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         Environmental Health:     more books (100)
  1. Environmental Health Impacts of Transport and Mobility (Environmental Science and Technology Library)
  2. Taking Action, Saving Lives: Our Duties to Protect Environmental and Public Health (Environmental Ethics and Science Policy) by Kristin Shrader-Frechette, 2007-10-19
  3. Beauty, Health, and Permanence: Environmental Politics in the United States, 1955-1985 (Studies in Environment and History) by Samuel P. Hays, 1989-08-25
  4. Endocrine Disruption: Biological Bases for Health Effects in Wildlife and Humans
  5. Drinking Water and Health, Volume 7: Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-Products (Drinking Water & Health) by Safe Drinking Water Committee, National Research Council, 1987-01-01
  6. Noxious New York: The Racial Politics of Urban Health and Environmental Justice (Urban and Industrial Environments) by Julie Sze, 2006-12-01
  7. Nanotechnology: Consequences for Human Health & the Environment (Issues in Environmental Science and Technology)
  8. Environmental Health, Second Edition
  9. Human health implications of environmental contaminants in Arctic Canada: A review [An article from: Science of the Total Environment, The] by J. Van Oostdam, S.G. Donaldson, et all
  10. How Much Risk?: A Guide to Understanding Environmental Health Hazards by Inge F. Goldstein, Martin Goldstein, 2002-01-03
  11. Health Effects on Environmental Radioactivity, Volume 14: Impacts of Life (Radioactivity in the Environment) by F. Brechignac, 2008-05-13
  12. The Health of Nations: Infectious Disease, Environmental Change, and Their Effects on National Security and Development by Andrew T. Price-Smith, 2001-11-01
  13. Risk Communication: A Handbook for Communicating Environmental, Safety, and Health Risks by Regina E. Lundgren, Andrea H. McMakin, 1998-06
  14. Gulf War And Health: Fuels, Combustion Products And Propellants (Vol. III) by Committee on Gulf War and Health, Pollutants, and Synthetic Chemical Compounds Literature Review of Selected Environmental Particulates, 2005-09-28

81. Home Page
Research cores in genetic, environmental toxicity, structural biology, and stressinduced cell signaling. Supported by the National Institute for environmental health Sciences, and participates in community outreach on Long Island, New York.
MAP LIST Download Our Flyer Moltox Directory News and Events Daniel Bogenhagen, M. D.
Center Director
Department of Pharmacological Sciences
BST T-8, Room #190
SUNY Stony Brook, NY 11794-8651
Tel: 631-444-3068 Fax: 631-444-6229
E-mail: For additions and corrections, please contact last modified: August 29, 2002 3:35 PM

82. International Journal Of Occupational And Environmental Health
Information for Authors Contact IJOEH Subscribe to IJOEH The International Journal of Occupational and environmental health is published by Abel Publication
Volume 10, Number 1
January - March 2004
Online: Medical Evaluation of Work-related Illness:
Evaluations by a Treating Occupational Medicine
Specialist and by Independent Medical Examiners
English Version (Adobe PDF)

occupational health center (OHC) who had been examined by an IME were studied. OHC and IME opinions regarding diagnosis, work relatedness, treatment recommendations, and disability assessment were categorized by degree of agreement. There was agreement on all four issues for only one patient. Opinions were most divergent with regard to disability assessment and least divergent with regard to diagnosis. Disagreement was unidirectional: the IMEs made fewer diagnoses, deemed fewer illnesses work-related, made fewer treatment recommendations, and assessed lower levels of disability than the OHC examiners. The results suggest that differences in opinion between the OHC and IMEs are due to differences in perspective, rather than skill or training.
Online: Alan Dalton (1946-2003)
English Version (Adobe PDF)

Alan Dalton, the veteran safety and environmental campaigner and under-their skin irritant to dangerous industries and their friends, has died aged 57. Trained as a chemist, Dalton initially worked in the pharmaceutical industry, but soon decided health was not something made, bottled and sold, but was something won by informed and organized struggle.

83. National Radon Proficiency Program
National environmental health Association National Radon Proficiency Program A nationally recognized certification program for radon professionals maintaining
National Environmental Health Association
National Radon Proficiency Program
A nationally recognized certification program for radon professionals
maintaining the highest level of ethics and quality
Lists of Certified Individuals Measurement Mitigation Laboratories Checklist for Consumers ... Speakers Bureau (Individuals who give radon presentations) Information for Radon Professionals NEW Device Performance Testing Application for Certification Measurement Certification
Mitigation Certification
New Applications
Certified Performance Test Chambers

Chamber Protocols

Chamber Application

Chamber Application Instructions
Radon Training
Entry Level Course Providers
Continuing Education Courses Exam Results Other Radon Links ... Frequently Asked Questions for Radon Professionals About NEHA NRPP Errors and Omissions Insurance for NEHA-NRPP Certified Individuals Upcoming Intercomparison for Chambers Provide Survey Information to NEHA-NRPP Contact Information Mail - NEHA NRPP Administrative Office P.O. Box 2109 Fletcher, NC 28732

