-2920292 e-mail: Top of Page EMS Environmental Entomology EMS Client Portfolio ... Key Concerns, Problems and Solutions in Environmental Entomology

99. Environmental Impact Assessment
Screenshot of the environmental impact assessment showing the sharedboundaries between each of the land uses and edgeto-area ratios.

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Environmental Impact Assessments
The environmental impact assessments are landscape morphological measures that can be interpreted by experts for their impact on specific species or processes. For the length of the boundaries between land uses a user defined buffer size is used to determine the tollerance level for what is considered as a shared boundary. For example must the two land uses be contiguous our can they be separated by a road and still considered to share a boundary. The user is presented with a 'land use versus land use' matrix of boundary lengths and with edge-to-area ratios for each land use. Additional EIAs will become available with the intergration of CropSyst, for example predicted levels of fertiliser runoff. Screenshot of the Environmental Impact Assessment showing the shared boundaries between each of the land uses and edge-to-area ratios. There are two other impact assessments: The Macaulay Institute

100. University Of Manchester, Faculty Of Arts Home Page
Educational programs, analyses, and links related to environmental impact assessment.
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