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         Environmental Impact Assessment:     more books (100)
  1. Environmental Impact Assessment: A Practical Guide by Betty Bowers Marriott, 1997-01-01
  2. Environmental Impact Assessment: A Comparative Review by Christopher Wood, 2002-07
  3. Environmental Impact Assessment: Cutting Edge for the 21st Century (Eia : Cutting Edge for the Twenty-First Century) by Alan Gilpin, 1994-11-25
  4. Environmental Impact Assessment by Larry Canter, 1995-09-01
  5. Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment: A Guide to Principles and Practice by Bram F. Noble, 2005-11-03
  6. Introduction To Environmental Impact Assessment (Natural and Built Environment Series) by John Glasson, 1999-04-01
  7. Methods of Environmental Impact Assessment (The Natural and Built Environment Series) by Peter Morris, 2001-10-12
  8. Guidebook on Environmental Impact Assessment for in Situ Leach Mining Projects: Iaea Tecdoc Series No. 1428 (Iaea Tecdoc Series)
  9. Handbook of Environmental Impact Assessment: Impact and Limitations
  10. Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment, Third Edition by Andrew Chadwick, John Glasson, et all 2007-04-16
  11. Environmental Impact Assessment Handbook by B. Carroll, Trevor Turpin, 2002-04-10
  12. Handbook of variables for environmental impact assessment by Larry W Canter, 1979
  13. Environmental Impact Assessment: A Methodological Approach by Richard K. Morgan, 1999-05-31
  14. Key drivers of the e-waste recycling system: Assessing and modelling e-waste processing in the informal sector in Delhi [An article from: Environmental Impact Assessment Review] by M. Streicher-Porte, R. Widmer, et all

181. Environmental And Turf Services - Consulting To The Golf Course And Firing Range
Providing water quality impact assessments for agriculture, turf, and firing ranges.
Providing Water Quality Impact Assessments for
Agriculture, Turf, Golf Courses and Firing Ranges. ETS is a multi-disciplinary firm with extensive collective experience in the fields of agricultural pesticides, turf (including golf course turf), and hazardous site investigations from Massachusetts to Hawaii. ETS couples hands-on field characterization and monitoring experience with sophisticated computer simulation modeling expertise. These are powerful tools that help you take a proactive approach to environmental stewardship. This approach is implemented in the form of risk assessment-driven Best Management Practices (BMPs) for golf courses, firing ranges, and agriculture. Assistance is also provided in the pesticide registration process. ETS’ philosophy is that it is easier to prevent pollution than to clean it up. The President of ETS, Stuart Cohen, has over 28 years of experience in the areas of pesticides and toxic substances, including 11 years with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. He has a Ph.D. in physical organic chemistry, he is a Certified Ground Water Professional, and he has extensive experience in environmental risk assessment. ETS has other staff with expertise in the areas of hydrogeology, environmental hydrology, ground water and surface water monitoring, turf agronomy, aquatic and terrestrial species impacts, and related disciplines. Site Highlights
Golf Courses

Firing Ranges

Agricultural Pesticides

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Corporate Office

182. EUROPA - Environment - EIA-legal Context
European Commission Environment - The EIA Directive (EU legislation) on EnvironmentalImpact assessment of the effects of projects on the environment was
en EUROPA European Commission Environment Environmental Impact Assessment ... Resources
The EIA Directive (EU legislation) on Environmental Impact Assessment of the effects of projects on the environment was introduced in 1985 and was amended in 1997. Member States have to transpose the amended EIA Directive by 14 March 1999 at the latest. The EIA procedure ensures that environmental consequences of projects are identified and assessed before authorisation is given. The public can give its opinion and all results are taken into account in the authorisation procedure of the project. The public is informed of the decision afterwards. The EIA Directive outlines which project categories shall be made subject to an EIA, which procedure shall be followed and the content of the assessment. Following the signature of the Aarhus Convention by the Community on 25 June 1998, the Community adopted in May 2003 Directive 2003/35/EC pdf amending amongst others the EIA Directive. This Directive intends to align the provisions on public participation in accordance with the Aarhus Convention on public participation in decision-making and access to justice in environmental matters.

183. Australian EIA Network Home Page
Welcome to the Australian EIA Network. This site contains information on environmentalimpact assessment (EIA) and its processes within Australia.
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Welcome to the Australian EIA Network
This site contains information on environmental impact assessment (EIA) and its processes within Australia.
Contact Information
This site is managed by the Approvals and Wildlife Division within the Department of the Environment and Heritage
CONTACTS COMMENTS ... Home Last Updated: Thursday, 11-Dec-2003 15:28:33 EST ACCESSIBILITY PRIVACY
Commonwealth of Australia

184. Statutory Instrument 1999 No. 293
Statutory Instrument 1999 No. 293 The Town and Country Planning (environmental ImpactAssessment) (England and Wales) Regulations 1999. © Crown Copyright 1999.
    Statutory Instrument 1999 No. 293 The Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) (England and Wales) Regulations 1999 Statutory Instruments printed from this website are printed under the superintendence and authority of the Controller of HMSO being the Queen's Printer of Acts of Parliament. It should be noted that the right to reproduce the text of Statutory Instruments does not extend to the Queen's Printer imprints which should be removed from any copies of the Statutory Instrument which are issued or made available to the public. This includes reproduction of the Statutory Instrument on the Internet and on intranet sites. The Royal Arms may be reproduced only where they are an integral part of the original document. The text of this Internet version of the Statutory Instrument which is published by the Queen's Printer of Acts of Parliament has been prepared to reflect the text as it was Made. A print version is also available and is published by The Stationery Office Limited as the The Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) (England and Wales) Regulations 1999 , ISBN 11 080474 0. The print version may be purchased by clicking

185. Environment -
development in the region. To fulfill this objective, ADB. reviewsthe environmental impacts of its projects, programs, and policies.
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Updated: 3 June 2004
Promoting sustainable development and environmental protection is a key strategic development objective of ADB. ADB is committed to promoting environmentally sound development in the region. To fulfill this objective, ADB
  • reviews the environmental impacts of its projects, programs, and policies encourages DMC governments and executing agencies to incorporate environmental protection measures in their project design and implementation procedures, and provides technical assistance for this purpose promotes projects and programs that will protect, rehabilitate, and enhance the environment and the quality of life trains ADB and DMC staff in, and provides documentation on, environmental aspects of economic development

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Environment Policy, Operations Manual and Guidelines

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186. Environmental Impact Analysis Group
Part of the Energy Division of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA). Applied research and integrated assessments of the environmental and social impacts of activities involving energy and national defense.
Environmental Impact Analysis Group
Environmental Sciences Division Greg Zimmerman, Group Leader
NOTE Our webpages are being revised. During these upgrades, you may find several pages that are under construction or that differ significantly in format. If you have any problems finding information on our site, please contact the webmaster for assistance. Introduction
In the Environmental Impact Analysis Group, a part of the Environmental Sciences Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory , we provide our sponsors with analysis of energy and environmental issues of local, regional, national, and global importance so as to provide decision makers with information on which to base major policy, program, and project decisions. Our work, performed for a number of Federal agencies, calls for specialized expertise in a number of areas; and during our major projects, we routinely perform or oversee assessments involving
  • transportation risk assessments and routing analysis

187. Caspian : Document Disclosure : BTC
Home, Projects, Project Documentation, People Environment, Latest News,FAQs, Contacts, Links. IFI Disclosure Documents, SOCAR/EBRD Loan Agreement.
Site owner Oliver Broad, Email:
Last updated: 04 June 2004
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(BTC) Pipeline
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  • Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) Pipeline

    188. Concordia

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