84. Redirect

85. Environmental Health And Safety- Menu
The Office of environmental health Safety, under the direction of Dr. Cecil Smith, assists the university community in providing and maintaining a safe
[web-pass login] [text only] [site map] Got Mercury Thermometers? Click here to trade them in with the new Thermometer Recycling Program. Emergency Response Lab Safety Links ChemWatch MSDS Search ... Research Protocol Decision Logic Select A Page EHS Home BioSafety OHSE Radiation Safety Environmental Affairs BioSafety Environmental Affairs Radiation Safety Links Site Map
Jump Menu Search the EHS Site Environmental Health and Safety
1314 Kinnear Road, Columbus OH 43212
Telephone: (614) 292-1284 Fax: (614) 292-6404
If you having trouble accessing this site, contact Eoin Ruth phys fac osu

86. Environmental Health And Safety, University Of Utah
Home Contact us Disclaimer U of U Home Login University of Utah environmental health Safety 125 South Fort Douglas Blvd.
Health And Safety
EHS Mission: To promote, create and maintain a safe and healthful campus environment.
Vision: To maintain with our customers an impeccable reputation for professionalism, objectivity, promptness, and evenhandedness.
MENU Emergency Procedures - In Case of Emergency

Compliance Assistance

Safety Encyclopedia
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125 South Fort Douglas Blvd. Building 605 Salt Lake City, UT 84113

87. Environmental Health Home Page
environmental health.

88. Occupational Medicine In Toronto
Brief, but wellstructured information on occupational hygiene training.
Degree Program: Master of Health Sciences (MHSc)
Graduate Department: Community Health Program Director: Andrea Sass-Kortsak, PhD, CIH, ROH (416) 978-6239 email:
Home History of the GOEHU Research Training ... Links to other related sites Site maintained by the Environmental Information Office at I.E.S. and was last changed January 10th, 2001. Send questions or comments about these web pages to:
Site constructed by Peter Milanov (

89. HSPH: Department Of Environmental Health
Department of environmental health, Harvard School of Public Health. Includes overview and programs. environmental health. Overview and
Overview and Degree Programs Faculty Research Courses Student Profiles ... Contact Info Official Catalog each departmental file contains a general overview of the department and information on degree programs.
  • Environmental Health
  • Overview and Degree Programs, 2003-2004 Official Catalog
    The mission of the Department of Environmental Health is to advance the health of all people in occupational and community settings in the United States and around the world through research and training in environmental health. Faculty members in the department study the pathogenesis and prevention of environmentally produced illnesses and act as catalysts for scientifically based public health advances. Research approaches range from the molecular to the epidemiologic. The Department of Environmental Health focuses on complex problems that require the contributions of many specialties. The department's faculty, research staff, and students reflect the multidisciplinary nature of the field and include chemists, engineers, epidemiologists, applied mathematicians, physicians, occupational health nurses, physiologists, cell biologists, molecular biologists, and microbiologists. Teaching and research activities of the department are carried out through five concentrations: Note:

    90. Arnold School Of Public Health
    The School of Public Health offers outstanding educational opportunities in a progressive environment. environmental health Sciences.
    UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA The Arnold School of Public Health is located in the heart of the University of South Carolina campus in downtown Columbia. The school is one of 33 accredited schools of public health in the United States and is one of three schools of public health named for an individual. The School of Public Health offers outstanding educational opportunities in a progressive environment. Its students are those preparing for careers in public health, as well as professionals who desire to update their knowledge, broaden their perspectives, and expand their capabilities in their chosen field. HEADLINE NEWS CONTACT US Dr. Donna Richter appointed Interim Dean Arnold School of Public Health Seeking Dean 2004 Hooding Slideshow (quicktime movie) First annual academic seminar: ...
    So What is Public Health Anyway?
    Dean's Office
    800 Sumter Street
    109 Health Sciences Building
    Columbia, SC 29208 WELCOME Welcome from the Dean Our Mission Who is Norman J. Arnold? ... SEARCH USC THIS SITE

    91. Welcome To Institute For Children's Environmental Health
    The Institute for Children s environmental health (ICEH), founded in 1999, is a nonprofit educational organization working to ensure a healthy, just and
    Recent Events:
    LDDI Meeting. The first major national meeting of the Learning and Developmental Disabilities Initiative (LDDI) was held at the National Insitutes of Health in Bethesda, MD, on May 19, 2004. Please see our LDDI page for the meeting flyer and agenda or for materials from congressional visits. PCHE Meeting. Over 50 members of the Partnership for Children's Environmental Health met at the Mt. Washington Conference Center in Baltimore, MD. The meeting was followed by a congressional briefing at the Dirksen Senate Building in Washington D.C., co-sponsored by Senators Hillary Rodham Clinton (D), Olympia J. Snowe (R) and James M. Jeffords (I). View materials from the meeting and briefing and a news article about the meeting CHE-NW Meeting. You can now view notes from the March 30th meeting of the Collaborative for Health and the Environment - Northwest Environmental Health Lecture series. Printable materials are available from our recent Environmental Health Lecture series in Seattle, WA. The three lectures featured speakers Pete Myers , PhD, Jane Houlihan , MS, and Devra Davis , PhD, MPH. Click to view the series

    92. The Weatherization Pages
    Resource on using cellulose insulation and moisture barriers in attics, walls, and basements to improve safety, comfort, fuel conservation and environmental health in old and new homes. Principles, practice, solutions, case studies, and do it yourself advice.
    A Vermont resource on using cellulose insulation and moisture barriers in attics, walls, and basements to improve safety, comfort, fuel conservation and environmental health in old and new homes. You'll need a browser capable of viewing frames to see this site. If you are reading this, it means you don't have one. To access it using the site's index page, click here.

    93. Environmental Health
    Determinants of Health. environmental health. Health Promotion. Health System. Home environmental health. Human health and the environment are interconnected.

    94. The Center For Environmental Health Welcomes You
    Organization promoting environmental research and information through conferences, publications and research laboratories. Located within the Department of Animal Science of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
    This page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support them.

    95. Penn State University Environmental Health And Safety
    Welcome to the home page for The Pennsylvania State University s environmental health and Safety Office. Click for a full size view of the logo. Web EHS.

    96. Centers For Disease Control And Prevention
    Offers an extensive collection of online brochures in environmental health, chronic disease prevention, infectious diseases, injury prevention, occupational safety, and diseases.
    Home About CDC Press Room Funding ... Contact Us Search: Birth Defects Disabilities Environmental Health Genetics and Genomics ... more Smoking causes disease in nearly every organ of the body...
    When You Swim This Summer, Swim Healthy!...
    Risky health behaviors—see Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance results...
    CDC Announces New Goals and Organizational Design
    Learn more about the new health goals and integrated operations that will allow CDC to have a greater public health impact ... more
    National Trails

    Trails provide Americans with a variety of opportunities to improve their health through physical activity ... more
    Buckle Up America

    Drivers and passengers can cut their risk of dying in a motor vehicle crash by half simply by buckling up ... more
    Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)

    Comprehensive information and updates ... more Traveling the summer? Tips for safe and healthy travel. ... more past features National Bone Health Campaign.

    97. IPCS INCHEM - Environmental Health Criteria Monographs
    environmental health Criteria Monographs (EHCs). environmental health Criteria (EHC) Monographs * Introduction; Acetaldehyde (EHC 167, 1995);
    Environmental Health Criteria Monographs (EHCs)

    98. Home
    composed mostly of physicians, CAPE brings its health expertise to environmental issues and is an important voice for environmental health in Canada.
    CAPE works to protect the environment in order to protect human health.

    CAPE Speaks Out!



    Join CAPE!
    Join with physicians, other health care workers and citizens across Canada in working for a healthier environment. Your membership dues and donations give CAPE the tools needed to make hospitals greener, the air cleaner and the environment safer for you and your children. Click here to join CAPE!
    Welcome to the Web site of the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment. CAPE is a group of physicians, allied health care practitioners and citizens committed to a healthy and sustainable environment. As an organization composed mostly of physicians, CAPE brings its health expertise to environmental issues and is an important voice for environmental health in Canada. CAPE addresses issues of environmental degradation by educating health care professionals and the public, through advocacy and in close cooperation with partner groups.
    Support CAPE'S pesticide video
    CAPE and its foundation, the Canadian Health and Environment Education and Research Foundation (CHEER), are filming a short educational video on the health impacts of pesticide use.

    99. MedlinePlus: Environmental Health
    National Institute of environmental health Sciences The primary NIH organization for research on environmental health is the National Institute of
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    From the NIH



    Search MEDLINE for recent research articles on Environmental Health:

    Hazardous waste

    Water pollution
    You may also be interested in these MedlinePlus related pages: Air Pollution Drinking Water Electromagnetic Fields Indoor Air Pollution ... Poisoning, Toxicology, Environmental Health

    100. Global Warming
    Online versions of reports into the likely impact of climate change on health

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    ... contact By Topic Air Pollution Arsenic Asthma/Other
    Respiratory Disease
    Medicine Section
    Global Warming
    The Potential Health Impacts of Climate Variability and Change for the United States: Executive Summary of the Report of the Health Sector of the U.S. National Assessment
    Jonathan A. Patz, Michael A. McGeehin, Susan M. Bernard, Kristie L. Ebi, Paul R. Epstein, Anne Grambsch, Duane J. Gubler, Paul Reiter, Isabelle Romieu, Joan B. Rose, Jonathan M. Samet, and Juli Trtanj (108: 367-376)
    Simon Hales, Phil Weinstein, Yvan Souares, and Alistair Woodward (107:99-102)
    Public Health Consequences of Global Climate Change in the United States Some Regions May Suffer Disproportionately
    Janice Longstreth (107S1:169-179)
    Dengue Fever Epidemic Potential as Projected by General Circulation Models of Global Climate Change
    Jonathan A. Patz, Willem J.M. Martens, Dana A. Focks, and Theo H. Jetten (106:147-153)

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